409 research outputs found

    Breeding new sugarcane clones by mixed models under genotype by environmental interaction.

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    Sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) is one of the most important crops cultivated in the tropics and subtropics and plays a signifi cant economic and environmental role in Brazil. Twenty- four new clones were evaluated in different locations as potential models for recommendation as new varieties. The mixed model methodology, using the harmonic mean of the relative per- formance of genetic values (MHPRVG), facilitated the analysis of genotypic stability and adapt- ability, culminating in the recommendation of clones for each location. MHPRVG ranked clones RB92579, RB867515, SP81-3250, RB947520 and RB931530 as the best fi ve, and, addition- ally, clones with greater genotypic potential were identifi ed for each test in the six localities

    Tratamento de sementes e uso de micronutrientes na adubação de arroz irrigado.

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    Ordenamento ambiental e época de plantio da mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) para a região Norte de Minas Gerais.

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    Ordenamento ambiental e época de plantio da mamoneirabitstream/CNPA/19621/1/COMTEC207.PD

    Programa de melhoramento genético da raça girolando - Avaliação genética de vacas - junho/2016.

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    A Embrapa Gado de Leite e a Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Girolando realizam anualmente avaliações genéticas de vacas e de touros, com dados obtidos do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Raça Girolando (PMGG). Desde 2013 as avaliações genéticas das principais fêmeas Girolando passaram a ser divulgadas em Sumário de vacas, contendo as 1.000 vacas de maiores PTAs para a produção de leite. Dessa forma, os criadores terão conhecimento das vacas de maior potencial genético na população Girolando. Tal conhecimento certamente possibilitará selecionar, de modo mais eficiente, as vacas que poderão ser mães de touros e aquelas a serem submetidas a biotecnologias reprodutivas como a transferência de embriões (TE) e técnicas relacionadas, como a clonagem e transferência de genes.bitstream/item/145080/1/DOC-192-Sumario-Vacas-2016.pd

    Insetos predadores associados a pragas do cajueiro.

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    Hábito alimentar de dípteros fitófagos associados ao cajueiro.

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    Hábito alimentar de hemípteros fitófagos associados ao cajueiro no Brasil: Aleyrodidae e Coreidae.

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    Reactivity, performance, color and tenderness of meat from Zebu cattle finished in feedlot.

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    The objective of this study was to study the animal reactivity and correlate it with performance and meat quality of cattle finished in feedlots. A total of 20 animals of the Tabapuã breed and 20 animals of the Nellore breed were confined for 112 days: 28 days of adaptation and 84 days of data collection. Performance was determined by the average daily weight gain (ADG) and average dry matter intake (DMI) estimated through the use of indicators. On the 1st, 42nd and 84th days of the experiment, two methods were used to measure the animal reactivity: animal reactivity in mobile cage and visual reactivity during handling. The characteristics of meat quality were evaluated by the color, shear force and pH24 after slaughter (pH24). Through the study of correlation, the degree and direction of linear association on animal reactivity, performance and meat quality were established. Regression equations were generated for the parameters evaluated according to the values of animal reactivity. Correlations between mobile cage and visual reactivity were 0.77, 0.56 and 0.45 in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd evaluations, respectively. There was no correlation between animal reactivity and DMI. The correlations between ADG, pH24, and color with animal reactivity were -0.31, 0.40, 0.47 and -0.34, and -0.33 for mobile cage, 0.74, 0.71 and -0.51, for visual reactivity, respectively. The parameters of meat quality varied according to the reactivity. Undesirable values of pH24, animal reactivity and color were found when mobile cage reactivity was higher than 780, 590 and 540, respectively. In general, animals that show greater reactivity tend to have lower daily weight gain and lower meat quality. The reactivity can be used in animal breeding programs, in order to improve performance and meat quality of Zebu cattle finished in feedlot

    Programa de melhoramento genético da raça Girolando - Avaliação genética de vacas - junho/2017.

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    Apresenta os resultados das avaliações genéticas das 1.000 vacas Girolando com maiores valores genéticos para produção de leite. As metodologias científicas empregadas para a geração dos resultados, divulgados neste documento, impactam grandemente no progresso genético da raça Girolando e solidificam a liderança do Brasil no melhoramento de bovinos de leite no mundo tropical.bitstream/item/161276/1/DOC-204-Sumario-de-Vacas-2017.pd
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