551 research outputs found

    Influence of energy cost and physical fitness on the preferred walking speed and gait variability in elderly women

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    Typically gait speed decreases and gait variability increases in elderly. The aim of this study was to define the influence of energy cost of walking on gait speed and of health-related physical fitness on gait variability. Thirty healthy young and older women were recruited in the study. Energy cost of walking (NetCW) was analyzed with indirect calorimetry while a kinematic analysis was performed with an optoelectronic system to calculate gait variability (GV) during treadmill walking at different speeds. Gait speed was defined as the preferred walking speed (PWS) of the subject and health related physical fitness (HRPF) comprised body fat, strength, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness. In healthy elderly women, the coefficient of variation of step width was found to be a better indicator of GV than stride time, stride length and double support coefficients of variation. GV was not affected by age allowing a high PWS. Furthermore, significant associations, adjusted for age, body mass index and number of falls, were identified neither between NetCW and the PWS, nor between HRPF and GV; only a significant association was found between hand-grip strength and gait stability. Findings highlighted the importance to evaluate hand-grip strength as an indicator of gait efficiency

    Mistura múltipla para caprinos e ovinos: nova fórmula dispensa adaptação.

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    Artificial co-drivers as a universal enabling technology for future intelligent vehicles and transportation systems

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    This position paper introduces the concept of artificial “co-drivers” as an enabling technology for future intelligent transportation systems. In Sections I and II, the design principles of co-drivers are introduced and framed within general human–robot interactions. Several contributing theories and technologies are reviewed, specifically those relating to relevant cognitive architectures, human-like sensory-motor strategies, and the emulation theory of cognition. In Sections III and IV, we present the co-driver developed for the EU project interactIVe as an example instantiation of this notion, demonstrating how it conforms to the given guidelines. We also present substantive experimental results and clarify the limitations and performance of the current implementation. In Sections IV and V, we analyze the impact of the co-driver technology. In particular, we identify a range of application fields, showing how it constitutes a universal enabling technology for both smart vehicles and cooperative systems, and naturally sets out a program for future research

    Kinematic evaluation of physical impairments of an elite Paralympic karateka

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    Karate is a Japanese martial art that counts millions of practitioners worldwide and that is spreading also in Paralympic competitions, requiring accurate categories definition for disabled athletes. The aim of the study is to present kinematic data of an elite Paralympic karateka, in comparison with able-bodied athletes. The authors also aim to promote a better classification within the discipline, based on objective biomechanical evaluations of physical impairments. A male black belt Paralympic karateka (age: 36 y; body weight: 75.5 kg; height: 173 cm) with lower limbs impairments was evaluated. The athlete had been performing high level karate for 20 years before the disability took place. After the post-operative rehabilitation, he attended 3/4 sessions of para- karate training per week. He performed a standardized sequence of movements, involving a sequence of offensive and defensive techniques, (kata) from traditional Shotokan karate. Joints and body Center of Mass (CoM) kinematics were collected with an optoelectronic motion capture system and compared with those obtained in two groups of able-bodied (elite and amateurs) athletes from a previous study1. Knee angular range of motion (RoM) and peak angular velocity were obtained. Coordinates of CoM were estimated, using the Segmental Centroid Method2, along with CoM average velocity and acceleration. To assess differences between Paralympic karateka and able-bodied groups, the one-sample t-test was performed. The sequence performed by the karateka lasted more than in both able-bodied groups. CoM average velocity and acceleration decreased in comparison with elite karateka. Knees range of movement and peak angular velocity were similar to amateur but lower than elite athletes. Results show that the physical impairments negatively affected the function of lower limbs in the Paralympic athlete. Fundamental skills in karate elite performance (dynamic balance control and joint RoM and angular velocity) were reduced

    Quantitative and Qualitative tools for a physical education program that increases inclusion of children with disabilities

