146 research outputs found

    Durability demonstration programme for EURO6 passenger cars: thermal load to after-treatment systems

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    The thermal aging of emission control devices is the most important cause of vehicles' emissions deterioration. This report compares the thermal load generated by the Standard Road Cycle (SRC) with that generated by the Worldwide-harmonized Light-duty Test Cycle (WLTC) on 2 gasoline and 2 diesel vehicles, confirming that the SRC is fit for the purpose.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Particle Number PEMS: Inter-Laboratory: Comparison Exercise

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    This report summarizes the results of the Inter-Laboratory Comparison Exercise for the PN-PEMS equipment that took place between September 2015 and January 2016. The accuracy and precision of PN measurement with two different PN-PEMS was assessed with one selected Golden Vehicle in seven different laboratories across Europe, providing indications for drafting the third package of the RDE regulation. The differences of the PN-PEMS to the reference system at the CVS were between -40% and +40%; similar to those between the reference system at the tailpipe and the CVS. The accuracy and precision of the PN-PEMS, as estimated by comparing them with the reference system at the tailpipe were 10.4% ± 11.9% for the diffusion charger based PN-PEMS and -8.0% ±9.5% for the CPC-based PN-PEMS. The larger differences compared to the reference system at the CVS can be explained by particle transformations between the vehicle tailpipe and the CVS and calibration uncertainties of the reference systems at the CVS. On road tests showed that the PN-PEMS were stable and measuring as in the laboratory. For the tested vehicle technology, there were not significant deviations between the PN emissions measured in the laboratory and the PN emissions measured under real driving conditions at ambient temperatures between 3°C and 25°C.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    2D Particle Transport in a Full Dilution Tunnel of Diesel Vehicle Emissions

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    Current EU legislation establishes particulate-mass emission limits for diesel vehicles, but limits on particle number emissions are also under consideration due to concerns about the adverse health effects of fine particles. We study the turbulent transport of light-duty diesel exhaust particles in a standard emission facility.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    Assessment of the Heavy-Duty Natural Gas technology

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    Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) are seen as a possible option for curbing CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and operating costs of goods transport. CNG engines have been employed in public use HDVs as an alternative to diesel engines due to their environmental benefits, and particularly due to lower particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. In the framework of the current project, an advanced newly designed CNG prototype engine developed as part of the 7th Framework Programme research project “CO2 Reduction for long distance transport” (CO2RE), is benchmarked against its parent Euro V compliant CNG engine (reference) in order to quantify the improvement in terms of real-world emissions. Results indicated a significant reduction in CO2 emissions with the prototype CNG engine both at low and high loads, which varied between 5.0-8.4%. The highest CO2 reduction was observed during on-road testing, with the corresponding reduction at low loads being more pronounced compared to high loads. Furthermore, reductions of NOx and CO emissions were observed under all testing conditions. On the other hand, hydrocarbon and methane emissions were increased with the introduction of the Prototype engine.JRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    EU project GasOn n.652816

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    The demo vehicle of Ford was measured at JRC in January 2019. In the laboratory the old type approval cycle NEDC and the new type approval cycle WLTC were tested. On the road RDE compliant routes were followed. The results showed that: 1. HC emissions were around half of the EU6 limit in NEDC and approximately 35% of the EU6 limit in the WLTC (not required for RDE). 2. NMHC emissions were in the range of 10% of the EU6 limit for both, the NEDC and the WLTC (not required for RDE). 3. CO emissions were about 20% of the EU6 limit in NEDC, approximately 50% of the EU6 limit in the WLTC and RDE and around 30% of the EU6d limit in RDE Urban. 4. NOx emissions were about 40% of the EU6 limit in NEDC, approximately 70% of the EU6 limit in the WLTC, around 85% of the EU6d limit in RDE and within the EU6d RDE Urban limit. 5. PN emissions were about 2% of the EU6 limit in NEDC, approximately 4% of the EU6 limit in the WLTC, below 20% of the EU6d limit in RDE and around 30% of the EU6d RDE Urban limit. Conclusively, all pollutant emissions were below the respective 2020+ emissions limits in both, the laboratory tests (NEDC, WLTP) and on the road (RDE). Most are below 50% of the EU6d limit.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Assessment of the monitoring methodology for CO₂ emissions from heavy duty vehicles: Pilot phase test-campaign report and analysis of the ex-post verification options

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    Following a request from DG-Clima and DG-GROW, JRC launched a test-campaign in order to investigate the validity, accuracy and plausibility of the methodology proposed for the verification of the certified CO2 emissions from Heavy Duty Vehicles (aka ex-post verification methodology). In addition scope of the test campaign was to demonstrate the representativeness of the CO2 emissions calculations made by the official simulator (VECTO) by comparing against the actual performance of vehicles. Experiments were conducted on four Euro VI trucks, both on the chassis dyno and on the road with the aim of understanding the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches proposed. Two main verification approaches were investigated, steady state measurements in chassis-dyno / controlled conditions, and measurements under transient conditions on chassis-dyno and actual on-road operating conditions. The official simulation software (VECTO) was used for simulating the operation of vehicles under the different test conditions. The key conclusion of the test campaign is that an ex-post verification method which is based on transient, on-road tests is possible for trucks and comes with the advantage that it could potentially cover also other vehicle types which are difficult to be validated under steady state conditions in a laboratory or on a test track under controlled conditions. However, there is a clear need to work on the details of the test protocol to be finally implemented, define boundary conditions for transient tests on road, and establish the necessary acceptance and rejection margins for any such validation. Finally, additional testing is necessary in order to calculate accurately any systematic deviation between the officially reported, simulated, CO2 values and those actually occurring in reality. VECTO results should be periodically controlled and assessed in order to make sure that its CO2 estimates remain representative and minimize the possibility that discrepancies will occur in the future between the officially reported and actually experienced fuel consumption.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Real Driving Emissions: 2017 Assessment of PEMS measurement uncertainty

