591 research outputs found


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    Este estudo se propõe a analisar os objetivos atribuídos ao Ensino de Ciências por professores atuantes no Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio. Participaram desta pesquisa 63 professores, atuantes em escolas públicas municipais ou estaduais, de 16 cidades distintas do estado de São Paulo. Esses professores responderam a um questionário impresso. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo para sistematizar as informações obtidas. Conclui-se que de maneira geral os professores do Ensino Fundamental estabelecem as atitudes científicas, enquanto os do Ensino Médio indicam a compreensão do mundo, sua diversidade e preservação como principais objetivos para o Ensino de Ciências

    História, memória e fotografia: um olhar sobre a modernidade na cidade de Serra Talhada – PE (1940 - 1980).

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    A presente dissertação pretende discutir a questão da modernidade e os aspectos cotidianos nas cidades, tendo como objeto de estudo a cidade de Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, no recorte temporal que vai de 1940 a 1980. Desta forma, buscamos perceber como as mudanças políticas e econômicas, a modernização nos transportes, nas comunicações e nos aspectos sociais e culturais, influenciaram na mudança de hábitos e nas características urbanísticas de Serra Talhada. Na busca por respostas para as nossas perguntas sobre o moderno na cidade de Serra Talhada, nos servimos de diferentes fontes historiográficas, entre elas: livros de memória, relatos orais de memória, jornais e principalmente das fotografias. No diálogo com essa diversidade de fontes o método indiciário foi muito importante para nossa pesquisa.The present dissertation intends to discuss the question of modernity and the daily aspects in the cities, having as object of study the city of Serra Talhada, Pernambuco, in the temporal cut that goes from 1940 to 1980. In this way, we seek to realize how the political and economic changes, the modernization of transport, communications and social and cultural aspects, influenced the change of habits and the urban characteristics of Serra Talhada. In the search for answers to our questions about the modern in the city of Serra Talhada, we use different historiographic sources, among them: books of memory, oral reports of memory, newspapers and especially of photographs. In the dialogue with this diversity of sources, the indexing method was very important for our research

    Mestiçagens na arte contemporânea

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    Essay on the landscapes of Lenir de Miranda

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    This article is about the landscape and its permanence among the artists of Rio Grande do Sul, especially Lenir de Miranda (Pedro Osório, RS — 1945), an artist working in Pelotas (RS). We will focus on the theme of her landscapes and the actions that the artist works for her accomplishment. Her paintings of landscapes establish a dense and complex dialogue with her spectator, demanding an immersion in its wide and erudite cultural universe. Fascinated by the origins, the artist exposes the principles of the establishment of her work and opts for the multiplicity of readingsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Iberê Camargo e a expressão como forma criada

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    This paper presents some aspects of the formation of the Brazilian artist Iberê Camargo (1914-1994) and has as its theme the analysis of some works produced in the Académie Lhote, in Paris, in the late 1940s. Are works executed within the context of training under the guidance of André Lhote, and which have important features for understanding their futures options. Disclosures of little known works allow the knowledge of the artist’s working method and report on their practice in studioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inventário Cronológico da obra gráfica e pictórica de Pedro Weingärtner

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    Comentários : alterações e derivas da narrativa numa poética visual

