66,486 research outputs found

    Determination of the Higgs boson spin with a linear e+e- collider

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    The energy dependence of the production cross section of a light Higgs boson is studied at threshold and compared to the expectations of several spin assumptions. Cross section measurements at three centre-of-mass energies with an integrated luminosity of 20 fb-1 allow the confirmation of the scalar nature of the Higgs Boson.Comment: 4 pages (Latex), 4 figures (Postscript

    Carbon burning in intermediate mass primordial stars

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    The evolution of a zero metallicity 9 M_s star is computed, analyzed and compared with that of a solar metallicity star of identical ZAMS mass. Our computations range from the main sequence until the formation of a massive oxygen-neon white dwarf. Special attention has been payed to carbon burning in conditions of partial degeneracy as well as to the subsequent thermally pulsing Super-AGB phase. The latter develops in a fashion very similar to that of a solar metallicity 9 M_s star, as a consequence of the significant enrichment in metals of the stellar envelope that ensues due to the so-called third dredge-up episode. The abundances in mass of the main isotopes in the final ONe core resulting from the evolution are X(^{16}O) approx 0.59, X(^{20}Ne) approx 0.28 and X(^{24}Mg) approx 0.05. This core is surrounded by a 0.05 M_s buffer mainly composed of carbon and oxygen, and on top of it a He envelope of mass 10^{-4} M_sComment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spectroscopy of the post-AGB star HD 101584(IRAS 11385-5517)

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    From an analysis of the spectrum (4000\AA to 8800\AA) of HD~101584 it is found that most of the neutral and single ionized metallic lines are in emission. The forbidden emission lines of [OI] 6300\AA and 6363\AA and [CI] 8727\AA are detected, which indicate the presence of a very low excitation nebula. The Hα\alpha, FeII 6383\AA, NaI D1_{1}, D2_{2} lines and the CaII IR triplet lines show P-Cygni profiles indicating a mass outflow. The Hα\alpha line shows many velocity components in the profile. The FeII 6383\AA also has almost the same line profile as the Hα\alpha line indicating that they are formed in the same region. From the spectrum synthesis analysis we find the atmospheric parameters to be Teff_{eff}=8500K, log g=1.5, Vturb_{turb}=13km~s1^{-1} and [Fe/H]=0.0. From an analysis of the absorption lines the photospheric abundances of some of the elements are derived. Carbon and nitrogen are found to be overabundant. From the analysis of Fe emission lines we derived Texi_{exi}=6100K±\pm200 for the emission line region.Comment: To appear in A&A, 15 pages, 11 figure

    A Black Hole of > 6 Solar Masses in the X-ray Nova XTE J1118+480

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    Observations of the quiescent X-ray nova XTE J1118+480 with the new 6.5-m MMT have revealed that the velocity amplitude of the dwarf secondary is 698 +/- 14 km/s and the orbital period of the system is 0.17013 +/- 0.00010 d. The implied value of the mass function, f(M) = 6.00 +/- 0.36 solar masses, provides a hard lower limit on the mass of the compact primary that greatly exceeds the maximum allowed mass of a neutron star. Thus we conclude that the compact primary is a black hole. Among the eleven dynamically established black-hole X-ray novae, the large mass function of XTE J1118+480 is rivaled only by that of V404 Cyg. We estimate that the secondary supplies 34% +/- 8% of the total light at 5900A and that its spectral type is in the range K5V to M1V. A double-humped I-band light curve is probably due to ellipsoidal modulation, although this interpretation is not entirely secure because of an unusual 12-minute offset between the spectroscopic and photometric ephemerides. Assuming that the light curve is ellipsoidal, we present a provisional analysis which indicates that the inclination of the system is high and the mass of the black hole is correspondingly modest. The broad Balmer emission lines (FWHM = 2300-2900 km/s) also suggest a high inclination. For the range of spectral types given above, we estimate a distance of 1.8 +/- 0.6 kpc.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters; Minor changes to Fig 1

    Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Transmission through Metallic Gratings of Subwavelength Slits

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    We present FDTD calculations for transmission of light and other electromagnetic waves through periodic arrays of slits in a metallic slab. The results show resonant, frequency dependent, transmittance peaks for subwavelength widths of the slits which can be up to a factor of ten with respect to those out of resonance. Although our conclusions agree with previous work by Lezec and Thio as regards both the magnitude of the enhancement and the lack of contribution of surface plasmon polaritons of the metal surface to this effect, we derive an interpretation from a theory that deals with emerging beam- Rayleigh anomalies of the grating, and with Fabry-Perot resonances of the perforated slab considered as an effective medium.Comment: 12 pages 3 figure

    Size effect in the ionization energy of PAH clusters

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    We report the first experimental measurement of the near-threshold photo-ionization spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon clusters made of pyrene C16H10 and coronene C24H12, obtained using imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectrometry with a VUV synchrotron beamline. The experimental results of the ionization energy are confronted to calculated ones obtained from simulations using dedicated electronic structure treatment for large ionized molecular clusters. Experiment and theory consistently find a decrease of the ionization energy with cluster size. The inclusion of temperature effects in the simulations leads to a lowering of this energy and to a quantitative agreement with the experiment. In the case of pyrene, both theory and experiment show a discontinuity in the IE trend for the hexamer

    Bullion production in imperial China and its significance for sulphide ore smelting world-wide

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    Gold and silver production was of major importance for almost all ancient societies but has been rarely studied archaeologically. Here we present a reconstruction of a previously undocumented technology used to recover gold, silver and lead at the site of Baojia in Jiangxi province, China dated between the 7th and 13th centuries AD. Smelting a mixture of sulphidic and gossan ores in a relatively low temperature furnace under mildly reducing conditions, the process involved the use of metallic iron to reduce lead sulphide to lead metal, which acted as the collector of the precious metals. An experimental reconstruction provides essential information, demonstrating both the significant influence of sulphur on the silicate slag system, and that iron reduction smelting of lead can be carried out at a relatively low temperature. These new findings are relevant for further studies of lead and precious metal smelting slags world-wide. The technological choices of ancient smelters at this site are then discussed in their specific geographical and social-economic settings

    Numerical study of Yang-Mills classical solutions on the twisted torus

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    We use the lattice cooling method to investigate the structure of some gauge fixed SU(2) Yang-Mills classical solutions of the euclidean equations of motion which are defined in the 3-torus with symmetric twisted boundary conditions.Comment: 20pp (fig.included

    MMT Observations of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1118+480 near and in Quiescence

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    We report on the analysis of new and previously published MMT optical spectra of the black hole binary XTE J1118+480 during the decline from the 2000 outburst to true quiescence. From cross-correlation with template stars, we measure the radial velocity of the secondary to derive a new spectroscopic ephemeris. The observations acquired during approach to quiescence confirm the earlier reported modulation in the centroid of the double-peaked Halpha emission line. Additionally, our data combined with the results presented by Zurita et al. (2002) provide support for a modulation with a periodicity in agreement with the expected precession period of the accretion disk of ~52 day. Doppler images during the decline phase of the Halpha emission line show evidence for a hotspot and emission from the gas stream: the hotspot is observed to vary its position, which may be due to the precession of the disk. The data available during quiescence show that the centroid of the Halpha emission line is offset by about -100 km/s from the systemic velocity which suggests that the disk continues to precess. A Halpha tomogram reveals emission from near the donor star after subtraction of the ring-like contribution from the accretion disk which we attribute to chromospheric emission. No hotspot is present suggesting that accretion from the secondary has stopped (or decreased significantly) during quiescence. Finally, a comparison is made with the black hole XRN GRO J0422+32: we show that the Halpha profile of this system also exhibits a behaviour consistent with a precessing disk.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap