10 research outputs found

    Geoquímica e Isotópos de Nd de Rochas Metavulcânicas da Antiforme Capané, Complexo Metamórfico Porongos, RS

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    The Capané Antiform, located in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex (RS), is composed of a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. Four groups of rocks were recognized. Groups 1 and 2 are constituted of felsic and mafic rocks from the central and western part of the antiform, respectively. They show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE. The εNd (t) varies from strongly negative (-20) in felsic rocks to moderately negative (-6 to -11) in mafic rocks, with Nd TDM ages that varies from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The Group 3 consists of metarhyolites from the eastern flank and is geochemically similar to former groups, but shows differences in Nd isotope composition. The εNd(t) is slightly negative (-2 to -4) and the model ages are restricted to the Mesoproterozoic. Group 4, constituted of metabasalts, shows chemical similarities with OIB-MORB and has juvenile isotope signature. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related probably to the collision of the São Gabriel block with the Encantadas microcontinent during the Neoproterozoic. The Nd differences observed were considered as a result of more or less interaction between mantle and crust components and, particularly, the characteristics observed in the Group 3 can point out a correlation with the syn-tangential granitoids from the eastern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The metabasalts of the group 4 were correlated to the antiform's previously described ophiolite remains.The Capané Antiform, located in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex (RS), is composed of a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. Four groups of rocks were recognized. Groups 1 and 2 are constituted of felsic and mafic rocks from the central and western part of the antiform, respectively. They show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE. The εNd (t) varies from strongly negative (-20) in felsic rocks to moderately negative (-6 to -11) in mafic rocks, with Nd TDM ages that varies from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The Group 3 consists of metarhyolites from the eastern flank and is geochemically similar to former groups, but shows differences in Nd isotope composition. The εNd(t) is slightly negative (-2 to -4) and the model ages are restricted to the Mesoproterozoic. Group 4, constituted of metabasalts, shows chemical similarities with OIB-MORB and has juvenile isotope signature. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related probably to the collision of the São Gabriel block with the Encantadas microcontinent during the Neoproterozoic. The Nd differences observed were considered as a result of more or less interaction between mantle and crust components and, particularly, the characteristics observed in the Group 3 can point out a correlation with the syn-tangential granitoids from the eastern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The metabasalts of the group 4 were correlated to the antiform's previously described ophiolite remains

    Litoquímica e geoquímica isotópica das rochas metavulcânicas da Antiforme Canapé, Complexo Metamórfico Porongos, RS

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    A Antiforme Capané, localizada na porção norte do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos de idade Neoproterozóica, consiste de uma seqüência supracrustal metamorfisada sob condições de fácies xistos verdes na porção leste e anfibolito a oeste. O ambiente de formação deste complexo é ainda muito debatido. Sugestões envolvendo ambiente tipo back arc, margem passiva e rift continental já foram indicadas. Dados geoquímicos e isotópicos (Sm-Nd) foram obtidos para rochas metavulcânicas básicas, intermediárias e ácidas da Antiforme Capané. Quatro grupos foram diferenciados. Os grupos 1 e 2, compostos por rochas ácidas a intermediárias da porção centro-oeste da Antiforme, apresentam alto ETRL e LILE e baixo ETRP e HFSE, e εNd(t) variando de fortemente negativo nos termos mais ácidos (~-20) a fracamente negativo nos termos intermediários (-4), com TDM variando de paleo- a mesoproterozóica, sendo mais antiga nas rochas mais ácidas. Tais características podem estar relacionadas à maior participação de crosta nas rochas ácidas; O grupo 3, composto por etariolitos da porção leste, compartilha características litoquímicas com os primeiros, mas apresenta εNd(t) fracamente negativo (-2 a -4) e TDM mesoproterozóica, sugerindo variação na fonte mantélica. Estes três grupos são interpretados como originados a partir de vulcanismo associado a arco magmático. O grupo 4, composto por metabasaltos, apresenta composição litoquímica similar a OIB-MORB e assinatura isotópica juvenil, o que o correlaciona com o ofiolito descrito anteriormente na Antiforme. As rochas metavulcânicas da Antiforme Capané foram interpretadas como relictos de um arco magmático relacionado ao fechamento da paleobacia Porongos ocorrido pela convergência do bloco São Gabriel em direção ao Microcontinente Encantadas durante o Neoproterozóico.The Capané Antiform, located in the north part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex, is a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. The tectonic environment is still debatable. Back-arc, passive margin and continental rift have been suggested. Lithochemistry and Sm-Nd data were obtained for basic, intermediate and acid metavolcanic rocks from Capané Antiform. Four groups were recognized. The Groups 1 and 2, constituted by acid and intermediate rocks from the central and western part of the Antiform, show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE, and εNd(t) that varies from strongly negative (~-20) in acid rocks to moderately negative in basic rocks and TDM ages ranging from paleoproterozoic to mesoproterozoic respectively. These characteristics may be related to a major crust increment in the acid rocks; the Group 3, consists of metariolites from the eastern flank, shares litochemistry characteristics with the formers groups, but show εNd(t) slightly negative (-2 to -4) and mesoproterozoic TDM ages, which suggests differences in the mantle source; and the Group 4, constituted by metabasalts, shows litochemistry similarities with OIB-MORB compositions and has juvenile isotopic signature, which can link this group to the Antiform’s previous described ophiolite remains. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related to the closure of the Porongos paleobasin when the São Gabriel block converged with the Encantadas microcontinent during the neoproterozoic

