144 research outputs found

    Lysanda paste: a new option for root-end filling

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    This study aimed to compare the apical sealing of root-end fillings performed with Lysanda (zinc oxide-eugenol paste) with radiopacifiers (iodoform or zinc oxide) and calcium hydroxide. Root-end cavities were prepared and filled with different materials, as follows: Group I - Lysanda paste with iodoform; Group II - Lysanda paste with iodoform and calcium hydroxide; Group III - Lysanda paste with iodoform and zinc oxide; Group IV - Lysanda paste with zinc oxide; Group V - mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). After filling, the teeth were immersed in 2% methylene blue for analysis of marginal leakage. It was observed that marginal leakage occurred in all groups. Lysanda paste with iodoform showed the lowest leakage, with no statistically significant difference compared to the other groups. All materials can be considered as good options for root-end filling

    Sealing ability, marginal adaptation and their correlation using three root-end filling materials as apical plugs

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    OBJECTIVE: This study used dye leakage assay and scanning electron microscopy to evaluate, respectively, the sealing ability and marginal adaptation of three root-end filling materials used as apical plugs, as well as the possible correlation between these properties. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ninety-eight single-rooted human teeth were prepared to simulate an open apex. The teeth were allocated to three experimental groups (n = 30), which received a 5-mm thick apical plug of (1) gray MTA AngelusTM, (2) CPM TM and (3) MBPc, and two controls groups (n = 4). After immersion in 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 48 h, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally and analyzed by Image Tool 3.0 software. The marginal adaptation between apical plugs and the root canal walls were analyzed by SEM. RESULTS: MBPc had significantly less (p<0.05) apical leakage than the other materials. Regarding marginal adaptation, CPM TM showed the best numerical results, though without statistical significance from the other materials (p<0.05). There was no correlation between the two properties. CONCLUSIONS: When used as apical plugs, the tested root-end filling materials had similar marginal adaptation to the dentin walls, but MBPc had the best sealing ability, as demonstrated by the least apical leakage from all tested materials

    Avaliação morfométrica e microscópica do efeito do nitrato de gálio usado como curativo intracanal em dentes de ratos reimplantados tardiamente

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    The purpose of this study was to test a gallium nitrate solution, a resorption inhibitor, employed as a root canal dressing in teeth submitted to late replantation. Thirty maxillary right central incisors of rats were avulsed and kept dry for thirty minutes. The teeth were instrumented and the root surfaces were treated with 1% hypochlorite solution followed by application of 2% sodium fluoride. Thereafter, the teeth were divided into two groups according to the root canal dressing: Group I, solution of gallium nitrate; and Group II, calcium hydroxide paste. The teeth were then replanted in their respective sockets. The animals were killed at 15, 30 and 60 days after replantation and the samples were processed for morphometric and microscopic analysis. The results demonstrated that the gallium nitrate solution and the calcium hydroxide paste limited the root resorption, yet they did not impair its occurrence. It may be concluded that gallium nitrate solution and calcium hydroxide paste demonstrated similar performance.Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a solução de nitrato de gálio, um inibidor da reabsorção, como curativo intracanal para dentes reimplantados tardiamente. Trinta incisivos centrais superiores direitos de ratos foram avulsionados e mantidos a seco por trinta minutos. Todos os dentes tiveram os canais radiculares instrumentados e a superfície radicular tratada com hipoclorito de sódio a 1%, seguido de fluoreto de sódio a 2%. Após isso, os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a medicação intracanal: no grupo I, foi usada solução de nitrato de gálio e grupo II, pasta de hidróxido de cálcio. Todos os dentes foram, então, reimplantados em seus respectivos alvéolos. Passados 15, 30 e 60 dias do reimplante, os animais foram sacrificados e as peças obtidas, processadas em laboratório para análise microscópica e morfométrica. Os resultados mostraram que a solução de nitrato de gálio e a pasta de hidróxido de cálcio limitaram a reabsorção radicular, mas não impediram a sua ocorrência. Conclui-se que ambos os medicamentos têm ação semelhante

    A quantitative analysis of rotary, ultrasonic and manual techniques to treat proximally flattened root canals

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    OBJECTIVE: The efficiency of rotary, manual and ultrasonic root canal instrumentation techniques was investigated in proximally flattened root canals. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty human mandibular left and right central incisors, lateral incisors and premolars were used. The pulp tissue was removed and the root canals were filled with red die. Teeth were instrumented using three techniques: (i) K3 and ProTaper rotary systems; (ii) ultrasonic crown-down technique; and (iii) progressive manual technique. Roots were bisected longitudinally in a buccolingual direction. The instrumented canal walls were digitally captured and the images obtained were analyzed using the Sigma Scan software. Canal walls were evaluated for total canal wall area versus non-instrumented area on which dye remained. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found between the instrumentation techniques studied (

    Sealing ability of cements in root canals prepared for intraradicular posts

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    This research evaluated the sealer ability of 2 temporary filling materials (white Cimpat and IRM) and 1 restorative cement (glass ionomer), in canals prepared for root posts. Sixty human palatal roots of maxillary first molars were used. They were divided into 3 groups, according to the cements used: Group I (Cimpat), Group II (IRM) and Group III (glass ionomer). The roots were rendered impermeable, filled with the respective cements and soon after immersed into 0.2% Rhodamine B dye and maintained for 72 hours in an oven for 37&deg;C. Microleakage was measured with a light microscope, cutting the roots longitudinally in buccolingual direction. The results showed that Group I presented significantly more leakage than Groups II and III, which were not significantly different from each other.Esta pesquisa avaliou a capacidade seladora de dois cimentos temporários (Cimpat branco e IRM) e um cimento restaurador em canais preparados para pinos intra-radiculares. Foram usadas 60 raízes palatinas de primeiros molares superiores humanos. Elas foram divididas em 3 grupos, conforme os cimentos usados: grupo I (Cimpat), grupo II (IRM) e grupo III (ionômero de vidro). As raízes foram impermeabilizadas, preenchidas com os respectivos cimentos e em seguida imersas em tintura de Rhodamina B a 0,2% e mantidas por 72 horas em uma estufa a 37ºC. A micro infiltração foi mensurada com um microscópio de luz nas raízes cortadas longitudinalmente, na direção vestíbubo-lingual. Os resultados mostraram que o grupo I apresentou, de modo significante, mais infiltração do que os grupos II e III, enquanto que entre estes não houve diferença significante

    Evaluation of the effects of processing delays and protective plastic cases on image quality of a photostimulable phosphor plate system

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    This ex vivo study evaluated the quality of digital radiographic images obtained with the photostimulable phosphor plate system (Digora) according to the processing delay and maintenance of optical plates in either opaque (supplied with the system) or transparent protective plastic cases during this period. Five radiographs were obtained from the mandibular molar region of a dry human mandible using optical plates. These plates were placed in the protective plastic cases before obtaining the radiographs and were processed immediately or after processing delays of 5, 60 and 120 min, when the case was removed. The results revealed a reduction in image quality when processing was delay 120 min compared to the other times. The opaque case provided better protection to the sensor than the transparent case. In conclusion, a 120-min processing delay for the Digora system caused a reduction in image quality, yet without interfering with the quality of diagnosis. The opaque case supplied by the system's manufacturer provided better protection to the optical plate than the transparent case

    Evaluation of single root canals filled using the lateral compaction, tagger's hybrid, microseal and guttaflow techniques

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    The aim of this study was to determine the percentage of voids, gutta-percha and root canal sealer using 4 different filling techniques. Fifty-two extracted maxillary lateral incisors were prepared using the crown-down pressureless technique. The teeth were randomly divided in 4 groups (n=13): Lateral compaction (LC), Tagger's hybrid (TH), MicroSeal (MS) and GuttaFlow (GF) techniques. Horizontal cross-sections were made at the 2, 10 and 15 mm levels from the apex. Digital images of the root canal areas were acquired using a stereomicroscope and examined using the Image Tool 3.0 software. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (&#945;=0.05). In general, a significant decrease in the gutta-percha filled area and increase of sealer area were observed at the apical level for all the evaluated techniques (p<0.05). With regard to the presence of voids, no significant difference was found. MS and TH techniques showed a larger gutta-percha filled area than LC and GF techniques at the coronal and middle third level (p<0.05). From the results of the present study, it may be concluded that the gutta-percha filled area of fillings decrease at the apical level, regardless of the filling technique used.O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a porcentagem de espaços vazios, guta-percha e cimento após a obturação por 4 diferentes técnicas. Cinquenta e dois incisivos laterais superiores humanos extraídos foram instrumentados pela técnica coroa-ápice sem pressão. Os dentes foram randomicamente divididos em 4 grupos (n=13): Condensação lateral (LC), Técnica híbrida de Tagger (TH), MicroSeal (MS) e GuttaFlow (GF). Foram feitas secções horizontais a 2, 10 e 15 mm do ápice. Imagens digitais foram obtidas dos canais por meio de estereomicroscópio e analisadas no programa Image Tool 3.0. A análise estatística foi feita utilizando o teste de Kruskal-Wallis (&#945;=0,05). Em geral foi observado um significante decréscimo na área de guta-percha e um aumento na área de cimento para todas as técnicas analisadas (p<0,05). Com relação à presença de espaços vazios, não houve diferença estatística entre as técnicas (p&gt;0,05). As técnicas MS e TH apresentaram área de guta-percha maior que as técnicas LC e GF nos terços médio e cervical (p<0,05). Após análise dos resultados foi possível concluir que a área de guta-percha nas obturações diminui em sentido apical, independente da técnica utilizada

