48 research outputs found

    3D sound for simulation of arthroscopic surgery

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    Arthroscopic surgery offers many advantages compared to traditional surgery. Nevertheless, the required skills to practice this kind of surgery need specific training. Surgery simulators are used to train surgeon apprentices to practice specific gestures. In this paper, we present a study showing the contribution of 3D sound in assisting the triangulation gesture in arthroscopic surgery simulation. This ability refers to the capacity of the subject to manipulate the instruments while having a modified and limited view provided by the video camera of the simulator. Our approach, based on the use of 3D sound metaphors, provides interaction cues to the subjects about the real position of the instrument. The paper reports a performance evaluation study based on the perception of 3D sound integrated in the process of training of surgical task. Despite the fact that 3D sound cueing was not shown useful to all subjects in terms of execution time, the results of the study revealed that the majority of subjects who participated to the experiment confirmed the added value of 3D sound in terms of ease of use

    Boosting Economic Growth Through Advanced Machine Vision

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    International audienceIn this chapter, we overview the potential of machine vision and related technologies in various application domains of critical importance for economic growth and prospect. Considered domains include healthcare, energy and environment, finance, and industrial innovation. Visibility technologies considered encompass augmented and virtual reality, 3D technologies, and media content authoring tools and technologies. We overview the main challenges facing the application domains and discuss the potential of machine vision technologies to address these challenges. In healthcare, rising cases for chronic diseases among patients and the urgent need for preventive healthcare is accelerating the deployment of telemedicine. Telemedicine as defined in the EU commission staff working paper on “Telemedicine for the benefit of patients, healthcare systems and society” (COM-SEC, 2009) is the delivery of healthcare services at a distance using information and communication technologies. There are two main groups of telemedicine applications: (1) applications linking a patient with a health professional; and (2) applications linking two health professionals (such as tele-second opinion, teleradiology). Machine vision technologies, coupled with reliable networking infrastructure, are key for accelerating the penetration of telemedicine applications. Several examples will be drawn illustrating the use of machine vision technologies in telemedicine. Sustainable energy and environment are key pillars for a sustainable economy. Technology is playing an increasing vital role in energy and environment including water resources management. This would foster greater control of the demand and supply side of energy and water. On the demand side, technologies including machine vision, could help indeveloping advanced visual metering technologies. On the supply side, machine vision technologies could help in exploring alternative sources for the generation of energy and water supply. In the finance domain, financial crises and the failure of banking systems are major challenges facing the coming decade. Recovery is still far from reach entailing a major economic slowdown. Machine vision technologies offer the potential for greater risk visibility, prediction of downturns and stress test of the soundness of the financial system. Examples are drawn from 3D/AR/VR applications in finance. Innovation could be seen as the process of deploying breakthrough outcome of research in industry. The innovation process could be conceived as a feedback loop starting from channelling the outcome of basic research into industrial production. Marketing strategies and novel approaches for customer relationship management draw a feedback loop that continuously update the feed of breakthrough research in industrial production. In this respect, machine vision technologies are key along this feedback process, particularly in the visualisation of the potential market and the potential route to market. CYBER II technology (Hasenfratz et al, 2003 and 2004) is described in section 6 as a machine vision technology that has a potential use in the various application domains considered in this chapter. CYBER II technology is based on multi-camera image acquisition, from different view points, of real moving bodies. Section 6 describes CYBER II technology and its potential application in the considered domains. The chapter concludes with a comparative analysis of the penetration of machine vision in various application domains and reflects on the horizon of machine vision in boosting economic growth

    Mobile Augmented Reality in Museums : Towards Enhancing Visitor's Learning Experience

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    This article presents the design and implementation of a handheld Augmented Reality (AR) system called Mobile Augmented Reality Touring System (M.A.R.T.S). The results of experiments conducted during museum visits using this system are also described. These experiments aim at studying how such a tool can transform the visitor’s learning experience by comparing it to two widely used museum systems. First, we present the museum’s learning experience and a related model which emerged from the state of the art. This model consists of two types of activity experienced by the observer of a work of art: sensitive and analytical. Then, we detail M.A.R.T.S architecture and implementation. Our empirical study highlights the fact that AR can direct visitors’ attention by emphasizing and superimposing. Its magnifying and sensitive effects are well perceived and appreciated by visitors. The obtained results reveal that M.A.R.T.S contributes to a worthwhile learning experience

    Reducing reversal errors in localizing the source of sound in virtual environment without head tracking