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    Esta pesquisa está fundada na minha produção plástica e o seu estabelecimento se dá pela investigação dos princípios construtivos das minhas obras, caminhada que sai das narrativas, investiga os processos de apropriação, passa pela idéia de ensaio, estuda a questão da ficcionalização até chegar aos comentários. Para o seu desenvolvimento lancei mão da etimologia, da história, da teoria e da crítica de arte, da teoria do cinema, da teoria da literatura e ainda de outras fontes, como as obras de ficção. Nesta tese a questão das narrativas nas artes visuais inicia-se no ut pictura poesis, volta-se para uma digressão sobre a retórica nas artes plásticas, revisita os principais modos narrativos plásticos e, finalmente, busca uma sistematização dos modos narrativos visuais. A presença deste caráter narrativo, assim como do caráter ficcional nas manifestações plásticas, é estudado através da produção de artistas brasileiros e europeus (Valêncio Xavier, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Alain Bublex, Sophie Calle), o que permite uma contrapartida visual justaposta às questões de caráter eminentemente teórico. A análise das relações que meu trabalho estabelece entre texto e imagem se dá: do ponto de vista do caráter dos textos; de como eles se apresentam (a utilização do recurso do fora de foco); através de uma tipologia das relações entre eles; analiso, finalmente, a questão da ekphrasis e como este conceito estimulou e tornou possível a elaboração de alguns dos meus comentários. Recolocando inicialmente em evidência a questão da presença das imagens e dos textos através do ut pictura poesis, encerro esta pesquisa revisitando este tema à luz da discussão irmã que existe na música – prima la Musica poi le Parole. Utilizo mais uma vez o recurso de recorrer aos versos do libreto de uma ópera, procedimento comum à construção de meus primeiros trabalhos. Isto me permite encerrar esta etapa reforçando a idéia de que intitular meus trabalhos de comentários é destacar a sua construção a partir de informações icônicas e textuais presentes num mesmo contexto.This research is based in my plastic production and its execution is done through the investigation of the constructive principle of my works, a search that comes from narratives. It investigates the processes of appropriation, passes through the idea of rehearsal, studies the question of fictionalization until it reaches the commentaries. For its development, I took hand of etymology, of history, of theory and of the critique of art, of the theory of the cinema, of the theory of literature and still of other sources, as works of fiction. In this thesis the questions of the narratives in the visual arts begins in the ut pictura poesis, it turns to a digression about the rhetoric in fine arts, revisits the main plastic narrative forms and, finally, seeks a systematization of the visual narrative forms. The presence of this narrative character, as the presence of the fictional character in the plastic manifestations, is studied through the production of Brazilian and European artists (Valêncio Xavier, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Alain Bublex, Sophie Calle), which permits a visual starting point overlaid to questions of eminently theoretical character. The analysis of the relations my work establishes between text and image occurs: from the point of view of the character of the texts; of how they are presented (the use of the out-of-focus recourse); through a typology of the relations between them; I analyze, finally, the question of ekphrasis and how this concept stimulated and made possible the elaboration of some of my comments. Replacing initially in evidence the question of the presence of the images and of the texts through the ut pictura poesis, I end this research revisiting this theme under the light of the parallel discussion that exists in music – prima la Musica poi le Parole. I use once again the recourse of reaching for the verses of libretto of an opera, common procedure to the construction of my first works. This permits me to close this stage reinforcing the idea that, to entitle my works as commentaries is to stress its construction from the iconic and textual information present in the same context

    Telling the stories : the woodcut of Zoravia Bettiol

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    Biology of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) and standardization of commercial LPUE data of Aphanopus spp. landed in Madeira Archipelago, Portugal

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016The black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) is a benthopelagic species, member of the Trichiuridae family with great commercial and scientific importance in Madeira Archipelago and in the entire NE Atlantic. This work, as part of a bicephalous approach, had two main objectives: perform a biological analysis of A. carbo, and to standardize commercial LPUE data of Aphanopus spp. landed in Madeira Archipelago (A. carbo is not separated from the sympatric species A. intermedius for commercial purposes). In terms of A. carbo biology, individuals were collected in Funchal harbour between 2010 and 2015. In this part of the study, the population structure of A. carbo was analysed through individual length, weight and sex. The reproductive cycle was inferred through the analysis of GSI, HSI and Krel monthly trends. L50s were estimated by fitting maturity ogives and WLRs and LLRs were calculated through regressions. Regarding the LPUE standardization, fishery-dependent data was analysed from 2008 to 2015. This part focused on fleet characteristics, the performance of landing trends and effort units. Nominal LPUE was standardized through linear model. The factors affecting the variability of LPUE were obtained and analysis of the overall state of the fishery was made. In general, A. carbo females attain the largest length and weight, the overall sex-ratio differed from 1:1 ratio, with females outnumbering males, spawning is performed in the last quarter of the year, L50s were higher in females than in males, and it exhibits isometric growth in terms of WLRs (except for males) and allometric growth in LLRs. The standardization of commercial LPUE data revealed an hyperstability state in Aphanopus spp. fishery in Madeira EEZ. To compensate lower catches in traditional fishing grounds, fishermen exploit new areas, resulting in stable landing performances. Thus, precautionary management policies are required to sustainably exploit this resource