6 research outputs found

    Комунікативно-маніпулятивні чинники політичної мотивації

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    Аналізуються основні комунікативно-маніпулятивні чинники політичної мотивації, які визначили формування відповідних електоральних теорій. Зокрема, увагу приділено метафоричним моделям, політико-комунікативній теорії, теорії мотивованого політичного мислення, технологічним (маркетинговим) теоріям та ін.Анализируются основные коммуникативно-манипулятивные факторы политичес­кой мотивации, которые определили формирование соответствующих электоральных теорий. В частности, внимание уделено метафорическим моделям, политико-коммуникативной теории, теории мотивированного политического мышления, технологиче­ским (маркетинговым) теориям и др.The article analyzes the basic communicative, manipulative political motivation factors that have determined the formation of the electoral theories. In particular, attention is given to metaphorical models, political and communication theory, the theory of reasoned political thought, technological (marketing) theories, etc

    Mapping magnetic sources at the millimeter to micrometer scale in dunite and serpentinite by high-resolution magnetic microscopy

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    Rock samples can have wide range of magnetic properties depending on composition, amount of ferromagnetic minerals, grain sizes and microstructures. Here, we used scanning magnetic microscopy, a highly sensitive and high-resolution magnetometric technique to map remanent magnetic fields over a planar surface of a rock sample. The technique allows for the investigation of discrete magnetic mineral grains, or magnetic textures and structures with submillimeter scale resolution. Here, we present a case-study of magnetic scans of pristine and serpentinized dunite thin sections from the Reinfjord Ultramafic Complex, in northern Norway. The magnetic mineralogy is characterized by electron microprobe, scanning electron- and optical-microscopy, and with rock magnetic methods. In serpentinized samples the magnetic carrier is end-member magnetite occurring as large discrete grains and small grains in micron scale veins. By contrast, the pristine dunite sample contains large Cr-spinel grains with very fine equant exsolutions ranging in composition from ferrichromite to end-member magnetite. Forward and inverse modeling of the magnetic anomalies is used to determine the remanent magnetization directions and intensities of discrete magnetic sources observed in the scanning magnetic microscopy. The fine-scale magnetization of the rock sample is used to investigate the magnetic carriers and the effect of serpentinization on the magnetic properties of the dunite. Modeling shows that the dipolar magnetic anomalies that are mapped by scanning magnetic microscopy are caused by grains with heterogeneous magnetic sources. The intensity of the magnetization and the amount of magnetic minerals are higher in the serpentinized sample than the pristine dunite sample, consistent with the measured bulk magnetic properties. Furthermore, the serpentinized samples show a larger variability in the direction of the magnetization and a stronger heterogeneity with respect to the pristine sample. The ability to rigorously associate components of the bulk magnetic properties to individual mineral phases creates new possibilities for rock magnetic, paleomagnetic, and exploration applications

    Social signal processing: the research agenda

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    The exploration of how we react to the world and interact with it and each other remains one of the greatest scientific challenges. Latest research trends in cognitive sciences argue that our common view of intelligence is too narrow, ignoring a crucial range of abilities that matter immensely for how people do in life. This range of abilities is called social intelligence and includes the ability to express and recognise social signals produced during social interactions like agreement, politeness, empathy, friendliness, conflict, etc., coupled with the ability to manage them in order to get along well with others while winning their cooperation. Social Signal Processing (SSP) is the new research domain that aims at understanding and modelling social interactions (human-science goals), and at providing computers with similar abilities in human–computer interaction scenarios (technological goals). SSP is in its infancy, and the journey towards artificial social intelligence and socially aware computing is still long. This research agenda is twofold, a discussion about how the field is understood by people who are currently active in it and a discussion about issues that the researchers in this formative field face


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