557 research outputs found

    In Situ deposition of YBCO high-T(sub c) superconducting thin films by MOCVD and PE-MOCVD

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    Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) offers the advantages of a high degree of compositional control, adaptability for large scale production, and the potential for low temperature fabrication. The capability of operating at high oxygen partial pressure is particularly suitable for in situ formation of high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films. Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin films having a sharp zero-resistance transition with T( sub c) greater than 90 K and Jc approx. 10 to the 4th power A on YSZ have been prepared, in situ, at a substrate temperature of about 800 C. Moreover, the ability to form oxide films at low temperature is very desirable for device applications of HTSC materials. Such a process would permit the deposition of high quality HTSC films with a smooth surface on a variety of substrates. Highly c-axis oriented, dense, scratch resistant, superconducting YBCO thin films with mirror-like surfaces have been prepared, in situ, at a reduced substrate temperature as low as 570 C by a remote microwave-plasma enhanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (PE-MOCVD) process. Nitrous oxide was used as a reactant gas to generate active oxidizing species. This process, for the first time, allows the formation of YBCO thin films with the orthorhombic superconducting phase in the as-deposited state. The as-deposited films grown by PE-MOCVD show attainment of zero resistance at 72 K with a transition width of about 5 K. MOCVD was carried out in a commercial production scale reactor with the capability of uniform deposition over 100 sq cm per growth run. Preliminary results indicate that PE-MOCVD is a very attractive thin film deposition process for superconducting device technology

    In-situ deposition of YBCO high-Tc superconducting thin films by MOCVD and PE-MOCVD

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    Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) offers the advantages of a high degree of compositional control, adaptability for large scale production, and the potential for low temperature fabrication. The capability of operating at high oxygen partial pressure is particularly suitable for in situ formation of high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films. Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin films having a sharp zero-resistance transition with T(sub c) greater than 90 K and J(sub c) of approximately 10(exp 4) A on YSZ have been prepared, in situ, at a substrate temperature of about 800 C. Moreover, the ability to form oxide films at low temperature is very desirable for device applications of HTSC materials. Such a process would permit the deposition of high quality HTSC films with a smooth surface on a variety of substrates. Highly c-axis oriented, dense, scratch resistant, superconducting YBCO thin films with mirror-like surfaces have been prepared, in situ, at a reduced substrate temperature as low as 570 C by a remote microwave-plasma enhanced metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (PE-MOCVD) process. Nitrous oxide was used as a reactant gas to generate active oxidizing species. This process, for the first time, allows the formation of YBCO thin films with the orthorhombic superconducting phase in the as-deposited state. The as-deposited films grown by PE-MOCVD show attainment of zero resistance at 72 K with a transition width of about 5 K. MOCVD was carried out in a commercial production scale reactor with the capability of uniform deposition over 100 sq cm per growth run. Preliminary results indicate that PE-MOCVD is a very attractive thin film deposition process for superconducting device technology

    pH-sensitivity of YFP provides an intracellular indicator of programmed cell death.

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    BACKGROUND: Programmed cell death (PCD) is an essential process for the life cycle of all multicellular organisms. In higher plants however, relatively little is known about the cascade of genes and signalling molecules responsible for the initiation and execution of PCD. To aid with the discovery and analysis of plant PCD regulators, we have designed a novel cell death assay based on low cytosolic pH as a marker of PCD. RESULTS: The acidification that occurs in the cytosol during plant PCD was monitored by way of the extinction of YFP fluorescence at low pH. This fluorescence was recovered experimentally when bringing the intracellular pH back to 7, demonstrating that there was no protein degradation of YFP. Because it uses YFP, the assay is none-destructive, does not interfere with the PCD process and allows time-lapse studies to be carried out. In addition, changes of sub-cellular localisation can be visualised during PCD using the protein of interest fused to RFP. Coupled to a transient expression system, this pH-based assay can be used to functionally analyse genes involved in PCD, using point mutations or co-expressing PCD regulators. Transfecting mBAX and AtBI-1in onion epidermal cells showed that the pH shift is downstream of PCD suppression by AtBI-1. In addition, this method can be used to score PCD in tissues of stably transformed transgenic lines. As proof of principle, we show the example of YFP extinction during xylogenesis in Arabidopsis. This demonstrates that the assay is applicable to PCD studies in a variety of tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The observation that YFP fluorescence is lost during the plant PCD process provides a new tool to study the genetic regulation and cell biology of the process. In addition, plant cell biologists should make a note of this effect of PCD on YFP fluorescence to avoid misinterpretation of their data and to select a pH insensitive reporter if appropriate. This method represents an efficient and streamlined tool expected to bring insights on the process leading to the pH shift occurring during PCD

