827 research outputs found

    Fair scans of the seesaw. Consequences for predictions on LFV processes

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    Usual analyses based on scans of the seesaw parameter-space can be biassed since they do not cover in a fair way the complete parameter-space. More precisely, we show that in the common "R-parametrization", many acceptable R-matrices, compatible with the perturbativity of Yukawa couplings, are normally disregarded from the beginning, which produces biasses in the results. We give a straightforward procedure to scan the space of complex R-matrices in a complete way, giving a very simple rule to incorporate the perturbativity requirement as a condition for the entries of the R-matrix, something not considered before. As a relevant application of this, we show that the extended believe that BR(mu --> e, gamma) in supersymmetric seesaw models depends strongly on the value of theta_13 is an "optical effect" produced by such biassed scans, and does not hold after a careful analytical and numerical study. When the complete scan is done, BR(mu --> e, gamma) gets very insensitive to theta_13. Moreover, the values of the branching ratio are typically larger than those quoted in the literature, due to the large number of acceptable points in the parameter-space which were not considered before. Including (unflavoured) leptogenesis does not introduce any further dependence on theta_13, although decreases the typical value of BR(mu --> e, gamma).Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Non-resonant leptogenesis in seesaw models with an almost conserved B-L

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    We review the motivations and some results on leptogenesis in seesaw models with an almost conserved lepton number. The paper is based on a talk given at the 5th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, SSP2012.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Published in the proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, SSP201

    Identification of complex health interventions suitable for evaluation: development and validation of the 8-step scoping framework

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    Background: There is extensive literature on the methodology of evaluation research and the development and evaluation of complex interventions but little guidance on the formative stages before evaluation and how to work with partner organizations that wish to have their provision evaluated. It is important to be able to identify suitable projects for evaluation from a range of provision and describe the steps required, often with academic institutions working in partnership with external organizations, in order to set up an evaluation. However, research evaluating programs or interventions rarely discusses these stages. Objective: This study aimed to extend work on evaluability assessment and pre-evaluation planning by proposing an 8-Step Scoping Framework to enable the appraisal of multiple programs in order to identify interventions suitable for evaluation. We aimed to add to the literature on evaluability assessment and more recent evaluation guidance by describing the processes involved in working with partner organizations. Methods: This paper documents the steps required to identify multiple complex interventions suitable for process and outcome evaluation. The steps were developed using an iterative approach by working alongside staff in a local government organization, to build an evidence base to demonstrate which interventions improve children’s outcomes. The process of identifying suitable programs for evaluation, thereby establishing the pre-evaluation steps, was tested using all Flying Start provision. Results: The 8-Step Scoping Framework was described using the example of the local government organization Flying Start to illustrate how each step contributes to finding projects suitable for process and outcome evaluation: (1) formulating overarching key questions that encompass all programs offered by an organization, (2) gaining an in-depth understanding of the work and provision of an organization and engaging staff, (3) completing a data template per project/program offered, (4) assessing the robustness/validity of data across all programs, (5) deciding on projects suitable for evaluation and those requiring additional data, (6) negotiating with chosen project leads, both within and outside the organization, (7) developing individual project evaluation protocols, and (8) applying for ethical approval from the university and partner organization. Conclusions: This paper describes the processes involved in identifying suitable projects for evaluation. It adds to the existing literature on the assessment of specific programs suitable for evaluation and guidance for conducting evaluations by establishing the formative steps required to identify suitable programs from a range of provision. This scoping framework particularly relates to academic partners and organizations tasked with delivering evidence-based services designed to meet local needs. The steps identified have been described in the context of early years provision but can be applied to a range of community-based evaluations, or more generally, to cases where an academic partner is working with external stakeholders to identify projects suitable for academic evaluation

    Flavoured soft leptogenesis and natural values of the B term

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    We revisit flavour effects in soft leptogenesis relaxing the assumption of universality for the soft supersymmetry breaking terms. We find that with respect to the case in which the heavy sneutrinos decay with equal rates and equal CP asymmetries for all lepton flavours, hierarchical flavour configurations can enhance the efficiency by more than two orders of magnitude. This translates in more than three order of magnitude with respect to the one-flavour approximation. We verify that lepton flavour equilibration effects related to off-diagonal soft slepton masses are ineffective for damping these large enhancements. We show that soft leptogenesis can be successful for unusual values of the relevant parameters, allowing for BO(TeV)B\sim {\cal O}({\rm TeV}) and for values of the washout parameter up to meff/m5×103m_{\rm eff}/m_* \sim 5\times 10^{3}.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures postscript, Minor changes to match the published version in JHE

    Examining leptogenesis with lepton flavor violation and the dark matter abundance

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    Within a supersymmetric (SUSY) type-I seesaw framework with flavor-blind universal boundary conditions, we study the consequences of requiring that the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe be explained by either thermal or non-thermal leptogenesis. In the former case, we find that the parameter space is very constrained. In the bulk and stop-coannihilation regions of mSUGRA parameter space (that are consistent with the measured dark matter abundance), lepton flavor-violating (LFV) processes are accessible at MEG and future experiments. However, the very high reheat temperature of the Universe needed after inflation (of about 10^{12} GeV) leads to a severe gravitino problem, which disfavors either thermal leptogenesis or neutralino dark matter. Non-thermal leptogenesis in the preheating phase from SUSY flat directions relaxes the gravitino problem by lowering the required reheat temperature. The baryon asymmetry can then be explained while preserving neutralino dark matter, and for the bulk or stop-coannihilation regions LFV processes should be observed in current or future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Composite Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    If electroweak symmetry breaking arises via strongly-coupled physics, the observed suppression of flavour-changing processes suggests that fermion masses should arise via mixing of elementary fermions with composite fermions of the strong sector. The strong sector then carries colour charge, and may contain composite leptoquark states, arising either as TeV scale resonances, or even as light, pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. The latter, since they are coupled to colour, get a mass of the order of several hundred GeV, beyond the reach of current searches at the Tevatron. The same generic mechanism that suppresses flavour-changing processes suppresses leptoquark-mediated rare processes, making it conceivable that the many stringent constraints may be evaded. The leptoquarks couple predominantly to third-generation quarks and leptons, and the prospects for discovery at LHC appear to be good. As an illustration, a model based on the Pati-Salam symmetry is described, and its embedding in models with a larger symmetry incorporating unification of gauge couplings, which provide additional motivation for leptoquark states at or below the TeV scale, is discussed.Comment: 10 pp, version to appear in JHE

