14 research outputs found

    Conditioned Yield Response of Corn Hybrids to Tillage and the Insecticides Used in Breeding Programs

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    Researchers have reported differential and conflicting responses of com (Zea mays L.) to insecticides. Our research was conducted to determine if tillage and corn genotypes cause the variation in response. Two experiments were conducted. In one 3-yr study no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) were main plots and four insecticide treatments were split plots (2.2 kg a.i. Carbofuran ha-I (CF 2.2), 1.1 kg a.i. Carbofuran ha- 1 (CF l. I), 2.2 kg a.i. Terbufos ha-1 (TF 2.2), and a untreated control (C). In the other study six hybrids were main plots with the same insecticides as split plots. Grain yield was measured at harvest. Treatments with CF 2.2 gave higher grain yield in NT, but TF 2.2 gave equal grain response in CT. When "Asgrow RX777" (developed using TF) was treated with TF 2.2, it averaged 32 q ha-I more grain than the C. Also, "Dekalb XL71" (developed using CF) yield 28 q ha-1 more grain with CF 2.2 than with the C. These results suggested that a hybrid will respond better to the insecticide used during its breeding development

    Supressividade dos nematóides Meloydogine javanica e Heterodera glycines em soja por adição de lodo de esgoto ao solo Supressiveness of nematodes Meloydogine javanica e Heterodera glycines in soybean by sewage sludge incorporated in the soil

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    O lodo de esgoto, atendendo às exigências ambientais, apresenta grande potencial para utilização em solos agrícolas, onde vem sendo amplamente disposto. Sua utilização altera propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas do solo, devido a sua composição em macro e micronutrientes e matéria orgânica. Estas alterações podem proporcionar benefícios como aumento da disponibilidade nutricional às culturas, indução de supressividade aos fitopatógenos presentes no solo e resistência às doenças da parte aérea. Por outro lado, pode influenciar negativamente o equilíbrio biológico e químico no solo, devido à presença de concentrações consideráveis de N disponível, sais solúveis e metais pesados. Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da incorporação de lodo de esgoto ao solo sobre supressividade de nematoides de galha (Meloydogine javanica (Treub) Chitwood) e do cisto (Hetodera glycines Ichinoe), parasitas da soja (Glycine max L.), foram realizados experimentos em laboratório e casa de vegetação utilizando-se solo coletado de área experimental da Embrapa Meio Ambiente, Jaguariúna, SP. Esta área recebeu aplicações sucessivas de lodos de esgotos, originários das Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto de Barueri e de Franca, no Estado de S. Paulo, durante cinco anos (1998-2002). Com relação à indução de supressividade a nematóides, observou-se que o lodo de esgoto não afetou o desenvolvimento de fêmeas de H. glycines no solo (apenas reduziu o número de ovos por cisto) contudo reduziu a reprodução de M. javanica, nas raízes de soja.<br>Sewage sludge has shown great potential for use in agriculture, where it has been widely used. There are some modifications on chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil due to its composition of macro and micronutrients and organic substances. These alterations can provide benefits as an increase to the availability of nutrients to the plants, suppressiveness induction of soilborne plant pathogens and resistance to foliar diseases. However, it may influence negatively the biological and chemical balance in the soil, due to the presence of considerable amounts of available N, soluble salts and heavy metals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of sewage sludge incorporation to the soil and the suppressiveness induction of nematodes (Meloydogine javanica (Treub) Chitwood and Heterodera glycines Ichinoe) in soybean (Glycine max L.). Experiments were performed in laboratory and in a greenhouse using collected soil in an experimental area of the Embrapa Meio Ambiente, Jaguariúna, SP. This area received successive applications of sewage sludge, originary from the sewage treatment of Barueri and Franca, in São Paulo State, Brazil, during five years (1998-2002). In relation to the suppressiveness induction of nematodes, the sludge did not affect significantly the development of H. glycines in the soil, but reduced the M. javanica reproduction, in the soybean root