17 research outputs found

    Ethical awareness in systems development. A case study of the system developerÂŽs responsibility in system development projects

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    MĂ„nga yrken sĂ„ som lĂ€kare och psykologer har en lĂ„ng historia av yrkesutövande. Det lĂ„nga yrkesutövandet har Ă€ven resulterat i att professionen bildat egna, yrkesetiska riktlinjer. IT-branschen som ses som en relativt ung och nĂ„got omogen bransch har Ă€nnu inte nĂ„gra tydliga och konkreta riktlinjer för etik och moral. Det gĂ€ller dĂ„ att skapa diskussioner angĂ„ende etiskt handlande för att bĂ„de öka den etiska medvetenheten men samtidigt stadga riktlinjer. Utvecklingen av IT-branschen gĂ„r idag raskt framĂ„t och denna utveckling medför förĂ€ndring för branschen men Ă€ven för miljön och samhĂ€llet. Syftet med studien Ă€r att utifrĂ„n ett ansvarsperspektiv utreda systemutvecklarens etiska medvetenhet för att dĂ€rigenom kunna ge ett kunskapsbidrag till diskussionen om systemutvecklarens utbildning och yrkesroll. Vi stĂ€ller oss dĂ€rför följande frĂ„ga: Vilka etiska aspekter kan förbĂ€ttra systemutvecklarens utbildning och yrkesroll? För att besvara frĂ„gan sĂ„ har vi utfört en fallstudie dĂ€r vi genomgick ett skarpt systemutvecklingsprojekt för att först testa vĂ„r egna etiska medvetenhet och samtidigt undersöka vilka etiska dilemman en systemutvecklare kan stĂ€llas inför. Vi utförde sedan intervjuer med erfarna systemutvecklare för att ge en kontrast mot oerfarenhet och erfarenhet nĂ€r det kommer till etisk medvetenhet. Undersökning skedde med hjĂ€lp av etiska teorier. Hela studien har utförts med en kvalitativ ansats för att fĂ„ en djupare insikt i forskningsomrĂ„det. Det vi kom fram till i studien var att det inte Ă€r den etiska medvetenheten som spelar sĂ„ stor roll, utan förmĂ„gan att bemöta de etiska dilemman som kan uppstĂ„. De aspekter som visade sig vara av betydelse för detta var; etiska riktlinjer, monetĂ€ra drivkrafter, ansvar samt pĂ„verkningsmöjlighet.Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It’s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it’s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment. The purpose of this study is, from a responsibility aspect, to investigate the system developer’s ethical awareness and trough that be able to contribute to the discussion regarding the system developer’s education and profession. To make this contribution we are therefore asking us the following question: Which ethical aspect can help to enhance the system developer’s education and profession? To answer this question we performed a case study where we underwent a live systems development projects. The reason we did this was to test our own ethical awareness and ethical knowledge and also to investigate the kind of ethical dilemmas a system developer can come to face in the profession. Later we made interviews with both experienced and inexperienced system developer’s to be able to present a contrast regarding experienced and inexperienced developers related to ethical awareness. The research was made with ethical theories. For this study we used a qualitative approach in order to get a deeper and richer insight in the research subject. The outcome of the study showed that it wasn’t the ethical awareness that played the most important role, but instead the ability respond to the ethical dilemmas that can arise in the IT profession. The aspects that was of most importance was: ethical guidelines, monetary impulsions, responsibility and the ability to influence. Keywords: Ethics, systems development, responsibility, ethical awareness, systems development project

    Fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag i praktiken

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    Fritidshemmets uppdrag och syfte har sett olika ut i olika tider. Idag har verksamheten kommit att fÄ en stark betoning pÄ lÀrande och utveckling och innehÄllet i verksamheten har dÀrför kommit att benÀmnas undervisning. Med denna studie har syftet varit att söka svar pÄ den övergripande frÄgan hur fritidshemspersonalen beskriver sitt arbete med att realisera fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag i praktiken. Studien Àr en kvalitativ undersökning dÀr den empiriska insamlingsmetoden utgjorts av semistrukturerade intervjuer som har utförts med sex utbildade pedagoger och lÀrare med behörighet att undervisa i fritidshem pÄ fyra olika skolor. Samtlig personal Àr Àven verksam pÄ olika avdelningar. Analysen av den insamlade teorin har gjorts utifrÄn ett lÀroplansteoretiskt och didaktiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att det föreligger stora skillnader bÄde mellan hur fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag uppfattas, men Àven hur det utförs och förverkligas i praktiken. Samtidigt visar resultatet ocksÄ pÄ att utförandet av undervisningen Àr en ganska komplex uppgift dÀr flera olika faktorer pÄverkar vilket innehÄll som tar form i verksamheten, och sÄledes Àven utförandet av detta uppdrag

    Fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag i praktiken

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    Fritidshemmets uppdrag och syfte har sett olika ut i olika tider. Idag har verksamheten kommit att fÄ en stark betoning pÄ lÀrande och utveckling och innehÄllet i verksamheten har dÀrför kommit att benÀmnas undervisning. Med denna studie har syftet varit att söka svar pÄ den övergripande frÄgan hur fritidshemspersonalen beskriver sitt arbete med att realisera fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag i praktiken. Studien Àr en kvalitativ undersökning dÀr den empiriska insamlingsmetoden utgjorts av semistrukturerade intervjuer som har utförts med sex utbildade pedagoger och lÀrare med behörighet att undervisa i fritidshem pÄ fyra olika skolor. Samtlig personal Àr Àven verksam pÄ olika avdelningar. Analysen av den insamlade teorin har gjorts utifrÄn ett lÀroplansteoretiskt och didaktiskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att det föreligger stora skillnader bÄde mellan hur fritidshemmets kunskapsuppdrag uppfattas, men Àven hur det utförs och förverkligas i praktiken. Samtidigt visar resultatet ocksÄ pÄ att utförandet av undervisningen Àr en ganska komplex uppgift dÀr flera olika faktorer pÄverkar vilket innehÄll som tar form i verksamheten, och sÄledes Àven utförandet av detta uppdrag

    Kommunikation och krav-utvinning vid spelutveckling - En studie av systemvetares roll vid utvecklingen av pedagogiska och underhÄllande spel

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    Rollen som systemvetare Ă€r traditionellt förknippad med utvecklandet av nyttoapplikatio-ner som Ă€r till för att stödja processer inom olika organisationer. Den hĂ€r studien vill un-dersöka om och i sĂ„ fall hur systemvetare kan bidra i skapandet av ett pedagogiskt och underhĂ„llande spel, ett sĂ„ kallat “playful learning”-spel, samt hur systemvetaren kan bidra som en medlare under denna process som onekligen innefattar flertalet olika kom-petenser, vilket i sin tur innebĂ€r flera olika sĂ€tt att kommunicera pĂ„. Det finns mycket forskning som beskriver hur krav kan utvinnas och förmedlas i systemvetarens traditio-nella roll men mycket lite om hur systemvetaren bör agera vid utveckling av datorspel. Genom en analys av olika kravspecifikationer och en transkriberingsanalys kan vi redo-göra för en metod som var oss behjĂ€lplig i ett specifikt projekt kallat CoDAC. Metoden Ă€r en uppsĂ€ttning hjĂ€lpmedel som inkluderar en “playcentrisk” designprocess, flödessche-man, klassdiagram, prototypande och “mock-ups”. För att undvika begreppsförvirring bland deltagare med olika bakgrund föreslĂ„s anvĂ€ndning av ett gemensamt referens-ramverk, till exempel Björks & Holopainens (2005) designmönster eller ett spelbibliotek. Vi har slutligen kunnat se att systemvetaren Ă€ven kan verka som en agent vid transfor-merandet av idĂ©er till tekniska lösningar och vid eventuella intressekonflikter dĂ€r fokus pĂ„ underhĂ„llning eller pedagogik gör att den ena aspekten riskerar att försakas till för-mĂ„n för den andra

    Identification of single motor units in skeletal muscle under low force isometric voluntary contractions using ultrafast ultrasound

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    The central nervous system (CNS) controls skeletal muscles by the recruitment of motor units (MUs). Understanding MU function is critical in the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases, exercise physiology and sports, and rehabilitation medicine. Recording and analyzing the MUs’ electrical depolarization is the basis for state-of-the-art methods. Ultrafast ultrasound is a method that has the potential to study MUs because of the electrical depolarizations and consequent mechanical twitches. In this study, we evaluate if single MUs and their mechanical twitches can be identified using ultrafast ultrasound imaging of voluntary contractions. We compared decomposed spatio-temporal components of ultrasound image sequences against the gold standard needle electromyography. We found that 31% of the MUs could be successfully located and their firing pattern extracted. This method allows new non-invasive opportunities to study mechanical properties of MUs and the CNS control in neuromuscular physiology

    Comparison of decomposition algorithms for identification of single motor units in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences of low force voluntary skeletal muscle contractions