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    This paper presents a study about the effect of using additional audio cueing and Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) on human performance in sound source localization task without using head movement. The existing techniques of sound spatialization generate reversal errors. We intend to reduce these errors by introducing sensory cues based on sound effects. We conducted and experimental study to evaluate the impact of additional cues in sound source localization task. The results showed the benefit of combining the additional cues and HRTF in terms of the localization accuracy and the reduction of reversal errors. This technique allows significant reduction of reversal errors compared to the use of the HRTF separately. For instance, this technique could be used to improve audio spatial alerting, spatial tracking and target detection in simulation applications when head movement is not included

    Technology-based reading intervention programs for elementary grades: An analytical review

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    In modern societies, the role of reading is becoming increasingly crucial. Hence, any impairment to the reading ability can seriously limit a person's aspirations. The enormous importance of reading as an essential skill in modern life has encouraged many researchers to try and find more effective intervention approaches. Technology has been used extensively to assist and enhance literacy learning. This analytical review aims at presenting a comprehensive overview of the existing research on technology-based or technology-assisted reading interventions for elementary grades, between 2000 and 2017, along with analyzing various aspects of these studies. After extensive research, 42 articles have met the inclusion criteria, which have evaluated a total of 32 reading programs. The studies are classified into six categories of phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and multi-component. Each reading category begins with a brief introduction. Then, the content and instructional mechanisms of each program in the category is explained, alongside the outcome of its interventions. It is found that vocabulary interventions, as well as using mobile, tablet and other non-computer technologies are massively overlooked. Furthermore, a very limited number of programs focused on fluency, none of them addressed all its components. In addition, despite the required long-term practice for fostering fluency, the reviewed studies have an average intervention time shorter than other intervention categories. This paper provides researchers and solution developers with an extensive and informative review of the current state of the art in reading interventions. Additionally, it identifies the current knowledge gaps and defines future research directions to develop effective reading programs

    Using 3D sound for providing 3D interaction in virtual environment

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    In this paper we describe a proposal based on the use of 3D sound metaphors for providing precise spatial cueing in virtual environment. A 3D sound metaphor is a combination of the audio spatialization and audio cueing techniques. The 3D sound metaphors are supposed to improve the user performance and perception. The interest of this kind of stimulation mechanism is that it could allow providing efficient 3D interaction for interactive tasks such as selection, manipulation and navigation among others. We describe the main related concepts, the most relevant related work, the current theoretical and technical problems, the description of our approach, our scientific objectives, our methodology and our research perspectives

    Virtual and Augmented Reality in Finance: State Visibility of Events and Risk

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    International audienceThe recent financial crisis and its aftermath motivate our re-thinking of the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a driver for change in global finance and a critical factor for success and sustainability. We attribute the recent financial crisis that hit the global market, causing a drastic economic slowdown and recession, to a lack of state visibility of risk, inadequate response to events, and a slow dynamic system adaptation to events. There is evidence that ICT is not yet appropriately developed to create business value and business intelligence capable of counteracting devastating events. The aim of this chapter is to assess the potential of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR / AR) technologies in supporting the dynamics of global financial systems and in addressing the grand challenges posed by unexpected events and crises. We overview, firstly, in this chapter traditional AR/VR uses. Secondly, we describe early attempts to use 3D/ VR / AR technologies in Finance. Thirdly, we consider the case study of mediating the visibility of the financial state and we explore the various dimensions of the problem. Fourthly, we assess the potential of AR / VR technologies in raising the perception of the financial state (including financial risk). We conclude the chapter with a summary and a research agenda to develop technologies capable of increasing the perception of the financial state and risk and counteracting devastating events

    Apport des réalités virtuelles et augmentées dans la planification et le suivi in situ de travaux de rénovation.

