244 research outputs found

    Profiles of physical, emotional and psychosocial wellbeing in the Lothian birth cohort 1936

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Physical, emotional, and psychosocial wellbeing are important domains of function. The aims of this study were to explore the existence of separable groups among 70-year olds with scores representing physical function, perceived quality of life, and emotional wellbeing, and to characterise any resulting groups using demographic, personality, cognition, health and lifestyle variables.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used latent class analysis (LCA) to identify possible groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results suggested there were 5 groups. These included High (n = 515, 47.2% of the sample), Average (n = 417, 38.3%), and Poor Wellbeing (n = 37, 3.4%) groups. The two other groups had contrasting patterns of wellbeing: one group scored relatively well on physical function, but low on emotional wellbeing (Good Fitness/ Low Spirits,n = 60, 5.5%), whereas the other group showed low physical function but relatively well emotional wellbeing (Low Fitness/Good Spirits, n = 62, 5.7%). Salient characteristics that distinguished all the groups included smoking and drinking behaviours, personality, and illness.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Despite there being some evidence of these groups, the results also support a largely one-dimensional construct of wellbeing in old age—for the domains assessed here—though with some evidence that some individuals have uneven profiles.</p

    CD28/B7-Mediated Co-stimulation Is Critical for Early Control of Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection

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    Abstract Control of acute murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection is dependent upon both innate and adaptive immune responses, relying primarily upon natural killer (NK) and T-cell responses for control. Although CD28/B7 plays a clear role in T-cell responses in many antigen systems including some viral infections, the importance of co-stimulation during MCMV infection is unconfirmed. In addition, recent data suggest that CD28/B7 co-stimulation might also be important to Ly49H+ NK-cell expansion. We therefore hypothesized that CD28/B7 co-stimulation is critical to viral control after MCMV infection, and further that CD28/B7 co-stimulation plays a role in MCMV-specific T- and NK-cell responses. To test these hypotheses, we utilized C57BL/6 mice lacking the co-stimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 or CD28. After primary infection with MCMV, viral titers are significantly elevated in mice lacking CD28 or B7 compared with wild-type mice. Impaired viral control is associated with significant defects in peripheral T-cell responses to MCMV, which appear to be dependent upon CD28/B7 co-stimulation. Abnormal hepatic T-cell responses in CD28/ mice are preceded by impaired MCMV-specific Ly49H+ NK-cell responses. Cytokine evaluations confirm that CD28/B7 co-stimulation is not required for non-specific antiviral responses. We conclude that CD28-mediated co-stimulation is critical for early viral control during acute MCMV infection.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78134/1/vim.2008.0080.pd

    The Islamic Law in the Historical Study

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    Dalam kajian tentang sejarah awal Islam dan agama di dunia Barat, Islam dipandang sebagai agama \u27\u27dalam sejarab". Melaiui pandangan ini, para sarjana mempelajari sejarah awal Islam, di antaranya, dengan menggunakan meiode analisa kritik terbadap sumber-sumber sejarah termasuk kepusiakaan selain Islam dijadikan sebagai sumber dan bukti sejarah. Sejak itu pula hukum Islam dikaji melaiui pendekatan yang sama. Melaiui pendekatan ini diyakini bahwa hukum Islam mengandung tradisi-tradisi keagamaan khususnya di wilayab limur dekat yang ada sebeium Islam, dan dipandang sebagai suatu perkembangan yang berkelanjutan. Sebagaimana hasii kajian daripada Patricia Crone dan Gordon D. Newby menunjukkan bahwa di antara tradisi-tradisi keagamaan dimaksud, saiah satunya, adalab hukum Yahudi. Crone memberikan contoh qasama khususnya yang ada pada mazhab Maiiki dan mengktaim bahwa qasama dimaksud merupakan salah satu tradisi hukum yang ada pada orang-orang Yahudi. Sedangkan Newby memberikan contoh tentang penentuan orang band sebagai laki-iaki atau sebagai perempuan dalam hubungannya dengan pembagian kewarisan yang ada pada catatan \u27Amirb. Zarib di daiam sirah Ibnu Ishaq, dan mengktaim juga bahwa catatan tersebut berasai dari hukum Yahudi. Sebaliknya, pendekatan ini merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang ada dalam kajian hukum Islam dan sangat baik dipakai untuk mencari keseimhangan dan menunjukkan bahwa walaupun terdapat kesamaan antara hukum Islam dengan hukum-hukum yang lain, proses sejarab perkembangan hukum Islam itu sendiri sangat berbeda dan mempunyai karakteryang khusu

