1,048 research outputs found

    Health and safety: Preliminary comparative assessment of the Satellite Power System (SPS) and other energy alternatives

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    Data readily available from the literature were used to make an initial comparison of the health and safety risks of a fission power system with fuel reprocessing; a combined-cycle coal power system with a low-Btu gasifier and open-cycle gas turbine; a central-station, terrestrial, solar photovoltaic power system; the satellite power system; and a first-generation fusion system. The assessment approach consists of the identification of health and safety issues in each phase of the energy cycle from raw material extraction through electrical generation, waste disposal, and system deactivation; quantitative or qualitative evaluation of impact severity; and the rating of each issue with regard to known or potential impact level and level of uncertainty

    Comparative health and safety assessment of the SPS and alternative electrical generation systems

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    A comparative analysis of health and safety risks is presented for the Satellite Power System and five alternative baseload electrical generation systems: a low-Btu coal gasification system with an open-cycle gas turbine combined with a steam topping cycle; a light water fission reactor system without fuel reprocessing; a liquid metal fast breeder fission reactor system; a central station terrestrial photovoltaic system; and a first generation fusion system with magnetic confinement. For comparison, risk from a decentralized roof-top photovoltaic system with battery storage is also evaluated. Quantified estimates of public and occupational risks within ranges of uncertainty were developed for each phase of the energy system. The potential significance of related major health and safety issues that remain unquantitied are also discussed

    A comprehensive computer program for predicting solar cell performance

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    Comprehensive computer program for predicting solar cell performanc

    Retinal adaptation to spatial correlations

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    The classical center-surround retinal ganglion cell receptive field is thought to remove the strong spatial correlations in natural scenes, enabling efficient use of limited bandwidth. While early studies with drifting gratings reported robust surrounds (Enroth-Cugell and Robson, 1966), recent measurements with white noise reveal weak surrounds (Chichilnisky and Kalmar, 2002). This might be evidence for dynamical weakening of the retinal surround in response to decreased spatial correlations, which would be predicted by efficient coding theory. Such adaptation is reported in LGN (Lesica et al., 2007), but whether the retina also adapts to correlations is unknown. 

We tested for adaptation by recording simultaneously from ~40 ganglion cells on a multi-electrode array while presenting white and exponentially correlated checkerboards and strips. Measuring from ~200 cells responding to 90 minutes each of white and correlated stimuli, we were able to extract precise spatiotemporal receptive fields (STRFs). We found that a difference-of-Gaussians was not a good fit and the surround was generally displaced from the center. Thus, to assess surround strength we found the center and surround regions and the total weight on the pixels in each region. The relative surround strength was then defined as the ratio of surround weight to center weight. Surprisingly, we found that the majority of recorded cells have a stronger surround under white noise than under correlated noise (p<.05), contrary to naive expectation from theory. The conclusion was robust to different methods of extracting STRFs and persisted with checkerboard and strip stimuli.

To test, without assuming a model, whether the retina decorrelates stimuli, we also measured the pairwise correlations between spike trains of simultaneously recorded neurons under three conditions: white checkerboard, exponentially correlated noise, and scale-free noise. The typical amount of pairwise correlation increased with extent of input correlation, in line with our STRF measurements

    Color-coordinate system from a 13th-century account of rainbows.

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    We present a new analysis of Robert Grosseteste’s account of color in his treatise De iride (On the Rainbow), dating from the early 13th century. The work explores color within the 3D framework set out in Grosseteste’s De colore [see J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29, A346 (2012)], but now links the axes of variation to observable properties of rainbows. We combine a modern understanding of the physics of rainbows and of human color perception to resolve the linguistic ambiguities of the medieval text and to interpret Grosseteste’s key terms

    Semi-field assessment of the BG-Malaria trap for monitoring the African malaria vector, Anopheles arabiensis

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    Odour-baited technologies are increasingly considered for effective monitoring of mosquito populations and for the evaluation of vector control interventions. The BG-Malaria trap (BGM), which is an upside-down variant of the widely used BG-Sentinel trap (BGS), has been demonstrated to be effective to sample the Brazilian malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi. We evaluated the BGM as an improved method for sampling the African malaria vectors, Anopheles arabiensis. Experiments were conducted inside a large semi-field cage to compare trapping efficiencies of BGM and BGS traps, both baited with the synthetic attractant, Ifakara blend, supplemented with CO2. We then compared BGMs baited with either of four synthetic mosquito lures, Ifakara blend, Mbita blend, BG-lure or CO2, and an unbaited BGM. Lastly, we compared BGMs baited with the Ifakara blend dispensed via either nylon strips, BG cartridges (attractant-infused microcapsules encased in cylindrical plastic cartridge) or BG sachets (attractant-infused microcapsules encased in plastic sachets). All tests were conducted between 6P.M. and 7A.M., with 200–600 laboratory-reared An. arabiensis released nightly in the test chamber. The median number of An. arabiensis caught by the BGM per night was 83, IQR:(73.5–97.75), demonstrating clear superiority over BGS (median catch = 32.5 (25.25–37.5)). Compared to unbaited controls, BGMs baited with Mbita blend caught most mosquitoes (45 (29.5–70.25)), followed by BGMs baited with CO2 (42.5 (27.5–64)), Ifakara blend (31 (9.25–41.25)) and BG lure (16 (4–22)). BGM caught 51 (29.5–72.25) mosquitoes/night, when the attractants were dispensed using BG-Cartridges, compared to BG-Sachet (29.5 (24.75–40.5)), and nylon strips (27 (19.25–38.25)), in all cases being significantly superior to unbaited controls (p < 000.1). The findings demonstrate potential of the BGM as a sampling tool for African malaria vectors over the standard BGS trap. Its efficacy can be optimized by selecting appropriate odour baits and odour-dispensing systems

    New connection formulae for some q-orthogonal polynomials in q-Askey scheme

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    New nonlinear connection formulae of the q-orthogonal polynomials, such continuous q-Laguerre, continuous big q-Hermite, q-Meixner-Pollaczek and q-Gegenbauer polynomials, in terms of their respective classical analogues are obtained using a special realization of the q-exponential function as infinite multiplicative series of ordinary exponential function