    Enhanced Morbidity of Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap Used for Salvage after Previously Failed Oncological Treatment and Unsuccessful Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery

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    Introduction. The reconstruction of complex cervicofacial defects arising from surgical treatment for cancer is a real challenge for head and neck surgeons, especially in salvage reconstruction surgery and/or failed previous reconstruction. The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMF) has been widely used in these specific situations due to its reliability and low rate of failure or complications. Objectives. Identify factors that determine complications and influence the final outcome of the reconstructions with PMMF in salvage cancer surgery or in salvage reconstruction. Methods. A cross-sectional study design was used to evaluate a sample including 17 surgical patients treated over a period of ten years that met the inclusion criteria. Results. Reconstruction was successful in 13 cases (76.5%), with two cases of partial flap loss and no case of total loss. Complications occurred in 13 cases (76.5%) and were specifically related to the flap in nine instances (52.9%). An association was identified between the development of major complications and reconstruction of the hypopharynx (P = 0.013) as well as in patients submitted to surgery in association with radiation therapy as a previous cancer treatment (P = 0.002). The former condition is also associated with major reconstruction failure (P = 0.018). An even lower incidence of major complications was noted in patients under the age of 53 (P = 0.044). Conclusion. Older patients, with hypopharyngeal defects and submitted to previous surgery plus radiation therapy, presented a higher risk of complications and reconstruction failure with PMMF

    Bilateral mandibular canines with two roots and two separate canals: case report

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    The mandibular canine is usually considered a single-rooted tooth with a single root canal. However, two canals and more rarely two roots may also occur. This paper reports the case of a patient with bilateral mandibular canines with two roots and two root canals. The initial periapical radiographs of the mandibular right and left canines for endodontic treatment revealed the presence of two roots in each tooth. After coronal opening, the cervical third was prepared with a SX file of the ProTaper® system and root canal length was confirmed using Root ZX electronic apex locator. Root canal preparation was completed with the series of ProTaper® instruments and the root canal was filled with gutta-percha and an epoxy resin-based endodontic sealer according to Tagger's hybrid technique. The final radiographs showed two well-obturated canals ending at the electronically located apexes. The 6-month posttreatment follow-up showed apparent clinical and radiographic success. Clinicians should always consider the presence of anatomical variations in the teeth during endodontic treatments. Despite the low prevalence, variations may occur in the number of roots and root canals of mandibular canines, as demonstrated in this case report.O canino inferior é tido como um dente unirradiculado e com apenas um canal. Todavia, pode ocorrer o aparecimento de dois canais e, mais raramente, duas raízes. Este artigo apresenta o caso clínico de uma paciente com ambos os caninos inferiores apresentando duas raízes e dois canais radiculares. A radiografia inicial periapical dos caninos mandibulares inferiores direito e esquerdo para tratamento endodôntico revelou a presença de duas raízes em cada um deles. Uma vez realizada a abertura coronária, o preparo do terço cervical foi feito com a lima SX do sistema ProTaper® e a odontometria foi determinada e confirmada eletronicamente com o localizador apical eletrônico Root ZX. O preparo foi finalizado com a série de instrumentos do sistema ProTaper® e a obturação foi realizada com cones de guta-percha e cimento obturador resinoso sob a técnica Híbrida de Tagger. As radiografias finais mostraram dois canais bem obturados terminando nos limites apicais estabelecidos pelos localizadores apicais eletrônicos. O controle de 6 meses mostrou sucesso clínico e radiográfico do tratamento endodôntico. Os clínicos devem sempre considerar a presença de variações anatômicas em todo tratamento endodôntico. A despeito da baixa prevalência, pode haver variações no número de raízes e canais de caninos inferiores, como demonstrado neste caso clínico