1,998 research outputs found

    Descriptive study of the youth male judoka aged 10-14 years by competitive age group and maturity status

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    [EN] Adolescences, due to the growth and maturation, experience increments in body size..

    IMGT/V-QUEST: the highly customized and integrated system for IG and TR standardized V-J and V-D-J sequence analysis

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    IMGT/V-QUEST is the highly customized and integrated system for the standardized analysis of the immunoglobulin (IG) and T cell receptor (TR) rearranged nucleotide sequences. IMGT/V-QUEST identifies the variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) genes and alleles by alignment with the germline IG and TR gene and allele sequences of the IMGT reference directory. New functionalities were added through a complete rewrite in Java. IMGT/V-QUEST analyses batches of sequences (up to 50) in a single run. IMGT/V-QUEST describes the V-REGION mutations and identifies the hot spot positions in the closest germline V gene. IMGT/V-QUEST can detect insertions and deletions in the submitted sequences by reference to the IMGT unique numbering. IMGT/V-QUEST integrates IMGT/JunctionAnalysis for a detailed analysis of the V-J and V-D-J junctions, and IMGT/Automat for a full V-J- and V-D-J-REGION annotation. IMGT/V-QUEST displays, in ‘Detailed view’, the results and alignments for each submitted sequence individually and, in ‘Synthesis view’, the alignments of the sequences that, in a given run, express the same V gene and allele. The ‘Advanced parameters’ allow to modify default parameters used by IMGT/V-QUEST and IMGT/JunctionAnalysis according to the users’ interest. IMGT/V-QUEST is freely available for academic research at http://imgt.cines.f

    Exploring the contribution of paradiplomacy to climate resilient development : the cases of Oslo and Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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    The IPCC conclusions are clear: the situation is dire, and the window of opportunity to keep a hospitable climate is narrowing. Current systems of global governance are showing their limits in the face of such threats, as the important lag in appropriate climate action illustrates. Moreover, our better understanding of the synergies between climate and societies is pushing for transformations embedding climate resilience within a sustainable and just human development. As such actions are required at all levels, a new type of actor emerging on the international scene deserves attention: subnational governments. Cities and regions worldwide are indeed getting increasingly involved in global affairs, advocating through networks, acting through cooperation, signing treaties… A phenomenon coined as “paradiplomacy” by a growing but fragmented body of literature, that embodies a move towards more polycentric forms of global governance. This thesis explores how the global involvement of subnational governments can contribute to the integrated approach of climate resilient development. By looking at the paradiplomatic activities of two cases – the French region of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Norwegian city of Oslo – this research investigates actual contributions to key dimensions of climate resilience and socially just development. Through a comparative approach, it attempts to identify the factors shaping such contributions, highlighting some of the limits and potentials of a decentralized global climate action, and its integration with issues of socially just human development.M-D


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    Immunogenetics is the science that studies the genetics of the immune system and immune responses. Owing to the complexity and diversity of the immune repertoire, immunogenetics represents one of the greatest challenges for data interpretation: a large biological expertise, a considerable effort of standardization and the elaboration of an efficient system for the management of the related knowledge were required. IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system® (http://www.imgt.org) has reached that goal through the building of a unique ontology, IMGT-ONTOLOGY, which represents the first ontology for the formal representation of knowledge in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics. IMGT-ONTOLOGY manages the immunogenetics knowledge through diverse facets that rely on the seven axioms of the Formal IMGT-ONTOLOGY or IMGT-Kaleidoscope: “IDENTIFICATION,” “DESCRIPTION,” “CLASSIFICATION,” “NUMEROTATION,” “LOCALIZATION,” “ORIENTATION,” and “OBTENTION.” The concepts of identification, description, classification, and numerotation generated from the axioms led to the elaboration of the IMGT® standards that constitute the IMGT Scientific chart: IMGT® standardized keywords (concepts of identification), IMGT® standardized labels (concepts of description), IMGT® standardized gene and allele nomenclature (concepts of classification) and IMGT unique numbering and IMGT Collier de Perles (concepts of numerotation). IMGT-ONTOLOGY has become the global reference in immunogenetics and immunoinformatics for the knowledge representation of immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR), and major histocompatibility (MH) proteins of humans and other vertebrates, proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) and MH superfamily (MhSF), related proteins of the immune system (RPI) of vertebrates and invertebrates, therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), fusion proteins for immune applications (FPIA), and composite proteins for clinical applications (CPCA)

