17,412 research outputs found

    Not truly partnerless: Non-residential partnerships and retreat from marriage in Spain

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    In Spain, nearly two-thirds of women aged 20-34 have not yet entered their first union. However, almost half of them have a stable partner in a different household. Hence, the drop in marriage rates and low prevalence of cohabitation cannot be rightly interpreted as a decline in partnership formation, but rather as a postponement of co-residential unions. This paper examines the prevalence and determinants of non-residential stable partnerships among young adults (women aged 20-34), in relation to cohabitation and marriage, using a multinomial logit model of current partnership type. The analysis is based on data from the 1999 Spanish Fertility Survey.cohabitation, LAT, partnerships, Spain, union formation

    Is Latin America starting to retreat from early and universal childbearing?

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    The 2000 censuses show that the proportion of women below age 30 who are mothers has dropped substantially in most Latin America countries, suggesting that the social imperative of early motherhood, which has long prevailed in the region, is weakening. Surveys conducted in 14 Latin American countries in 2006 also show a strong link between childlessness and higher education across several cohorts. We discuss whether the recent increase in childlessness among young women reflects a shift towards later childbearing, a novel trend in the Latin American context, and also whether it may signal an emerging retreat from universal childbearing in the region.childlessness, fertility, first birth, Latin America

    Risk tasking behaviour and ownership in the banking industry: the Spanish evidence

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    This paper analyses the determinant of risk_taking in the Spanish financial intermediaries with special emphasis on the ownership structure and size of the different entities. On the one hand, the soecific legal configuration of Spanish Savings banks may lead them to differ from Commercial banks in their risk behaviour. In particular, they may make riskier investments. Nevertheless,other theories indicate that greater stockholder control in Commercial banks may induce them towards greater risk_taking in certain situations. In this paper we test these hypotheses with a dynamic pañel data model (1993_2000) for Spanish Commercial banks and Savings banks. We analyse whether differences in risk behaviour are related to different ownership structures or to other factors such as the size of the entity.Commercial banks, Savings banks, Corporate control, Ownership structure, Bank risk_taking

    "Madrugada", de Antonio Buero Vallejo o las tinieblas de la aurora: del escenario a la pantalla

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    El artículo propone un recorrido desde una metodología comparativa y recepcional de Madrugada, uno de los dramas buerianos más desatendidos de su fértil trayectoria teatral. que despertó, sin embargo, el interés de la pantalla para su adaptación. A través de nuevos documentos y perspectivas críticas, se reconstruye una operación de relectura que, más allá de los juicios de valor enquistados en escudriñar los diferentes grados de fidelidad de los textos al original, permite adentrarse en claves desconocidas del proceso creativo o en las condiciones pragmáticas de su representación, para reparar los diversos modos de apropiación y los desplazamientos que han tenido lugar como consecuencia de ello.The article proposes a tour around Madrugada from a comparative and receptional methodology. The play is one of the more unknown plays of Buero Vallejo in his fertile theatrical path, which, nevertheless, attrack the interest of the screen for its adaptation. Across new documents and critical perspectives, there is reconstructed an operation of rereading that, beyond the judgments of valué sealed off in investigating the different degrees of loyalty of the texts to the original, allows to enter new perspectives of the creative process or the pragmatic conditions of his representation, to repair diverL'article propose un parcours depuis une méthodologie comparative et recepcional a l'aube, l'un des drames buerianos plus unconnus de sa fertile trajectoire théátrale, qui a réveillé, cependant, l'intérét de l'écran pour son adaptation. A travers de nouveaux documents et perspectives critiques, on reconstruit une operation de relecture qui, audelá des jugements de valeur enkystés dans fouiller du regard différents degrés de fidélité des textes á l'original, permet de s'enfoncer dans des clés inconnues du processus créateur ou dans les conditions pragmatiques de sa representation, pour réparer les diverses manieres d'appropriation et les déplacements qu'ils ont eus lieu comme consequence de cela

    The Big Carrot:High-Stakes Incentives Revisited

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    Using an international dataset of about 35,000 subjects, this paper provides an empirical example of high-stakes incentives in relation to religious practice. First, we show that incentives (based on absolute belief) play a salient role in religious performance. Second, we find that, when both positive (heaven) and negative (hell) incentives are available, the former are more effective than the latter. Specifically, it is shown that beliefs in heaven are much more relevant than beliefs in hell when estimating the production of religious commodities (church-attendance and praying equations).carrot/stick, high-stakes incentives, rewards, punishment, Economics of Religion

    The Big Carrot: High Stake Incentives Revisited

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    This paper provides an empirical demonstration of high stakes incentives in relation to religious practice. It shows that, when both positive (carrot) and negative (stick) incentives are available, the former are more effective than the latter. Specifically, it is shown that beliefs in heaven are much more relevant than beliefs in hell when estimating the production of religious commodities (church-attendance and praying equations).punishment, rewards, high stakes, carrot/stick, economics of religion

    Literatura, disparate y humor en Manicomio, de Fernando Fernán-Gómez

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    Si el disparate se define como contrario a la estética del acierto, la película de Fernán-Gómez y Luis Mª Delgado se puede vanagloriar del epíteto, por cuanto sobrevive y se asienta en los restos de varios naufragios de los queda siempre incólume su sustrato literario, las aportaciones de la escritura de cuatro titanes de la literatura universal de entresiglos, pues el relato fílmico incorpora mucho más allá de la peripecia argumental del guión, claves imprescindibles para desentrañar el sentido último de las imágenes; porque transferir el ramonismo a la pantalla supone algo más que verter la peripecia de un sketch, "La mona de imitación"; se trata de acertar con el fondo de un disparate.If Ramón Gómez de la Serna defined the disparate as the opposite to the aesthetics of the wisdom, the movie of Fernán-Gómez and Luis Mª Delgado can boast of the epithet, since it survives and settles itself in the remains of several shipwrecks of which it remains always unscatched his literary substratum, the contributions of the writing of four titans of the universal literature. The movie statement incorporates far beyond of the plot incident of the script, indispensable keys to uncover the last sense of the images; because to transfer the ramonismo to the screen supposes something more that to spill the incident of a sketch, «The monkey of imitation»; it is a question of succeeding with the bottom of a disparate.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia dentro del Programa Ramón y Cajal «Del papel a la pantalla: Literatura y cine» que se desarrolla en el CSIC de Madrid a cargo de Mª Teresa García-Abad García. Se inscribe en el proyecto de investigación «Teoría y práctica de la adaptación cinematográfica de textos literarios en España (1950-1975)», dirigido por José Antonio Pérez Bowie

    The Big Carrot: High Stake Incentives Revisited

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    This paper provides an empirical demonstration of high stakes incentives in relation to religious practice. It shows that, when both positive (carrot) and negative (stick) incentives are available, the former are more effective than the latter. Specifically, it is shown that beliefs in heaven are much more relevant than beliefs in hell when estimating the production of religious commodities (church-attendance and praying equations).carrot/stick, high stakes, rewards, punishment, Economics of Religion