14 research outputs found

    Profile of dental students about biosafety

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    A formação do profissional da Odontologia requer preparo e esclarecimento quanto ao uso das medidas universais de biossegurança em virtude da exposição a agentes infectocontagiosos. Este estudo descritivo teve como objetivo avaliar o nível de conhecimento de uma população de acadêmicos de Odontologia a respeito de biossegurança, além de identificar as dúvidas mais frequentes sobre medidas preventivas no ambiente odontológico e avaliar o interesse desses acadêmicos em relação ao tema biossegurança. A amostra foi constituída por 358 alunos de três universidades. Foi aplicado um questionário contendo perguntas objetivas e subjetivas em alunos dos 1º, 5º e últimos períodos. Observou-se que 92.6% dos alunos conheciam o significado de biossegurança e 92.3% relatou o uso de EPI pelo seu CD e para o paciente. Frente a um atendimento na clínica, 291 (82.7%) alunos responderam que saberiam se cuidar e 59 (16.8%) que não, sendo 94.9% destes últimos, alunos do primeiro período. Entre os alunos do primeiro período, 38.4% responderam não ser importante considerar o paciente como potencial portador de doença. Conclui-se que, é importante ministrar conteúdos básicos sobre biossegurança nos períodos pré-clínicos, visando a entrada dos alunos às atividades clínicas com maior segurança. Ressalta-se ainda a importância da fiscalização e atualização periódicas de práticas, e conhecimentos das medidas preventivas adequadas que permitam o exercício de atividades acadêmicas em segurança em todos os períodos do curso.Aim: The professional formation in Dentistry requires preparation and knowledge regarding the use of universal biosafety measures against exposure to infectious agents. This descriptive study aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge of dentistry students about biosafety, and identify the most frequent doubt about preventive measures in dental care environment, also assess the student’s interest by biosafety. Material and methods: The sample consisted of 358 students from three universities. A questionnaire with subjective and objective questions was applied to students at 1st, 5th and last periods. Results: It was observed that 92.6% of students knew the meaning of biosafety and 92.3% reported the use of PPE for their dentist and for the patient. When asked if they would know to take care in clinical environment, 291 (82.7%) students answered that they would know how to care and 59 (16.8%) not, 94.9% of the latter were students of the first period, in this group, 38.4% of students responded not be important to consider the patient as a potential transmitter of disease. In the total sample, 98.6% considered to be important the topic of the research. Conclusions: It was concluded that it is important introduce basic content on biosafety in the pre-clinical periods, aiming at the entry of students to the clinical activities more safely. It is emphasized the importance of supervision and periodic update of practices and knowledge about preventive measures facilitating the exercise of academic activities in safety at all course periods


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    Objetivo: Realizar una evaluación epidemiológica de los quistes odontogénicos en pacientes de 0 a 14 años de edad, verificando cuales son las lesiones de mayor incidencia entre estas edades. Métodos: Fueron evaluadas 100 fichas histopatológicas de lesiones diagnosticadas como quistes de naturaleza odontogénica, enfatizando las características clínicas (género, edad, tipo de lesión quística, localización anatómica y tamaño de la lesión) y radiográficas. Resultados: Fue observado que el género masculino, con edad media de 9,78 años, así como las regiones posterior de mandíbula y anterior de la maxila fueron más comprometidos. El quiste dentígero fue la lesión más común, seguida del quiste radicular. Se observó además, que en la muestra evaluada el aspecto radiográfico unilocular y las lesiones asintomáticas fueron las más frecuentes. Conclusiones: Se concluyó que es muy importante realizar éste tipo de estudios, una vez que, a través de ellos podemos conocer la frecuencia e incidencia de diversas lesiones, principalmente en pacientes pediátricos, en los cuales poco se conoce sobre la prevalencia de las lesiones quísticas de los maxilares.ABSTRACTObjective: To realize an epidemiologic survey of odontogenic cysts in patients from 0 to 14 years old in order to find out the most prevalent lesions of each age period. Methods: 100 histopathologic files of lesions diagnosed as cysts of odontogenic origin were retrieved emphasing their clinic (cystic lesion pattern, gender, age, anatomical site and lesion lenght) and radiographic features, which the surgical specimens were forwarded for the Oral Pathology Service of UFRN. Results: It could be identified that either the male gender, with an age average of 9,78 years, or the mandible posterior and the anterior maxilla region were more involved. Dentigerous cyst was the most prevalent lesions, followed by the radicular cyst. Moreover, a unilocular radiolucence and asymptomatic lesions were more common in the sample. Conclusions: To sum up, it can be infered the outstanding relevance of studies like the present since that it is through than that it can be reached the knownlodge of the frequence and incidence of several lesions, especially in paediatric patients inasmuch as the few knownlodge of the cystic lesion prevalence in their jaws.RESUMOObjetivo: Realizar uma avaliação epidemiológica dos cistos odontogênicos em pacientes de 0 a 14 años de edad, verificando quais são as lesões de mayor incidência entre estas idades. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 100 fichas histopatológicas de lesões diagnosticadas como cistos de natureza odontogênica, enfatizando as características clínicas (gênero, idade, tipo de lesão cística, localização anatômica e tamanho da lesão) e radiográficas. Resultados: Foi observado que o gênero masculino, com idade média de 9,78 anos, assim como as regiões posterior de mandíbula e anterior da maxila foram mais comprometidos. O cisto dentígero foi a lesão mais comum, seguida d cisto radicular. Observou-se, além disso, que na amostra avaliada o aspecto radiográfico unilocular e as lesões assintomáticas foram as mais freqüentes. Conclusões: Foi concluído que é muito importante realizar este tipo de estudos, uma vez que, através deles podemos conhecer a freqüência e incidência de diversas lesões, principalmente em pacientes pediátricos, nos quais pouco se conhece sobre a prevalência das lesões císticas dos maxilares

    Influence of dialysis duration and parathyroid hormone on the clinical and radiographic oral conditions of pre-transplant patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Aim: To evaluate the oral conditions of patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis and to determine the influence of dialysis duration and bone metabolism on the prevalence and severity of the alterations found. Methods: The simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S), prevalence of dental caries (decayed, missing filled teeth index, DMFT), and the periodontal screening and recording (PSR) index were evaluated in 154 patients. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcium, phosphorus and urea measurements, as well as panoramic radiographs, were obtained from all patients. To evaluate the effect of duration of dialysis treatment on oral health, the patients were divided into two groups: (1) 5 years. Regarding blood levels of PTH, patients were divided into three groups: (1) 0-149 pg/mL, (2) 150-584 pg/mL, and (3) >585 pg/mL. The OHI-S identified the accumulation of biofilm and calculus around the teeth. Results: Gingival inflammation was found in 100% of dentate patients, with 2 being the predominant PSR score (72.3%). The DMFT index was high (17.52). Dental calculus was the most common radiographic finding (70.8%). No significant correlation was observed between dialysis duration, biochemical alterations, and oral health. Conclusions: Most patients undergoing dialysis presented precarious oral hygiene, periodontal inflammation, and bone alterations. However, these manifestations were not influenced by the duration of dialysis or bone metabolism

    Intraoral findings in newborns: prevalence and associated factors

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    investigate the prevalence of intraoral characteristics and associated factors with neonatal and parent variables in a group of Brazilian newborns. Methods: This cross-sectional study with a descriptive and inferential approach, whose data was obtained through clinical examination, interview and the collection of medical record information. The sample was selected from babies up to three days old, of both sexes, and born between January and December 2013 in the Ana Bezerra University Hospital, in the city of Santa Cruz-RN, Brazil. The exposure variables included neonatal (sex, weight, gestational age, type of delivery and Apgar score) and parent (presence of systemic disease(s), drug use and consanguinity between the parents) variables. Descriptive analysis and Poisson regression were performed to estimate the ratio of gross and adjusted prevalence of intraoral findings (Epstein pearls, Bohns nodule, dental lamina cyst and ankyloglossia) with the neonatal and parent variables (p<0.05). Results: Of a total of 168 examined newborns, 56.5% (n=95) were male. The most prevalent intraoral feature was the fibrous cord of Magitot, 62.5% (n=105), and the most frequent alteration was Epstein pearls, 44.6% (n=75). Female gender was a factor for Bohns nodule (OR=0.90; 95%CI:0.82-0.99), and no tobacco use by the father was a protective factor for Epstein pearls (OR=0.73;95%CI:0.55-0.97). Additionally, lower mothers age, between 20-34 years of age (OR=1.58;95%CI:1.07-2.35) and under 19 years of age (OR=1.61; 95%CI:1.03-2.52) increases the chance of having Epstein pearls. Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of alterations in the newborns oral cavities and there were associations between neonatal and parent variables


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    La enfermedad periodontal causa destrucci&oacute;n de los tejidos periodontales, incluyendo el ligamentoperiodontal, el hueso alveolar y el cemento, siendo considerada la mayor causa de p&eacute;rdida dentaria enadultos. Una vez da&ntilde;ificado, el periodonto posee un limitado potencial de regeneraci&oacute;n. La reconstrucci&oacute;ndel complejo periodontal destruido por la periodontitis es la mayor meta de la terapia periodontal. Paraeso varios tratamientos fueron propuestos, a pesar de basarse casi que completamente en laimplantaci&oacute;n de substitutos estructurales con peque&ntilde;o o ning&uacute;n potencial reparador. Los progresosrecientes en la terapia con c&eacute;lulas-tronco y de nuevas t&eacute;cnicas basadas en la ingeniera tisular podr&aacute;n serutilizados en las pr&aacute;cticas regenerativas. Las c&eacute;lulas-tronco pueden ser encontradas en muchos tejidosdent&aacute;rios adultos como pulpa y ligamento periodontal, y podr&aacute;n ser utilizadas para regenerar los tejidosdel complejo periodontal. La reciente identificaci&oacute;n de c&eacute;lulas-tronco dentro del ligamento periodontalrepresenta un desenvolvimiento significativo de nuevas terap&eacute;uticas cl&iacute;nicas direccionadas a laregeneraci&oacute;n periodontal de manera previsible. Siendo as&iacute;, este abordaje literario explora los conceptoscontempor&aacute;neos a cerca de la biolog&iacute;a de las c&eacute;lulas-tronco, los recientes progresos en la identificaci&oacute;nde estas, su potencial regenerador y sus implicaciones cl&iacute;nicas.ABSTRACT Periodontal diseases lead to the destruction of periodontal tissues, including periodontal ligament,cementum and alveolar bone, are a major cause of adult teeth loss. Once damaged, the periodontiumhas limited regeneration potential. The reconstruction of the complex destroyed by periodontitis is theperiodontal therapy top barrier. Aiming this, many treatments were proposed, almost all of them based&nbsp;on estructural substitute implantation with less on no repairing potential. The recent progress on stemcellstherapy and tissue enginnering based new technique will allow their use in regenerative practices.The stem-cells identification into the periodontal ligament and the cientific proofs of their applicability inperiodontal complex regeneration on predictable methods represent the periodontics revolution, providingtissue reconstruction never found on any other technique satisfactorily. Thus, this literary approachexplores the contemporary concepts concerning the biology of stem-cells, the recent progresses in theiridentification, regeneration potential and their clinical implications