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    Aim: New technologies in PE provide children with the opportunity (a) to improve motor learning and self-efficacy, (b) model and stucture new prospective of the educational process (Clapham et al.,2015). The purpose of this study is to evalute and compare (a) the development of motor coordination of primary school\u2019s children in relation to BMI, (b) effects of strategies that utilize interactive video game technology (T0 vs T1), (c) enjoyment and physical selfefficacy between EG and CG. Methods: The study has been conducted in a primary school of Puglia, Italy. The sample includes 65 children, separated into two groups in relation to sex and BMI: EG (M: 22, age,10.09 \ub1 0.30; F:19, age 10.10 \ub1 0.31) and CG (M: 12, age, 10 \ub1 0.42; F: 12, age 10 \ub1 0.0). The experimental program consists of 10 lessons, using specialised interactive video game technology to point out unusual motor responses. For the CG has been used teaching styles of production. The following tests have been proposed before and after the intervention: MOBAK 5 (Hermann and Seelig 2016), PSP_C (physical self-efficacy) and PACES (enjoyment). Results: Besides the descriptive statistics (M \ub1 DS), T-test was used in order to highlights significative differences between T0-T1, indipendently from sex differences. The significance value was set at p\0.05. Data analysis revealed significative differences between EG for boys and girls about (a) Control Object and Self-Movement (p\0.05); (b) and physical self efficacy scale (p\0.05). Conclusions: The use of modern technologies and different teaching styles in PE promote motor learning and self-efficacy in children. The trail of new and different instruments are needed to enhance educational environments and develop intrinsic motivation to motor activities. References 1. Clapham, E.D. et al. (2015). The Physical Educator. 72,1, 102\u2013116. 2. Hermann, C. & Seelig, H. (2016). Sportwissenschaft

    Nutrientes limitantes e recomendação de suplementação estratégica para cabritas em crescimento criadas em pasto de capim-tanzânia.

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    Resumo: Estabilizada a produção e a qualidade da forragem, os principais fatores a serem levados em consideração são as flutuações nas exigências nutricionais para que se calculem os balanços nutricionais necessários à identificação dos nutrientes limitantes para garantir o desempenho desejado e, portanto, da necessidade de suplementação. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho determinar os balanços de proteína e energia metabolizável para cabritas em fase de crescimento, da raça Anglo-Nubiana criadas em pasto cultivado de capim-tanzânia. Foram utilizadas 16 animais, com idade de 15 ± 0,92 meses e com peso vivo médio de 34,2 ± 5,3 kg, manejados em área de um hectare de pastagem. Para estimativa do consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi utilizada a fórmula: CMS = produção fecal (g/dia)/indigestibilidade da MS. Para estimativa da produção fecal, bolsas de coleta fecal foram instaladas em todos os animais e coletas diárias foram realizadas pela manhã. As amostragens de pastejo simulado e fezes foram feitas durante os três dias de pastejo, para garantir que toda a variação de qualidade do pasto durante os três dias de ocupação do piquete fosse contemplada. Os resultados para as variáveis analisadas demonstram que ambos os nutrientes são limitantes na dieta de cabritas criadas a pasto de capim-tanzânia, mesmo para a mantença e que níveis de suplementação de 200 a 600g/cab./dia são exigidos dependendo do ganho de peso desejado. [Limiting nutrients and recommendation of supplementation for growing goats on pasture of Tanzania grass]. Abstract: However, the animal requirements will change throughout the production cycle and require the calculation of nutritional balance to identify limiting nutrients and the need of strategic supplementation. This experiment was assigned to determine the nutritional balance of protein and energy for young Nubian goats, grazing Tanzania grass. Sixteen animals, 15 ± 0.92 months old, weighting and 34.2 ± 5.3 kg, were allocated in an area of one hectare of pasture. To estimate dry matter intake (DMI) it was used the formula: DMI = fecal output (g/day)/indigestible DM. To estimate fecal output, fecal collection bags were installed in all animals and daily collections were performed at the morning. Samples of simulated grazing (hand plucked) and feces were collect during the three days of grazing, to encompass all change in the quality of the pasture during the three days of paddock occupation. The results for variables analyzed demonstrated that both nutrients are limiting in the diet young goats raised on Tanzania grass even for maintenance only and levels of strategic supplementation from 200 to 600g/head/day are required, depending on weight gain targeted

