2,809 research outputs found

    Contribución de la historia y de la filosofía de las ciencias al desarrollo de un modelo de enseñanza/aprendizaje como investigación

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    After the fiasco of the alearning by discovery» orientation and the serious limitations of the areception learningn paradigm, a new consensus is emerging on the nature of mathematics and science learning as a construction of knowledge. These constructivist approaches have taken explicitly into account contemporary views in philosophy of science as an epistemological base for a conception of learning as a conceptual change. Teaching strategies oriented to produce conceptual changes have been developed with promising results, but serious difficulties have also appeared. Our contribution will try to show that those difficulties are due to a still insufficient consideration of the nature of science in the teaching strategies. Consequently, we shall propose some modifications of these strategies, taking more carefully into account the relationship between the nature of science and the nature of learning

    ¿Qué hemos de saber y saber hacer los profesores de ciencias?

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    This work was aimed at synthesizing the scientific knowledge and skills required as determined by experience on science teaching research

    Diez años de investigación en didáctica de las ciencias: realizaciones y perspectivas

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    This paper summarizes the research in science education undertaken by the international community during the past decade, paying a special attention to the Spanish production. We intend to show that science education has improved considerably during this period, becoming a coherent body of knowledge, and we present what could be, in our opinion, the main trends for the next future

    Non-linear Preheating with Scalar Metric Perturbations

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    We have studied preheating of field perturbations in a 3-dimensional lattice including the effect of scalar metric perturbations, in two generic models of inflation: chaotic inflation with a quartic potential, and standard hybrid inflation. We have prepared the initial state for the classical evolution of the system with vanishing vector and tensor metric perturbations, consistent with the constraint equations, the energy and momentum constraints. The non-linear evolution inevitably generates vector and tensor modes, and this reflects on how well the constraint equations are fulfilled during the evolution. The induced preheating of the scalar metric perturbations is not large enough to backreact onto the fields, but it could affect the evolution of vector and tensor modes. This is the case in hybrid inflation for some values of the coupling gg and the height of potential V01/4V_0^{1/4}. For example with V01/41015V_0^{1/4} \simeq 10^{15} GeV, preheating of scalar perturbations is such that their source term in the evolution equation of tensor and vector becomes comparable to that of the field anisotropic stress.Comment: 15 pages, 12 eps figure

    La orientación de las prácticas de laboratorio como investigación : un ejemplo ilustrativo

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    This paper offers a detailed example of transformation of a science practical work, from the usual simple recipe into an open problematic situation capable of favouring pupils' research

    Broadband telecom transparency of semiconductor-coated metal nanowires: more transparent than glass

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    Metallic nanowires (NW) coated with a high permittivity dielectric are proposed as means to strongly reduce the light scattering of the conducting NW, rendering them transparent at infrared wavelengths of interest in telecommunications. Based on a simple, universal law derived from electrostatics arguments, we find appropriate parameters to reduce the scattering efficiency of hybrid metal-dielectric NW by up to three orders of magnitude as compared with the scattering efficiency of the homogeneous metallic NW. We show that metal@dielectric structures are much more robust against fabrication imperfections than analogous dielectric@metal ones. The bandwidth of the transparent region entirely covers the near IR telecommunications range. Although this effect is optimum at normal incidence and for a given polarization, rigorous theoretical and numerical calculations reveal that transparency is robust against changes in polarization and angle of incidence, and also holds for relatively dense periodic or random arrangements. A wealth of applications based on metal-NWs may benefit from such invisibility

    Algunos obstáculos e incomprensiones en torno a la sostenibilidad

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    Este artículo está basado en la comunicación presentada por los mismos autores en el IV Seminario Ibérico de Ciencia-Tecnología- Sociedad en la Educación Científica (Málaga, julio 2006), con el título “Debates en torno a la sostenibilidad: ¿Cómo lograr la implicación generalizada de los educadores?

    La participación en el debate educativo como deber ciudadano. Comentarios y sugerencias en torno al documento “Una educación de calidad para todos y entre todos”

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    Respondiendo a la invitación que el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia ha hecho a toda la sociedad española para participar en el debate en torno a “Una educación de calidad para todos y entre todos” y contribuir así a dichos objetivos, presentamos aquí algunos comentarios y sugerencias que hemos intentado fundamentar en las aportaciones de la investigación e innovación a las que como educadores en el área de las ciencias hemos tenido acceso.Palabras Clave: Reformas educativas; Prevención de desigualdades; Educación como inmersión cultural; Educación para la sostenibilidad.Participation in the educational debate as a citizen's duty. Comments and suggestions on the document "Quality education for all and between all"In response to the call from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to participate in the debate on “Una educación de calidad para todos y entre todos” (A quality education for all by all) we present some comments and suggestions based on the research and innovation that we, as educators in the field of science have had access to.Key words: Educational reform; preventing inequality; education as cultural immersion; education for sustainability