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    Regulation 2016/427 introduced on-road testing with Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) to complement the laboratory Type I test for the type approval of light-duty vehicles in the European Union. A NOx conformity factor of 1.5 will apply from January 2020/2021. This conformity factor includes a margin of 0.5 to account for the additional measurement uncertainty of PEMS relative to standard laboratory equipment. Said margin (and also the PN margin, initially set at 0.5 by Regulation (EU) 2017/1154 (RDE3), has to be reviewed annually (Recital 10 of Regulation 2016/646). This report summarizes the first review of the NOx margin and lays out the framework for future margin reviews. Since the PN margin was first set in 2017, it was not included in the 2017 review exercise. Based on experimental data received by the stakeholders, technical improvements of PEMS and assumptions of possible zero drift during the tests, a NOx margin of 0.24 to 0.43 was calculated.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    PMP Inter-laboratory Correlation Exercise: Report on PART3: JRC Tests in July '06

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    This document reports the results of the third part of the testing performed during the PMP inter-laboratory exercise - 13 July to 18 August 2006 - conducted at the Vehicles Emissions Laboratory (VELA2) in the Transport and Air Quality Unit of the European Commission¿s Joint Research Centre (JRC-Ispra). This report presents the results of the work undertaken on a 2.0 HDi diesel car equipped with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), i.e. the Golden Vehicle. Most of the tests complied with all the requirements of the document UN-GRPE PMP Phase 3. Inter-laboratory Correlation Exercise: Framework and Laboratory Guide. The measurements included both filter based particulate mass measurements and real-time particle number measurements performed under transient conditions on a chassis dynamometer. Extra tests were conducted in order to investigate the effect of the PMP recommendations over the legislated procedures (filter media, temperature, cyclone, no backup filter). Moreover the regeneration emissions were investigated. Finally comparisons with the previous measurements of the same vehicle in JRC were made.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    EU-PEMS PM Evaluation Program - First Report

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    The European legislation has adopted the Portable Emissions Measurement Systems (PEMS) as a tool to check the conformity of heavy-duty engines during their real operation. The current developments foresee the verification of gaseous emissions. The measurement and the control of in-service Particulate Mass (PM) emissions using on-board equipment has been delayed, as the technological status of the portable PM instrumentation had been judged insufficient. The European PEMS PM project was launched in 2007. Its main objective was to assess the technological status of the PEMS PM equipment. Initially, the main requirements set for the candidate instruments were: - to measure the PM mass, possibly according to existing standards; - to be designed for on-board testing regarding handling, test durations and power consumption; - to be advanced prototypes or commercially available equipment. An additional but important requirement was introduced: to be able to evaluate the in-service emissions (which is done in the United States through the Not To Exceed (NTE) approach), the European legislation has adopted a moving averaging window method. For such calculations, the accumulated PM mass had to be measured or estimated at any time during a test. The strategy used to evaluate the candidate instruments was simple and empirical. Using different engines, test cycles and fuels, the candidates were required to provide the best possible correlation with the reference laboratory systems. This ¿laboratory to portable¿ comparison was carried out for to the total PM mass measurements. The real-time PM results have been cross-correlated. In parallel to the program, some Particle Number (PN) measurements have been performed using equipment and test procedures in line with the European standards developed to test light-duty vehicles. This abstract provides the main findings of this project regarding PM, as presented and discussed in the final report of the European PEMS PM program. Furthermore, it gives the engine PN emissions and provides a first clue regarding the feasibility of PN for in-service testing. Different PM PEMS were evaluated in the lab with 3 heavy-duty engines which cover a wide range of emissions. The PM differences were in general 15% lower (SPC, OBS, micro-PSS) than the PM measured with a full dilution tunnel. Higher differences (35%) were found for MSS which measures soot. For the DPF engine the differences were >50% due to the volatile artifact on the filter. The PN differences between CVS and SPC were for all engines (and emission levels) within 15%. In addition to the PN method (non-volatiles measured with a CPC), MSS and DC were found to be sensitive enough at the low emission levels (post DPF). ETaPS and DMM (with dilution) were not sensitive enough for DPF engine. The conclusion of this work is that mass (on a filter) is not sensitive enough for low emission engines and the number method should be preferred. If PEMSs continue to use the filter method, then the real time instrument they use can affect the calculation factor as each instrument measures different particle property (number, surface, mass). Nevertheless, all these parameters do not affect the result enough to exceed the 10 mg/kWh limit of the future European HD regulation. They should be however seriously taken into account for lower emission levels.JRC.DDG.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) Heavy-Duty (HD) Inter-laboratory Exercise: Exploratory Work at JRC (Oct2007 - Feb2008)

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    This document reports the results of the exploratory work during the PMP Heavy-Duty inter-laboratory exercise - from Oct. '07 to Feb. '08 - conducted at the Vehicles Emissions Laboratory (VELA-5) in the Transport and Air Quality Unit of the European Commission¿s Joint Research Centre (JRC, Ispra). This report presents the results of the work undertaken on an IVECO Cursor 8 Heavy-Duty engine equipped with a Continuous Regenerating Trap (CRT), i.e. the Golden Engine. Main objective of these tests were to finalize the measurement protocol that will be used in the validation exercise and the round robin. These tests included background tests, filter media effect, filter face velocity, preconditioning effect, comparisons of different particle number systems, and investigation of the golden instruments.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit