2,016 research outputs found

    Modern process planning for additive manufacturing assisted a 356 aluminum casting

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    Foundry engineering integrates mechanical design, thermal-fluid dynamics, and material science to cast components of a unique design. This project was intended to apply these concepts to optimize the casting process of an aircraft Bearing Housing by applying the design flexibility obtained from additive manufacturing (AM). The two AM processes that were studied include 3D sand printing and 3D wax printing to determine their advantages when applied to sand and investment casting, respectively. For efficiency, generative design (GD), computational fluid dynamic (CFD), and phase field (PF) simulation were used to rapidly compare the outcomes of multiple rigging systems prior to 3D printing molds. Once verifying the optimal design based on the part’s geometry, the mold prototypes were printed and casted in controlled laboratory conditions. The material properties were tested and characterized at critical cross sections to verify consistency of results to the simulated environments

    Smart Demand for Frequency Regulation: Experimental Results

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    Construcción de significados en la pérdida gestacional: estudio cualitativo con parejas brasileñas

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    We investigated the process of meaning construction in pregnancy loss in 11 Brazilian couples. The reports were submitted to inductive and deductive thematic analysis using the categorization system from the integrative model of meaning construction in grief. Regarding the original dimensions of the model (Sense-making of death, benefit from the experience of loss, and identity change), there was a lack of meaning for death, perception of strengthened bonds within the couple as a benefit, and parenting as an identity project. We propose an additional dimension (Meaning-making process) that includes gender differences, lack of social recognition, and emotional intensity of the experience. As for coping strategies, spirituality and the search for peers were identified, especially in social media. After a pregnancy loss, the process of meaning construction proved similar to that of other types of loss, validating this experience. We discuss the implications of the category system used in this study.Investigou-se o processo de construção de significados na perda gestacional em 11 casais brasileiros. Os relatos foram submetidos à análise temática indutiva e dedutiva, utilizando o sistema de categorização do modelo integrativo de construção de significado no luto. Em relação às dimensões originais do modelo (Sentido para a morte, benefício na experiência de perda e modificação da identidade), constatou-se falta de sentido para a morte, fortalecimento de vínculo do casal como benefício e parentalidade enquanto projeto identitário. Foi proposta uma dimensão adicional (Processo de construir significado) que incluiu diferenças de gênero, falta de reconhecimento social e intensidade emocional da experiência. Enquanto estratégias de enfrentamento, identificou-se espiritualidade e busca por iguais, especialmente nas mídias sociais. O processo de construir significados na perda gestacional mostrou-se semelhante ao de outros tipos de perdas, validando esta experiência. Foram discutidas as implicações do sistema de categorias utilizado.Se investigó el proceso de construcción de significados en la pérdida gestacional en 11 parejas brasileñas. Los informes fueron sometidos a un análisis temático inductivo y deductivo, usando el sistema de categorización del modelo integrador de construcción de significado en el duelo. En cuanto a las dimensiones originales del modelo (Significado para la muerte, beneficio en la experiencia de pérdida, cambio de identidad), se encontró falta de significado para la muerte, fortificación de lazos de la pareja como un beneficio y la parentalidad como un proyecto de identidad. Se ha propuesto una dimensión adicional (Proceso de construcción de significado) que incluye diferencias de género, falta de reconocimiento social e intensidad emocional de la experiencia. Como estrategias de afrontamiento, se identificó la espiritualidad y la búsqueda de los iguales, especialmente en las redes sociales. El proceso de construir significado en la pérdida gestacional demostró ser similar al de los otros tipos de pérdida, validando esta experiencia. Son discutidas las implicaciones del sistema de categorías utilizado

    Interplay of NH4+ and BH4- reorientational dynamics in NH4BH4

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    The reorientational dynamics of ammonium borohydride (NH4BH4) was studied using quasielastic neutron scattering in the temperature interval from 10 to 240 K, which covers both the dynamically ordered and disordered polymorphs of NH4BH4. In the low-temperature (50 K) ordered polymorph of NH4BH4, analysis of the quasielastic neutron scattering data reveals that no reorientational dynamics is present within the probed timescale region of 0.1 to 100 ps. In the high-temperature (50 K) disordered polymorph, the analysis establishes the onset of NH4+ and BH4- dynamics at around 50 and 125 K, respectively. The relaxation time at 150 K for NH4+ is approximately 1 ps, while around 100 ps for BH4- . The NH4+ dynamics at temperatures below 125 K is associated with preferential tetrahedral tumbling motions, where each of the hydrogen atoms in the NH4+ tetrahedron can visit any of the four hydrogen sites, however, reorientations around a specific axis are more frequently occurring (C-2 or C3). At higher temperatures, the analysis does not exclude a possible evolution of the NH4+ dynamics from tetrahedral tumbling to either cubic tumbling, where the hydrogen atoms can visit any of the eight positions corresponding to the corners of a cube, or isotropic rotational diffusion, where the hydrogen atoms can visit any location on the surface of a sphere. The BH4- dynamics can be described as cubic tumbling. The difference in reorientational dynamics between the two ions is related to the difference of the local environment where the dynamically much slower BH4- anion imposes a noncubic environment on the NH4+ cation

