930 research outputs found

    Probing an nonequilibrium Einstein relation in an aging colloidal glass

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    We present a direct experimental measurement of an effective temperature in a colloidal glass of Laponite, using a micrometric bead as a thermometer. The nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation, in the particular form of a modified Einstein relation, is investigated with diffusion and mobility measurements of the bead embedded in the glass. We observe an unusual non-monotonic behavior of the effective temperature : starting from the bath temperature, it is found to increase up to a maximum value, and then decreases back, as the system ages. We show that the observed deviation from the Einstein relation is related to the relaxation times previously measured in dynamic light scattering experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, corrected references, published in Phys. Rev. Lette

    Empirical scaling of antisymmetric stratified wakes

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    Proceedings of the "Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations - BBVIV-4"Initially turbulent wakes of a propelled cylinder at nonzero angles of yaw to the mean flow were measured in the horizontal centerplane plane up to approximately 100 buoyancy times, where vertical velocities are very small. The profiles of mean velocity were found to be antisymmetric throughout their lifetime, with both width and maximum velocity decaying at the same rate as previously studied momentum wakes. The maximum velocity of the profile is proportional to the angle of yaw, but the width is constant. Both the mean flow and fluctuating quantities show that the late wake is self-similar, with scaling laws that are consistent with previous work on propelled and drag wakes

    A Superstabilizing log⁥(n)\log(n)-Approximation Algorithm for Dynamic Steiner Trees

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    In this paper we design and prove correct a fully dynamic distributed algorithm for maintaining an approximate Steiner tree that connects via a minimum-weight spanning tree a subset of nodes of a network (referred as Steiner members or Steiner group) . Steiner trees are good candidates to efficiently implement communication primitives such as publish/subscribe or multicast, essential building blocks for the new emergent networks (e.g. P2P, sensor or adhoc networks). The cost of the solution returned by our algorithm is at most log⁥∣S∣\log |S| times the cost of an optimal solution, where SS is the group of members. Our algorithm improves over existing solutions in several ways. First, it tolerates the dynamism of both the group members and the network. Next, our algorithm is self-stabilizing, that is, it copes with nodes memory corruption. Last but not least, our algorithm is \emph{superstabilizing}. That is, while converging to a correct configuration (i.e., a Steiner tree) after a modification of the network, it keeps offering the Steiner tree service during the stabilization time to all members that have not been affected by this modification

    Destabilizing Taylor-Couette flow with suction

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    We consider the effect of radial fluid injection and suction on Taylor-Couette flow. Injection at the outer cylinder and suction at the inner cylinder generally results in a linearly unstable steady spiralling flow, even for cylindrical shears that are linearly stable in the absence of a radial flux. We study nonlinear aspects of the unstable motions with the energy stability method. Our results, though specialized, may have implications for drag reduction by suction, accretion in astrophysical disks, and perhaps even in the flow in the earth's polar vortex.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    The SPICE carbon isotope excursion in Siberia: a combined study of the upper Middle Cambrian-lowermost Ordovician Kulyumbe River section, northwestern Siberian Platform

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    An integrated, high-resolution chemostratigraphic (C, O and Sr isotopes) and magnetostratigraphic study through the upper Middle Cambrian–lowermost Ordovician shallowmarine carbonates of the northwestern margin of the Siberian Platform is reported. The interval was analysed at the Kulyumbe section, which is exposed along the Kulyumbe River, an eastern tributary of the Enisej River. It comprises the upper Ust’-Brus, Labaz, Orakta, Kulyumbe, Ujgur and lower Iltyk formations and includes the Steptoean positive carbon isotopic excursion (SPICE) studied here in detail from upper Cambrian carbonates of the Siberian Platform for the first time. The peak of the excursion, showing ή13C positive values as high as+4.6‰and least-altered 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70909, is reported herein from the Yurakhian Horizon of the Kulyumbe Formation. The stratigraphic position of the SPICE excursion does not support traditional correlation of the boundary between theOrakta and Labaz formations at the Kulyumbe River with its supposedly equivalent level in Australia, Laurentia, South China and Kazakhstan, where the Glyptagnostus stolidotus and G. reticulatus biozones are known to immediately precede the SPICE excursion and span the Middle–Upper Cambrian boundary. The Cambrian–Ordovician boundary is probably situated in the middle Nyajan Horizon of the Iltyk Formation, in which carbon isotope values show a local maximum below a decrease in the upper part of the Nyajan Horizon, attributed herein to the Tremadocian Stage. A refined magnetic polarity sequence confirms that the geomagnetic reversal frequency was very high during Middle Cambrian times at 7–10 reversals per Ma, assuming a total duration of about 10 Ma and up to 100 magnetic intervals in the Middle Cambrian. By contrast, the sequence attributed herein to the Upper Cambrian on chemostratigraphic grounds contains only 10–11 magnetic intervals

