15 research outputs found

    Non-neural phenotype of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: Results from a large cohort of Italian patients

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    Objective: To carry out a deep characterisation of the main androgen-responsive tissues involved in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Methods: 73 consecutive Italian patients underwent a full clinical protocol including biochemical and hormonal analyses, genitourinary examination, bone metabolism and densitometry, cardiological evaluation and muscle pathology. Results: Creatine kinase levels were slightly to markedly elevated in almost all cases (68 of the 73; 94%). 30 (41%) patients had fasting glucose above the reference limit, and many patients had total cholesterol (40; 54.7%), low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (29; 39.7%) and triglyceride (35; 48%) levels above the recommended values. Although testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone values were generally normal, in one-third of cases we calculated an increased Androgen Sensitivity Index reflecting the presence of androgen resistance in these patients. According to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), 7/70 (10%) patients reported severe lower urinal tract symptoms (IPSS score >19), and 21/73 (30%) patients were moderately symptomatic (IPSS score from 8 to 19). In addition, 3 patients were carriers of an indwelling bladder catheter. Videourodynamic evaluation indicated that 4 of the 7 patients reporting severe urinary symptoms had an overt prostate-unrelated bladder outlet obstruction. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan data were consistent with low bone mass in 25/61 (41%) patients. Low bone mass was more frequent at the femoral than at the lumbar level. Skeletal muscle biopsy was carried out in 20 patients and myogenic changes in addition to the neurogenic atrophy were mostly observed. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence of a wide non-neural clinical phenotype in SBMA, suggesting the need for comprehensive multidisciplinary protocols for these patients. \ua9 2016 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited

    Construction et validation d'un outil d'évaluation des connaissances des médecins généralistes en matière de contraception d'urgence (étude préliminaire avant une étude de l'information délivrée sur la contraception d'urgence en médecine générale)

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    Objectives : Design of a questionnaire on general practitioners' knowledge about emergency contraception. Materials and methods : Survey items were selected basing on several following validation procedures (review of literature, selection by an experts' group, pre-test on a sample of at least ten practitioners, test on a sample of at least a hundred practitioners, statistical analysis). Results : The revue of literature allowed to individualize 47 items. Then the items were reduced to 31 by the experts' group work and to 30 by the pre-test, performed on a sample of 12 general practitioners. The final test took place on a sample of 98 general practitioners from the French departments of Vienne and Deux Sévres. The statistical analysis allowed to obtain a 25 items survey. The last sample permitted to individualize further information, that need to be confirmed by larger studies. General practitioners who have an inter-universitary French degree in gynaecology seem to have better survey scores (p = 0,05). General practitioners who inform more often their patients about emergency contraception seem to have a better score at the survey (p = 0,17). Conclusion : This work allowed to obtain a valid questionnaire on general practitioners' knowledge about emergency contraception. This questionnaire can be used to study the relation between general practitioners' knowledge and how often they inform their patients and, more generally, to study counseling on emergency contraception in general practice.POITIERS-BU Médecine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Integrated care of muscular dystrophies in Italy. Part 1. Pharmacological treatment and rehabilitative interventions

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    This paper describes the pharmacological therapies and rehabilitative interventions received by 502 patients with Muscular Dystrophies, evaluated in relation to patient's socio-demographic and clinical variables, and geographical areas. Data were collected by the MD-Socio-Demographic and Clinical Schedule (MD-SC-CS) and by the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). The most part of the enrolled patients were in drug treatment. The number of the medications increased in relation to patient's age, disability degree and duration of illness and was higher among patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) compared with Becker (BMD) or Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies (LGMD). Steroids (deflazacort or prednisone) were the drug most frequently used, followed by cardiologic and bone metabolism drugs. In general, patients using steroids were younger and had a shorter duration of illness; patients using cardiac drugs and dietary supplements were older and had a longer duration of illness. Rehabilitative interventions were provided to about 70% (351/502) of patients, mainly DMD. Of these, physiotherapy was the more frequent treatment (96.6%) and was prevalently performed in rehabilitative centres (about 70% of patients) and at home in only 30%. Hydrokinetic-therapy was practiced by 6.8% of patients. Respiratory rehabilitation was provided to 47.0% of patients (165/351) and assisted mechanical ventilaventilation to 13.1% (46). The amount of rehabilitative interventions increased in relation to the patient's age, level of disability and duration of illness. Compared to Central and Northern Italy, in Southern Italy there was a higher attention to cardiological impairment as shown by a higher number of patients receiving heart drugs. No statistically significant differences concerning the possibility to have access to rehabilitative interventions were noted among the three geographical areas. However, patient living in Southern Italy tend to receive rehabilitation more often at home

    Integrated care of muscular dystrophies in Italy. Part 1. Pharmacological treatment and rehabilitative interventions