    Life history and chemical ecology of the Warrior wasp Synoeca septentrionalis (Hymenoptera : Vespidae, Epiponini)

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    Swarm-founding ‘Warrior wasps’ (Synoeca spp.) are found throughout the tropical regions of South America, are much feared due to their aggressive nest defence and painful sting. There are only five species of Synoeca, all construct distinctive nests that consist of a single sessile comb built onto the surface of a tree or rock face, which is covered by a ribbed envelope. Although locally common, research into this group is just starting. We studied eight colonies of Synoeca septentrionalis, a species recently been described from Brazil. A new colony is established by a swarm of 52 to 140 adults that constructs a colony containing around 200 brood cells. The largest colony collected containing 865 adults and over 1400 cells. The number of queen’s present among the eight colonies varied between 3 and 58 and no clear association between colony development and queen number was detected. Workers and queens were morphologically indistinguishable, but differences in their cuticular hydrocarbons were detected, particularly in their (Z)-9-alkenes. The simple cuticular profile, multiple queens, large size and small number of species makes the ‘Warrior wasps’ an excellent model group for further chemical ecology studies of swarm-founding wasps

    Analysis of the Human Kinome Using Methods Including Fold Recognition Reveals Two Novel Kinases

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    Background: Protein sequence similarity is a commonly used criterion for inferring the unknown function of a protein from a protein of known function. However, proteins can diverge significantly over time such that sequence similarity is difficult, if not impossible, to find. In some cases, a structural similarity remains over long evolutionary time scales and once detected can be used to predict function. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we employed a high-throughput approach to assign structural and functional annotation to the human proteome, focusing on the collection of human protein kinases, the human kinome. We compared human protein sequences to a library of domains from known structures using WU-BLAST, PSI-BLAST, and 123D. This approach utilized both sequence comparison and fold recognition methods. The resulting set of potential protein kinases was cross-checked against previously identified human protein kinases, and analyzed for conserved kinase motifs. Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate that our structure-based method can be used to identify both typical and atypical human protein kinases. We also identify two potentially novel kinases that contain an interesting combination o

    T Cell-Intrinsic and -Extrinsic Contributions of the IFNAR/STAT1-Axis to Thymocyte Survival

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    STAT1 is an essential part of interferon signaling, and STAT1-deficiency results in heightened susceptibility to infections or autoimmunity in both mice and humans. Here we report that mice lacking the IFNα/β-receptor (IFNAR1) or STAT1 display impaired deletion of autoreactive CD4+CD8+-T-cells. Strikingly, co-existence of WT T cells restored thymic elimination of self-reactive STAT1-deficient CD4+CD8+-T cells. Analysis of STAT1-deficient thymocytes further revealed reduced Bim expression, which was restored in the presence of WT T cells. These results indicate that type I interferons and STAT1 play an important role in the survival of MHC class I-restricted T cells in a T cell intrinsic and non-cell intrinsic manner that involves regulation of Bim expression through feedback provided by mature STAT1-competent T cells

    Convulsant Doses of a Dopamine D1 Receptor Agonist Result in Erk-Dependent Increases in Zif268 and Arc/Arg3.1 Expression in Mouse Dentate Gyrus

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    Activation of dopamine D1 receptors (D1Rs) has been shown to induce epileptiform activity. We studied the molecular changes occurring in the hippocampus in response to the administration of the D1-type receptor agonist, SKF 81297. SKF 81297 at 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg induced behavioural seizures. Electrophysiological recordings in the dentate gyrus revealed the presence of epileptiform discharges peaking at 30–45 min post-injection and declining by 60 min. Seizures were prevented by the D1-type receptor antagonist, SCH 23390, or the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist, CP 55,940. The effect of SKF 81297 was accompanied by increased phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 (ERK), in the granule cells of the dentate gyrus. This effect was also observed in response to administration of other D1-type receptor agonists, such as SKF83822 and SKF83959. In addition, SKF 81297 increased the phosphorylation of the ribosomal protein S6 and histone H3, two downstream targets of ERK. These effects were prevented by genetic inactivation of D1Rs, or by pharmacological inhibition of ERK. SKF 81297 was also able to enhance the levels of Zif268 and Arc/Arg3.1, two immediate early genes involved in transcriptional regulation and synaptic plasticity. These changes may be involved in forms of activity-dependent plasticity linked to the manifestation of seizures and to the ability of dopamine to affect learning and memory

    Multiplex RT-PCR Amplification of HIV Genes to Create a Completely Autologous DC-Based Immunotherapy for the Treatment of HIV Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Effective therapy for HIV-infected individuals remains an unmet medical need. Promising clinical trials with dendritic cell (DC)-based immunotherapy consisting of autologous DC loaded with autologous virus have been reported, however, these approaches depend on large numbers of HIV virions to generate sufficient doses for even limited treatment regimens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study describes a novel approach for RT-PCR amplification of HIV antigens. Previously, RT-PCR amplification of autologous viral sequences has been confounded by the high mutation rate of the virus which results in unreliable primer-template binding. To resolve this problem we developed a multiplex RT-PCR strategy that allows reliable strain-independent amplification of highly polymorphic target antigens from any patient and requires neither viral sequence data nor custom-designed PCR primers for each individual. We demonstrate the application of our RT-PCR process to amplify translationally-competent RNA encoding regions of Gag, Vpr, Rev and Nef. The products amplified using this method represent a complex mixture of autologous antigens encoded by viral quasispecies. We further demonstrate that DCs electroporated with in vitro-transcribed HIV RNAs are capable of stimulating poly-antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses in vitro. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study describes a strategy to overcome patient to patient viral diversity enabling strain-independent RT-PCR amplification of RNAs encoding sequence divergent quasispecies of Gag, Vpr, Rev and Nef from small volumes of infectious plasma. The approach allows creation of a completely autologous therapy that does not require advance knowledge of the HIV genomic sequences, does not have yield limitations and has no intact virus in the final product. The simultaneous use of autologous viral antigens and DCs may provoke broad patient-specific immune responses that could potentially induce effective control of viral loads in the absence of conventional antiretroviral drug therapy

    Mammalian Sperm Head Formation Involves Different Polarization of Two Novel LINC Complexes

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    Background: LINC complexes are nuclear envelope bridging protein structures formed by interaction of SUN and KASH proteins. They physically connect the nucleus with the peripheral cytoskeleton and are critically involved in a variety of dynamic processes, such as nuclear anchorage, movement and positioning and meiotic chromosome dynamics. Moreover, they are shown to be essential for maintaining nuclear shape. Findings: Based on detailed expression analysis and biochemical approaches, we show here that during mouse sperm development, a terminal cell differentiation process characterized by profound morphogenic restructuring, two novel distinctive LINC complexes are established. They consist either of spermiogenesis-specific Sun3 and Nesprin1 or Sun1g, a novel non-nuclear Sun1 isoform, and Nesprin3. We could find that these two LINC complexes specifically polarize to opposite spermatid poles likely linking to sperm-specific cytoskeletal structures. Although, as shown in co-transfection/ immunoprecipitation experiments, SUN proteins appear to arbitrarily interact with various KASH partners, our study demonstrates that they actually are able to confine their binding to form distinct LINC complexes. Conclusions: Formation of the mammalian sperm head involves assembly and different polarization of two novel spermiogenesis-specific LINC complexes. Together, our findings suggest that theses LINC complexes connect the differentiating spermatid nucleus to surrounding cytoskeletal structures to enable its well-directed shaping and elongation

    A quantitative systems view of the spindle assembly checkpoint

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    The idle assembly checkpoint acts to delay chromosome segregation until all duplicated sister chromatids are captured by the mitotic spindle. This pathway ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete copy of the genome. The high fidelity and robustness of this process have made it a subject of intense study in both the experimental and computational realms. A significant number of checkpoint proteins have been identified but how they orchestrate the communication between local spindle attachment and global cytoplasmic signalling to delay segregation is not yet understood. Here, we propose a systems view of the spindle assembly checkpoint to focus attention on the key regulators of the dynamics of this pathway. These regulators in turn have been the subject of detailed cellular measurements and computational modelling to connect molecular function to the dynamics of spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. A review of these efforts reveals the insights provided by such approaches and underscores the need for further interdisciplinary studies to reveal in full the quantitative underpinnings of this cellular control pathway