7,057 research outputs found

    Amending the Wagner Act: The Problem From the Manufacturer’s Viewpoint

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    Till följd av den globala finanskrisen år 2008 ställdes det europeiska samarbetet på prov. I och med detta presenterade EU ett förslag till ett direktiv angående en finansiell transaktionsskatt för samtliga länder inom EU. Elva av EU:s 28 medlemsländer har valt att ställa sig bakom förslaget om en finansiell transaktionsskatt, vilket innebär att dessa länder avser införa en finansiell transaktionsskatt. Tidigare empiriska erfarenheter har dock visat att en finansiell transaktionsskatt är mindre effektiv än vad förespråkarna gör gällande, varken påverkan på skatteintäkter eller marknadens volatilitet har i dessa fall levt upp till de önskvärda effekterna. Denna uppsats syfte är att analysera vad som ligger till grund för ländernas ställningstagande och uppsatsens hypotes ger vid handen att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan finanskrisens påverkan på respektive EU land, inhemsk opinion och ett positivt ställningstagande till en finansiell transaktionsskatt inom EU. För att testa hypotesen används en induktiv metod vilken är uppbyggd på vetenskapliga artiklar och ekonomisk litteratur. Vidare genomförs flera regressionsanalyser i syfte att påvisa de positiva samband som hypotesen antar föreligger. I de uppvisade resultaten framgår att det går att stödja uppsatsens hypotes. Uppsatsen kommer därför fram till att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan finanskrisens påverkan på respektive EU-land, inhemsk opinion och ett positivt ställningstagande till en finansiell transaktionsskatt.In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis the European Union was put to the test. As a result, the EU submitted a proposal for a directive regarding a financial transactions tax levied throughout every nation in the European Union. Eleven of the 28 EU member states decided to support the proposal for a financial transactions tax. The eleven member states adopted the stance to support the proposal in spite of the historical empirical evidence indicating a financial transactions tax to not be as effective as the advocators claim. This paper aims to analyse the basis of the EU member states adopted stance towards a financial transactions tax. The thesis statement suggest that there is a positive correlation between the impact of the financial crisis on each respective EU country, domestic public opinion and a positive stance towards a financial transactions tax in the EU. To test the thesis statement an inductive method, based on academic articles and economic literature, is applied. Furthermore a regression analysis is used to prove the appearance of the expected positive relationships in the thesis statement. The results of the paper indicate the thesis statement to be probable. Therefore, this paper concludes that there is a positive relationship between the impact of the financial crisis in the EU states, domestic opinion and a positive stance to a financial transactions tax

    Effects of physical efforts on injury in elite soccer

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    In this study, the influence of physical efforts on occurrence of match injury in a professional soccer club was investigated. Computerised motion-analysis was used to measure the physical efforts of players during 10 injury situations. Total distance and those covered at different movement intensities were measured across the 5-min period preceding injury. If the final run preceding injury involved a high-intensity action (HIA), the distance, duration and speed of the effort and the recovery time between this and the penultimate HIA were measured. To determine the influence of these physical efforts, the results were compared to a normative profile for players computed from data across 5 games for the same variables; habitual distances covered over a 5-min period and characteristics of and recovery time between HIA. Compared to the normative profile, no differences were reported in physical characteristics during the period leading up to injury or for HIA although the latter were substantially higher in intensity (duration and distance). A lower than normal recovery time between HIA prior to injury was observed (35.6±16.8 s vs. 98.8±17.5 s, p=0.003). Within the limitations of the small sample, these findings may aid in further understanding injury and physical performance in elite soccer

    Body size, skeletal maturity and functional characteristics of elite academy soccer players on entry between 1992 and 2003

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    Secular changes in body size, estimated fatness, skeletal maturation, and functional characteristics of youth soccer players on entry into an elite academy between 1992 and 2003 were compared. Annual selections grouped across time (1992–1995, 1996–1998, 1999–2003), playing position (goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward), and by eventual status in the sport (professional, non-professional) were compared. Data for 158 players (age 13.4 ± 0.4 years) at entry into the academy included skeletal age (Greulich-Pyle method), height, weight, relative fatness, four field tests of functional capacities (aerobic, anaerobic, power, speed), and quadriceps concentric strength of the dominant and non-dominant legs. MANCOVA with age as the covariate and chi square were used for comparisons across years. With few exceptions (but notably estimated [Vdot]O2max), results for player size, functional characteristics, and skeletal maturation did not differ among years. Distributions of players by skeletal maturity status and within each playing position also did not differ between years. Although related research has suggested that the anthropometric characteristics of professional players and demands of contemporary professional soccer competition increased over this period, the size, maturity, and functional characteristics of youth players on entry to an elite academy and of graduates who eventually played soccer as professionals generally did not change across annual selections from 1992 to 2003. The results suggest a lack of change in selection philosophies and practices of coaches involved in recruiting players for the academy, which in turn is reflected in consistency of specific evaluation criteria employed over the decade considered

    Are physical performance and injury risk in a professional soccer team in match-play affected over a prolonged period of fixture congestion?