    IMGT/GENE-DB: a comprehensive database for human and mouse immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes

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    IMGT/GENE-DB is the comprehensive IMGT genome database for immunoglobulin (IG) and T cell receptor (TR) genes from human and mouse, and, in development, from other vertebrates. IMGT/GENE-DB is the international reference for the IG and TR gene nomenclature and works in close collaboration with the HUGO Nomenclature Committee, Mouse Genome Database and genome committees for other species. IMGT/GENE-DB allows a search of IG and TR genes by locus, group and subgroup, which are CLASSIFICATION concepts of IMGT-ONTOLOGY. Short cuts allow the retrieval gene information by gene name or clone name. Direct links with configurable URL give access to information usable by humans or programs. An IMGT/GENE-DB entry displays accurate gene data related to genome (gene localization), allelic polymorphisms (number of alleles, IMGT reference sequences, functionality, etc.) gene expression (known cDNAs), proteins and structures (Protein displays, IMGT Colliers de Perles). It provides internal links to the IMGT sequence databases and to the IMGT Repertoire Web resources, and external links to genome and generalist sequence databases. IMGT/GENE-DB manages the IMGT reference directory used by the IMGT tools for IG and TR gene and allele comparison and assignment, and by the IMGT databases for gene data annotation. IMGT/GENE-DB is freely available at http://imgt.cines.fr

    : Volume 5

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    La mise en place effective d'un « espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice » nesaurait faire l'économie d'une réflexion sur l'harmonisation des sanctions pénales.Réflexion indispensable mais encore neuve, ce qui impliquait davantage une mise enquestions que la recherche de solutions.Mise en questions réalisée en trois temps : le Constat, tout d'abord, des droits internesen matière de sanctions encourues, prononcées et exécutées ; les Enjeux et débats, ensuite,ceux de la faisabilité, de l'opportunité et de la légitimité d'une harmonisation ; lesProspectives, enfin, de voies susceptibles de conduire à l'harmonisation, non seulement dansle but de permettre la reconnaissance mutuelle des décisions pénales mais encore de dessinerdes principes communs de sanction, participant ainsi du renforcement d'une communauté dedroits en Europe

    Englishness through the Looking Glass: Intersemiotic and Intercultural Dialogues in The Folding Star (Alan Hollinghurst, 1994) and Bruges-la-Morte (Georges Rodenbach, 1892)

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    Ah, how beautiful the Weald looked! The hills stood out above its radiance, as Fiesole stands above the Tuscan plain, and the South Downs, if one chose, were the mountains of Carrara. She might be forgetting her Italy, but she was noticing more things in her England.(Forster, A Room with a View 145) Alan Hollinghurst’s second work of fiction, The Folding Star (1994), like his other five published novels – among which The Swimming-Pool Library (1988) and the Booker-prize winning Line of Beauty..

    Pistas para una cartografía de la situaciones de calle en Montevideo, Uruguay (2015-2019) : calle, subjetivación, literatura y encuentros

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    La investigación aborda la producción creativa desde la escritura literaria, la afectación en las personas participantes, a partir del recurso literario, y la relación entre la situación de calle, la creación y la subjetivación. También se indaga la relación entre la población de calle, y el encuentro con las políticas públicas (dispositivos de refugio implementados por Ministerio de Desarrollo Social en Montevideo). Tomando a los talleres literarios como eje, entre las políticas y la situación de calle, desde la investigación-intervención. Se analizan los encuentros con las personas, a partir de tres talleres literarios diferentes: el del refugio de La Teja, taller Bibliobarrio, y taller de Centro Urbano. También se hace un acercamiento al vínculo de estas personas con las redes barriales, y los discursos mediáticos. La Cartografía se articula con la Psicología Social del Rio de la Plata, utilizando las técnicas de observación participante, entrevista semi-dirigida, el proceso grupal, y el descentramiento del punto de vista del investigador al momento de estar en el campo. Esta cartografía está organizada en las PISTAS, que funcionan como recurso creativo-metodológico, para una lectura de la afectación, con las situaciones de calle, a partir de la tesis. Las conclusiones obtenidas aportan al intercambio desde las situaciones de calle, resaltando la capacidad de nuevos dispositivos y actividades que redunden en beneficios, para el abordaje de una situación compleja