    FCNC Effects in a Minimal Theory of Fermion Masses

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    As a minimal theory of fermion masses we extend the SM by heavy vectorlike fermions, with flavor-anarchical Yukawa couplings, that mix with chiral fermions such that small SM Yukawa couplings arise from small mixing angles. This model can be regarded as an effective description of the fermionic sector of a large class of existing flavor models and thus might serve as a useful reference frame for a further understanding of flavor hierarchies in the SM. Already such a minimal framework gives rise to FCNC effects through exchange of massive SM bosons whose couplings to the light fermions get modified by the mixing. We derive general formulae for these corrections and discuss the bounds on the heavy fermion masses. Particularly stringent bounds, in a few TeV range, come from the corrections to the Z couplings.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Non-unitary Leptonic Mixing and Leptogenesis

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    We investigate the relation between non-unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix and leptogenesis. We discuss how all parameters of the canonical type-I seesaw mechanism can, in principle, be reconstructed from the neutrino mass matrix and the deviation of the effective low-energy leptonic mixing matrix from unitary. When the mass M' of the lightest right-handed neutrino is much lighter than the masses of the others, we show that its decay asymmetries within flavour-dependent leptogenesis can be expressed in terms of two contributions, one depending on the unique dimension five (d=5) operator generating neutrino masses and one depending on the dimension six (d=6) operator associated with non-unitarity. In low-energy seesaw scenarios where small lepton number violation explains the smallness of neutrino masses, the lepton number conserving d=6 operator contribution generically dominates over the d=5 operator contribution which results in a strong enhancement of the flavour-dependent decay asymmetries without any resonance effects. To calculate the produced final baryon asymmetry, the flavour equilibration effects directly related to non-unitarity have to be taken into account. In a simple realization of this non-unitarity driven leptogenesis, the lower bound on M' is found to be about 10^8 GeV at the onset of the strong washout regime, more than one order of magnitude below the bound in "standard" thermal leptogenesis.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX4, 2 eps and 2 axodraw figure

    Flavor Violating Higgs Decays

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    We study a class of nonstandard interactions of the newly discovered 125 GeV Higgs-like resonance that are especially interesting probes of new physics: flavor violating Higgs couplings to leptons and quarks. These interaction can arise in many frameworks of new physics at the electroweak scale such as two Higgs doublet models, extra dimensions, or models of compositeness. We rederive constraints on flavor violating Higgs couplings using data on rare decays, electric and magnetic dipole moments, and meson oscillations. We confirm that flavor violating Higgs boson decays to leptons can be sizeable with, e.g., h -> tau mu and h -> tau e branching ratios of order 10% perfectly allowed by low energy constraints. We estimate the current LHC limits on h -> tau mu and h -> tau e decays by recasting existing searches for the SM Higgs in the tau-tau channel and find that these bounds are already stronger than those from rare tau decays. We also show that these limits can be improved significantly with dedicated searches and we outline a possible search strategy. Flavor violating Higgs decays therefore present an opportunity for discovery of new physics which in some cases may be easier to access experimentally than flavor conserving deviations from the Standard Model Higgs framework.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables; v2: Improved referencing, updated mu -> 3e bounds to include large loop contributions, corrected single top constraints; conclusions unchanged; matches version to be published in JHEP; v3: included 2-loop contributions in mu -> e conversion, improved discussion of tau -> 3 mu and of EDM constraints on FV top-Higgs couplings; conclusions unchange

    Supersymmetry in the shadow of photini

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    Additional neutral gauge fermions -- "photini" -- arise in string compactifications as superpartners of U(1) gauge fields. Unlike their vector counterparts, the photini can acquire weak-scale masses from soft SUSY breaking and lead to observable signatures at the LHC through mass mixing with the bino. In this work we investigate the collider consequences of adding photini to the neutralino sector of the MSSM. Relatively large mixing of one or more photini with the bino can lead to prompt decays of the lightest ordinary supersymmetric particle; these extra cascades transfer most of the energy of SUSY decay chains into Standard Model particles, diminishing the power of missing energy as an experimental handle for signal discrimination. We demonstrate that the missing energy in SUSY events with photini is reduced dramatically for supersymmetric spectra with MSSM neutralinos near the weak scale, and study the effects on limits set by the leading hadronic SUSY searches at ATLAS and CMS. We find that in the presence of even one light photino the limits on squark masses from hadronic searches can be reduced by 400 GeV, with comparable (though more modest) reduction of gluino mass limits. We also consider potential discovery channels such as dilepton and multilepton searches, which remain sensitive to SUSY spectra with photini and can provide an unexpected route to the discovery of supersymmetry. Although presented in the context of photini, our results apply in general to theories in which additional light neutral fermions mix with MSSM gauginos.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, references adde