    The structure of an idarubicin–d(TGATCA) complex at high resolution

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    The crystal structure of the DNA hexamer d(TGATCA) complexed with the anthracycline antibiotic idarubicin has been determined at 1.6 A resolution. The asymmetric unit consists of a single hexamer oligonucleotide strand, one drug molecule and 35 water molecules. The complex crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2, Z = 8 with lattice dimensions of a = b = 28.19 (3), c = 52.77 (4) A, V = 41 935 A(3). The structure is isomorphous with a series of hexamer-anthracycline complexes and was solved by molecular replacement. Restrained least-squares methods interspersed with computer-graphics map inspection and model manipulation were used to refine the structure. The R factor is 0.22 for 2032 reflections with F >/= 3sigma(F) in the resolution range 8.0-1.6 A. The self-complementary DNA forms a distorted B-DNA double helix with two idarubicin molecules intercalated in the d(TpG) steps of the duplex. The duplex is formed by utilization of a crystallographic twofold axis of symmetry. The idarubicin chromophore is oriented at right angles to the long axis of the DNA base pairs with the anthracycline amino-sugar moiety positioned in the minor groove. Our structure determination allows for comparison with a d(CGATCG)-idarubicin complex recently reported. Despite the sequence alteration at the intercalation step, the structures are very similar. The geometry of the intercalation and the nature of the interactions are conserved irrespective of the DNA sequence involved in the binding

    Charge gap in the one--dimensional dimerized Hubbard model at quarter-filling

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    We propose a quantitative estimate of the charge gap that opens in the one-dimensional dimerized Hubbard model at quarter-filling due to dimerization, which makes the system effectively half--filled, and to repulsion, which induces umklapp scattering processes. Our estimate is expected to be valid for any value of the repulsion and of the parameter describing the dimerization. It is based on analytical results obtained in various limits (weak coupling, strong coupling, large dimerization) and on numerical results obtained by exact diagonalization of small clusters. We consider two models of dimerization: alternating hopping integrals and alternating on--site energies. The former should be appropriate for the Bechgaard salts, the latter for compounds where the stacks are made of alternating TMTSFTMTSF and TMTTFTMTTF molecules. % (TMTSF)2X(TMTSF)_2 X and (TMTTF)2X(TMTTF)_2 X (XX denotes ClO4ClO_4, PF6PF_6, BrBr...).Comment: 33 pages, RevTeX 3.0, figures on reques

    Arabidopsis thaliana phytaspase: identification and peculiar properties

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    Phytaspases are plant cell death-related proteases of the subtilisin-like protease family that possess an unusual aspartate cleavage specificity. Although phytaspase activity is widespread in plants, phytaspase of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has escaped detection and identification thus far. Here, we show that a single gene (At4 g10540) out of 56 A. thaliana subtilisin-like protease genes encodes a phytaspase. The recombinant phytaspase was overproduced in Nicotiana benthamiana Domin leaves, isolated, and its substrate specificity and properties were characterised. At pH 5.5, at physiological mildly acidic reaction conditions, the Arabidopsis phytaspase was shown to be strictly Asp-specific. The strongly preferred cleavage motifs of the enzyme out of a panel of synthetic peptide substrates were YVAD and IETD, while the VEID-based substrate preferred by the tobacco and rice phytaspases was almost completely resistant to hydrolysis. At neutral pH, however, the Arabidopsis phytaspase could hydrolyse peptide substrates after two additional amino acid residues, His and Phe, in addition to Asp. This observation may indicate that the repertoire of Arabidopsis phytaspase targets could possibly be regulated by the conditions of the cellular environment. Similar to tobacco and rice phytaspases, the Arabidopsis enzyme was shown to accumulate in the apoplast of epidermal leaf cells. However, in stomatal cells Arabidopsis phytaspase was observed inside the cells, possibly co-localising with vacuole. Our study thus demonstrates that the Arabidopsis phytaspase possesses both important similarities with and distinctions from the already known phytaspases, and is likely to be the most divergent member of the phytaspase family

