568 research outputs found

    Integration and optimization of pressure retarded osmosis with reverse osmosis for power generation and high efficiency desalination

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Salinity gradient power is proposed as a source of renewable energy when two solutions of different salinity are mixed. In particular, Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) coupled with a Reverse Osmosis process (RO) has been previously suggested for power generation, using RO brine as the draw solution. However, integration of PRO with RO may have further value for increasing the extent of water recovery in a desalination process. Consequently, this study was designed to model the impact of various system parameters to better understand how to design and operate practical PRO-RO units. The impact of feed salinity and recovery rate for the RO process on the concentration of draw solution, feed pressure, and membrane area of the PRO process was evaluated. The PRO system was designed to operate at maximum power density of δP=δπ2. Model results showed that the PRO power density generated intensified with increasing seawater salinity and RO recovery rate. For an RO process operating at 52% recovery rate and 35 g/L feed salinity, a maximum power density of 24 W/m2 was achieved using 4.5 M NaCl draw solution. When seawater salinity increased to 45 g/L and the RO recovery rate was 46%, the PRO power density increased to 28 W/m2 using 5 M NaCl draw solution. The PRO system was able to increase the recovery rate of the RO by up to 18% depending on seawater salinity and RO recovery rate. This result suggested a potential advantage of coupling PRO process with RO system to increase the recovery rate of the desalination process and reduce brine discharge

    Process simulation of ion exchange desalination treatment of coal seam gas associated water

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd The aim of this investigation was to develop an ion exchange process for the remediation of coal seam gas (CSG) associated water to make it suitable for beneficial reuse. The hypothesis was that computational modelling could accelerate the selection of appropriate ion exchange desalination strategies. Hence, we applied AqMB water process engineering software to predict which combination of weak acid cation (WAC), strong acid cation (SAC), weak base anion (WBA) and strong base anion (SBA) resins were most appropriate. Simulation results revealed that both SAC/WBA and SAC/SBA resin combinations were unable to meet water beneficial reuse standards for conductivity (< 950 μS/cm) due to the presence of bicarbonate species (4973 and 1918 μS/cm, respectively). Thus, a degasser unit was necessary to remove the large concentrations (ca. 1328 mg/L) of dissolved carbon dioxide formed due to decomposition of bicarbonate/carbonate species under acidic conditions in the cation resin stages. pH adjustment of effluent from the preferred SBA resin with acid not only did not meet solution conductivity guidelines but also raised the concentration of chloride or sulphate ions to levels, which may be detrimental for crop growth. Addition of a WAC resin allowed production of high quality water (either SAC/SBA/WAC or WAC/SAC/SBA combinations). To comply with sodium adsorption ratio requirements for irrigating soil it was suggested to apply micronized gypsum to the treated water. Economic evaluation suggested the treated water cost was A1003(WAC/SAC/SBA)toA1003 (WAC/SAC/SBA) to A1276 (SAC/SBA/WAC) per ML treated which was comparable to estimated costs for a reverse osmosis desalination system

    Forward osmosis process for supply of fertilizer solutions from seawater using a mixture of draw solutions

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    © 2016 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. Novel desalination approaches are required to provide both drinking and agricultural water as there is ever increasing stress upon precious freshwater resources. It was our hypothesis that a modified Forward Osmosis (FO) process had the potential for production of irrigation water comprising of appropriate concentrations of fertilizers from a seawater feed. Four agents, KNO3, Na2SO4, CaNO3, and MgCl2, plus 35 g/L seawater were used as the draw and feed solutions of the FO process. Net Driving Pressure in the FO process was manipulated either by increasing the concentration of draw solution (FO process) or by increasing feed pressure (Pressure Assisted FO (PAFO) process). A series of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes were used for the regeneration of draw solution. The results suggested that a PAFO process was more energy efficient than simple FO, provided the energy relating to the brine flow from the NF/RO membrane for pressurizing the feed solution of PAFO process was used. Furthermore, this study suggested using a mixture of a primary draw solution, MgCl2, and a secondary draw solution, KNO3, for NO3 supply into the irrigation water was preferable. As such, MgCl2 provided the driving force for fresh water extraction while KNO3 was the source of fertilizer in the irrigation water. Results showed that water quality provided by application of a MgCl2 + KNO3 draw solution was better than that from KNO3 or Ca(NO3)2. The concentrations of NO3 and SO4 in irrigation water were within recommended levels when the diluted draw solution was regenerated by a dual stage low-pressure RO process

    Energy efficiency of hollow fibre membrane module in the forward osmosis seawater desalination process

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    © 2019 This study provided new insights regarding the energy efficiency of hollow fibre forward osmosis modules for seawater desalination; and as a consequence an approach was developed to improve the process performance. Previous analysis overlooked the relationship between the energy efficiency and operating modes of the hollow fibre forward osmosis membrane when the process was scaled-up. In this study, the module length and operating parameters were incorporated in the design of an energy-efficient forward osmosis system. The minimum specific power consumption for seawater desalination was calculated at the thermodynamic limits. Two FO operating modes: (1) draw solution in the lumen and (2) feed solution in the lumen, were evaluated in terms of the desalination energy requirements at a minimum draw solution flow rate. The results revealed that the operating mode of the forward osmosis membrane was important in terms of reducing the desalination energy. In addition, the length of the forward osmosis module was also a significant factor and surprisingly increasing the length of the forward osmosis module was not always advantageous in improving the performance. The study outcomes also showed that seawater desalination by the forward osmosis process was less energy efficient at low and high osmotic draw solution concentration and performed better at 1.2–1.4 M sodium chloride draw solution concentrations. The findings of this study provided a platform to the manufacturers and operators of hollow fibre forward osmosis membrane to improve the energy efficiency of the desalination process

    Limitations of osmotic gradient resource and hydraulic pressure on the efficiency of dual stage PRO process

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    © 2018 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. A dual stage PRO process has been proposed for power generation from a salinity gradient across a semi-permeable membrane. Both closed-loop and open-loop dual stage PRO system were evaluated using 2 M NaCl and Dead Sea as draw solutions, whereas the feed solution was either fresh water or seawater. The impact of feed salinity gradient resource and feed pressure on the net power generation and water flux were evaluated. The results showed that power density in stage one reached a maximum amount at ΔP = p/2, but the maximum net power generation occurred at ΔP = p/2. This result was mainly attributed to the variation of net driving pressure in stage one and two of the PRO process. The dual stage PRO process was found to perform better at high osmotic pressure gradient across the PRO membrane, for example when Dead Sea brine or highly concentrated NaCl was the draw solution. Total power generation in the dual stage PRO process was up to 40% higher than that in the conventional PRO process. This outcome was achieved through harvesting the rest of the energy remaining in the diluted draw solution. Therefore, a dual stage PRO process has the potential of maximizing power generation from a salinity gradient resource

    The role of multiple marks in epigenetic silencing and the emergence of a stable bivalent chromatin state

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    We introduce and analyze a minimal model of epigenetic silencing in budding yeast, built upon known biomolecular interactions in the system. Doing so, we identify the epigenetic marks essential for the bistability of epigenetic states. The model explicitly incorporates two key chromatin marks, namely H4K16 acetylation and H3K79 methylation, and explores whether the presence of multiple marks lead to a qualitatively different systems behavior. We find that having both modifications is important for the robustness of epigenetic silencing. Besides the silenced and transcriptionally active fate of chromatin, our model leads to a novel state with bivalent (i.e., both active and silencing) marks under certain perturbations (knock-out mutations, inhibition or enhancement of enzymatic activity). The bivalent state appears under several perturbations and is shown to result in patchy silencing. We also show that the titration effect, owing to a limited supply of silencing proteins, can result in counter-intuitive responses. The design principles of the silencing system is systematically investigated and disparate experimental observations are assessed within a single theoretical framework. Specifically, we discuss the behavior of Sir protein recruitment, spreading and stability of silenced regions in commonly-studied mutants (e.g., sas2, dot1) illuminating the controversial role of Dot1 in the systems biology of yeast silencing.Comment: Supplementary Material, 14 page

    Impacts of climate change on plant diseases – opinions and trends

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    There has been a remarkable scientific output on the topic of how climate change is likely to affect plant diseases in the coming decades. This review addresses the need for review of this burgeoning literature by summarizing opinions of previous reviews and trends in recent studies on the impacts of climate change on plant health. Sudden Oak Death is used as an introductory case study: Californian forests could become even more susceptible to this emerging plant disease, if spring precipitations will be accompanied by warmer temperatures, although climate shifts may also affect the current synchronicity between host cambium activity and pathogen colonization rate. A summary of observed and predicted climate changes, as well as of direct effects of climate change on pathosystems, is provided. Prediction and management of climate change effects on plant health are complicated by indirect effects and the interactions with global change drivers. Uncertainty in models of plant disease development under climate change calls for a diversity of management strategies, from more participatory approaches to interdisciplinary science. Involvement of stakeholders and scientists from outside plant pathology shows the importance of trade-offs, for example in the land-sharing vs. sparing debate. Further research is needed on climate change and plant health in mountain, boreal, Mediterranean and tropical regions, with multiple climate change factors and scenarios (including our responses to it, e.g. the assisted migration of plants), in relation to endophytes, viruses and mycorrhiza, using long-term and large-scale datasets and considering various plant disease control methods