    Facile Synthesis of Sustainable Activated Biochars with Different Pore Structures as Efficient Additive-Carbon-Free Anodes for Lithium- and Sodium-Ion Batteries

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    The present work elucidates facile one-pot synthesis from biomass forestry waste (Norway spruce bark) and its chemical activation yielding high specific surface area (SBET) biochars as efficient lithium-and sodium-ion storage anodes. The chemically activated biochar using ZnCl2 (Biochar-1) produced a highly mesoporous carbon containing 96.1% mesopores in its structure as compared to only 56.1% mesoporosity from KOH-activated biochars (Biochar-2). The latter exhibited a lower degree of graphitization with disordered and defective carbon structures, while the former presented more formation of ordered graphite sheets in its structure as analyzed from Raman spectra. In addition, both biochars presented a high degree of functionalities on their surfaces but Biochar-1 presented a pyridinic-nitrogen group, which helps improve its electrochemical response. When tested electrochemically, Biochar-1 showed an excellent rate capability and the longest capacity retentions of 370 mA h g-1 at 100 mA g-1 (100 cycles), 332.4 mA h g-1 at 500 mA g-1 (1000 cycles), and 319 mA h g-1 at 1000 mA g-1 after 5000 cycles, rendering as an alternative biomass anode for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Moreover, as a negative electrode in sodium-ion batteries, Biochar-1 delivered discharge capacities of 147.7 mA h g-1 at 50 mA g-1 (140 cycles) and 126 mA h g-1 at 100 mA g-1 after 440 cycles

    Focused cognitive-behavioral therapy in foster care context

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    O acolhimento institucional visa oferecer experiências reparadoras a jovens afastados do convívio familiar - processo que pode ser facilitado pela atuação do psicólogo. Apesar de ser uma prioridade do acolhimento, a reintegração familiar destes jovens ainda é um evento pouco frequente no contexto brasileiro. O objetivo deste relato de experiência profissional é descrever o atendimento psicológico de um jovem em acolhimento, que buscou facilitar a sua transição para o convívio familiar. O atendimento foi realizado em uma clínica escola no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, e teve como base a Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental Focada no Trauma (TCC-FT), com ênfase na narrativa do trauma. A história de vida do paciente foi retratada através de desenhos, possibilitando a reestruturação crenças e de memórias traumáticas que dificultavam sua reintegração familiar e sua saída da casa de acolhimento. Este trabalho exemplifica uma adaptação positiva ao acolhimento institucional e uma posterior reintegração familiar, e descreve como intervenções narrativas podem ser adaptadas ao trabalho com desenhos e imagens mentais. Essa abordagem da TCC-FT com desenhos e imagens mentais demonstra ser promissora no trabalho com jovens em acolhimento, pois pode facilitar o acesso e elaboração de eventos traumáticos, bem como o processo de reintegração familiar.The foster care aims to offer reparative experiences for youth deprived from family life - a process that can be aided by the psychologist. The return of youth into family life is a priority. Although, the reintegration is still na uncommon event in the Brazilian context. The aim of this professional experience report is to describe the psychological attendance of a youth in foster care, which aimed to facilitate his transition into family life. The attendance take place in a clinic school at the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and was based on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), with emphasis on the trauma narrative. The patient's life history was portrayed through drawings, making possible the restructure of beliefs and traumatic memories which made him worried about family reintegration and leaving the host house. This report exemplifies a positive adaptation to a foster care institution and subsequent family reintegration, and describes how narrative interventions can be adapted to the work with drawings and mental images. This CBT-FT approach with drawings and mental images shows promise with youth in foster care, as it can facilitate the access and elaboration of traumatic events, as well as the process of family reintegration

    Type III secretion inhibitors for the management of bacterial plant diseases

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    Altres ajuts: COST Action SUSTAIN (FA1208) from the European Union.The identification of chemical compounds that prevent and combat bacterial diseases is fundamental for crop production. Bacterial virulence inhibitors are a promising alternative to classical control treatments, because they have a low environmental impact and are less likely to generate bacterial resistance. The major virulence determinant of most animal and plant bacterial pathogens is the type III secretion system (T3SS). In this work, we screened nine plant extracts and 12 isolated compounds-including molecules effective against human pathogens-for their capacity to inhibit the T3SS of plant pathogens and for their applicability as virulence inhibitors for crop protection. The screen was performed using a luminescent reporter system developed in the model pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. Five synthetic molecules, one natural product and two plant extracts were found to down-regulate T3SS transcription, most through the inhibition of the regulator hrpB. In addition, for three of the molecules, corresponding to salicylidene acylhydrazide derivatives, the inhibitory effect caused a dramatic decrease in the secretion capacity, which was translated into impaired plant responses. These candidate virulence inhibitors were then tested for their ability to protect plants. We demonstrated that salicylidene acylhydrazides can limit R. solanacearum multiplication in planta and protect tomato plants from bacterial speck caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. Our work validates the efficiency of transcription reporters to discover compounds or natural product extracts that can be potentially applied to prevent bacterial plant disease

    The IMO Reference Data Model: One Solution Fits Most!

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    In 2019, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) made it mandatory to support the electronic clearance of ships entering foreign ports. In preparation, the IMO Facilitation Committee started to develop a reference data model to harmonise the most important standards for ship clearance. The first version was published in 2020. The model is already extending into other areas of ship-port data exchanges and it is now increasingly seen as a tool to coordinate development of new electronic data exchange standards for ship operations. The lack of such coordination has, up until now, been a significant problem—much better coordination is essential in the relatively small and highly international market that shipping represents.acceptedVersio

    ¿Psicología “del deporte” o “del performance humano”? : explorando contextos no deportivos y sus implicaciones

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    Historicamente, a Psicologia do Esporte e do Exercício esteve majoritariamente direcionada aos esportes organizados. No entanto, há psicólogos do esporte que adaptam as técnicas e conceitos desta área a demais contextos da performance humana, o que exige uma melhor compreensão sobre as implicações teórico-práticas destas iniciativas. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma análise crítica sobre esta tendência, baseada em estudos teóricos e empíricos sobre Psicologia da Performance. O conceito de Psicologia da Performance pode representar uma unidade existente entre as pesquisas e intervenções direcionadas a diversas atividades humanas. Ao expandir seu escopo, a Psicologia do Esporte dá origem a uma Psicologia da Performance, auxiliando diferentes grupos de pessoas que atuam rotineiramente na busca por níveis máximos de desempenho. Através de uma análise temática de documentos-semente sobre o tema, identificou-se que os principais setores para estas aplicações são: (1) o desenvolvimento pessoal; (2) o mundo empresarial; (3) o mundo artístico; e (4) as forças armadas. Compreender como essa área está se constituindo e os contextos de sua aplicação pode contribuir para a ampliação do campo de trabalho do psicólogo do esporte e para a expansão da psicologia do esporte, especialmente no contexto brasileiro.Historically, the Sport and Exercise Psychology has been mostly oriented to organized sports. However, there are sports psychologists who adapt concepts and techniques of this area to several contexts of human performance, which requires a better understanding of the theoretical and practical implications of these enterprises. The purpose of this article is to present a critical analysis of this trend, based on theoretical and empirical studies about Performance Psychology. The concept of Performance Psychology may represent an existing unity between research and interventions on different human activities. By expanding its scope, Sport Psychology gives rise to Performance Psychology, which makes it possible to assist several groups of people that routinely seek maximum levels of performance. Through a thematic analysis of seed documents on the subject, it was identified that the main sectors for these applications are: (1) personal development; (2) the business world; (3) the artistic world; and (4) the military. Understanding the contexts of application and how this area is being constituted may contribute to the expansion of Sport Psychology field, as well as the expansion of work possibilities of sports psychologists, especially in the Brazilian context.Históricamente, la Psicología del Deporte y del Ejercicio estuvo mayoritariamente dirigida a los deportes organizados. Sin embargo, hay psicólogos del deporte que adaptan las técnicas y conceptos de esta área a otros contextos del performance humano, requiriendo una mejor comprensión sobre las implicaciones teórico-prácticas de estas iniciativas. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un análisis crítico sobre esta tendencia, basada en estudios teóricos y empíricos sobre Psicología del Performance. El concepto de Psicología del Performance puede representar una unidad existente entre investigaciones e intervenciones dirigidas a diversas actividades humanas. Al expandir su alcance, la Psicología del Deporte da origen a una Psicología del Performance, ayudando a diferentes grupos de personas que actúan rutinariamente buscando los niveles máximos de desempeño. A través de un análisis temático de documentos-semilla sobre el tema, se identificó que los principales sectores para estas aplicaciones son: (1) el desarrollo personal; (2) el mundo empresarial; (3) el mundo artístico; y (4) las fuerzas armadas. Comprender cómo esta área se está constituyendo y los contextos de su aplicación pueden contribuir a la ampliación del campo de trabajo del psicólogo del deporte y para la expansión de la Psicología del Deporte, especialmente en el contexto brasileño