8 research outputs found

    La Leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (prise en charge en odontologie pédiatrique)

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    CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Scoring and psychometric validation of the ‘Determinants of Intentions to Vaccinate’ (DIVA©) questionnaire

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    International audienceBackground: Primary care physicians (PCPs) play a key role regarding vaccination in France. The aims of the present study were to define the scoring rules and to assess the measurement properties of the ‘Determinants of Intentions to Vaccinate’ (DIVA©) questionnaire that aims to assess PCPs’ attitudes and beliefs toward vaccination.Methods: The DIVA questionnaire was derived from a literature review and PCPs focus groups. Scoring and early validation of the DIVA questionnaire were determined during a cross-sectional study conducted in France. During the study, PCPs had to complete the DIVA questionnaire for any of the six vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) to which they were randomly assigned (measles, pertussis, pneumococcus infection, seasonal influenza, human papillomavirus -HPV- infection and tetanus). Descriptive analyses of items and the analysis of the grouping of items into domains were conducted. Internal consistency reliability and construct validity was assessed according to each VPD.Results: The DIVA questionnaire was completed by 1,069 PCPs and was well accepted. The ‘Commitment of the PCP to the vaccination approach’ score showed very good internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha >0.70 overall and for each VPD). The construct validity of the DIVA questionnaire was confirmed.Conclusions: The DIVA questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of PCPs’ attitudes and beliefs toward vaccination

    Shotgun proteomics of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells and its application to the optimisation of whole viral particle antigen production for vaccines

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    Abstract Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a pandemic and continues to spread quickly around the globe. Currently, no effective vaccine is available to prevent COVID-19 and an intense global development activity is in progress. In this context, the different technology platforms face several challenges resulting from the involvement of a new virus still not fully characterised. Finding of the right conditions for virus amplification for the development of vaccines based on inactivated or attenuated whole viral particles is among them. Here, we describe the establishment of a workflow based on shotgun tandem mass spectrometry data to guide the optimisation of the conditions for viral amplification. In parallel, we analysed the dynamic of the host cell proteome following SARS-CoV-2 infection providing a global overview of biological processes modulated by the virus and that could be further explored to identify drug targets to address the pandemic

    Shotgun proteomics analysis of SARS-CoV-2-infected cells and how it can optimize whole viral particle antigen production for vaccines

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    International audienceSevere acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a pandemic and is continuing to spread rapidly around the globe. No effective vaccine is currently available to prevent COVID-19, and intense efforts are being invested worldwide into vaccine development. In this context, all technology platforms must overcome several challenges resulting from the use of an incompletely characterized new virus. These include finding the right conditions for virus amplification for the development of vaccines based on inactivated or attenuated whole viral particles. Here, we describe a shotgun tandem mass spectrometry workflow, the data produced can be used to guide optimization of the conditions for viral amplification. In parallel, we analysed the changes occurring in the host cell proteome following SARS-CoV-2 infection to glean information on the biological processes modulated by the virus that could be further explored as potential drug targets to deal with the pandemic

    La situation délibérative dans le débat public

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    Le dĂ©bat public est Ă  la fois nĂ©cessaire pour la dĂ©mocratie et souvent inefficace dans ses mises en Ɠuvre. Ainsi, les dĂ©bats politiques tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©s sont, la plupart du temps, dĂ©tournĂ©s en opĂ©rations de communication, et les NTIC nous proposent des forums qui se contentent de juxtaposer des opinions. L'efficacitĂ© du dĂ©bat public rĂ©siderait donc, plutĂŽt, dans la lĂ©gitimitĂ© confĂ©rĂ©e au citoyen et dans l'impact de sa parole sur les processus dĂ©cisionnels. Se pose ainsi le besoin d'une rĂ©flexion sur la situation dĂ©libĂ©rative dans le dĂ©bat public. MotivĂ© par les questions de la vulgarisation scientifique, le CEDP s'est positionnĂ© sur une problĂ©matique de l'usage qui renverse le schĂ©ma traditionnel de la communication. D'une dĂ©marche d'interrogation sur le public, il est passĂ© Ă  un positionnement thĂ©orique qui interroge le questionnement de ce mĂȘme public. De nouvelles mĂ©thodes de dĂ©bat public sont recherchĂ©es. Celui-ci apparaĂźt alors comme la technique gĂ©nĂ©rique de production d'une « efficacitĂ© sociale » des usages de la science. À partir de trois acteurs qui, dans l'interrelation nouvelle proposĂ©e, sont lĂ©gitimĂ©s (le public, le politique, l'expert), le laboratoire s'est attachĂ© Ă  mettre au point un protocole – les Rencontres DĂ©libĂ©rativesÂź – visant Ă  rendre le grand public plus apte au dĂ©bat sur la science. Le CEDP a dĂ©clinĂ© le modĂšle « Rencontres DĂ©libĂ©ratives » dans des champs diversifiĂ©s. Un rĂ©pertoire de mĂ©thodologies employĂ©es, en fonction du champ social considĂ©rĂ©, a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©. Nous avons alors abordĂ© le problĂšme de la propagation des savoirs et de leur appropriation par le public. Se pose aujourd'hui la question du dĂ©bat public comme « apprentissage social » permettant aux publics le passage de la participation Ă  la dĂ©libĂ©ration. Ce questionnement appelle, de nos jours, une approche pluridisciplinaire. Les contributions nombreuses de ce colloque participent, en thĂ©orie et en pratique, Ă  la constitution de cet objet scientifique