345 research outputs found

    Surface exposure dating and geophysical tomography of the royal arches meadow rock avalanche, Yosemite Valley, California

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    Since the retreat of glaciers after the Last Glacial Maximum, rock avalanches have occurred intermittently in Yosemite Valley, California. We investigated the distal portion of the oldest of these, the Royal Arches Meadow rock avalanche, which has been partially buried by sediment aggradation. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of boulders within the deposit indicate that the rock avalanche occurred at 16.1 ± 0.3 ka, immediately after deglaciation and thus prior to most aggradation. The interface between the rock avalanche deposit and the underlying glaciofluvial sediments therefore provides an elevation marker of the valley floor at the time of deposition. To identify the elevation of this interface, we collected eight Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and five Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) profiles across the rock avalanche. Both methods are sensitive to contrasts between the granitic avalanche deposit and the underlying sediments. By constraining ERT inversions with GPR interfaces that are continuous across the profiles, we identified a single interface, interpreted as the basal contact of the rock avalanche, that separates resistive material from conductive material underneath. The elevation of this approximately horizontal interface is between 1,206 and 1,209 m, roughly 10 m below the modern ground surface, indicating ≈ 10 m of sediment aggradation since deglaciation. Based on topographic expression and depth to this contact, we determined a minimum volume estimate of between 8.1 × 105 m3 and 9.7 × 105 m3 , nearly three times larger than what would be estimated from surface expression alone. Our findings allow reconstruction of the sedimentation history of Yosemite Valley, inform hazard and risk assessment, and confirm that geophysical methods are valuable tools for three-dimensional investigations of rock avalanches, particularly those buried by younger sediments

    Late Cenozoic deepening of Yosemite Valley, USA

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    Although Yosemite Valley, USA, catalyzed the modern environmental movement and fueled foundational debates in geomorphology, a century of investigation has failed to definitively determine when it formed. The non-depositional nature of the landscape and homogeneous bedrock have prevented direct geological assessments. Indirect assumptions about the age of downcutting have ranged from pre-Eocene to Pleistocene. Clarity on this issue would not only satisfy public interest but also provide a new constraint for contentious debates about the Cenozoic tectonic and geomorphologic history of the Sierra Nevada in California. Here we use thermochronometric analysis of radiogenic helium in apatite crystals, coupled with numerical models of crustal temperatures beneath evolving topography, to demonstrate significant late Cenozoic deepening of Tenaya Canyon, Yosemite’s northeastern branch. Approximately 40%–90% of the current relief has developed since 10 Ma and most likely since 5 Ma. This coincides with renewed regional tectonism, which is a long-hypothesized but much debated driver of Sierran canyon development. Pleistocene glaciation caused spatially variable incision and valley widening in Yosemite Valley, whereas little contemporaneous erosion occurred in the adjacent upper Tuolumne watershed. Such variations probably arise from glacial erosion’s dependence on topographic focusing of ice discharge into zones of rapid flow, and on the abundance of pre-existing fractures in the substrate. All available data, including those from our study, are consistent with a moderately high and slowly eroding mid-Cenozoic Sierra Nevada followed by significant late Cenozoic incision of some, but not all, west-side canyon

    Analysis of cybersecurity threats in Industry 4.0: the case of intrusion detection

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    Nowadays, industrial control systems are experiencing a new revolution with the interconnection of the operational equipment with the Internet, and the introduction of cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud Computing or Big data within the organization. These and other technologies are paving the way to the Industry 4.0. However, the advent of these technologies, and the innovative services that are enabled by them, will also bring novel threats whose impact needs to be understood. As a result, this paper provides an analysis of the evolution of these cyber-security issues and the requirements that must be satis ed by intrusion detection defense mechanisms in this context.Springer ; Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Electron-Spin Excitation Coupling in an Electron Doped Copper Oxide Superconductor

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    High-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity in the copper oxides arises from electron or hole doping of their antiferromagnetic (AF) insulating parent compounds. The evolution of the AF phase with doping and its spatial coexistence with superconductivity are governed by the nature of charge and spin correlations and provide clues to the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity. Here we use a combined neutron scattering and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) to study the Tc evolution of electron-doped superconducting Pr0.88LaCe0.12CuO4-delta obtained through the oxygen annealing process. We find that spin excitations detected by neutron scattering have two distinct modes that evolve with Tc in a remarkably similar fashion to the electron tunneling modes in STS. These results demonstrate that antiferromagnetism and superconductivity compete locally and coexist spatially on nanometer length scales, and the dominant electron-boson coupling at low energies originates from the electron-spin excitations.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, supplementary information include

    A novel 1p36.2 located gene, APITD1, with tumour-suppressive properties and a putative p53-binding domain, shows low expression in neuroblastoma tumours

