39 research outputs found


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    Now a days hypertension is most prevailing lifestyle disorder. It is also known as silent killer. Hypertension has been globally acknowledged as most prevalent risk factor for life threatening cardiovascular diseases. Ayurveda is a science of life and oldest medical science known to the mankind practised in India. Since ages Indian population have been benefited by the healing touch of this science. Due to life style of hurry, worry and curry, many lifestyle disorders become household diseases in developing countries and hypertension is one among them.Hypertension is one of such disorders which can be caused by many factors, including increase in the volume of body fluid, resistance of the blood vessels, and other factors that elevate blood pressure. Modern treatment modalities although reduce the blood pressure very effectively but their long term efficacy i.e. target organ damage reduction is not enough. Despite various new drugs the overall percentage of population suffering from hypertension is increasing day by day. The use of herbal medicine is finding more relevance with the recognition that we are facing more challenges in the treatment of some medical conditions such as hypertension.This review is regarding current on medicinal approach to deal with hypertension as well as antihypertensive actions of some herbal medicines and formulations, their therapeutic values in clinical situation and recent approaches to validate and document their antihypertensive efficacies. The central idea behind this review is that if we can demonstrate the value of our science and art of healing even in current lifestyle disorders like hypertension with proper evidence based documentation then it will not only increase faith for Ayurveda among young researchers but also enhance global acceptability of our science as a contemporary science of medicine

    Predicting Compressive Strength of Recycled Aggregate Concrete using Analysis of Variance

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    A step-by-step statistical approach is proposed to obtain optimum proportioning of concrete mixtures using the data obtained through a statistically planned experimental program. The utility of the proposed approach for optimizing the design of concrete mixture is illustrated considering a typical case in which trial mixtures were considered according to a full factorial experiment design involving three factors and their three levels. A total of 27 concrete mixtures with three replicates were considered by varying the levels of key factors affecting compressive strength of concrete, namely, w/c ratio, recycled coarse /natural coarse aggregate ratio, and recycled fine/ natural fine aggregate ratio .The experimental data were utilized to carry out analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to develop a polynomial regression model for compressive strength in terms of the three design factors considered in this study. The developed statistical model was used to show how optimization of concrete mixtures can be carried out with different possible options

    Web Application for News Portal

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    News Portal provides access to all online Information about the Environment and each information source gets its dedicated area on the page for displaying information. Ne ws portal is to provide specific information, selected from newswire sit es on the Internet and also by video clips automatically extracted from TV broadcasts and as per the needs of users . The idea to made this project is to develop such web sites which will be very User friendly. This web site is working for peoples who want to share something interesting, knowledgeable, healthy, and entertainment. The traditional media rooms all around the world are fast adapting to the new age technologies. This marks the beginnin g of news portals by media houses across the globe and such new media channels give them the opportunity to reach the viewers in a shorter span of time than their print media counterparts

    Encapsulation of Electron Beam Melting Produced Alloy 718 to Reduce Surface Connected Defects by Hot Isostatic Pressing

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    Defects in electron beam melting (EBM) manufactured Alloy 718 are inevitable to some extent, and are of concern as they can degrade mechanical properties of the material. Therefore, EBM-manufactured Alloy 718 is typically subjected to post-treatment to improve the properties of the as-built material. Although hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) is usually employed to close the defects, it is widely known that HIPing cannot close open-to-surface defects. Therefore, in this work, a hypothesis is formulated that if the surface of the EBM-manufactured specimen is suitably coated to encapsulate the EBM-manufactured specimen, then HIPing can be effective in healing such surface-connected defects. The EBM-manufactured Alloy 718 specimens were coated by high-velocity air fuel (HVAF) spraying using Alloy 718 powder prior to HIPing to evaluate the above approach. X-ray computed tomography (XCT) analysis of the defects in the same coated sample before and after HIPing showed that some of the defects connected to the EBM specimen surface were effectively encapsulated by the coating, as they were closed after HIPing. However, some of these surface-connected defects were retained. The reason for such remnant defects is attributed to the presence of interconnected pathways between the ambient and the original as-built surface of the EBM specimen, as the specimens were not coated on all sides. These pathways were also exaggerated by the high surface roughness of the EBM material and could have provided an additional path for argon infiltration, apart from the uncoated sides, thereby hindering complete densification of the specimen during HIPing

    A facile approach to deposit graphenaceous composite coatings by suspension plasma spraying

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    This paper demonstrates, for the first time ever, the deposition of graphenaceous composite coatings using an easy, yet robust, suspension plasma spraying (SPS) process. As a case study, a composite coating comprising 8 wt.% of yttria-stabilized-zirconia (8YSZ) and reinforced with graphene oxide (GO) was deposited on a steel substrate. The coatings were sprayed using an 8YSZ-GO mixed suspension with varied plasma spray parameters. Establishing the possibility of retaining the graphene in a ceramic matrix using SPS was of specific interest. Electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of graphenaceous material distributed throughout the coating in the 8YSZ matrix. The experimental results discussed in this work confirm that SPS is an immensely attractive pathway to incorporate a graphenaceous material into virtually any matrix material and can potentially have major implications in enabling the deposition of large-area graphene-containing coatings for diverse functional applications. © 2019 by the authors

    Extrudate swell of linear and branched polyethylenes: ALE simulations and comparison with experiments

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    Extrudate swell is a common phenomenon observed in the polymer extrusion industry. Accurate prediction of the dimensions of an extrudate is important for appropriate design of dies for profile extrusion applications. Prediction of extrudate swell has been challenging due to (i) difficulties associated with accurate representation of the constitutive behavior of polymer melts, and (ii) difficulties associated with the simulation of free surfaces, which requires special techniques in the traditionally used Eulerian framework. In a previous work we had argued that an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) based finite element formulation may have advantages in simulating free surface deformations such as in extrudate swell. In the present work we reinforce this argument by comparing our ALE simulations with experimental data on the extrudate swell of commercial grades of linear polyethylene (LLDPE) and branched polyethylene (LOPE). Rheological behavior of the polymers was characterized in shear and uniaxial extensional deformations, and the data was modeled using either the Phan-Thien Tanner (PTT) model or the eXtended Pom-Pom (XPP) model. Additionally, flow birefringence and pressure drop measurements were done using a 10:1 contraction-expansion (CE) slit geometry in a MultiPass Rheometer. Simulated pressure drop and contours of the principal stress difference were compared with experimental data and were found to match well. This provided an independent test for the accuracy of the ALE code and the constitutive equations for simulating a processing-like flow. The polymers were extruded from long (L/D=30) and short (L/D=10) capillaries dies at 190 degrees C. ALE simulations were performed for the same extrusion conditions and the simulated extrudate swell showed good agreement with the experimental data. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Practical consensus recommendaton for adjuvant bone-modifying agents in breast cancer

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    Bone-modifying therapy is a primary research interest in breast cancer. Several features contribute to the importance of the bone environment in the management of breast cancer. Firstly, bone metastases represent the most common site of breast cancer metastases and secondly, the emergence of cancer treatment-induced bone loss (CTIBL) among breast cancer survivors and patients is of increasing concern. In the adjuvant setting, bisphosphonates can be given to prevent and treat tumor therapy-induced bone loss in premenopausal and postmenopausal women and, owing to their beneficial effect on bone turnover, have also been evaluated for prevention of bone metastases occurrence. Expert oncologists discusses on the update on the approaches of Bone-modifying Agents and its treatment options. This expert group used data from published literature, practical experience and opinion of a large group of academic oncologists to arrive at this practical consensus recommendations for the benefit of community oncologists