    A Cluster Randomised Trial Introducing Rapid Diagnostic Tests into Registered Drug Shops in Uganda: Impact on Appropriate Treatment of Malaria

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    Background: Inappropriate treatment of malaria is widely reported particularly in areas where there is poor access to health facilities and self-treatment of fevers with anti-malarial drugs bought in shops is the most common form of care-seeking. The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of introducing rapid diagnostic tests for malaria (mRDTs) in registered drug shops in Uganda, with the aim to increase appropriate treatment of malaria with artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in patients seeking treatment for fever in drug shops. Methods: A cluster-randomized trial of introducing mRDTs in registered drug shops was implemented in 20 geographical clusters of drug shops in Mukono district, central Uganda. Ten clusters were randomly allocated to the intervention (diagnostic confirmation of malaria by mRDT followed by ACT) and ten clusters to the control arm (presumptive treatment of fevers with ACT). Treatment decisions by providers were validated by microscopy on a reference blood slide collected at the time of consultation. The primary outcome was the proportion of febrile patients receiving appropriate treatment with ACT defined as: malaria patients with microscopically-confirmed presence of parasites in a peripheral blood smear receiving ACT or rectal artesunate, and patients with no malaria parasites not given ACT. Findings: A total of 15,517 eligible patients (8672 intervention and 6845 control) received treatment for fever between January-December 2011. The proportion of febrile patients who received appropriate ACT treatment was 72·9% versus 33·7% in the control arm; a difference of 36·1% (95% CI: 21·3 – 50·9), p<0·001. The majority of patients with fever in the intervention arm accepted to purchase an mRDT (97·8%), of whom 58·5% tested mRDT-positive. Drug shop vendors adhered to the mRDT results, reducing over-treatment of malaria by 72·6% (95% CI: 46·7– 98·4), p<0·001) compared to drug shop vendors using presumptive diagnosis (control arm). Conclusion: Diagnostic testing with mRDTs compared to presumptive treatment of fevers implemented in registered drug shops substantially improved appropriate treatment of malaria with ACT

    Differential expression of the brassinosteroid receptor-encoding BRI1 gene in Arabidopsis

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    Abstract Brassinosteroid (BR)-regulated growth and development in Arabidopsis depends on BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1), the BR receptor that is responsible for initiating the events of BR signalling. We analysed the temporal and spatial regulation of BRI1 expression using stable transgenic lines that carried BRI1 promoter:reporter fusions. In both seedlings and mature plants the tissues undergoing elongation or differentiation showed elevated BRI1 gene activity, and it could be demonstrated that in the hypocotyl this was accompanied by accumulation of the BRI1 transcript and its receptor protein product. In seedlings the BRI1 promoter was also found to be under diurnal regulation, determined primarily by light repression and a superimposed circadian control. To determine the functional importance of transcriptional regulation we complemented the severely BR insensitive bri1-101 mutant with a BRI1-luciferase fusion construct that was driven by promoters with contrasting specificities. Whereas the BRI1 promoter-driven transgene fully restored the wild phenotype, expression from the photosynthesisassociated CAB3 and the vasculature-specific SUC2 and ATHB8 promoters resulted in plants with varying morphogenic defects. Our results reveal complex differential regulation of BRI1 expression, and suggest that by influencing the distribution and abundance of the receptor this regulation can enhance or attenuate BR signalling

    Acceleration of the direct identification of Staphylococcus aureus versus coagulase-negative staphylococci from blood culture material: a comparison of six bacterial DNA extraction methods

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    To accelerate differentiation between Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), this study aimed to compare six different DNA extraction methods from two commonly used blood culture materials, i.e. BACTEC and BacT/ALERT. Furthermore, we analysed the effect of reduced blood culture incubation for the detection of staphylococci directly from blood culture material. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) duplex assay was used to compare the six different DNA isolation protocols on two different blood culture systems. Negative blood culture material was spiked with methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Bacterial DNA was isolated with automated extractor easyMAG (three protocols), automated extractor MagNA Pure LC (LC Microbiology Kit MGrade), a manual kit MolYsis Plus and a combination of MolYsis Plus and the easyMAG. The most optimal isolation method was used to evaluate reduced bacterial incubation times. Bacterial DNA isolation with the MolYsis Plus kit in combination with the specific B protocol on the easyMAG resulted in the most sensitive detection of S. aureus, with a detection limit of 10 CFU/ml, in BacT/ALERT material, whereas using BACTEC resulted in a detection limit of 100 CFU/ml. An initial S. aureus or CNS load of 1 CFU/ml blood can be detected after 5 h of incubation in BacT/ALERT 3D by combining the sensitive isolation method and the tuf LightCycler assay