    Produção e composição físico-quimíco do leite de cabras Saanen alimentadas com pedúnculo de caju (Anacardium occidentale l.) e níveis crescentes de óleo de soja.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão do pedúnculo de caju e óleo de soja na dieta de s da raça Saanen sobre a produção, densidade e teor de gordura do leite

    Modelling control of Schistosoma haematobium infection: predictions of the long-term impact of mass drug administration in Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Effective control of schistosomiasis remains a challenging problem for endemic areas of the world. Given knowledge of the biology of transmission and past experience with mass drug administration (MDA) programs, it is important to critically evaluate the likelihood that MDA programs will achieve substantial reductions in Schistosoma prevalence. In implementing the World Health Organization Roadmap for Neglected Tropical Diseases it would useful for policymaking to model projections of the status of Schistosoma control in MDA-treated areas in the next 5-10 years. METHODS: Calibrated mathematical models were used to project the effects of different frequency and coverage of MDA for schistosomiasis haematobia control in present-day endemic communities, taking into account uncertainties of parasite biology and input data. The modeling approach in this analysis was the Stratified Worm Burden model developed in our earlier works, calibrated using data from longitudinal S. haematobium control trials in Kenya. RESULTS: Model-based simulations of MDA control in typical low-risk and higher-risk communities indicated that infection prevalence can be substantially reduced within 10 years only when there is a high degree of community participation (>70 %) with at least annual MDA. Significant risk for re-emergence of infection remains if MDA is suspended. CONCLUSIONS: In a stable (stationary) ecosystem, Schistosoma reproduction and transmission are sufficiently robust that the process of human infection continues, even under pressure from aggressive MDA. MDA alone is unlikely to interrupt transmission, and once mass treatment is suspended, the prevalence of human infection is likely to rebound to pre-control levels over a period of 25-30 years. MDA success in achieving very low levels of infection prevalence is highly dependent on treatment coverage and frequency within the local human population, and requires that both adults and children be included in drug delivery coverage. Ultimately, supplemental snail control and significant improvements in sanitation will be required to achieve full control of schistosomiasis by elimination of ongoing Schistosoma transmission

    Peso e rendimento dos componentes não-carcaça de ovinos terminados em pastagem nativa da Caatinga, submetidos a diferentes suplementações de sal mineral.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar o peso e o rendimento dos componentes não-carcaças externos e internos, de ovinos em pastagem nativa da Caatinga e suplementados com diferentes suplementos minerais. Utilizaram-se 24 ovinos em terminação mestiços Santa Inês, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em três tratamentos, conforme as seguintes suplementações de sal mineral: sal mineral comercial (SALMINC), sal mineral comercial acrescido de 750 ppm de zinco animal-1 (SALMINCZn) e sal comercial com fornecimento de 2,5 ml por peso vivo metabólico (PV)0,75 animal-1 de propilenoglicol (SALMINCPeg), com oito repetições cada. Não foi observado diferenças (P>0,05) para peso e rendimento dos componentes não-carcaça externos, exceto, para peso de sangue com maior peso para SALMINCZn. Não foi verificado diferenças (P>0,05) para peso dos componentes não-carcaça internos, exceto, para peso de rins, onde foi obtido maior valor para SALMINCZn em relação a SALMINC (P0.05) for weight and yield of the noncarcass components externals, except for weight of blood with higher weight to SALMINCZn. There was not difference (P>0.05) in weight of the noncarcass components internal, except, for kidney weight, where was obtained highest value for SALMINCZn regarding SALMINC (P <0.05). For yield of the noncarcass components were observed differences only for kidneys, with higher relative value for SALMINCZn than SALMINC, and liver, where was obtained higher relative value for SALMINC than SALMINCZn (P<0.05). Supplementation with the different types of salt containing zinc or propylene glycol doesn't increase the weight of the main noncarcass components externals and internals of sheep created in native pasture of the Caatinga