10 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma Hep-2 to metrotexate chemoterapy

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    Aim: Methotrexate (MTX) is an antifolate agent that acts inhibiting purine and pyrimidine synthesis. The objective of the study was to evaluate the viability of Hep-2 human laryngeal cancer cells to the treatment with MTX chemotherapy in vitro. Methods: Cultured Hep-2 cells were treated with 0.25, 25.0 and 75 μM MTX for 24 h, and their viability was evaluated with Bcl-2-FITC antibody in flow cytometry. Results: The numbers of viable Hep-2 cells after 24 h treatment with 0.25, 25.0 and 75.0 uM MTX were 85.43%, 22.46% and 8.42%, respectively (p < 0.05). Therefore, MTX possesses a dose-dependent effect on viability of Hep-2 cells in vitro. Conclusion: The highest MTX concentration is associated with highest tumor cell sensitivity of human laryngeal cancer cells of Hep-2 line

    Pimentão (capsicum Annuum) Fertilizado Com Composto Orgânico E Irrigado Com Diferentes Lâminas De Irrigação

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    Irrigation and fertilization are determining factors in vegetables’ productivity, mainly when correct doses are applied to obtain high productivity. Fertilization with organic composts is a feasible option, because it contributes to reduce production costs, improves productivity and is good to the environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fertilization with organic waste compost in the productivity of green sweet peppers irrigated in a protected environment. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 24 treatments, factorial 6 × 4, being six fertilizations (mineral, organic with the dosages 4, 8, 12 e 16 t ha-1 and control) and replacement of water (70, 100, 130 e 160%) to take the soil to field capacity, with tree repetitions and six plants each replicate. Among the results it was verified that when water replacement was made in full (100%) the average number of fruits was similar for mineral fertilizer and fertilization with organic compost of 8 t ha-1, 12 t ha-1 and 16 t ha-1, showing the feasibility of the use of these compounds in this culture. © 2016, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP. All rights reserved.21467368

    Efeitos das deficiências de alguns micronutrientes em dois cultivares (Santa Rosa e UFV-1) de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merill)

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    Two soybean varieties were grown in nutrient solution either in the presence on in the absence of B, Cu and Zn. Symptoms of deficiency were observed. Dry matter production and yield data were recorded. Leaf analyses were made in the end of the pod filling period (except in the case of the minus B treatment in which plants failed to produce grains). Main conclusions were the following: (1) lack of B in the substrate affected dry matter production more than the deficiencies of Cu and Zn; (2) Cu deficiency reduced growth and yield formation more than the lack of Zn; (3) symtoms of deficiency are in agreement with those already described; (4) variety UFV-1 seems more sensitive to the deficiency of micronutrients than Santa Rosa; (5) leaf levels of B and Zn indicative of adequate nutritional status seem to be different for the two varieties.Os cultivares de soja Santa Rosa e UFV-1 foram cultivados em solução nutritiva deficiente em B, Cu ou Zn. As plantas carentes em B não completaram o ciclo, enquanto as demais o fizeram. A carência de Cu afetou a produção de matéria seca e a de vagens mais que a falta de Zn. Quantitativamente, as deficiências induzidas afetaram a variedade UFV - 1 mais que a Santa Rosa

    Efeitos das deficiências de macronutrientes em duas variedades de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), Santa rosa e UFV-1, cultivadas em solução nutritiva

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    Two soybean varieties were grown in nutrient solution in the presence and in conditions of deficiency of macronutrients (supplied at 1 tenth of full strength level). During the life cycle samples were taken for leaf analyses, as well as for the determination of the activity of nitrate reductase (NO3R). At the end of the pod filling, periodical mineral analyses were carried out in all the organs of the plants under the "complete" tratment; only leaves were analysed in teh remaining plants. The main conclusion were the following (1) symptoms of deficiency which showed up (N, P, K and Ca) are in agreement with those described in the literature; (2) plants deficient in N,P, K or Ca did not produce any pods; (3) there was a differential response in quantitative terms, of the two varieties to the deficiency of elements in the substrate; (4) the adequate levels of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S are not the same for the two varieties; (5) quick tests provided and indication of the nutritional status; (6) NO3R activity reflected the level of N in the nutrient solution.Duas variedades de soja, Santa Rosa e UFV-1 foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva deficiente em macronutrientes. Foi possível obter sintomas de carência, verificar o efeito das deficiências no crescimento, composição mineral e produção de vagens. Fez-se a diagnose foliar no caso de N, P e K e verificou-se o efeito do nivel de N na solução sobre a atividade da redutase de nitrato