    History of degenerative spondylolisthesis: From anatomical description to surgical management

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    This review of the historical medical literature aimed at understanding the evolution of surgical management of degenerative spondylolisthesis over time. The Medic@, IndexCat and Gallica historical databases and PubMed and Embase medical databases were used, with several search-terms, exploring the years 1700-2018. Data from anatomical, biomechanical, pathophysiological and surgical studies were compiled. In total, 150 documents were obtained, dating from 1782 to 2018: 139 from PubMed, 1 from Medic@, 7 from IndexCat, and 3 from Gallica. The review thus ranges in time from (1) description of the first clinical cases by several authors in Europe (1782), (2) the identification of a distinct entity by MacNab (1963), and (3) surgical management by the emerging discipline of minimally invasive spine surgery, to its subsequent evolution up to the present day. Spondylolisthesis is a frequent condition potentially responsible for a variety of functional impairments. Understanding and surgical management have progressed since the 20th century. Historically, the first descriptions of treatments concerned only spondylolisthesis associated with spondylolysis, especially in young adults. More recently, there has been progress in the understanding of the disease in elderly people, with the recognition of degenerative spondylolisthesis. New technologies and surgical techniques, aided by advances in supportive care, now provide spine surgeons with powerful treatment tools. Better knowledge of the evolution of surgery throughout history should enable better understanding of current approaches and concepts for treating degenerative spondylolisthesis

    Probing active forces via a fluctuation-dissipation relation: Application to living cells

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    We derive a new fluctuation-dissipation relation for non-equilibrium systems with long-term memory. We show how this relation allows one to access new experimental information regarding active forces in living cells that cannot otherwise be accessed. For a silica bead attached to the wall of a living cell, we identify a crossover time between thermally controlled fluctuations and those produced by the active forces. We show that the probe position is eventually slaved to the underlying random drive produced by the so-called active forces.Comment: 5 page

    Strong Equivalence Relations for Iterated Models

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    The Iterated Immediate Snapshot model (IIS), due to its elegant geometrical representation, has become standard for applying topological reasoning to distributed computing. Its modular structure makes it easier to analyze than the more realistic (non-iterated) read-write Atomic-Snapshot memory model (AS). It is known that AS and IIS are equivalent with respect to \emph{wait-free task} computability: a distributed task is solvable in AS if and only if it solvable in IIS. We observe, however, that this equivalence is not sufficient in order to explore solvability of tasks in \emph{sub-models} of AS (i.e. proper subsets of its runs) or computability of \emph{long-lived} objects, and a stronger equivalence relation is needed. In this paper, we consider \emph{adversarial} sub-models of AS and IIS specified by the sets of processes that can be \emph{correct} in a model run. We show that AS and IIS are equivalent in a strong way: a (possibly long-lived) object is implementable in AS under a given adversary if and only if it is implementable in IIS under the same adversary. %This holds whether the object is one-shot or long-lived. Therefore, the computability of any object in shared memory under an adversarial AS scheduler can be equivalently investigated in IIS

    Facet ridge end points in crystal shapes

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    Equilibrium crystal shapes (ECS) near facet ridge end points (FRE) are generically complex. We study the body-centered solid-on-solid model on a square lattice with an enhanced uniaxial interaction range to test the stability of the so-called stochastic FRE point where the model maps exactly onto one dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang type growth and the local ECS is simple. The latter is unstable. The generic ECS contains first-order ridges extending into the rounded part of the ECS, where two rough orientations coexist and first-order faceted to rough boundaries terminating in Pokrovsky-Talapov type end points.Comment: Contains 4 pages, 5 eps figures. Uses RevTe

    Probabilistic cracking prediction via deep learned electrical tomography

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    In recent years, Electrical Tomography, namely Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT), has emerged as a viable approach to detecting, localizing and reconstructing structural cracking patterns in concrete structures. High-fidelity ERT reconstructions, however, often require computationally-expensive optimization regimes and complex constraining and regularization schemes, which impedes pragmatic implementation in Structural Health Monitoring frameworks. To address this challenge, this paper proposes the use of predictive deep Neural Networks to directly and rapidly solve an analogous ERT inverse problem. Specifically, the use of cross-entropy loss is used in optimizing networks forming a nonlinear mapping from ERT voltage measurements to binary probabilistic spatial crack distributions (cracked/not cracked). In this effort, Artificial Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks are first trained using simulated electrical data. Following, the feasibility of the predictive networks is tested and affirmed using experimental and simulated data considering flexural and shear cracking patterns observed from reinforced concrete elements
