9 research outputs found

    Nutritional knowledge, source of nutritional knowledge and physical activity status of a group of primary school teachers

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    Çocukluk çagı obezitesi giderek yaygınlasması ve eriskin dönem obezitesinin bir öncülü olması dolayısı ile önemli bir sorundur. Okul-temelli çalısmalar bu çagdaki obezitenin azaltılması için kullanılan yöntemlerdir. Ilkögretim döneminin zorunlu olması ve toplumun her kesiminden çocuga bu ortam vasıtası ile ulasılabilmesi okul-temelli yöntemlerin önemini arttırmaktadır. Bu arastırma ögrencilere egitim veren ve rol-model olan ilkögretim ögretmenlerinin beslenme ve fizik aktivite ile ilgili bilgileri ve durumlarını belirlemek üzere düzenlenmistir. Onbes farklı ilde çalısan 143 ögretmenin beslenme bilgileri, bilgi kaynakları ve fizik aktivite durumları anket yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmistir. Beslenme bilgi düzeyi olarak ögretmenlerin %80.9'u yetersiz ve %19.1'i ise yeterli olarak bulunmustur. Beslenme bilgileri daha çok medya kaynaklıdır. Fizik aktivite durumu olarak fizik aktivite düzeyleri yetersiz olanların oranı %77.9 olarak bulunmustur. Sonuç olarak ögretmenlerin saglıklı beslenme konusunda egitime ihtiyaçları oldugunu ve fizik aktivite düzeylerinin yetersiz oldugunu düsünmekteyiz.Childhood obesity is an important problem due to its increasing prevalance and being a precursor of adult obesity. School-based interventions are methods used to reduce childhood obesity. Because primary education is obligatory and giving the chance to reach all children from each socioeconomic status school-based interventions has an increasing importance.This study is designed to determine the physical activity status and nutritional knowledege of primary school teachers who are also role-model for students. Nutrition knowledge and its source, physical activity status of 143 teachers who are from 15 different cities of Turkey are determined by a self-report questionaire. The nutritional knowledge of 80.9% of the teachers was found to be inadequate whereas only 19.1% of them had adequate knowledge. According to physical activity of the total %77.9 was physically inactive. Eventually we conclude that primary school teachers need to be educated about healthy nutrition and they are physically inactive

    Cardiac Auscultatory Skills of Academic Family Physicians: Strength of Association with an Academic Pediatric Cardiologist

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    Aim. Heart murmur is common in children, and it is one of the main reasons for referral among children in primary care. The aim of this study is to evaluate agreement and consistency of normal, innocent, and pathologic murmur decision between academic family physicians and academic pediatric cardiologist. Methods. Seven hundred fifteen primary school children were examined by family physicians and paediatric cardiologist. Auscultatory examination was performed. Intensity, frequency, duration, quality, location, and radiation of the murmur were described if present. Agreement of normal, innocent, and pathologic murmur classification decision between family physician and paediatric cardiologist was analyzed by using kappa statistic. Results. Normal, innocent and pathologic murmurs were reported for 419, 228, and 54 children in family physicians' reports, respectively. Paediatric cardiologist agreed on 383 (91.4%) children as normal, 191 (83.7%) children having innocent murmur, and 19 (35.2%) children having pathologic murmur among family physician's reports. There was good consistency between family physicians and paediatric cardiologist (κ value = 0.679, 95% CI 0.630–0.727, P < .001). They agreed on the majority of normal and innocent murmur decisions. However family physicians reported pathologic murmur more frequently. Conclusion. Cardiac auscultatory skills of academic family physicians may be concordant with paediatric cardiologist

    Family medicine practice and patient profile in umurlu the center of family medicine: To what extent it meets the needs of family medicine field training?

