99 research outputs found

    Accretion History of Subhalo Population now and then

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    In the standard model of structure formation galaxies reside in virialized dark matter haloes which extend much beyond the observational radius of the central system. The dark matter halo formation process is hierarchical, small systems collapse at high redshift and then merge together forming larger ones. In this work we study the mass assembly history of host haloes at different observation redshifts and the mass function of accreted satellites (haloes that merge directly on the main halo progenitor). We show that the satellite mass function is universal, both independent on the host halo mass and observation redshift. The satellite mass function also turn out to be universal once only satellites before or after the host halo formation redshift (time at which the main halo progenitor assembles half of its final mass) are considered. We show that the normalizations of these distributions are directly related to the main halo progenitor mass distributions before and after its formation, while their slope and the exponential high mass cut-off remain unchanged.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the "Invisible Universe International Conference 2009" (6 pages, 3 figures

    Weak Lensing Light-Cones in Modified Gravity simulations with and without Massive Neutrinos

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    We present a novel suite of cosmological N-body simulations called the DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder, implementing simultaneously the effects of an extension to General Relativity in the form of f(R)f(R) gravity and of a non-negligible fraction of massive neutrinos. We describe the generation of simulated weak lensing and cluster counts observables within a past light-cone extracted from these simulations. The simulations have been performed by means of a combination of the MG-GADGET code and a particle-based implementation of massive neutrinos, while the light-cones have been generated using the MapSim pipeline allowing us to compute weak lensing maps through a ray-tracing algorithm for different values of the source plane redshift. The mock observables extracted from our simulations will be employed for a series of papers focussed on understanding and possibly breaking the well-known observational degeneracy between f(R)f(R) gravity and massive neutrinos, i.e. the fact that some specific combinations of the characteristic parameters for these two phenomena (the fR0f_{R0} scalar amplitude and the total neutrino mass Σmν\Sigma m_{\nu}) may result indistinguishable from the standard ΛCDM\mathrm{\Lambda CDM} cosmology through several standard observational probes. In particular, in the present work we show how a tomographic approach to weak lensing statistics could allow - especially for the next generation of wide-field surveys - to disentangle some of the models that appear statistically indistinguishable through standard single-redshift weak lensing probe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS, added theoretical comparisons to the simulation measurement

    GLAMER Part II: Multiple Plane Gravitational Lensing

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    We present an extension to multiple planes of the gravitational lensing code {\small GLAMER}. The method entails projecting the mass in the observed light-cone onto a discrete number of lens planes and inverse ray-shooting from the image to the source plane. The mass on each plane can be represented as halos, simulation particles, a projected mass map extracted form a numerical simulation or any combination of these. The image finding is done in a source oriented fashion, where only regions of interest are iteratively refined on an initially coarse image plane grid. The calculations are performed in parallel on shared memory machines. The code is able to handle different types of analytic halos (NFW, NSIE, power-law, etc.), haloes extracted from numerical simulations and clusters constructed from semi-analytic models ({\small MOKA}). Likewise, there are several different options for modeling the source(s) which can be distributed throughout the light-cone. The distribution of matter in the light-cone can be either taken from a pre-existing N-body numerical simulations, from halo catalogs, or are generated from an analytic mass function. We present several tests of the code and demonstrate some of its applications such as generating mock images of galaxy and galaxy cluster lenses.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The mass-concentration relation in lensing clusters: the role of statistical biases and selection effects

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    The relation between mass and concentration of galaxy clusters traces their formation and evolution. Massive lensing clusters were observed to be over-concentrated and following a steep scaling in tension with predictions from the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. We critically revise the relation in the CLASH, the SGAS, the LOCUSS, and the high-redshift samples of weak lensing clusters. Measurements of mass and concentration are anti-correlated, which can bias the observed relation towards steeper values. We corrected for this bias and compared the measured relation to theoretical predictions accounting for halo triaxiality, adiabatic contraction of the halo, presence of a dominant BCG and, mostly, selection effects in the observed sample. The normalisation, the slope and the scatter of the expected relation are strongly sample-dependent. For the considered samples, the predicted slope is much steeper than that of the underlying relation characterising dark-matter only clusters. We found that the correction for statistical and selection biases in observed relations mostly solve the tension with the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; v2: 14 pages, minor changes, in press on MNRA