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    Neuroblastoma is characterised by a lack of TP53 mutations and no other tumour suppressor gene consistently inactivated has yet been identified in this childhood cancer form. Characterisation of a new gene, denoted APITD1, in the neuroblastoma tumour suppressor candidate region in chromosome 1p36.22 reveals that APITD1 contains a predicted TFIID-31 domain, representing the TATA box-binding protein-associated factor, TAFII31, which is required for p53-mediated transcription activation. Two different transcripts of this gene were shown to be ubiquitously expressed, one of them with an elevated expression in foetal tissues. Primary neuroblastoma tumours of all different stages showed either very weak or no measurable APITD1 expression, contrary to the level of expression observed in neuroblastoma cell lines. A reduced pattern of expression was also observed in a set of various tumour types. APITD1 was functionally tested by adding APITD1 mRNA to neuroblastoma cells, leading to the cell growth to be reduced up to 90% compared to control cells, suggesting APITD1 to have a role in a cell death pathway. Furthermore, we determined the genomic organisation of APITD1. Automated genomic DNA sequencing of the coding region of the gene as well as the promoter sequence in 44 neuroblastoma tumours did not reveal any loss-of-function mutations, indicating that mutations in APITD1 is not a common abnormality of neuroblastoma tumours. We suggest that low expression of this gene might interfere with the ability for apoptosis through the p53 pathway

    Swarming populations of Salmonella represent a unique physiological state coupled to multiple mechanisms of antibiotic resistance

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is capable of swarming over semi-solid surfaces. Although its swarming behavior shares many readily observable similarities with other swarming bacteria, the phenomenon remains somewhat of an enigma in this bacterium since some attributes skew away from the better characterized systems. Swarming is quite distinct from the classic swimming motility, as there is a prerequisite for cells to first undergo a morphological transformation into swarmer cells. In some organisms, swarming is controlled by quorum sensing, and in others, swarming has been shown to be coupled to increased expression of important virulence factors. Swarming in serovar Typhimurium is coupled to elevated resistance to a wide variety of structurally and functionally distinct classes of antimicrobial compounds. As serovar Typhimurium differentiates into swarm cells, the pmrHFIJKLM operon is up-regulated, resulting in a more positively charged LPS core. Furthermore, as swarm cells begin to de-differentiate, the pmr operon expression is down-regulated, rapidly reaching the levels observed in swim cells. This is one potential mechanism which confers swarm cells increased resistance to antibiotics such as the cationic antimicrobial peptides. However, additional mechanisms are likely associated with the cells in the swarm state that confer elevated resistance to such a broad spectrum of antimicrobial agents

    Forecasting with Big Data: A Review

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    Big Data is a revolutionary phenomenon which is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the modern age, and is expected to remain so in the foreseeable future. In this paper we present a comprehensive review on the use of Big Data for forecasting by identifying and reviewing the problems, potential, challenges and most importantly the related applications. Skills, hardware and software, algorithm architecture, statistical significance, the signal to noise ratio and the nature of Big Data itself are identified as the major challenges which are hindering the process of obtaining meaningful forecasts from Big Data. The review finds that at present, the fields of Economics, Energy and Population Dynamics have been the major exploiters of Big Data forecasting whilst Factor models, Bayesian models and Neural Networks are the most common tools adopted for forecasting with Big Data

    OmpR controls Yersinia enterocolitica motility by positive regulation of flhDC expression

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    Flagella and invasin play important roles during the early stages of infection by the enteric pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. Our previous study demonstrated that OmpR negatively regulates invasin gene expression at the transcriptional level. The present study focused on the role of OmpR in the regulation of flagella expression. Motility assays and microscopic observations revealed that an ompR mutant strain exhibits a non-motile phenotype due to the lack of flagella. An analysis of flhDC::lacZYA chromosomal fusions demonstrated a decrease in flhDC expression in ompR mutant cells, suggesting a role for OmpR in the positive control of flagellar master operon flhDC, which is in contrast to the negative role it plays in Escherichia coli. Moreover, high temperature or osmolarity and low pH decreased flhDC expression and OmpR was not required for the response to these factors. Evidence from an examination of the DNA binding properties of OmpR in vitro indicated that the mechanism by which OmpR regulates flhDC is direct. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed that OmpR binds specifically to the flhDC promoter region and suggested the presence of more than one OmpR-binding site. In addition, phosphorylation of OmpR by acetyl-P appeared to stimulate the binding abilities of OmpR. Together with the results of our previous studies revealing the negative role of OmpR in the regulation of invasin expression, these findings support a model in which invasion and motility might be reciprocally regulated by OmpR