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    Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Aile Hekimliği Merkezi’ndeki aile hekimliği uygulaması ve hasta profilinin, uzmanlık ve tıp öğrencilerinin eğitimi için gerekli olan, alan eğitimi gereksinimini ne ölçüde karşıladığını saptamak, polikliniğine başvuran hastaların demografik verilerini, başvuru nedenlerini, tanı- larını ve tıbbi uygulama alanlarına göre dağılımını incelemek, Aile Hekimliği uzmanlık eğitiminde önem verilmesi gereken, sık görülen rahatsızlık/hastalık ve uygulamalara dikkati çekmek ve Aile Hekimliği uzmanlık eğitiminin içeriğinin belirlenmesine katkıda bulunmaktır. Materyal-Metod: Umurlu Aile Hekimliği Merkezine baş- vuran hastaların dosyalarındaki demografik bilgileri, ilk başvuru nedenleri, aldıkları tanılar, ilaç yazdırma, tetkik, kontrol, sevk edildikleri uzmanlık dalları, konsültasyon istemleri incelendi. Kayıtlara dayalı bir durum saptaması olan bu çalışma, tanımlayıcı niteliktedir. Araştırmanın istatistiksel analizleri SPSS 11.0 Paket programı kullanılarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Kasım 2002–Aralık 2004 dönemi boyunca Umurlu Aile Hekimliği Merkezi’ne toplam 2618 başvuru yapılmıştır. Kişi başına düşen ortalama başvuru sayısı 1,3’tür. Kayıtlı 1961 hastanın %62,1’i kadındır. Merkezimize en fazla ev hanımları, okul öncesi çocuklar ve çiftçiler başvurmuştur. Hastaların çoğunluğunun sosyal güvencesi; SSK ve Emekli Sandığıdır. 1961 hastanın başvuru sıklıkları incelendiğinde %80,8’nin bir kez, %12,4’nün iki kez başvurduğu saptanmıştır. Hastaların tüm yakınmaları incelendiğinde en sık belirtilen ilk beş yakınma sırasıyla öksürük, ateş, baş ağrısı, boğaz ağrısı ve bel ağrısı idi. Hastalara en sık konulan tanılar incelendiğinde %19,1’ine üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu (ÜSYE), %9’una hipertansiyon tanısı konulmuş, hastaların %26,3’üne tanı konulmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Hastalarımızın başka bir bölüme sevk oranı %5,2 olup en fazla acil ve pediatri polikliniğine sevk edilmiştir. Diğer klinik bölümlerden konsültasyon isteme oranı %9,7’dir. Umurlu Aile Hekimliği Polikliniğine hastaların %24,9’u kontrol için, %2,7’si ise ilaç yazdırmak için başvurmuştur. 2618 başvurunun %44,5’inden tetkik istenmiştir. Sonuç: Birinci basamakta kayıt ve bildirim konusunda duyarlılığının artırılması, sağlıkta hedeflerin daha net olarak ortaya konulmasını sağlayacaktırPurpose: The goal of this study is to detect to what extent does the patient profile and family medicine practices at Adnan Menderes University Family Medicine Center cover the educational needs of the students and residents in respect to family practice education, and to evaluate the demoghraphic features, complaints, and diagnosis of the patients referred to the center. We also aimed to emphasize common complaints and diseases that we come across with in our daily practice and deserve attention, in order to make a contribution to family medicine residency programme. Material-Methods: The demographic features, first complaints, diagnoses, medications, diagnostic tests, controls, referrals and consultations of all applications were examined from our data base in Umurlu Family Medicine Center. This is a record-based descriptive study. Statistical analyses were performed by SPSS 11.0 programme. Results: 2618 applications were made to Umurlu Family Medicine Center between November 2002-December 2004. The mean number of application per capita was 1,3. There were 1961 recorded patients and 62% of them was women. Housewives, pre-school children and farmers were the most referred groups to the center. Health insurance of the patients was mostly Social Insurance Council. Of the total 1961 patients 80.8% applied once and 12.4% applied two times. Cough, fever, headache, sore throat and lomber pain were the most declared first complaints respectively. While the most frequent diagnosis was upper respiratory tract infections 19.1% and hypertension 9%; in 26.3% of the patients there was no diagnosis. Total referral rate was 5.2% and the referrals were mostly to Emergency Service and Pediatrics. Cardiology, ear-nose-throat and ortopedics were the most consultated clinics and consultation rate was 9.7%. Patients applied to Umurlu Family Medicine Center 24.9% for control and 2.7% for pre scription. Diagnostic tests were required from 44.5% of the 2618 applications. Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of recording and reporting in primary care, will ensure the clarification of targets in the field of health

    What Influences Herbal Medicine Use? - Prevalence and Related Factors

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    Aims: The use and cost of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) has been gaining in importance worldwide. Herbal medicine is one of the most commonly used methods. To understand the effectiveness, reliability, and quality of CAM and provide standardization in its analysis, its prevalence and the factors influencing its use must be identified. This study was conducted to identify the prevalence of CAM use and the effective factors in our population