    Litoquímica e geoquímica isotópica das rochas metavulcânicas da Antiforme Canapé, Complexo Metamórfico Porongos, RS

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    A Antiforme Capané, localizada na porção norte do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos de idade Neoproterozóica, consiste de uma seqüência supracrustal metamorfisada sob condições de fácies xistos verdes na porção leste e anfibolito a oeste. O ambiente de formação deste complexo é ainda muito debatido. Sugestões envolvendo ambiente tipo back arc, margem passiva e rift continental já foram indicadas. Dados geoquímicos e isotópicos (Sm-Nd) foram obtidos para rochas metavulcânicas básicas, intermediárias e ácidas da Antiforme Capané. Quatro grupos foram diferenciados. Os grupos 1 e 2, compostos por rochas ácidas a intermediárias da porção centro-oeste da Antiforme, apresentam alto ETRL e LILE e baixo ETRP e HFSE, e εNd(t) variando de fortemente negativo nos termos mais ácidos (~-20) a fracamente negativo nos termos intermediários (-4), com TDM variando de paleo- a mesoproterozóica, sendo mais antiga nas rochas mais ácidas. Tais características podem estar relacionadas à maior participação de crosta nas rochas ácidas; O grupo 3, composto por etariolitos da porção leste, compartilha características litoquímicas com os primeiros, mas apresenta εNd(t) fracamente negativo (-2 a -4) e TDM mesoproterozóica, sugerindo variação na fonte mantélica. Estes três grupos são interpretados como originados a partir de vulcanismo associado a arco magmático. O grupo 4, composto por metabasaltos, apresenta composição litoquímica similar a OIB-MORB e assinatura isotópica juvenil, o que o correlaciona com o ofiolito descrito anteriormente na Antiforme. As rochas metavulcânicas da Antiforme Capané foram interpretadas como relictos de um arco magmático relacionado ao fechamento da paleobacia Porongos ocorrido pela convergência do bloco São Gabriel em direção ao Microcontinente Encantadas durante o Neoproterozóico.The Capané Antiform, located in the north part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex, is a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. The tectonic environment is still debatable. Back-arc, passive margin and continental rift have been suggested. Lithochemistry and Sm-Nd data were obtained for basic, intermediate and acid metavolcanic rocks from Capané Antiform. Four groups were recognized. The Groups 1 and 2, constituted by acid and intermediate rocks from the central and western part of the Antiform, show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE, and εNd(t) that varies from strongly negative (~-20) in acid rocks to moderately negative in basic rocks and TDM ages ranging from paleoproterozoic to mesoproterozoic respectively. These characteristics may be related to a major crust increment in the acid rocks; the Group 3, consists of metariolites from the eastern flank, shares litochemistry characteristics with the formers groups, but show εNd(t) slightly negative (-2 to -4) and mesoproterozoic TDM ages, which suggests differences in the mantle source; and the Group 4, constituted by metabasalts, shows litochemistry similarities with OIB-MORB compositions and has juvenile isotopic signature, which can link this group to the Antiform’s previous described ophiolite remains. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related to the closure of the Porongos paleobasin when the São Gabriel block converged with the Encantadas microcontinent during the neoproterozoic