    Accretion of satellites onto central galaxies in clusters: merger mass ratios and orbital parameters

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    We study the statistical properties of mergers between central and satellite galaxies in galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0<z<10<z<1, using a sample of dark-matter only cosmological N-body simulations from Le SBARBINE dataset. Using a spherical overdensity algorithm to identify dark-matter haloes, we construct halo merger trees for different values of the over-density Δc\Delta_c. While the virial overdensity definition allows us to probe the accretion of satellites at the cluster virial radius rvirr_{vir}, higher overdensities probe satellite mergers in the central region of the cluster, down to 0.06rvir\approx 0.06 r_{vir}, which can be considered a proxy for the accretion of satellite galaxies onto central galaxies. We find that the characteristic merger mass ratio increases for increasing values of Δc\Delta_c: more than 60%60\% of the mass accreted by central galaxies since z1z\approx 1 comes from major mergers. The orbits of satellites accreting onto central galaxies tend to be more tangential and more bound than orbits of haloes accreting at the virial radius. The obtained distributions of merger mass ratios and orbital parameters are useful to model the evolution of the high-mass end of the galaxy scaling relations without resorting to hydrodynamic cosmological simulations.Comment: accepted by MNRAS (minor comments

    Predicting the number of giant arcs expected in the next generation wide-field surveys from space

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    In this paper we estimate the number of gravitational arcs detectable in a wide-field survey such as that which will be operated by the Euclid space mission, assuming a {\Lambda}CDM cosmology. We use the publicly available code MOKA to obtain realistic deflection angle maps of mock gravitational lenses. The maps are processed by a ray-tracing code to estimate the strong lensing cross sections of each lens. Our procedure involves 1) the generation of a light-cone which is populated with lenses drawn from a theoretical mass-function; 2) the modeling of each single lens using a triaxial halo with a NFW (Navarro-Frenk-White) density profile and theoretical concentration-mass relation, including substructures, 3) the determination of the lensing cross section as a function of redshift for each lens in the light-cone, 4) the simulation of mock observations to characterize the redshift distribution of sources that will be detectable in the Euclid images. We focus on the so-called giant arcs, i.e. gravitational arcs characterized by large length-to-width ratios (l/w > 5, 7.5 and 10). We quantify the arc detectability at different significances above the level of the background. Performing 128 different realizations of a 15,000 sq. degree survey, we find that the number of arcs detectable at 1{\sigma} above the local background will be 8912,2914, and 1275 for l/w>5, 7.5 and 10, respectively. The expected arc numbers decrease to 2409, 790, and 346 for a detection limit at 3{\sigma} above the background level. From our analysis, we find that most of the lenses which contribute to the lensing optical depth are located at redshifts 0.4<zl<0.7 and that the 50% of the arcs are images of sources at zs > 3. This is the first step towards the full characterization of the population of strong lenses that will be observed by Euclid. [abridged]Comment: replaced to match the accepted version by MNRAS, 12 pag, 10 fig - more references adde

    A look to the inside of haloes: a characterisation of the halo shape as a function of overdensity in the Planck cosmology

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    In this paper we study the triaxial properties of dark matter haloes of a wide range of masses extracted from a set of cosmological N-body simulations. We measure the shape at different distances from the halo centre (characterised by different overdensity thresholds), both in three and in two dimensions. We discuss how halo triaxiality increases with mass, redshift and distance from the halo centre. We also examine how the orientation of the different ellipsoids are aligned with each other and what is the gradient in internal shapes for halos with different virial configurations. Our findings highlight that the internal part of the halo retains memory of the violent formation process keeping the major axis oriented toward the preferential direction of the in-falling material while the outer part becomes rounder due to continuous isotropic merging events. This effect is clearly evident in high mass haloes - which formed more recently - while it is more blurred in low mass haloes. We present simple distributions that may be used as priors for various mass reconstruction algorithms, operating in different wavelengths, in order to recover a more complex and realistic dark matter distribution of isolated and relaxed systems.Comment: accepted for publication by MNRAS (15 pag. and 14 fig.

    Characterizing dark interactions with the halo mass accretion history and structural properties

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    We study the halo mass accretion history (MAH) and its correlation with the internal structural properties in coupled dark energy cosmologies (cDE). To accurately predict all the non-linear effects caused by dark interactions, we use the COupled Dark Energy Cosmological Simulations (CoDECS). We measure the halo concentration at z=0 and the number of substructures above a mass resolution threshold for each halo. Tracing the halo merging history trees back in time, following the mass of the main halo, we develope a MAH model that accurately reproduces the halo growth in term of M_{200} in the {\Lambda}CDM Universe; we then compare the MAH in different cosmological scenarios. For cDE models with a weak constant coupling, our MAH model can reproduce the simulation results, within 10% of accuracy, by suitably rescaling the normalization of the linear matter power spectrum at z=0, {\sigma}_8. However, this is not the case for more complex scenarios, like the "bouncing" cDE model, for which the numerical analysis shows a rapid growth of haloes at high redshifts, that cannot be reproduced by simply rescaling the value of {\sigma}_8. Moreover, at fixed value of {\sigma}_8, cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in these cDE scenarios tend to be more concentrated and have a larger amount of substructures with respect to {\Lambda}CDM predictions. Finally, we present an accurate model that relates the halo concentration to the time at which it assembles half or 4% of its mass. Combining this with our MAH model, we show how halo concentrations change while varying only {\sigma}_8 in a {\Lambda}CDM Universe, at fixed halo mass.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mass and Concentration estimates from Weak and Strong Gravitational Lensing: a Systematic Study

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    We study how well halo properties of galaxy clusters, like mass and concentration, are recovered using lensing data. In order to generate a large sample of systems at different redshifts we use the code MOKA. We measure halo mass and concentration using weak lensing data alone (WL), fitting to an NFW profile the reduced tangential shear profile, or by combining weak and strong lensing data, by adding information about the size of the Einstein radius (WL+SL). For different redshifts, we measure the mass and the concentration biases and find that these are mainly caused by the random orientation of the halo ellipsoid with respect to the line-of-sight. Since our simulations account for the presence of a bright central galaxy, we perform mass and concentration measurements using a generalized NFW profile which allows for a free inner slope. This reduces both the mass and the concentration biases. We discuss how the mass function and the concentration mass relation change when using WL and WL+SL estimates. We investigate how selection effects impact the measured concentration-mass relation showing that strong lens clusters may have a concentration 20-30% higher than the average, at fixed mass, considering also the particular case of strong lensing selected samples of relaxed clusters. Finally, we notice that selecting a sample of relaxed galaxy clusters, as is done in some cluster surveys, explain the concentration-mass relation biases.Comment: (1) DIFA-UniBO, (2) INAF-OABo, (3) INFN-BO, (4) JPL-Pasadena 18 pages, 19 figures - accepted for publication by MNRAS, two figures added for comparison with SGAS-SDSS and LoCuSS cluster

    The mass accretion rate of galaxy clusters: a measurable quantity

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    We explore the possibility of measuring the mass accretion rate (MAR) of galaxy clusters from their mass profiles beyond the virial radius R200R_{200}. We derive the accretion rate from the mass of a spherical shell whose inner radius is 2R2002R_{200}, whose thickness changes with redshift, and whose infall velocity is assumed to be equal to the mean infall velocity of the spherical shells of dark matter halos extracted from NN-body simulations. This approximation is rather crude in hierarchical clustering scenarios where both smooth accretion and aggregation of smaller dark matter halos contribute to the mass accretion of clusters.Nevertheless, in the redshift range z=[0,2]z=[0,2], our prescription returns an average MAR within 2040%20-40 \% of the average rate derived from the merger trees of dark matter halos extracted from NN-body simulations. The MAR of galaxy clusters has been the topic of numerous detailed numerical and theoretical investigations, but so far it has remained inaccessible to measurements in the real universe. Since the measurement of the mass profile of clusters beyond their virial radius can be performed with the caustic technique applied to dense redshift surveys of the cluster outer regions, our result suggests that measuring the mean MAR of a sample of galaxy clusters is actually feasible. We thus provide a new potential observational test of the cosmological and structure formation models.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, minor text modifications to match the published version, typos correcte