5,133 research outputs found

    AC electric trapping of neutral atoms

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    We study the dynamic behavior of ultracold neutral atoms in a macroscopic ac electric trap. Confinement in such a trap is achieved by switching between two saddle-point configurations of the electric field. The gradual formation of a stably trapped cloud is observed and the trap performance is studied versus the switching frequency and the symmetry of the switching cycle. Additionally, the electric field in the trap is mapped out by imaging the atom cloud while the fields are still on. Finally, the phase-space acceptance of the trap is probed by introducing a modified switching cycle. The experimental results are reproduced using full three-dimensional trajectory calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, updated version, added journal referenc

    The Infrared Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distances to the Hydra and Coma Clusters

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    We present IR surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) distance measurements to NGC 4889 in the Coma cluster and to NGC 3309 and NGC 3311 in the Hydra cluster. We explicitly corrected for the contributions to the fluctuations from globular clusters, background galaxies, and residual background variance. We measured a distance of 85 +/- 10 Mpc to NGC 4889 and a distance of 46 +/- 5 Mpc to the Hydra cluster. Adopting recession velocities of 7186 +/- 428 km/s for Coma and 4054 +/- 296 km/s for Hydra gives a mean Hubble constant of H_0 = 87 +/- 11 km/s/Mpc. Corrections for residual variances were a significant fraction of the SBF signal measured, and, if underestimated, would bias our measurement towards smaller distances and larger values of H_0. Both NICMOS on the Hubble Space Telescope and large-aperture ground-based telescopes with new IR detectors will make accurate SBF distance measurements possible to 100 Mpc and beyond.Comment: 24 pages, 4 PostScript figures, 2 JPEG images; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Interaction of Neurones

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    Author Institution: University of Chicag

    The in Vitro Respiration of Nerve

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    The Lemaitre-Schwarzschild Problem Revisited

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    The Lemaitre and Schwarzschild analytical solutions for a relativistic spherical body of constant density are linked together through the use of the Weyl quadratic invariant. The critical radius for gravitational collapse of an incompressible fluid is shown to vary continuously from 9/8 of the Schwarzschild radius to the Schwarzschild radius itself while the internal pressures become locally anisotropic.Comment: Final version as accepted by GR&G (to appear in vol. 34, september 2002

    Implementing tradable permits for sulfur oxides emissions : a case study in the South Coast Air Basin

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    Tradable emissions permits have important theoretical advantages over source-specific technical standards as a means for controlling pollution. Nonetheless, difficulties can arise in trying to implement an efficient, competitive market in emissions permits. Simple workable versions of the market concept may fail to achieve the competitive equilibrium, or to take account of important complexities in the relationship between the pattern of emissions and the geographical distribution of pollution. Existing regulatory law may severely limit the range of market opportunities that states can adopt. This report examines the feasibility of tradable permits for controlling particulate sulfates in the Los Angeles airshed. Although the empirical part of the paper deals with a specific case, the methods developed have general applicability. Moreover, the particular market design that is proposed -- an auction process that involves no net revenue collection by the state -- has attractive features as a general model

    Reversible DNA micro-patterning using the fluorous effect

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    We describe a new method for the immobilisation of DNA into defined patterns with sub-micron resolution, using the fluorous effect. The method is fully reversible via a simple solvent wash, allowing the patterning, regeneration and re-patterning of surfaces with no degradation in binding efficiency following multiple removal/attachment cycles of different DNA sequences

    Multilayered nanoplasmonic arrays for self-referenced biosensing

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    Nanostructured sensors based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) offer a number of advantages over other optical sensing technologies, making them excellent candidates for miniaturized, label-free chemical and biological detection. Highly sensitive to local refractive index changes, the resonance peaks of the nanosensors shift by different amounts when subject to different biological and chemical environments. Modifications to the nanostructure surface allow for the detection of specific molecules and chemicals with shifts so sensitive that the presence of single molecules can be detected. However, this extreme sensitivity has its drawbacks. Resonance shifts also occur because of temperature shifts, light-intensity fluctuations, and other environmental factors. To distinguish detection from drift, a secondary sensor region is often required. This often doubles the size of the device, requires two light sources and detectors (or complex optics), doubles the sample volume required (which may be expensive, or may not be possible if the sample quantity is limited), and subjects the reference to potential biofouling. Here, we present a new proof-of-concept multilayered LSPR sensor design that incorporates both a sensing layer and an encapsulated reference layer within the same region. By doing so, we are able to monitor and correct for sensor drift without the need for a secondary reference channel. We demonstrate the suitability of this sensor for sucrose concentration measurements and for the detection of biotin–avidin interactions, while also showing that the sensor can self-correct for drift. We believe that this multilayer sensor design holds promise for point-of-care diagnostics
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