19 research outputs found

    Combinations of Plant Water-Stress and Neonicotinoids Can Lead to Secondary Outbreaks of Banks Grass Mite (Oligonychus Pratensis Banks)

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    Spider mites, a cosmopolitan pest of agricultural and landscape plants, thrive under hot and dry conditions, which could become more frequent and extreme due to climate change. Recent work has shown that neonicotinoids, a widely used class of systemic insecticides that have come under scrutiny for non-target effects, can elevate spider mite populations. Both water-stress and neonicotinoids independently alter plant resistance against herbivores. Yet, the interaction between these two factors on spider mites is unclear, particularly for Banks grass mite (Oligonychus pratensis; BGM). We conducted a field study to examine the effects of water-stress (optimal irrigation = 100% estimated evapotranspiration (ET) replacement, water stress = 25% of the water provided to optimally irrigated plants) and neonicotinoid seed treatments (control, clothianidin, thiamethoxam) on resident mite populations in corn (Zea mays, hybrid KSC7112). Our field study was followed by a manipulative field cage study and a parallel greenhouse study, where we tested the effects of water-stress and neonicotinoids on BGM and plant responses. We found that water-stress and clothianidin consistently increased BGM densities, while thiamethoxam-treated plants only had this effect when plants were mature. Water-stress and BGM herbivory had a greater effect on plant defenses than neonicotinoids alone, and the combination of BGM herbivory with the two abiotic factors increased the concentration of total soluble proteins. These results suggest that spider mite outbreaks by combinations of changes in plant defenses and protein concentration are triggered by water-stress and neonicotinoids, but the severity of the infestations varies depending on the insecticide active ingredient

    Behaviour and indirect interactions in food webs of plant-inhabiting arthropods

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    With the increased use of biological control agents, artificial food webs are created in agricultural crops and the interactions between plants, herbivores and natural enemies change from simple tritrophic interactions to more complex food web interactions. Therefore, herbivore densities will not only be determined by direct predator–prey interactions and direct and indirect defence of plants against herbivores, but also by other direct and indirect interactions such as apparent competition, intraguild predation, resource competition, etc. Although these interactions have received considerable attention in theory and experiments, little is known about their impact on biological control. In this paper, we first present a review of indirect food web interactions in biological control systems. We propose to distinguish between numerical indirect interactions, which are interactions where one species affects densities of another species through an effect on the numbers of an intermediate species and functional indirect interactions, defined as changes in the way that two species interact through the presence of a third species. It is argued that functional indirect interactions are important in food webs and deserve more attention. Subsequently, we discuss experimental results on interactions in an artificial food web consisting of pests and natural enemies on greenhouse cucumber. The two pest species are the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. Their natural enemies are the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis, which is commonly used for spider mite control and the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and Iphiseius degenerans and the predatory bug Orius laevigatus, all natural enemies of thrips. First, we analyse the possible interactions between these seven species and we continue by discussing how functional indirect interactions, particularly the behaviour of arthropods, may change the significance and impact of direct interactions and numerical indirect interactions. It was found that a simple food web of only four species already gives rise to some quite complicated combinations of interactions. Spider mites and thrips interact indirectly through resource competition, but thrips larvae are intraguild predators of spider mites. Some of the natural enemies used for control of the two herbivore species are also intraguild predators. Moreover, spider mites produce a web that is subsequently used by thrips to hide from their predators. We discuss these and other results obtained so far and we conclude with a discussion of the potential impact of functional indirect and direct interactions on food webs and their significance for biological control