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    This paper describes the pharmacological therapies and rehabilitative interventions received by 502 patients with Muscular Dystrophies, evaluated in relation to patient's socio-demographic and clinical variables, and geographical areas. Data were collected by the MD-Socio-Demographic and Clinical Schedule (MD-SC-CS) and by the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). The most part of the enrolled patients were in drug treatment. The number of the medications increased in relation to patient's age, disability degree and duration of illness and was higher among patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) compared with Becker (BMD) or Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophies (LGMD). Steroids (deflazacort or prednisone) were the drug most frequently used, followed by cardiologic and bone metabolism drugs. In general, patients using steroids were younger and had a shorter duration of illness; patients using cardiac drugs and dietary supplements were older and had a longer duration of illness. Rehabilitative interventions were provided to about 70% (351/502) of patients, mainly DMD. Of these, physiotherapy was the more frequent treatment (96.6%) and was prevalently performed in rehabilitative centres (about 70% of patients) and at home in only 30%. Hydrokinetic-therapy was practiced by 6.8% of patients. Respiratory rehabilitation was provided to 47.0% of patients (165/351) and assisted mechanical ventilaventilation to 13.1% (46). The amount of rehabilitative interventions increased in relation to the patient's age, level of disability and duration of illness. Compared to Central and Northern Italy, in Southern Italy there was a higher attention to cardiological impairment as shown by a higher number of patients receiving heart drugs. No statistically significant differences concerning the possibility to have access to rehabilitative interventions were noted among the three geographical areas. However, patient living in Southern Italy tend to receive rehabilitation more often at home

    Analytic Philosophy and Continental Philosophy: Four Confrontations

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    This paper describes the psycho-social treatments received by 502 patients with MDs and their relatives, and the costs for care sustained by the families in the previous six month period. Data were collected by the MD-Care Schedule (MD-CS) and the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). Psycho-educational interventions were provided to 72 patients (14.3%), and social/welfare support to 331 patients (65.9%). Social/welfare support was higher in patients with DMD or LGMD, in those showing more severe disability, and in patients who were in contact with centres located in Northern Italy. Psycho-educational interventions were received by 156 (31%) relatives, and social/welfare support by 55 (10.9%) and mainly provided by Family/Patients Associations (83.6%). Relatives with higher educational levels, who spent more daily hours in the assistance of patients with DMD, and in contact with centres in Central Italy more frequently benefited from psycho-educational interventions. In the previous year, costs for care were sustained by 314 (63.9%) relatives. Financial difficulties related to patient's condition, were higher in families of patients who needed more intensive rehabilitation and daily hours of caregiving, and in families who lived further away from the reference's centre. These results showed that psycho-social aspects of MDs care are only partially met in Italy, and that ad hoc supportive interventions for these patients and their families should be potentiated

    Secukinumab demonstrates improvements in absolute and relative psoriasis area severity indices in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: Results from a European, multicentric, retrospective, real-world study

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    Objective This European, multicentric, retrospective study aimed to collect data on secukinumab effectiveness in a real-world setting. Research design and methods: All psoriatic patients starting secukinumab between January 2016 and February 2017 in 11 European centers were followed until February 2018 and retrospectively evaluated. Main outcome measures: Secukinumab effectiveness was assessed by relative improvement from baseline of the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) and absolute PASI score modifications throughout 52 weeks of therapy. Additionally measures assessing effectiveness were used, including improvements of body surface area (BSA) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Results Out the 330 patients with potentially 52-week treatment duration, naïve to biologics patients showed greater probability to achieved PASI score of ≤1, ≤2, ≤3, and ≤5 at week 12, compared to bio-experienced patients (45.86% vs. 27.17%, 62.42% vs. 42.42%, 73.89% vs. 57.80%, and 84.08% vs. 74.57%, respectively). The greater effectiveness of secukinumab treatment in bio-naïve patients was confirmed at week 24 and 52. Conclusions In this real-world experience, secukinumab was proven effective in treating psoriasis patients throughout a 52-weeks observation period, with higher response in bio-naïve patients. This study may contribute to defining the clinical profile of secukinumab best-responders

    \u201cI have got something positive out of this situation\u201d: psychological benefits of caregiving in relatives of young people with muscular dystrophy

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    This paper focuses on the psychological benefits of caregiving in key relatives of patients with muscular dystrophies (MD), a group of rare diseases characterized by progressive weakness and restriction of the patient's functional abilities. We describe whether relatives perceived caregiving to be a positive experience and test whether relatives' perceptions vary in relation to their view of the patient as a valued person, the degree of involvement in care, and the level of support provided by social network and professionals. The study sample included 502 key relatives of patients aged 4-25 years, suffering from Duchenne, Becker, or limb-girdle MD, in treatment for at least 6 months to one of the eight participating centers, living with at least one relative aged 18-80 years. Of key relatives, 88 % stated that they had gotten something positive out of the situation, 96 % considered their patients to be sensitive, and 94 % viewed their patients as talented. Positive aspects of caregiving were more recognized by key relatives who were more convinced that the patient was sensitive and who perceived that they received higher level of professional help and psychological social support. These results suggest that most key relatives consider that their caregiving experience has had a positive impact on their lives, despite the practical difficulties of caring for patients with MD. Professionals should help relatives to identify the benefits of caregiving without denying its difficulties. Clinicians themselves should develop positive attitudes towards family involvement in the care of patients with long-term diseases. \ua9 2013 The Author(s)