    SUMMARY: Teaching Empathy in Medical Education Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2005; 16(2) Turkish Journal of Psychiatry Teaching Empathy in Medical Education

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    Objectives: To determine whether there is any difference in empathic tendencies and attitudes towards communication in medical practice among the first-year students of Adnan Menderes University Medical School, and to determine the effect of education and the relation between these two features. Method: The Empathic Tendency Scale and Attitudes Towards Communication in Medical Practice Questionnaire were used to collect data from 36 (55.3 % of the total) students (65.7 % female; mean age: 18.3). Results: Students are clustered into two groups for both scales using K-means analysis, which was used to see whether the students were homogeneous regarding empathy and communication attitudes at the beginning of the teaching period. According to the Empathic Tendency Scale results 25% of students have a high empathic tendency (HET) and 75% have a low empathic tendency (LET) and the results of the Attitudes Towards Communication in Medical Practice Questionnaire indicated that 56% have positive and 44% have negative attitudes towards communication. However, the difference between the pre-and post-teaching results of either group seems to show a tendency towards change (p&lt; 0.10). The change has a negative and a positive tendency in the HET and LET groups, respectively. Conclusion: Our results seem to verify the predicted differences among the students in their empathic tendencies and attitudes towards communication in medical practice. It seems that empathic tendency is more likely to be changed by an appropriate teaching technique when change within the groups is concerned

    Effect of calorie information on the amount of food intake

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    Obezite tüm dünya için önemli bir sorun haline gelmektedir ve tedavisinde davranış tedavileri de yer almaktadır. Kendini-izlem amacıyla, tüketilen gıdanın içerdiği kalorinin bilinmesinin o anda yenilen miktara olan etkisini araştırmak üzere planlanan çalışmaya, yaş ortalaması ve standart sapması 40,39±11,62 ve Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ) 29,71±4,98 olan 41 kadın alınmıştır. Katılımcılar enerji kaynakları ve vücudun enerji kullanımı konusunda 45 dakikalık bir eğitime tabi tutulmuştur, eğitim ile aynı akşam ve bunu takip eden günde içeriği aynı olan iki akşam yemeği açık büfe şeklinde verilmiştir. İlk akşam yiyeceklerin içerdiği kaloriler hakkında bilgi verilmemiş, ikinci akşam her gıdanın 100 gr’lık miktarı bir tabak içinde ilgili servis tepsisinin yanına konulmuş ve üzerine içerdiği kalori miktarı etiketlenmiştir. Her iki açık büfede katılımcılar tercih ettikleri gıdadan istedikleri miktarda almışlar, aldıkları gıdalar ayrı ayrı tartılarak kaydedilmiş ve kalorileri hesaplanmıştır. İkinci gece kişi başına ortalama kalori alımı 207,51±129,01 kcal azalmıştır. Sonuç olarak bizim çalışma grubumuzdaki kişiler aldıkları gıdanın kalorisini bilerek tükettiklerinde, yüksek kalorili gıdalar yerine düşük kalorili gıdaları tercih etmişler ve toplamda aldıkları kalori miktarını düşürmüşlerdir.Obesity is becoming an important problem for the world and behavior therapies are used for its treatment. Fourthy-one women with mean age±standart deviation of 40,39±11,62 years and Body Mass Index of 29,71±4,98 were enrolled in our study to find out the effect of calorie information of food on the amount of intake for self-monitoring. Participants were given a 45-minute lecture about the energy sources and utilization in human body. An open buffet dinner was served in the same evening following the lecture and a similar one in the following evening. Calorie information of the served meal was not given at the first dinner whereas at the second one 100 grams of all food types were put to plates and their calories were labeled. At both of the open buffet dinners, the participants were allowed to take their preferred meal as much as they like. All the food eaten by each participant was weighted separately and their calories were calculated. At the second dinner, average calorie intake per person decreased about 207,51±129,01 kcal. In conclusion, the participants in our study group preferred to consume foods containing lower calories when they had information about the calories of the food, and therefore they decreased their total calorie intake

    Habitual tea drinking and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Turkish women: Investigation of prevalence of postmenopausal osteoporosis in turkey (IPPOT study)

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    Aim: In this epidemiological report, we assessed the prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis (OP) in postmenopausal Turkish women and the relationship between body mass index (BMI), and some nutritional factors (habitual tea, coffee, tobacco, and milk product consumption) with OP