7,802 research outputs found

    The PROUST radar

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    The Stratosphere-Troposphere (ST) radar called PROUST works at 935 MHz using the same klystron and antenna as the coherent-scatter radar. The use of this equipment for ST work has required some important modifications of the transmitting system and the development of receiving, data processing and acquisition (1984,1985) equipment. The modifications are discussed

    The PROUST radar: First results

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    Two campaigns took place in 1984 with the PROUST Radar operating in a bistatic mode, the transmitting antenna pointing at the vertical and the receiving one, 1 deg. off the vertical axis. The antenna beam intersection covers an altitude range between 3 and 9 km. The first of these campaigns are analyzed. The results analyzed show the capability of the PROUST Radar to measure the turbulent parameters and study the turbulence-wave interaction. In its present configuration (bistatic mode and 600 m vertical resolution), it has been necessary to make some assumptions that are known not to be truly fulfilled: homogeneous turbulence and constant vertical wind intensity over a 600-m thickness. It is clear that a more detailed study of the interaction between wave and turbulence will be possible with the next version of PROUST Radar (30-m altitude resolution and monostatic mode) that will soon be achieved

    The optical-ultraviolet continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies

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    This paper aims to understand the continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies. By fitting the single galaxies in the sample of Heckman et al. (1995) with composite models (shock+ photoionization from the active center), we show that five main components characterize the SED of the continuum. Shocks play an important role since they produce a high temperature zone where soft X-rays are emitted. We show that in the optical-UV range, the slope of the NLR emission reproduces the observed values, and may be the main component of the featureless continuum. The presence of star forming regions cannot be excluded in the circumnuclear region of various Seyfert galaxies. An attempt is made to find their fingerprints in the observed AGN spectra. Finally, it is demonstrated that multi-cloud models are necessary to interpret the spectra of single objects, even in the global investigation of a sample of galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX (including 5 Tables) + 17 PostScript figures. To appear in "The Astrophysical Journal

    A Second Luminous Blue Variable in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    H and K band moderate resolution and 4 μ\mum high resolution spectra have been obtained for FMM#362, a bright star in the Quintuplet Cluster near the Galactic Center. The spectral features in these bands closely match those of the Pistol Star, a luminous blue variable and one of the most luminous stars known. The new spectra and previously-obtained photometry imply a very high luminosity for FMM#362, L 106\geq 10^6 \Lsun, and a temperature of 10,000 - 13,000 K. Based on its luminosity, temperature, photometric variability, and similarities to the Pistol Star, we conclude that FMM#362 is a luminous blue variable.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 4 PostScript figures, 2 table

    Recent star formation in the inner Galactic Bulge seen by ISOGAL. I - Classification of bright mid-IR sources in a test field

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    Context: The stellar populations in the central region of the Galaxy are poorly known because of the high visual extinction and very great source density in this direction. Aims: To use recent infrared surveys for studying the dusty stellar objects in this region. Methods: We analyse the content of a 20x20 arcmin^2 field centred at (l,b)=(-0.27,-0.06) observed at 7 and 15 microns as part of the ISOGAL survey. These ISO observations are more than an order of magnitude better in sensitivity and spatial resolution than the IRAS observations. The sources are cross-associated with other catalogues to identify various types of objects. We then derive criteria to distinguish young objects from post-main sequence stars. Results: We find that a sample of about 50 young stellar objects and ultra-compact HII regions emerges, out of a population of evolved AGB stars. We demonstrate that the sources colours and spatial extents, as they appear in the ISOGAL catalogue, possibly complemented with MSX photometry at 21 microns, can be used to determine whether the ISOGAL sources brighter than 300 mJy at 15 microns (or [15] < 4.5 mag) are young objects or late-type evolved stars.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    As indicações geográficas como estratégia mercadológica para vinhos.

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    Este texto tem como objetivo principal analisar, em termos de estratégia mercadológica, as indicações geográficas (IGs) como instrumento de agregação de valor para o agronegócio brasileiro. Além de analisar a evolução do conceito de indicações geográficas no Brasil, na França e em outros países, este trabalho discute os aspectos mercadológicos desse mecanismo da propriedade intelectual. A fim de ilustrar e sustentar a discussão, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo das IGs, levando-se em conta a percepção das vinícolas brasileiras e de um nicho do mercado consumidor de vinhos do Distrito Federal, Brasil. Neste estudo, foi observado que as IGs são um fator de diferenciação mercadológica nesse nicho de mercado e, também, uma característica relevante que agrega valor aos vinho s. No mínimo 57% dos consumidores pesquisados estariam dispostos a pagar mais por vinhos que possuíssem uma IG. Por sua vez, as vinícolas brasileiras estão cientes da importância mercadológica das IGs, já que 83% das empresas pesquisadas têm tomado iniciativa com esse propósito. Exceto em alguns casos, observou-se o quão distintas são as percepções dos atores da cadeia pesquisada em relação aos fatores mercadológicos estudados, principalmente sobre a IG. Por fim, são tecidas considerações a respeito das indicações geográficas como uma oportunidade de agregação de valor para o agronegócio brasileiro, sugerindo-se que a construção de uma estratégia mercadológica baseada nas indicações geográficas, tendo como público-alvo consumidores que buscam qualidade superior, pode ser comercialmente positiva para determinados produtores e regiões do agronegócio nacional

    The Nature of the Nuclear H2O Masers of NGC 1068: Reverberation and Evidence for a Rotating Disk Geometry

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    We report new (1995) Very Large Array observations and (1984 - 1999) Effelsberg 100m monitoring observations of the 22 GHz H2O maser spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. The sensitive VLA observations provide a registration of the 22 GHz continuum emission and the location of the maser spots with an accuracy of ~ 5 mas. Within the monitoring data, we find evidence that the nuclear masers vary coherently on time-scales of months to years, much more rapidly than the dynamical time-scale. We argue that the nuclear masers are responding in reverberation to a central power source, presumably the central engine. Between October and November 1997, we detected a simultaneous flare of the blue-shifted and red-shifted satellite maser lines. Reverberation in a rotating disk naturally explains the simultaneous flaring. There is also evidence that near-infrared emission from dust grains associated with the maser disk also responds to the central engine. We present a model in which an X-ray flare results in both the loss of maser signal in 1990 and the peak of the near-infrared light curve in 1994. In support of a rotating disk geometry for the nuclear masers, we find no evidence for centripetal accelerations of the redshifted nuclear masers; the limits are +/- 0.006 km/s/year, implying that the masers are located within 2 degrees of the kinematic line-of-nodes. We also searched for high velocity maser emission like that observed in NGC 4258. In both VLA and Effelsberg spectra, we detect no high velocity lines between +/- 350 km/s to +/- 850 km/s relative to systemic, arguing that masers only lie outside a radius of ~ 0.6 pc (1.9 light years) from the central engine (assuming a distance of 14.4 Mpc).Comment: 62 pages, 19 figure

    Stellar sources in the ISOGAL intermediate bulge fields

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    We present a study of ISOGAL sources in the "intermediate" galactic bulge (|ll| << 2^\circ, |bb| \sim 1^\circ--4^\circ), observed by ISOCAM at 7 and 15 μm\mu m. In combination with near-infrared (I, J, Ks_{\rm s}) data of DENIS survey, complemented by 2MASS data, we discuss the nature of the ISOGAL sources, their luminosities, the interstellar extinction and the mass-loss rates. A large fraction of the 1464 detected sources at 15 μm\mu m are AGB stars above the RGB tip, a number of them show an excess in ([7]-[15])0_{\rm 0} and (Ks_{\rm s}-[15])0_{\rm 0} colours, characteristic of mass-loss. The latter, especially (Ks_{\rm s}-[15])0_{\rm 0}, provide estimates of the mass-loss rates and show their distribution in the range 108^{-8} to 105^{-5} M_{\rm \odot}/yr.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic