1,403 research outputs found

    Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No.93/puu-x/2012 terhadap Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The result of the research showed that first, The Constitutional Court, in its Ruling No. 93/PUU-X/2012 only consents to a part of it by stating that the explanation of Article 55, paragraph 2 of Law No. 21/2008 on Sharia Banking is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and nonbinding; secondly, legal consequence after the Ruling of the Constitutional Court No. 93/PUU-X/2012 is the selection of the dispute settlement forum in a non-litigation which is not only found in the explanation of Article 55, paragraph 2 of Law No, 21/2008 on Sharia Banking, but which is also used in settling the dispute such as consultation, negotiation, reconciliation, non-banking mediation, experts' opinion, and so on, as long as it is agreed by the conflicting parties. Specifically, the authority of District Court in hearing sharia banking dispute is declared void; and thirdly, Religious Court is actually prepared in settling sharia banking dispute since has had preparedness in legal provisions and regulations in supporting its Ruling. The Religious Administrative of Justice, Bank Indonesia, the Supreme Court, and Judicial Commission consistently perform regular training, either domestically or abroad for the judges of Religious Court throughout Indonesia in order to improve the quality of Religious Court judges in understanding sharia jurisprudence and economy and the execution of Religious Court's Ruling. People do not need to worry about the enforcement/authority of Religious Court since it has the same as the District Court in carrying out the execution of the Ruling, either through its bailiffs or through the police. It is recommended that Article 55 of Law No. 21/2008 on Sharia Banking should be revised so that there will be no overlapping authority which causes legal uncertainty. Those who are involved in sharia banking, sharia banks, clients, and notaries who make sharia financial deeds should select and use Religious Court as the settlement forum when there is a dispute after there is no agreement after negotiation has been held between the conflicting parties

    Un acercamiento posible a la creación de videojuegos políticos en Buenos Aires

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    El artículo reflexiona sobre la producción de videojuegos cuyo fin sea participar en la escena pública local, proponiendo desde la experiencia lúdica digital otras formas de hacer-ver y crear sentido(s). Se focaliza en el estudio de dos grupos independientes radicados en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires cuyos proyectos suponen el desarrollo de videojuegos como medios de expresión para la crítica social y política. Por un lado, el trabajo indaga en las condiciones y forma de producción; y, por otro, describe sus características estéticas y definiciones conceptuales. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a desarrolladores y observación participante online y en eventos.This article reflects on the production of videogames aimed at participating in the local public scene, proposing from the digital play experience other ways of creating meaning(s). It focuses on the study of two independent groups based in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, whose projects involve the development of videogames as means of expression for social and political criticism. On the one hand, the work investigates the conditions and form of production; on the other hand, it describes its aesthetic characteristics and conceptual definitions. To this end, in-depth interviews with developers were conducted, as well as participant observation both online and at events.O artigo reflete sobre a produção de videogames cujo objetivo é participar da cena pública local, propondo a partir da experiência do jogo digital outras formas de ver e criar significado(s). Ele se concentra no estudo de dois grupos independentes baseados na Região Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, cujos projetos envolvem o desenvolvimento de videogames como meio de expressão de críticas sociais e políticas. Por um lado, o trabalho investiga as condições e a forma de produção; e, por outro, descreve suas características estéticas e definições conceituais. Para isso, entrevistas em profundidade foram realizadas com desenvolvedores e observação participante on-line e em eventos

    EAHP European Statements baseline survey 2015

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    Objectives The 2015 EAHP European Statements survey was related to sections 2, 5 and 6 of the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy (Statements). In addition to collection of statistical data about the level of implementation of the Statements, it was also intended to identify important barriers to their implementation. Methods The online questionnaire was sent to all hospital pharmacies in EAHP member countries. Data were analysed by researchers from Keele University School of Pharmacy, UK and the EAHP Survey Group. Results There were a total of 949 responses (response rate 18%). In the first part of the survey, data was collected on hospital pharmacy setting. While almost half of hospital pharmacies served over 500 beds, 80% of hospital pharmacies had 10 or less pharmacists. In section B, we gathered evidence about the degree of implementation of sections 2, 5 and 6 of the Statements and the main barriers to and drivers of implementation. Five questions with the lowest implementation level were then further analysed. Only five countries had 50% or more of hospital pharmacies reporting that the hospital pharmacists routinely publish hospital pharmacy practice research. 67% of participants stated that they had contingency plans for medicines shortages. The majority of countries (n=20) have less than half of respondents using computerised decision support to reduce the risk of medication errors. When asked if an audit had been undertaken in the past 3 years to identify priorities in medicines use processes, the mean percentage of positive responses for a country was 58%. Conclusions EAHP has gained an informative overview of the implementation level as well as the barriers to and drivers of implementation in sections 2, 5 and 6. This is essential to inform the plans for EAHP to best support their implementation

