16 research outputs found

    Sorosite (eta-Cu6Sn5)-bearing native tin and lead assemblage from the Mir zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degrees N)

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    A number of small, irregular-shaped and spherical shiny metallic particles have been found in the sediments from the Mir zone, Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse hydrothermal held (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26 degreesN). The phase variety of the particles examined is represented by metallic tin: tin-rich lead, and tin-copper phases. A detailed mineralogical study of these particles was carried out using optical microscopy, nuclear microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe, proton microprobe and X-ray diffraction analysis. Tin-lead grains have the typical eutectic microtexture of the metal components. Tin-copper grains are formed from single crystals of sorosite, eta -Cu6Sn5. The Sn-Pb-Cu complex grains are composed of fine stannoan lead (Pb0.74Sn0.26) and tin crystals as well as fine (or occasionally larger) sorosite (Cu6.1Sn4.9) idiomorphic crystals, in a tin-lead matrix forming eutectic microtexture. On the basis of data obtained, a natural origin is proposed for the examined Sn-Pb-Cu association, and its parent relations with the tectono-magmatic events in the rift zone. This association has probably been formed (1) during the hydrothermal seepings through the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse sediment cover, or (2) during the evolution of ridge crest magmatic systems. Crystallisation sequence from an initial melt with falling temperature is: firstly sorosite (Cu6Sn5) (T less than or equal to 380 degreesC) --> crystallisation of tin crystals (T less than or equal to 227 degreesC) --> crystallisation of Sn-Pb eutectic mixture, composed of tin + stannoan lead (T less than or equal to 183 degreesC) --> limited tin exsolutions in stannoan lead (T < < 183 degreesC). Sn-Pb-Cu grains might be present as accessory minerals in the basic rocks of the east rift wall, which have undergone degradation, permitting their deposition into rift valley sediments.De petites particules mĂ©talliques brillantes de forme irrĂ©guliĂšre et sphĂ©riques ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©es dans les dĂ©pĂŽts de la zone hydrothermale de Mir (dorsale, mĂ©dio-Atlantique, 26 °N). Les particules examinĂ©es reprĂ©sentent lˈétain mĂ©tallique, lˈétain riche en plomb et lˈétain riche en cuivre. Une Ă©tude minĂ©ralogique dĂ©taillĂ©e de ces particules a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en utilisant la microscopie optique, la microscopie nuclĂ©aire, le microscope Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage, la micro-sonde dˈélectrons, la micro-sonde de protons et la diffraction de rayons X. Les grains Ă©tain–plomb prĂ©sentent une microtexture typique des composants mĂ©talliques. Des grains d’étain–cuivre sont formĂ©s de cristaux simples de sorosite η-Cu6Sn5. Les grains complexes de Sn–Pb–Cu se composent de cristaux fins d’étain–plomb (Pb0.74Sn0.26) et d’étain ; les cristaux idiomorphes du sorosite (Cu6.1Sn4.9) fin dans une matrice d’étain–plomb formant la microtexture eutectique. Une origine « normale » est proposĂ©e pour lˈassociation examinĂ©e de Sn–Pb–Cu, et ses relations de parentĂ© avec les Ă©vĂ©nements tectono–magmatiques dans la zone de rift. Cette association a Ă©tĂ© probablement formĂ©e (1) pendant une infiltration hydrothermale par la couverture de dĂ©pĂŽt gĂ©otraverse trans-Atlantique, ou (2) pendant lˈévolution des systĂšmes magmatiques des dorsales. La succession de cristallisations Ă  partir d’une fusion initiale avec la tempĂ©rature en baisse est la suivante : le sorosite (Cu6Sn5) (T ≀ 380°C) → cristallisation des cristaux d’étain (T ≀ 227°C) → cristallisation du mĂ©lange eutectique de Sn–Pb, composĂ© d’étain + Ă©tain–plomb (T ≀ 183°C) → exsolutions limitĂ©s d’étain dans Ă©tain–plomb (T << 183°C). Les grains de Sn–Pb–Cu pourraient ĂȘtre prĂ©sents comme des minĂ©raux accessoires des roches basiques de la paroi est du rift qui ont subi la dĂ©gradation, permettant leur dĂ©pĂŽt dans les sĂ©diments de la vallĂ©e de rift