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    In this study, the effects of a prolonged period of fixture congestion (8 successive official matches in 26-days) on physical performance and injury risk and severity in a professional soccer team were investigated. Computerised motion-analysis was used to analyse the overall distance covered and that run at light- (0.0-11.0 km•h-1); low- (11.1-14.0 km•h-1); moderate- (14.1-19.7 km•h-1) and high-intensities (≥19.8 km•h-1) for the team as a whole. Distances were measured in metres per minute. Information on match injuries was recorded prospectively. The overall distance covered varied across successive matches (p<0.001) as more distance was run in games 4 and 7 compared to 2 and 3 respectively (126.6±12.3 m•min-1 and 125.0±13.2 m•min-1 vs. 116.0±8.0 m•min-1 and 115.5±11.0 m•min-1). Distance run in light-intensity exercise also varied (p<0.001) as more distance was covered in game 4 versus 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (75.5±3.8 m•min-1 vs. 70.6±2.4 m•min-1, 71.8±3.4 m•min-1, 69.3±2.6 m•min-1, 71.5±3.1 m•min-1, and 70.3±2.8 m•min-1) and in game 8 versus game 3 (73.1±3.8 vs. 69.3±2.6 m•min-1) respectively. When comparing match halves, there were no differences across games in overall or high-intensity distance covered and performance in these measures was similar for matches played before, during and after this period. Globally, no difference over the 8 games combined was observed between the reference team and opponents in any of the performance measures whereas the overall distance covered and that in low- (both p<0.001) and high-intensity running (p=0.040) differed in individual games. The incidence of match injury during the congested fixture period was similar to rates reported outside this period but the mean layoff duration of injuries was substantially shorter during the former (p<0.05). In summary, while the overall distance run and that covered at lower intensities varied across games, high-intensity running performance and injury risk were generally unaffected during a prolonged period of fixture congestion. These results might be linked to squad rotation and post-match recovery strategies in place at the present club

    Match injuries in professional soccer: inter-seasonal variation and effects of competition type, match congestion and positional role

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    In this prospective observational study, injuries sustained in official match-play in players belonging to a professional soccer club were investigated. Incidence and patterns of injury were compared across four-seasons (2005-2006: S1, 2006-2007: S2, 2007-2008: S3 and 2008-2009: S4) and 3 match formats (domestic League/Cup games and European club competition). In addition, the effects of both fixture congestion and the positional role of players were investigated. Injury incidence (per 1 000 match-hours) did not vary between seasons (range 31.2-59.2 observed in S2 and S4, respectively, p=0.12) or fixture formats (range 32.6-40.8 observed in European and League matches, respectively, p=0.49). In contrast, rates varied in players (n=7) who participated in all four seasons as more injuries were sustained in S1 compared to S2 and S3, respectively (88.4 vs. 49.0 vs. 49.2, both p or = 4 days). Finally, the incidence of injury and muscle strains (both p<0.001) varied across positional roles with the highest rates observed in centre-forwards. These findings provide further knowledge on the risk of injury in contemporary professional soccer match-play and may aid in the care and management of playing resources

    Study of winglets applied to biplanes

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    The possibility of improving the aerodynamic characteristics of a biplane configuration by adding winglets is examined both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical calculations show good agreement with experiment in predicting inviscid drag due to lift. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the addition of winglets to an optimized biplane configuration can increase the ideal efficiency factor by up to 13 percent, as well as increasing the lift curve slope and maximum lift coefficient

    Optical Stark Effect and Dressed Excitonic States in a Mn-doped Quantum Dot

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    We report on the observation of spin dependent optically dressed states and optical Stark effect on an individual Mn spin in a semiconductor quantum dot. The vacuum-to-exciton or the exciton-to-biexciton transitions in a Mn-doped quantum dot are optically dressed by a strong laser field and the resulting spectral signature is measured in photoluminescence. We demonstrate that the energy of any spin state of a Mn atom can be independently tuned using the optical Stark effect induced by a control laser. High resolution spectroscopy reveals a power, polarization and detuning dependent Autler-Townes splitting of each optical transition of the Mn-doped quantum dot. This experiment demonstrates a complete optical resonant control of the exciton-Mn system
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