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    Objective: In this study, the aim was to compare the performance of four spatiotemporal decomposition algorithms (stICA, stJADE, stSOBI, and sPCA) and parameters for identifying single motor units in human skeletal muscle under voluntary isometric contractions in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences as an extension of a previous study. The performance was quantifed using two measures: (1) the similarity of components’ temporal characteristics against gold standard needle electromyography recordings and (2) the agreement of detected sets of components between the diferent algorithms. Results: We found that out of these four algorithms, no algorithm signifcantly improved the motor unit identifcation success compared to stICA using spatial information, which was the best together with stSOBI using either spatialor temporal information. Moreover, there was a strong agreement of detected sets of components between the different algorithms. However, stJADE (using temporal information) provided with complementary successful detections. These results suggest that the choice of decomposition algorithm is not critical, but there may be a methodological improvement potential to detect more motor unitsOriginally included in thesis in manuscript form with titel: "Comparison of decomposition algorithms for identification of single motor units in ultrafast ultrasound image sequences of voluntary skeletal muscle contractions"</p

    Optimization and comparison of two methods for spike train estimation in an unfused tetanic contraction of low threshold motor units

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    Background: Recent findings have shown that imaging voluntarily activated motor units (MUs) by decomposing ultrasound-based displacement images provides estimates of unfused tetanic signals evoked by spinal motoneurons’ neural discharges (spikes). Two methods have been suggested to estimate its spike trains: band-pass filter (BPM) and Haar wavelet transform (HWM). However, the methods’ optimal parameters and which method performs the best are unknown. This study will answer these questions. Method: HWM and BPM were optimized using simulations. Their performance was evaluated based on simulations and 21 experimental datasets, considering their rate of agreement, spike offset, and spike offset variability to the simulated or experimental spikes. Results: A range of parameter sets that resulted in the highest possible agreement with simulated spikes was provided. Both methods highly agreed with simulated and experimental spikes, but HWM was a better spike estimation method than BPM because it had a higher agreement, less bias, and less variation (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: The optimized HWM will be an important contributor to further developing the identification and analysis of MUs using imaging, providing indirect access to the neural drive of the spinal cord to the muscle by the unfused tetanic signals

    A Deep Learning Pipeline for Identification of Motor Units in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

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    Skeletal muscles are functionally regulated by populations of so-called motor units (MUs). An MU comprises a bundle of muscle fibers controlled by a neuron from the spinal cord. Current methods to diagnose neuromuscular diseases and monitor rehabilitation, and study sports sciences rely on recording and analyzing the bio-electric activity of the MUs. However, these methods provide information from a limited part of a muscle. Ultrasound imaging provides information from a large part of the muscle. It has recently been shown that ultrafast ultrasound imaging can be used to record and analyze the mechanical response of individual MUs using blind source separation. In this work, we present an alternative method - a deep learning pipeline - to identify active MUs in ultrasound image sequences, including segmentation of their territories and signal estimation of their mechanical responses (twitch train). We train and evaluate the model using simulated data mimicking the complex activation pattern of tens of activated MUs with overlapping territories and partially synchronized activation patterns. Using a slow fusion approach (based on 3D CNNs), we transform the spatiotemporal image sequence data to 2D representations and apply a deep neural network architecture for segmentation. Next, we employ a second deep neural network architecture for signal estimation. The results show that the proposed pipeline can effectively identify individual MUs, estimate their territories, and estimate their twitch train signal at low contraction forces. The framework can retain spatio-temporal consistencies and information of the mechanical response of MU activity even when the ultrasound image sequences are transformed into a 2D representation for compatibility with more traditional computer vision and image processing techniques. The proposed pipeline is potentially useful to identify simultaneously active MUs in whole muscles in ultrasound image sequences of voluntary skeletal muscle contractions at low force levels

    Estimation of contractile parameters of successive twitches in unfused tetanic contractions of single motor units : A proof-of-concept study using ultrafast ultrasound imaging in vivo

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    During a voluntary contraction, motor units (MUs) fire a train of action potentials, causing summation of the twitch forces, resulting in fused or unfused tetanus. Twitches have been important in studying whole-muscle contractile properties and differentiation between MU types. However, there are still knowledge gaps concerning the voluntary force generation mechanisms. Current methods rely on the spike-triggered averaging technique, which cannot track changes in successive twitches' properties in response to individual neural firings. This study proposes a method that estimates successive twitches contractile parameters of single MUs during low force voluntary isometric contractions in human biceps brachii. We used a previously developed ultrafast ultrasound imaging method to estimate unfused tetanic activity signals of single MUs. A twitch decomposition model was used to decompose unfused tetanic activity signals into individual twitches. This study found that the contractile parameters varied within and across MUs. There was an association between the inter-spike interval and the contraction time (r = 0.49, p &lt; 0.001) and the half-relaxation time (r = 0.58, p &lt; 0.001), respectively. The method shows the proof-of-concept to study MU contractile properties of individual twitches in vivo, which can provide further insights into the force generation mechanisms of voluntary contractions and response to individual neural discharges