    Native Sn–Pb droplets in a zeolitic amygdale (Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides)

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    Despite the particular scientific interest in the elements with high affinity to S and O2, but found in zero-valence state in nature, the origin of these native minerals has been little explored and remains obscure. Here we describe unique Sn–Pb droplets found in a closed analcime–calcite amygdale collected from a basaltic unit cropping out at Carsaig Bay (Isle of Mull, Inner Hebrides). The droplets consist of intimate intergrowths of nearly pure Sn0 and Pb0 domains in proportion 88:12 and are enveloped in a thin, brownish film of organic composition. The occurrence of the Sn–Pb droplets in a closed amygdale, their relationship with the host analcime + calcite and their Pb isotope composition (which does not match any known anthropogenic Pb source) rule out the possibility of anthropogenic contamination and support the natural origin of the Sn–Pb alloy. The variable isotope (Pb, Sr, Nd) compositions in different members of the host basaltic sequence suggest that a parent basaltic magma was modified by crustal assimilation and post-emplacement alteration processes. Considering all possible explanations, it appears that the most likely source of Pb for the Sn–Pb alloy is a discrete basaltic unit with an isotopic composition comparable to the Antrim basalts (Northern Ireland). The amygdale phases, on the other hand, show isotopic evidence for incorporation of elements from both local basaltic and sedimentary units. The apparent isotopic disequilibrium between Sn–Pb droplets and amygdale phases indicates a complex, multi-stage fluid evolution. The occurrence of Sn–Pb droplets in organic capsules suggests that the droplets and the enveloping organic substances are co-precipitates. This implies that the transportation and deposition of Sn and Pb might have occurred through organometallic compounds. We assume interaction of seawater fluids carrying metals leached from basaltic rocks with hydrocarbons from sedimentary units as a prerequisite for the formation of the organometallic complexes. The zeolites lining the basaltic vesicles might have destabilized the migrating organo-Sn and Pb compounds causing their breakdown and precipitation of Sn–Pb alloy

    The petrogenesis of sodic island arc magmas at Savo volcano, Solomon Islands

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    Savo, Solomon Islands, is a historically active volcano dominated by sodic, alkaline lavas, and pyroclastic rocks with up to 7.5 wt% Na2O, and high Sr, arc-like trace element chemistry. The suite is dominated by mugearites (plagioclase–clinopyroxene–magnetite ± amphibole ± olivine) and trachytes (plagioclase–amphibole–magnetite ± biotite). The presence of hydrous minerals (amphibole, biotite) indicates relatively wet magmas. In such melts, plagioclase is relatively unstable relative to iron oxides and ferromagnesian silicates; it is the latter minerals (particularly hornblende) that dominate cumulate nodules at Savo and drive the chemical differentiation of the suite, with a limited role for plagioclase. This is potentially occurring in a crustal “hot zone”, with major chemical differentiation occurring at depth. Batches of magma ascend periodically, where they are subject to decompression, water saturation and further cooling, resulting in closed-system crystallisation of plagioclase, and ultimately the production of sodic, crystal and feldspar-rich, high-Sr rocks. The sodic and hydrous nature of the parental magmas is interpreted to be the result of partial melting of metasomatised mantle, but radiogenic isotope data (Pb, Sr, Nd) cannot uniquely identify the source of the metasomatic agent. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00410-009-0410-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Identifying and classifying the sources and uses of xenobiotics in urban environments

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    The sources and uses of xenobiotics in urban environments are very diverse, making structured approaches to source and use classification a fundamental requirement for effective pollution management. This chapter provides a general introduction to the topic of substance source and use identification, highlighting the key differences between different types of sources (e.g. processes vs. commodities; natural vs. anthropogenic etc.) and different types of uses (e.g. active vs. passive; dispersive vs. non-dispersive, etc.). Examples of relevant classification systems and their applications are also given, and the diversity of potential xenobiotic sources and uses is clearly demonstrated through the description of a series of ‘archetypes’ (i.e. model examples). The chapter concludes with an overview of useful source tracking approaches (e.g. database mining, marketing surveys, forensic approaches etc.)