    Videojuegos y género: aportes para pensar la industria en Argentina

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    The article depicts some elements to understand the situation of women in Argentina’s video game industry, from a techno-feminist perspective. It understands technology as part of the social structure, studies the digital gender gaps, and the connections between gender and other forms of inequality. It follows two strands: a) it observes the production and consumption of video games, and analyses female participation in organizations in the field; b) it investigates women members’ perceptions about themselves and the roles women and men play in this industry. A quantitative and qualitative approach is proposed.El artículo aporta algunos elementos para conocer la situación de las mujeres en la industria de videojuegos de Argentina. Parte de la perspectiva tecnofeminista, la cual entiende a la tecnología como parte del tejido social, estudia las brechas digitales de género, y las conexiones entre las desigualdades de género y otras formas de desigualdad. Recorre dos ejes: a) observa la producción y consumo de videojuegos, y analiza la participación femenina en organizaciones del sector; b) indaga en las percepciones que las mujeres integrantes del sector tienen sobre sí mismas y sobre el/los rol/es que las mujeres y hombres ejercen en esta industria. Se propone un abordaje cuantitativo y cualitativo.O artigo fornece alguns elementos para conhecer a situação das mulheres na indústria de videogames na Argentina. Parte da perspectiva tecno-feminista, que entende a tecnologia como parte do tecido social, estuda as lacunas de gênero digital e as conexões entre as desigualdades de gênero e outras fmas de desigualdade. Segue dois eixos: a) observa a produção e o consumo de videogames e analisa a participação feminina nas organizações do setor; b) investiga as percepções que as mulheres integrantes do setor têm sobre si mesmas e sobre o (s) papel (es) que mulheres e homens desempenham neste setor. Uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa é proposta

    Family carers' experiences and perceived roles in interprofessional collaborative practice in primary care: A constructivist grounded theory study

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    Abstract Background Chronic conditions can lead to physical, cognitive and social decline; thus, increasing an individual's dependence on family who assist with activities of daily living. Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), involving two or more health professionals working with the patient and their family, is one model of care for the high‐quality management of individuals with chronic conditions in primary care. Nevertheless, family carers have reported a disconnect between themselves and healthcare providers in previous research. This study aimed to explore the experiences and perspectives of family carers for individuals with chronic conditions, regarding their involvement in IPCP. Methods Aspects of constructivist grounded theory methodology were used. Family carers of individuals with chronic conditions were invited to participate in a one‐on‐one, semistructured interview about their experiences with IPCP in the care of their loved one. Interview transcripts were analysed using Charmaz's four‐step iterative process: (1) line‐by‐line coding, (2) focused coding, (3) categorisation of codes and (4) potential theme and subtheme development with memo writing to support each phase of analysis. The research team collaborated on reflexivity exercises, the conceptualisation of categories and the development of themes. Results Constructivist data analysis of interviews (average 40 min) with 10 family carers resulted in two themes. (1) Stepping in for my loved one represents the notion that carers take on external roles on behalf of their loved ones (subthemes: working with interprofessional teams, supporting independence and learning as I go). (2) Taking on the carer role, represents the internal factors that influence the external roles described in theme 1 (subthemes: feeling obligated to be involved and changing relationship dynamics). Conclusion This study outlines the external actions and internal influences on family carer involvement in an interprofessional team. The required knowledge and support to care for their loved ones is currently learned in an ad hoc manner, and carers' resources should be better promoted by health professionals. Additionally, the relationship dynamics between a carer and their loved one change as the carer becomes more involved in IPCP and influences how and the extent health professionals involve family carers. Patient or Public Contribution Carers were the study population involved in this qualitative study. Patient advocates who have chronic conditions, and are informal family carers, were involved in the creation and design of this study, including a review of the research question, participant information sheet and the interview guide

    Introducing a new method for calculating the environmental credits of end-of-life material recovery in attributional LCA

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    Purpose This paper aims to provide an alternative method for calculating the environmental credits associated with material recycling in life cycle assessment (LCA) of waste management systems. The method proposed here is more consistent with the general attributional approach in LCA than the hitherto common practice of simply assuming a 1:1 substitution of primary material production. Methods The formula proposed for estimating the environmental credit is applicable for the recovered materials that are reintroduced into the market (outputs of the recycling facilities), after all process losses in the various stages of the waste management system have been accounted for. It considers the displacement of materials by using the mix of virgin and recycled materials for each individual material that is used in the market for the production of goods. Moreover, it also considers the changes in the inherent properties of the materials undergoing a recycling process (‘down-cycling’), by introducing a quality (Q) factor, affecting the proportion of virgin material that is accounted for. Results and discussion Example applications of the proposed formula to a number of different materials (aluminium, steel, paper and cardboard and plastics) illustrate the range of possible results obtained.. The environmental credit calculated using the proposed formula can be interpreted as an indication of the remaining margin for improvement, since it depends on the existing mix of virgin and recycled materials already on the market, and on the potential of the recycled material to actually replace the primary one on a functional basis. We also discuss the possible use of a material’s Q factor to estimate the maximum allowable % of recycled material in a product consistent with the quality demands of selected applications. Conclusions and recommendations We have introduced here a consistent and unified formula for the evaluation of the credits associated with material recovery of all waste materials in waste management systems (paper, glass, plastics, metals, etc.). Such a formula requires the knowledge of the current average market consumption mixes of primary and secondary materials (or the application-specific average mixes when the final application of the recovered materials is known), and of suitable Q factors for the material(s) that are recycled. As the latter are often not readily available, more research is called for to arrive at a ready-to-use Q factors database

    Specific cortical and subcortical grey matter regions are associated with insomnia severity

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    BACKGROUND: There is an increasing awareness that sleep disturbances are a risk factor for dementia. Prior case-control studies suggested that brain grey matter (GM) changes involving cortical (i.e, prefrontal areas) and subcortical structures (i.e, putamen, thalamus) could be associated with insomnia status. However, it remains unclear whether there is a gradient association between these regions and the severity of insomnia in older adults who could be at risk for dementia. Since depressive symptoms and sleep apnea can both feature insomnia-related factors, can impact brain health and are frequently present in older populations, it is important to include them when studying insomnia. Therefore, our goal was to investigate GM changes associated with insomnia severity in a cohort of healthy older adults, taking into account the potential effect of depression and sleep apnea as well. We hypothesized that insomnia severity is correlated with 1) cortical regions responsible for regulation of sleep and emotion, such as the orbitofrontal cortex and, 2) subcortical regions, such as the putamen. METHODS: 120 healthy subjects (age 74.8±5.7 years old, 55.7% female) were recruited from the Hillblom Healthy Aging Network at the Memory and Aging Center, UCSF. All participants were determined to be cognitively healthy following a neurological evaluation, neuropsychological assessment and informant interview. Participants had a 3T brain MRI and completed the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Berlin Sleep Questionnaire (BA) to assess sleep apnea. Cortical thickness (CTh) and subcortical volumes were obtained by the CAT12 toolbox within SPM12. We studied the correlation of CTh and subcortical volumes with ISI using multiple regressions adjusted by age, sex, handedness and MRI scan type. Additional models adjusting by GDS and BA were also performed. RESULTS: ISI and GDS were predominantly mild (4.9±4.2 and 2.5±2.9, respectively) and BA was mostly low risk (80%). Higher ISI correlated with lower CTh of the right orbitofrontal, right superior and caudal middle frontal areas, right temporo-parietal junction and left anterior cingulate cortex (p<0.001, uncorrected FWE). When adjusting by GDS, right ventral orbitofrontal and temporo-parietal junction remained significant, and left insula became significant (p<0.001, uncorrected FWE). Conversely, BA showed no effect. The results were no longer significant following FWE multiple comparisons. Regarding subcortical areas, higher putamen volumes were associated with higher ISI (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight a relationship between insomnia severity and brain health, even with relatively mild insomnia, and independent of depression and likelihood of sleep apnea. The results extend the previous literature showing the association of specific GM areas (i.e, orbitofrontal, insular and temporo-parietal junction) not just with the presence of insomnia, but across the spectrum of severity itself. Moreover, our results suggest subcortical structures (i.e., putamen) are involved as well. Longitudinal studies are needed to clarify how these insomnia-related brain changes in healthy subjects align with an increased risk of dementia

    Zeros and the functional equation of the quadrilateral zeta function

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    In this paper, we show that all real zeros of the bilateral Hurwitz zeta function Z(s,a):=ζ(s,a)+ζ(s,1a)Z(s,a):=\zeta (s,a) + \zeta (s,1-a) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the non-positive even integers exactly same as in the case of (2s1)ζ(s)(2^s-1) \zeta (s). We also prove that all real zeros of the bilateral periodic zeta function P(s,a):=Lis(e2πia)+Lis(e2πi(1a))P(s,a):={\rm{Li}}_s (e^{2\pi ia}) + {\rm{Li}}_s (e^{2\pi i(1-a)}) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the negative even integers just like ζ(s)\zeta (s). Moreover, we show that all real zeros of the quadrilateral zeta function Q(s,a):=Z(s,a)+P(s,a)Q(s,a):=Z(s,a) + P(s,a) with 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 are on only the negative even integers. On the other hand, we prove that Z(s,a)Z(s,a), P(s,a)P(s,a) and Q(s,a)Q(s,a) have at least one real zero in (0,1)(0,1) when 0<a<1/20<a<1/2 is sufficiently small. The complex zeros of these zeta functions are also discussed when 1/4a1/21/4 \le a \le 1/2 is rational or transcendental. As a corollary, we show that Q(s,a)Q(s,a) with rational 1/4<a<1/31/4 < a < 1/3 or 1/3<a<1/21/3 < a < 1/2 does not satisfy the analogue of the Riemann hypothesis even though Q(s,a)Q(s,a) satisfies the functional equation that appeared in Hamburger's or Hecke's theorem and all real zeros of Q(s,a)Q(s,a) are located at only the negative even integers again as in the case of ζ(s)\zeta (s).Comment: 12 pages. We changed the title. Some typos are correcte