    Determination of reliability criteria for liver stiffness evaluation by transient elastography

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    UNLABELLED: Liver stiffness evaluation (LSE) is usually considered as reliable when it fulfills all the following criteria: ≥10 valid measurements, ≥60% success rate, and interquartile range / median ratio (IQR/M) ≤0.30. However, such reliable LSE have never been shown to be more accurate than unreliable LSE. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the relevance of the usual definition for LSE reliability, and to improve reliability by using diagnostic accuracy as a primary outcome in a large population. 1,165 patients with chronic liver disease from 19 French centers were included. All patients had liver biopsy and LSE. 75.7% of LSE were reliable according to the usual definition. However, these reliable LSE were not significantly more accurate than unreliable LSE with, respectively: 85.8% versus 81.5% well-classified patients for the diagnosis of cirrhosis (P = 0.082). In multivariate analyses with different diagnostic targets, LSE median and IQR/M were independent predictors of fibrosis staging, with no significant influence of ≥10 valid measurements or LSE success rate. These two reliability criteria determined three LSE groups: "very reliable" (IQR/M ≤0.10), "reliable" (0.10< IQR/M ≤0.30, or IQR/M >0.30 with LSE median <7.1 kPa), and "poorly reliable" (IQR/M >0.30 with LSE median ≥7.1 kPa). The rates of well-classified patients for the diagnosis of cirrhosis were, respectively: 90.4%, 85.8%, and 69.5% (P < 10(-3) ). According to these new reliability criteria, 9.1% of LSE were poorly reliable (versus 24.3% unreliable LSE with the usual definition, P < 10(-3) ), 74.3% were reliable, and 16.6% were very reliable. CONCLUSION: The usual definition for LSE reliability is not relevant. LSE reliability depends on IQR/M according to liver stiffness median level, defining thus three reliability categories: very reliable, reliable, and poorly reliable LSE. (HEPATOLOGY 2013)

    Liposomes as a model for the biological membrane : studies on daunorubicin bilayer interaction

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    In this study the interaction of the antitumoral drug daunorubicin with egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) liposomes, used as a cell membrane model, was quantified by determination of the partition coefficient (Kp). The liposome/aqueous-phase Kp of daunorubicin was determined by derivative spectrophotometry and measurement of the zeta-potential. Mathematical models were used to fit the experimental data, enabling determination of Kp. In the partition of daunorubicin within the membrane both superficial electrostatic and inner hydrophobic interactions seem to be involved. The results are affected by the two types of interaction since spectrophotometry measures mainly hydrophobic interactions, while zeta-potential is affected by both interpenetration of amphiphilic charged molecules in the bilayer and superficial electrostatic interaction. Moreover, the degree of the partition of daunorubicin with the membrane changes with the drug concentration, due mainly to saturation factors. Derivative spectrophotometry and zeta-potential variation results, together with the broad range of concentrations studied, revealed the different types of interactions involved. The mathematical formalism applied also allowed quantification of the number of lipid molecules associated with one drug molecule

    Visualising Conversation Structure across Time: Insights into Effective Doctor-Patient Consultations

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    Effective communication between healthcare professionals and patients is critical to patients’ health outcomes. The doctor/patient dialogue has been extensively researched from different perspectives, with findings emphasising a range of behaviours that lead to effective communication. Much research involves self-reports, however, so that behavioural engagement cannot be disentangled from patients’ ratings of effectiveness. In this study we used a highly efficient and time economic automated computer visualisation measurement technique called Discursis to analyse conversational behaviour in consultations. Discursis automatically builds an internal language model from a transcript, mines the transcript for its conceptual content, and generates an interactive visual account of the discourse. The resultant visual account of the whole consultation can be analysed for patterns of engagement between interactants. The findings from this study show that Discursis is effective at highlighting a range of consultation techniques, including communication accommodation, engagement and repetition