528 research outputs found

    Quantization as a dimensional reduction phenomenon

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    Classical mechanics, in the operatorial formulation of Koopman and von Neumann, can be written also in a functional form. In this form two Grassmann partners of time make their natural appearance extending in this manner time to a three dimensional supermanifold. Quantization is then achieved by a process of dimensional reduction of this supermanifold. We prove that this procedure is equivalent to the well-known method of geometric quantization.Comment: 19 pages, Talk given by EG at the conference "On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics", Mali Losinj, Croatia, September 2005. New results are contained in the last part of the pape

    Hilbert Space Structure in Classical Mechanics: (II)

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    In this paper we analyze two different functional formulations of classical mechanics. In the first one the Jacobi fields are represented by bosonic variables and belong to the vector (or its dual) representation of the symplectic group. In the second formulation the Jacobi fields are given as condensates of Grassmannian variables belonging to the spinor representation of the metaplectic group. For both formulations we shall show that, differently from what happens in the case presented in paper no. (I), it is possible to endow the associated Hilbert space with a positive definite scalar product and to describe the dynamics via a Hermitian Hamiltonian. The drawback of this formulation is that higher forms do not appear automatically and that the description of chaotic systems may need a further extension of the Hilbert space.Comment: 45 pages, RevTex; Abstract and Introduction improve

    Geometric Dequantization

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    Dequantization is a set of rules which turn quantum mechanics (QM) into classical mechanics (CM). It is not the WKB limit of QM. In this paper we show that, by extending time to a 3-dimensional "supertime", we can dequantize the system in the sense of turning the Feynman path integral version of QM into the functional counterpart of the Koopman-von Neumann operatorial approach to CM. Somehow this procedure is the inverse of geometric quantization and we present it in three different polarizations: the Schroedinger, the momentum and the coherent states ones.Comment: 50+1 pages, Late

    Functional Approach to Classical Yang-Mills Theories

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    Sometime ago it was shown that the operatorial approach to classical mechanics, pioneered in the 30's by Koopman and von Neumann, can have a functional version. In this talk we will extend this functional approach to the case of classical field theories and in particular to the Yang-Mills ones. We shall show that the issues of gauge-fixing and Faddeev-Popov determinant arise also in this classical formalism.Comment: 4 pages, Contribution to the Proceedings of the International Meeting "Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry" (Naples, July 2-7, 2001

    A New Quantization Map

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    In this paper we find a simple rule to reproduce the algebra of quantum observables using only the commutators and operators which appear in the Koopman-von Neumann (KvN) formulation of classical mechanics. The usual Hilbert space of quantum mechanics becomes embedded in the KvN Hilbert space: in particular it turns out to be the subspace on which the quantum positions Q and momenta P act irreducibly.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, Late

    A New Look at the Schouten-Nijenhuis, Fr\"olicher-Nijenhuis and Nijenhuis-Richardson Brackets for Symplectic Spaces

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    In this paper we re-express the Schouten-Nijenhuis, the Fr\"olicher-Nijenhuis and the Nijenhuis-Richardson brackets on a symplectic space using the extended Poisson brackets structure present in the path-integral formulation of classical mechanics.Comment: 27+1 pages, Latex, no figure

    Universal Hidden Supersymmetry in Classical Mechanics and its Local Extension

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    We review here a path-integral approach to classical mechanics and explore the geometrical meaning of this construction. In particular we bring to light a universal hidden BRS invariance and its geometrical relevance for the Cartan calculus on symplectic manifolds. Together with this BRS invariance we also show the presence of a universal hidden genuine non-relativistic supersymmetry. In an attempt to understand its geometry we make this susy local following the analogous construction done for the supersymmetric quantum mechanics of Witten.Comment: 6 pages, latex, Volkov Memorial Proceeding

    On Koopman-von Neumann Waves II

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    In this paper we continue the study, started in [1], of the operatorial formulation of classical mechanics given by Koopman and von Neumann (KvN) in the Thirties. In particular we show that the introduction of the KvN Hilbert space of complex and square integrable "wave functions" requires an enlargement of the set of the observables of ordinary classical mechanics. The possible role and the meaning of these extra observables is briefly indicated in this work. We also analyze the similarities and differences between non selective measurements and two-slit experiments in classical and quantum mechanics.Comment: 18+1 pages, 1 figure, misprints fixe

    Scale symmetry in classical and quantum mechanics

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    In this paper we address again the issue of the scale anomaly in quantum mechanical models with inverse square potential. In particular we examine the interplay between the classical and quantum aspects of the system using in both cases an operatorial approach.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Time and Geometric Quantization

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    In this paper we briefly review the functional version of the Koopman-von Neumann operatorial approach to classical mechanics. We then show that its quantization can be achieved by freezing to zero two Grassmannian partners of time. This method of quantization presents many similarities with the one known as Geometric Quantization.Comment: Talk given by EG at "Spacetime and Fundamental Interactions: Quantum Aspects. A conference to honour A.P.Balachandran's 65th birthday
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