797 research outputs found

    Fracionamento físico da matéria orgânica nas classes de agregado do solo sob sistemas agroflorestais de cacau no Sul da Bahia.

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    O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a distribuição do carbono e nitrogênio das frações da matéria orgânica nas classes de agregados de solos sob sistemas agroflorestais de cacau. Este estudo foi realizado em agrossistemas de cacau: cacauca-bruca; cacau com sombreamento definitivo de eritrina e floresta natural

    Pulmonary function and aerobic capacity in asymptomatic bariatric candidates with very severe morbid obesity

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    PURPOSE: Aerobic capacity and respiratory function may be compromised in obesity, but few studies have been done in highly obese bariatric candidates. In a prospective study, these variables were documented in the preoperative period, aiming to define possible physiologic limitations in a apparently healthy and asymptomatic population. METHOD: Forty-six consecutively enrolled adults (age 39.6 ± 8.4 years, 87.0% females, body mass index /BMI 49.6 ± 6.3 kg/m² ) were analyzed. Ventilatory variables were investigated by automated spirometry, aerobic capacity was estimated by a modified Bruce test in an ergometric treadmill, and body composition was determined by bioimpedance analysis. RESULTS: Total fat was greatly increased (46.4 ± 4.6% of body weight) and body water reduced (47.3 ± 4.6 % body weight), as expected for such obese group. Spirometric findings including forced vital capacity of 3.3 ± 0.8 L and forced expiratory volume-1 second of 2.6 ± 0.6 L were usually acceptable for age and gender, but mild restrictive pulmonary insufficiency was diagnosed in 20.9%. Aerobic capacity was more markedly diminished, as reflected by very modest maximal time (4.5 ± 1.1 min) and distance (322 ±142 m) along with proportionally elevated maximal oxygen consumption (23.4 ± 9.5 mL/kg/min) achieved by these subjects during test exercise. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Cardiopulmonary evaluation was feasible and well-tolerated in this severely obese population; 2) Mean spirometric variables were not diminished in this study, but part of the population displayed mild restrictive changes; 3) Exercise tolerance was very negatively influenced by obesity, resulting in reduced endurance and excessive metabolic cost for the treadmill run; 4) More attention to fitness and aerobic capacity is recommended for seriously obese bariatric candidates;OBJETIVOS: A capacidade aeróbica e a função respiratória podem estar comprometidas na obesidade mórbida, todavia poucos estudos são disponíveis em candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica com massa corporal muito elevada.Num protocolo prospectivo, estas variáveis foram documentadas no pré-operatório, visando despistar possíveis limitações fisiológicas numa população nominalmente sadia e sem queixas. MÉTODO: Foram analisados 46 casos consecutivos (idade 39.6 ± 8.4 anos, 87.0% mulheres, índice de massa corporal /IMC 49.6 ± 6.3 kg/m2 )). As variáveis ventilatórias foram investigadas por espirometria automatizada e a capacidade aeróbica mediante um teste de Bruce modificado em esteira ergométrica, sendo que a composição corpórea foi fornecida pela bioimpedância. RESULTADOS: A gordural total estava fortemente aumentada (46.4 ± 4.6% do peso) e a água corporal diminuída (47.3 ± 4.6 % do peso) nesta série, tal como esperado para o grau de obesidade descrito. Os achados espirométricos médios incluindo-se capacidade vital forçada de 3.3 ± 0.8 L e volume expiratório forçado de 1 segundo de 2.6 ± 0.6 L não fugiram do aceitável para idade e sexo. Entretanto em 20,9% insuficiência respiratória restritiva leve foi diagnosticada. A capacidade aeróbica estava mais nitidamente prejudicada, seja pelo baixo tempo e distância máxima atingidos (respectivamente 4.5 ± 1.1 min e 322 ±142 m), seja pelo custo proporcionalmente alto do esforço, refletido pelo consumo máximo de oxigênio (23.4 ± 9.5 ml/kg/min); CONCLUSÕES: 1) A avaliação cárdio-respiratória foi factível e bem tolerada; 2) As variáveis espirométricas méias não estavam alteradas, porém parte da população exibiu transformações restritivas leves; 3) A obesidade interferiu negativamente sobre a tolerância ao exercício, reduzindo o desempenho e aumentando o custo metabólico da corrida em esteira ergométrica; 4) Recomenda-se maior atenção à capacidade aeróbica de candidatos bariátricos seriamente obesos

    Continuous recycling of enzymes during production of lignocellulosic bioethanol in demonstration scale

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    Recycling of enzymes in production of lignocellulosic bioethanol has been tried for more than 30 years. So far, the successes have been few and the experiments have been carried out at conditions far from those in an industrially feasible process. Here we have tested continuous enzyme recycling at demonstration scale using industrial process conditions (high dry matter content and low enzyme dosage) for a period of eight days. The experiment was performed at the Inbicon demonstration plant (Kalundborg, Denmark) capable of converting four tonnes of wheat straw per hour. 20% of the fermentation broth was recycled to the hydrolysis reactor while enzyme dosage was reduced by 5%. The results demonstrate that recycling enzymes by this method can reduce overall enzyme consumption and may also increase the ethanol concentrations in the fermentation broth. Our results further show that recycling fermentation broth also opens up the possibility of lowering the dry matter content in hydrolysis and fermentation while still maintaining high ethanol concentrations.M.O. Haven wishes to thank the Danish Agency for Science, Technology, and Innovation, grant no. 09-053694 for financial support. The other authors wish to thank the European Seventh Framework Program, grant no. 239379 (the KACELLE project) for financial support

    Development of bacterial cellulose wound dressings with controlled delivery of vitamin D3

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    Book of Abstracts of CEB Annual Meeting 2017[Excerpt] Wounds, in particular traumatic (e.g. burns) and chronic ones, are a major cause of morbidity and impaired life quality. They often result in long hospitalization stays, taking up substantial health resources in developed countries. This proposal aims at developing a safe, easy-to-use and nonexpensive approach to efficiently address this problem, by attaining faster and proper wound healing. Recent studies showed that an antimicrobial peptide (AMP), LLKKK18, released from conjugates with dextrin embedded in a Carbopol hydrogel significantly improved burn wound healing. In addition to antimicrobial activity, this peptide stimulates vascularization, thus supporting a faster healing and tissue regeneration[1]. As such, one can hypothesize that a hydrogel comprising drugs that stimulate the expression of LL37 will improve wound healing while keeping the wound area infection-free. This work comprised the approach towards the development of a novel bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) dressing. BNC, already used clinically for the treatment of burn wounds due to the unique properties like high water holding capacity, high crystallinity, ultrafine fiber network, high resistance, high moldability and biocompatibility[2]. In this work BNC will be used as drug carriers for the controlled release of drugs, namely of vitamin D3, an inducer of an endogenous expression of AMP LL37, known for accelerating the wound healing process, and as a protective barrier against exogenous agents (dust, microorganism) that can impair wound healing. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Milk fatty acid composition of Holstein x Gyr dairy cows fed sugarcane-based diets containing citrus pulp supplemented with sunflower oil.

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    Abstract Sugarcane is a strategic roughage source for milk production in the tropics, and its supplementation with plant oils offers great potential for obtaining milk enriched with beneficial fatty acids, such as oleic (cis-9 C18:1), vaccenic (trans-11 C18:1), and rumenic (cis-9, trans-11 CLA) acids. The aim of this study was to evaluate the milk fatty acid composition of cows fed 60% chopped sugarcane-based diets containing citrus pulp and 0.0% (control), 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5% sunflower oil on a dry matter basis. Twelve multiparous Holstein x Gyr dairy cows with an average milk production of 17±5 kg day-1 and 96±25 days in milk were allocated in a triplicate 4 x 4 Latin square design. There was no effect of dietary treatment on milk production, but sunflower oil supplementation linearly reduced the milk fat content and yield. The milk fat contents of lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), and palmitic (C16:0) fatty acids were linearly reduced with increasing sunflower oil levels. There was a quadratic effect on the milk fat oleic, vaccenic, and rumenic acid contents, while the concentrations of elaidic acid (trans-9 C18:1), trans-10 C18:1 and trans-10, cis-12 CLA linearly increased in response to sunflower oil inclusion. Diet supplementation with sunflower oil linearly reduced both the atherogenicity and thrombogenicity indices and linearly increased the ratio between hypo- and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids in milk fat. The inclusion of up to 4.5% sunflower oil in 60% chopped sugarcane-based diets improved the nutritional quality of milk fat from Holstein x Gyr dairy cows as a result of the increased content of oleic, rumenic and vaccenic acids, which are beneficial to human health, and the concomitant reduction of hypercholesterolemic lauric, myristic and palmitic acids. However, there was an increase in the milk content of trans-10 C18:1 and elaidic acid, which are associated with deleterious effects on cardiovascular health

    Assessing air pollution in European cities to support a citizen centered approach to air quality management

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    European cities have made significant progress over the last decades towards clean air. Despite this progress, several cities are still facing acute air pollution episodes, with various urban areas frequently exceeding air quality levels allowed by the European legal standards and WHO guidelines. In this paper, six European cities/ regions (Bristol, UK; Amsterdam, NL; Sosnowiec, PL; Ljubljana, SI; Aveiro, PT; Liguria, IT) are studied in terms of air quality, namely particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. The concentrations trends from 2008 to 2017 in the different typology of monitoring stations are addressed, together with the knowledge of daily, weekly and seasonal pollution patterns to better understand the city specific profiles and to characterize pollutant dynamics and variations in multiple locations. Additionally, an analysis of the duration and severity of air pollution episodes is also discussed, followed by an analysis of the fulfillment of the legislated limit values. Each of our 6 case study locations face different air pollution problems, but all these case studies have made some progress in reducing ambient concentrations. In Bristol, there have been strong downward trends in many air pollutants, but the levels of NO2 remain persistently high and of concern. In recent years, decreasing concentration levels point to some success of Amsterdam air quality policies. PM10 exceedances are a seasonal pollution problem in Ljubljana, Sosnowiec and Aveiro region (even if with different levels of severity). While, exceedances of NO2 and O3 concentrations are still problematic in Liguria region. The main findings of this paper are particular relevant to define and compare future citizen-led strategies and policy initiatives that may be implemented to improve and fulfill the EU legislation and the WHO guidelines
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