925 research outputs found

    Development of a methodology for classifying software errors

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    A mathematical formalization of the intuition behind classification of software errors is devised and then extended to a classification discipline: Every classification scheme should have an easily discernible mathematical structure and certain properties of the scheme should be decidable (although whether or not these properties hold is relative to the intended use of the scheme). Classification of errors then becomes an iterative process of generalization from actual errors to terms defining the errors together with adjustment of definitions according to the classification discipline. Alternatively, whenever possible, small scale models may be built to give more substance to the definitions. The classification discipline and the difficulties of definition are illustrated by examples of classification schemes from the literature and a new study of observed errors in published papers of programming methodologies

    The Relationship Between HR Practices and Firm Performance: Examining Causal Order

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    Significant research attention has been devoted to examining the relationship between HR practices and firm performance, and the research support has assumed HR as the causal variable. Using data from 45 business units (with 62 data points), this study examines how measures of HR practices correlate with past, concurrent, and future operational performance measures. The results indicate that correlations with performance measures at all three times are both high and invariant, and that controlling for past or concurrent performance virtually eliminates the correlation of HR with future performance. Implications are discussed

    The compositional and evolutionary logic of metabolism

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    Metabolism displays striking and robust regularities in the forms of modularity and hierarchy, whose composition may be compactly described. This renders metabolic architecture comprehensible as a system, and suggests the order in which layers of that system emerged. Metabolism also serves as the foundation in other hierarchies, at least up to cellular integration including bioenergetics and molecular replication, and trophic ecology. The recapitulation of patterns first seen in metabolism, in these higher levels, suggests metabolism as a source of causation or constraint on many forms of organization in the biosphere. We identify as modules widely reused subsets of chemicals, reactions, or functions, each with a conserved internal structure. At the small molecule substrate level, module boundaries are generally associated with the most complex reaction mechanisms and the most conserved enzymes. Cofactors form a structurally and functionally distinctive control layer over the small-molecule substrate. Complex cofactors are often used at module boundaries of the substrate level, while simpler ones participate in widely used reactions. Cofactor functions thus act as "keys" that incorporate classes of organic reactions within biochemistry. The same modules that organize the compositional diversity of metabolism are argued to have governed long-term evolution. Early evolution of core metabolism, especially carbon-fixation, appears to have required few innovations among a small number of conserved modules, to produce adaptations to simple biogeochemical changes of environment. We demonstrate these features of metabolism at several levels of hierarchy, beginning with the small-molecule substrate and network architecture, continuing with cofactors and key conserved reactions, and culminating in the aggregation of multiple diverse physical and biochemical processes in cells.Comment: 56 pages, 28 figure

    Centennial-scale reductions in nitrogen availability in temperate forests of the United States

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    Forests cover 30% of the terrestrial Earth surface and are a major component of the global carbon (C) cycle. Humans have doubled the amount of global reactive nitrogen (N), increasing deposition of N onto forests worldwide. However, other global changes—especially climate change and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations—are increasing demand for N, the element limiting primary productivity in temperate forests, which could be reducing N availability. To determine the long-term, integrated effects of global changes on forest N cycling, we measured stable N isotopes in wood, a proxy for N supply relative to demand, on large spatial and temporal scales across the continental U.S.A. Here, we show that forest N availability has generally declined across much of the U.S. since at least 1850 C.E. with cool, wet forests demonstrating the greatest declines. Across sites, recent trajectories of N availability were independent of recent atmospheric N deposition rates, implying a minor role for modern N deposition on the trajectory of N status of North American forests. Our results demonstrate that current trends of global changes are likely to be consistent with forest oligotrophication into theforeseeable future, further constraining forest C fixation and potentially storage

    Human Resources and the Resource Based View of the Firm

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    The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm has influenced the field of strategic human resource management (SHRM) in a number of ways. This paper explores the impact of the RBV on the theoretical and empirical development of SHRM. It explores how the fields of strategy and SHRM are beginning to converge around a number of issues, and proposes a number of implications of this convergence

    Choosing Whether to Lead, Lag, or Match the Market

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    This paper demonstrates how cost-benefit analysis can be used to develop a company\u27s pay strategy. Using the case of Punk\u27s Backyard Grill, a new venture starting in the Washington, DC area, quantitative aspects of Utility Analysis are combined with the judgments of the company\u27s owners to provide estimates of the value associated with seven pay strategies. Results showed that leading the market by 5% produced the greatest return. Sensitivity analysis is used to see how drastically estimates changes owing to the nature of the paper\u27s estimates. This methods presented in this paper should help others making pay policy decisions use cost-benefit analysis as part of their decision process

    Signaling in Secret: Pay-for-Performance and the Incentive and Sorting Effects of Pay Secrecy

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    Key Findings: Pay secrecy adversely impacts individual task performance because it weakens the perception that an increase in performance will be accompanied by increase in pay; Pay secrecy is associated with a decrease in employee performance and retention in pay-for-performance systems, which measure performance using relative (i.e., peer-ranked) criteria rather than an absolute scale (see Figure 2 on page 5); High performing employees tend to be most sensitive to negative pay-for- performance perceptions; There are many signals embedded within HR policies and practices, which can influence employees’ perception of workplace uncertainty/inequity and impact their performance and turnover intentions; and When pay transparency is impractical, organizations may benefit from introducing partial pay openness to mitigate these effects on employee performance and retention

    Accentuating institutional brands: A multimodal analysis of the homepages of selected South African universities

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    In seeking to disentangle themselves from the constraints of apartheid, South African universities have immersed themselves in an identity modification process in which they not only seek to redress the past, but also to reposition their identities as equal opportunity and non-racial institutions. In this paper, we investigate how the University of the Western Cape, the University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch University have used visual and verbal semiotics to re-design their identities on their homepages to appeal to diverse national and international clients. Using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA), we show how the multi-semiotic choices work together on the homepages to give the universities differentiated, competitive, powerful and attractive brands. We conclude that the homepages blended cultural semiotic artefacts, historical, global and transformational discourses, and architectural landscapes to construct different brand identities that, in turn, rebrand the universities from edifices of apartheid education to equal opportunity institutions
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