372 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of some Anthranilic Acid and 2-Phenylquinazoline-4(3H)-one Analogues

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    In the present investigation a novel series of N-(phenyl) chalconyl anthranilic acids containing pyrazolines (4a–j), tetrahydropyrimidines (4k–o), tetrahydrothiopyrimidines (4p–t) and 2-phenylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones containing pyrazolines (8a–f), isoxazolines (8g–l), tetrahydropyrimidines (8m–r) and tetrahydrothiopyrimidines (8s–x) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H NMR and mass spectroscopy. The title compounds (4a–t) and (8a–x) were investigated for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and in vitro protein denaturation activities. Compounds 4j and 8x were identified as lead compounds with optimum analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities.Keywords: Quinazolines, antimicrobial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, protein denaturatio

    Working Group Report: Heavy-Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    This is the report of Heavy Ion Physics and Quark-Gluon Plasma at WHEPP-09 which was part of Working Group-4. Discussion and work on some aspects of Quark-Gluon Plasma believed to have created in heavy-ion collisions and in early universe are reported.Comment: 20 pages, 6 eps figures, Heavy-ion physics and QGP activity report in "IX Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-09)" held in Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, during January 3-14, 2006. To be published in PRAMANA - Journal of Physics (Indian Academy of Science

    Dead or Alive? Long-term evolution of SN 2015bh (SNhunt275)

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw2253Supernova (SN) 2015bh (or SNhunt275) was discovered in NGC 2770 on 2015 February with an absolute magnitude of Mr_r ~ −13.4 mag, and was initially classified as an SN impostor. Here, we present the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2015bh from discovery to late phases (~1 yr after). In addition, we inspect archival images of the host galaxy up to ~21 yr before discovery, finding a burst ~1 yr before discovery, and further signatures of stellar instability until late 2014. Later on, the luminosity of the transient slowly increases, and a broad light-curve peak is reached after about three months. We propose that the transient discovered in early 2015 could be a core-collapse SN explosion. The pre-SN luminosity variability history, the long-lasting rise and faintness first light-curve peak suggests that the progenitor was a very massive, unstable and blue star, which exploded as a faint SN because of severe fallback of material. Later on, the object experiences a sudden brightening of 3 mag, which results from the interaction of the SN ejecta with circumstellar material formed through repeated past mass-loss events. Spectroscopic signatures of interaction are however visible at all epochs. A similar chain of events was previously proposed for the similar interacting SN 2009ip.European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme, Science and Technology Facilities Counci

    Effective Rheology of Bubbles Moving in a Capillary Tube

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    We calculate the average volumetric flux versus pressure drop of bubbles moving in a single capillary tube with varying diameter, finding a square-root relation from mapping the flow equations onto that of a driven overdamped pendulum. The calculation is based on a derivation of the equation of motion of a bubble train from considering the capillary forces and the entropy production associated with the viscous flow. We also calculate the configurational probability of the positions of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Triphala inhibits both in vitro and in vivo xenograft growth of pancreatic tumor cells by inducing apoptosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Triphala is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat variety of diseases; however its mechanism of action remains unexplored. This study elucidates the molecular mechanism of Triphala against human pancreatic cancer in the cellular and in vivo model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Growth-inhibitory effects of Triphala were evaluated in Capan-2, BxPC-3 and HPDE-6 cells by Sulphoradamine-B assay. Apoptosis was determined by cell death assay and western blotting. Triphala was administered orally to nude mice implanted with Capan-2 xenograft. Tumors were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and western blotting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Exposure of Capan-2 cells to the aqueous extract of Triphala for 24 h resulted in the significant decrease in the survival of cells in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of about 50 μg/ml. Triphala-mediated reduced cell survival correlated with induction of apoptosis, which was associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Triphala-induced apoptosis was linked with phosphorylation of p53 at Ser-15 and ERK at Thr-202/Tyr-204 in Capan-2 cells. Above mentioned effects were significantly blocked when the cells were pretreated with an antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC), suggesting the involvement of ROS generation. Pretreatment of cells with pifithrin-α or U0126, specific inhibitors of p53 or MEK-1/2, significantly attenuated Triphala-induced apoptosis. Moreover, NAC or U0126 pretreatment significantly attenuated Triphala-induced p53 transcriptional activity. Similarly, Triphala induced apoptosis in another pancreatic cancer cell line BxPC-3 by activating ERK. On the other hand, Triphala failed to induce apoptosis or activate ERK or p53 in normal human pancreatic ductal epithelial (HPDE-6) cells. Further, oral administration of 50 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg Triphala in PBS, 5 days/week significantly suppressed the growth of Capan-2 pancreatic tumor-xenograft. Reduced tumor-growth in Triphala fed mice was due to increased apoptosis in the tumors cells, which was associated with increased activation of p53 and ERK.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our preclinical studies demonstrate that Triphala is effective in inhibiting the growth of human pancreatic cancer cells in both cellular and in vivo model. Our data also suggests that the growth inhibitory effects of Triphala is mediated by the activation of ERK and p53 and shows potential for the treatment and/or prevention of human pancreatic cancer.</p

    The JCMT Transient Survey: Four-year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars

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    We present the four-year survey results of monthly submillimeter monitoring of eight nearby (<500 pc) star-forming regions by the JCMT Transient Survey. We apply the Lomb–Scargle Periodogram technique to search for and characterize variability on 295 submillimeter peaks brighter than 0.14 Jy beam−1, including 22 disk sources (Class II), 83 protostars (Class 0/I), and 190 starless sources. We uncover 18 secular variables, all of them protostars. No single-epoch burst or drop events and no inherently stochastic sources are observed. We classify the secular variables by their timescales into three groups: Periodic, Curved, and Linear. For the Curved and Periodic cases, the detectable fractional amplitude, with respect to mean peak brightness, is ∼4% for sources brighter than ∼0.5 Jy beam−1. Limiting our sample to only these bright sources, the observed variable fraction is 37% (16 out of 43). Considering source evolution, we find a similar fraction of bright variables for both Class 0 and Class I. Using an empirically motivated conversion from submillimeter variability to variation in mass accretion rate, six sources (7% of our full sample) are predicted to have years-long accretion events during which the excess mass accreted reaches more than 40% above the total quiescently accreted mass: two previously known eruptive Class I sources, V1647 Ori and EC 53 (V371 Ser), and four Class 0 sources, HOPS 356, HOPS 373, HOPS 383, and West 40. Considering the full protostellar ensemble, the importance of episodic accretion on few years timescale is negligible—only a few percent of the assembled mass. However, given that this accretion is dominated by events on the order of the observing time window, it remains uncertain as to whether the importance of episodic events will continue to rise with decades-long monitoring

    Implications of Recent Data on Neutrino Mixing and Lepton Flavour Violating Decays for the Zee Model

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    We study implications of recent data on neutrino mixing from T2K, MINOS, Double Chooz and μeγ\mu \to e \gamma from MEG for the Zee model. The simplest version of this model has been shown to be ruled out by experimental data some time ago. The general Zee model is still consistent with recent data. We demonstrate this with a constrained Zee model based on naturalness consideration. In this constrained model, only inverted mass hierarchy for neutrino masses is allowed, and θ13\theta_{13} must be non-zero in order to have correct ratio for neutrino mass-squared differences and for mixing in solar and atmospherical neutrino oscillations. The best fit value of our model for θ13\theta_{13} is 8.91deg8.91\deg from T2K and MINOS data, very close to the central value obtained by Double Chooz experiment. There are solutions with non-zero CP violation with the Jarlskog parameter predicted in the range ±0.039\pm 0.039, ±0.044\pm 0.044 and ±0.048\pm 0.048 respectively for a 1σ\sigma, 2σ\sigma and 3σ\sigma ranges of other input parameters. However, without any constraint on the θ13\theta_{13}-parameter above respective ranges become ±0.049\pm 0.049, ±0.053\pm 0.053 and ±0.056\pm 0.056. We analyse different cases to obtain a branching ratio for μeγ\mu \to e \gamma close to the recent MEG bound. We also discuss other radiative as well as the charged trilepton flavour violating decay modes of the τ\tau-lepton.Comment: References added, one extra figure added, typos corrected, few more related phenomenology discussion added/modified; 25 pages, 10 figure

    The Fast, Luminous Ultraviolet Transient AT2018cow: Extreme Supernova, or Disruption of a Star by an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole?

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    Wide-field optical surveys have begun to uncover large samples of fast (t_rise < 5d), luminous (M_peak < -18), blue transients. While commonly attributed to the breakout of a supernova shock into a dense wind, the great distances to the transients of this class found so far have hampered detailed investigation of their properties. We present photometry and spectroscopy from a comprehensive worldwide campaign to observe AT2018cow (ATLAS18qqn), the first fast-luminous optical transient to be found in real time at low redshift. Our first spectra (<2 days after discovery) are entirely featureless. A very broad absorption feature suggestive of near-relativistic velocities develops between 3-8 days, then disappears. Broad emission features of H and He develop after >10 days. The spectrum remains extremely hot throughout its evolution, and the photospheric radius contracts with time (receding below R<10^14 cm after 1 month). This behaviour does not match that of any known supernova, although a relativistic jet within a fallback supernova could explain some of the observed features. Alternatively, the transient could originate from the disruption of a star by an intermediate-mass black hole, although this would require long-lasting emission of highly super-Eddington thermal radiation. In either case, AT2018cow suggests that the population of fast luminous transients represents a new class of astrophysical event. Intensive follow-up of this event in its late phases, and of any future events found at comparable distance, will be essential to better constrain their origins.Comment: Corrected Figure 8 / Table 4 to use final fits. Includes machine-readable photometry table (hopefully for real this time