1,057 research outputs found

    Steady State Entanglement in Cavity QED

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    We investigate steady state entanglement in an open quantum system, specifically a single atom in a driven optical cavity with cavity loss and spontaneous emission. The system reaches a steady pure state when driven very weakly. Under these conditions, there is an optimal value for atom-field coupling to maximize entanglement, as larger coupling favors a loss port due to the cavity enhanced spontaneous emission. We address ways to implement measurements of entanglement witnesses and find that normalized cross-correlation functions are indicators of the entanglement in the system. The magnitude of the equal time intensity-field cross correlation between the transmitted field of the cavity and the fluorescence intensity is proportional to the concurrence for weak driving fields.Comment: enhanced discussion, corrected formulas, title change, 1 added figur

    Quantum coherence in the presence of unobservable quantities

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    State representations summarize our knowledge about a system. When unobservable quantities are introduced the state representation is typically no longer unique. However, this non-uniqueness does not affect subsequent inferences based on any observable data. We demonstrate that the inference-free subspace may be extracted whenever the quantity's unobservability is guaranteed by a global conservation law. This result can generalize even without such a guarantee. In particular, we examine the coherent-state representation of a laser where the absolute phase of the electromagnetic field is believed to be unobservable. We show that experimental coherent states may be separated from the inference-free subspaces induced by this unobservable phase. These physical states may then be approximated by coherent states in a relative-phase Hilbert space

    Entangled and disentangled evolution for a single atom in a driven cavity

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    For an atom in an externally driven cavity, we show that special initial states lead to near-disentangled atom-field evolution, and superpositions of these can lead to near maximally-entangled states. Somewhat counterintutively, we find that (moderate) spontaneous emission in this system actually leads to a transient increase in entanglement beyond the steady-state value. We also show that a particular field correlation function could be used, in an experimental setting, to track the time evolution of this entanglement

    Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dengan Kesepian Pada Remaja (Studi Korelasi Pada Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Semarang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konsep diri dengan kesepian pada remaja awal. Konsep diri adalah pandangan, evaluasi, dan penilaian mengenai diri sendiri oleh individu yang bersangkutan. Kesepian merupakan keadaan psikologis yang timbul akibat adanya ketidaksesuaian ideal dengan Kenyataan dalam membina hubungan dengan orang lain. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik cluster random sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 2 Semarang. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 150 siswa. Alat pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah skala konsep diri dan skala kesepian. Kedua skala disusun berdasarkan teori psikologi yang ada dan melalui proses uji coba. Proses tersebut menunjukkan koefisien reliabilitas skala konsep diri sebesar α=0,884 dan skala kesepian sebesar α=0,907. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ada hubungan yang negatif signifikan antara konsep diri dengan kesepian yang ditunjukkan oleh koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar 0,765 dan p=0,000 (p<0,05). Semakin tinggi konsep diri maka semakin rendah kesepian, demikian pula sebaliknya semakin rendah konsep diri maka semakin tinggi kesepian pada siswa. Sumbangan efektif konsep diri terhadap kesepian sebesar 58,5% dan sisanya 41,5% dijelaskan oeh faktor-faktor lain

    Dynamics of a two-level system strongly coupled to a high-frequency quantum oscillator

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    Recent experiments on quantum behavior in microfabricated solid-state systems suggest tantalizing connections to quantum optics. Several of these experiments address the prototypical problem of cavity quantum electrodynamics: a two-level system coupled to a quantum harmonic oscillator. Such devices may allow the exploration of parameter regimes outside the near-resonance and weak-coupling assumptions of the ubiquitous rotating-wave approximation (RWA), necessitating other theoretical approaches. One such approach is an adiabatic approximation in the limit that the oscillator frequency is much larger than the characteristic frequency of the two-level system. A derivation of the approximation is presented and the time evolution of the two-level-system occupation probability is calculated using both thermal- and coherent-state initial conditions for the oscillator. Closed-form evaluation of the time evolution in the weak-coupling limit provides insight into the differences between the thermal- and coherent-state models. Finally, potential experimental observations in solid-state systems, particularly the Cooper-pair box--nanomechanical resonator system, are discussed and found to be promising.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; revised abstract; some text revisions; added two figures and combined others; added references. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Can quantum chaos enhance stability of quantum computation?

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    We consider stability of a general quantum algorithm with respect to a fixed but unknown residual interaction between qubits, and show a surprising fact, namely that the average fidelity of quantum computation increases by decreasing average time correlation function of the perturbing operator in sequences of consecutive quantum gates. Our thinking is applied to the quantum Fourier transformation where an alternative 'less regular' quantum algorithm is devised which is qualitatively more robust against static random residual n-qubit interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures (3 color

    Constraints for quantum logic arising from conservation laws and field fluctuations

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    We explore the connections between the constraints on the precision of quantum logical operations that arise from a conservation law, and those arising from quantum field fluctuations. We show that the conservation-law based constraints apply in a number of situations of experimental interest, such as Raman excitations, and atoms in free space interacting with the multimode vacuum. We also show that for these systems, and for states with a sufficiently large photon number, the conservation-law based constraint represents an ultimate limit closely related to the fluctuations in the quantum field phase.Comment: To appear in J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., special issue on quantum contro

    Genomics and proteomics in liver fibrosis and cirrhosis

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    Genomics and proteomics have become increasingly important in biomedical science in the past decade, as they provide an opportunity for hypothesis-free experiments that can yield major insights not previously foreseen when scientific and clinical questions are based only on hypothesis-driven approaches. Use of these tools, therefore, opens new avenues for uncovering physiological and pathological pathways. Liver fibrosis is a complex disease provoked by a range of chronic injuries to the liver, among which are viral hepatitis, (non-) alcoholic steatohepatitis and autoimmune disorders. Some chronic liver patients will never develop fibrosis or cirrhosis, whereas others rapidly progress towards cirrhosis in a few years. This variety can be caused by disease-related factors (for example, viral genotype) or host-factors (genetic/epigenetic). It is vital to establish accurate tools to identify those patients at highest risk for disease severity or progression in order to determine who are in need of immediate therapies. Moreover, there is an urgent imperative to identify non-invasive markers that can accurately distinguish mild and intermediate stages of fibrosis. Ideally, biomarkers can be used to predict disease progression and treatment response, but these studies will take many years due to the requirement for lengthy follow-up periods to assess outcomes. Current genomic and proteomic research provides many candidate biomarkers, but independent validation of these biomarkers is lacking, and reproducibility is still a key concern. Thus, great opportunities and challenges lie ahead in the field of genomics and proteomics, which, if successful, could transform the diagnosis and treatment of chronic fibrosing liver diseases