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    Ce mĂ©moire de thĂšse de doctorat prĂ©sente l'Ă©valuation d'un systĂšme de rĂ©alitĂ© mixte dans le cadre d'une utilisation sur le site d'opĂ©ration de construction. Il s'agit notamment de dĂ©terminer la pertinence d'un tel outil mobile pour des opĂ©rateurs pour les assister dans leurs tĂąches quotidiennes, et notamment dans la prĂ©paration et le suivi des opĂ©rations de construction ou rĂ©novation. Cet outil se voudrait ĂȘtre un outil d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour les maĂźtres d'ouvrages et maĂźtres d'Ɠuvre. Le cas d'Ă©tude porte sur la rĂ©novation virtuelle des baies anciennes (datĂ©es du XVIIIĂšme siĂšcle) dans une cellule des bĂątiments conventuels de Cluny (SaĂŽne et Loire, France). L'approche consiste Ă  comparer l'efficacitĂ©, la prĂ©cision et la rapiditĂ© d'opĂ©rateurs dans la rĂ©alisation de tĂąches identiques. Trois mĂ©thodes liĂ©es Ă  l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans le domaine de l'AIC (Architecture IngĂ©nierie et Construction) sont comparĂ©es, elles ont guidĂ© la dĂ©finition du protocole expĂ©rimental. La premiĂšre mĂ©thode traditionnelle fournit Ă  l'opĂ©rateur de la documentation papier. La seconde met en Ɠuvre la dĂ©matĂ©rialisation des donnĂ©es constructives, accessibles depuis un ordinateur de bureau. La troisiĂšme mĂ©thode plus innovante ajoute Ă  la prĂ©cĂ©dente l'accĂšs colocalisĂ© Ă  la base de donnĂ©es grĂące Ă  un terminal mobile. Une Ă©tude qui a suivi a portĂ© sur la visualisation et l'interprĂ©tation de rĂ©sultats de simulation thermique, en rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle. La comparaison des trois premiĂšres mĂ©thodes a donnĂ© lieu Ă  une premiĂšre expĂ©rimentation dont les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© la lĂ©gĂšre prĂ©dominance du second scĂ©nario (travail sur ordinateur de bureau). Cependant, au-delĂ  des aspects d'ergonomie et d'interface utilisateur, des investigations complĂ©mentaires doivent ĂȘtre menĂ©es pour Ă©tudier l'opportunitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement du BIM in situ, c'est-Ă -dire l'utilisation du modĂšle de donnĂ©es du bĂątiment (BIM- Building Information Model) sur le chantier.This dissertation presents the evaluation of an onsite augmented reality tool and its relevance for helping construction agents to prepare and monitor the progress of a building's construction or renovation through a mobile device. The case study focuses on virtual renovation works regarding an ancient window dated eighteenth century- in a room of the Cluny (Saone et Loire, France) abbey buildings. The study aims at comparing the efficiency and the precision of users' behavior in four situations while performing identical sets of tasks. Three methods related to the ICT uses of onsite AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) guided the experiment: the first method focuses on paper-based content; the second method provides a digital model of the project on a workstation. The third method consists in using a full digital model with colocation access to the database on a mobile device. The fourth method considers working in an immersive room to interpret thermal simulation data. The result of this work is dedicated mainly as a decision-aid tool for project owners and constructors. The comparison between these methods led to a first experiment whose results favor the second method, which implies working on a desktop workstation. However, beyond the aspect of ergonomics and user interface, further investigations are necessary to study the propriety of using the Building Information Model (BIM) on the construction site.PARIS-Arts et MĂ©tiers (751132303) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effect of weight perception on human performance in a haptic-enabled virtual assembly platform

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    Virtual assembly platforms (VAPs) provide a means to interrogate product form, fit and function thereby shortening the design cycle time and improving product manufacturability while reducing assembly cost. VAPs lend themselves to training and can be used as offline programmable interfaces for planning and automation. Haptic devices are increasingly being chosen as the mode of interaction for VAPs over conventional glove-based and 3D-mice, the key benefit being the kinaesthetic feedback users receive while performing virtual assembly tasks in 2D/3D space leading to a virtual world closer to the real world. However, the challenge in recent years is to understand and evaluate the addedvalue of haptics. This paper reports on a haptic enabled VAP with a view to questioning the awareness of the environment and associated assembly tasks. The objective is to evaluate and compare human performance during virtual assembly and real-world assembly, and to identify conditions that may affect the performance of virtual assembly tasks. In particular, the effect of weight perception on virtual assembly tasks is investigated

    An evaluation of physics engines and their application in haptic virtual assembly environments

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    Virtual Reality (VR) applications are employed in engineering situation to simulate real and artificial situations where the user can interact with 3D models in real time. Within these applications the virtual environment must emulate real world physics such that the system behaviour and interaction are as natural as possible and to support realistic manufacturing applications. As a consequence of this focus, several simulation engines have been developed for various digital applications, including VR, to compute the physical response and body dynamics of objects. However, the performance of these physics engines within haptic-enabled VR applications varies considerably. In this study two third party physics engines - Bullet and PhysXtm- are evaluated to establish their appropriateness for haptic virtual assembly applications. With this objective in mind five assembly tasks were created with increasing assembly and geometry complexity. Each of these was carried out using the two different physics engines which had been implemented in a haptic-enabled virtual assembly platform specifically developed for this purpose. Several physics-performance parameters were also defined to aid the comparison. This approach and the subsequent results successfully demonstrated the key strengths, limitations, and weaknesses of the physics engines in haptic virtual assembly environments