    Geoquímica e Isotópos de Nd de Rochas Metavulcânicas da Antiforme Capané, Complexo Metamórfico Porongos, RS

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    The Capané Antiform, located in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex (RS), is composed of a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. Four groups of rocks were recognized. Groups 1 and 2 are constituted of felsic and mafic rocks from the central and western part of the antiform, respectively. They show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE. The εNd (t) varies from strongly negative (-20) in felsic rocks to moderately negative (-6 to -11) in mafic rocks, with Nd TDM ages that varies from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The Group 3 consists of metarhyolites from the eastern flank and is geochemically similar to former groups, but shows differences in Nd isotope composition. The εNd(t) is slightly negative (-2 to -4) and the model ages are restricted to the Mesoproterozoic. Group 4, constituted of metabasalts, shows chemical similarities with OIB-MORB and has juvenile isotope signature. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related probably to the collision of the São Gabriel block with the Encantadas microcontinent during the Neoproterozoic. The Nd differences observed were considered as a result of more or less interaction between mantle and crust components and, particularly, the characteristics observed in the Group 3 can point out a correlation with the syn-tangential granitoids from the eastern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The metabasalts of the group 4 were correlated to the antiform's previously described ophiolite remains.The Capané Antiform, located in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex (RS), is composed of a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. Four groups of rocks were recognized. Groups 1 and 2 are constituted of felsic and mafic rocks from the central and western part of the antiform, respectively. They show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE. The εNd (t) varies from strongly negative (-20) in felsic rocks to moderately negative (-6 to -11) in mafic rocks, with Nd TDM ages that varies from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The Group 3 consists of metarhyolites from the eastern flank and is geochemically similar to former groups, but shows differences in Nd isotope composition. The εNd(t) is slightly negative (-2 to -4) and the model ages are restricted to the Mesoproterozoic. Group 4, constituted of metabasalts, shows chemical similarities with OIB-MORB and has juvenile isotope signature. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related probably to the collision of the São Gabriel block with the Encantadas microcontinent during the Neoproterozoic. The Nd differences observed were considered as a result of more or less interaction between mantle and crust components and, particularly, the characteristics observed in the Group 3 can point out a correlation with the syn-tangential granitoids from the eastern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The metabasalts of the group 4 were correlated to the antiform's previously described ophiolite remains

    Boletín diario del Instituto Central Meteorológico: Año IX Número 242 - 1901 Agosto 30

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    The Capané Antiform, located in the northern part of the Neoproterozoic Porongos Metamorphic Complex (RS), is composed of a supracrustal sequence metamorphosed under greenschist (eastern flank) to amphibolite (western flank) facies. Four groups of rocks were recognized. Groups 1 and 2 are constituted of felsic and mafic rocks from the central and western part of the antiform, respectively. They show high LREE and LILE and low HREE and HFSE. The eNd (t) varies from strongly negative (-20) in felsic rocks to moderately negative (-6 to -11) in mafic rocks, with Nd TDM ages that varies from Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. The Group 3 consists of metarhyolites from the eastern flank and is geochemically similar to former groups, but shows differences in Nd isotope composition. The eNd(t) is slightly negative (-2 to -4) and the model ages are restricted to the Mesoproterozoic. Group 4, constituted of metabasalts, shows chemical similarities with OIB-MORB and has juvenile isotope signature. The first three groups were interpreted as evolved from a magmatic arc, related probably to the collision of the São Gabriel block with the Encantadas microcontinent during the Neoproterozoic. The Nd differences observed were considered as a result of more or less interaction between mantle and crust components and, particularly, the characteristics observed in the Group 3 can point out a correlation with the syn-tangential granitoids from the eastern part of the Dom Feliciano Belt. The metabasalts of the group 4 were correlated to the antiform's previously described ophiolite remains