2 research outputs found

    Automatic procedure for mass and charge identification of light isotopes detected in CsI(Tl) of the GARFIELD apparatus

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    Mass and charge identification of light charged particles detected with the 180 CsI(Tl) detectors of the GARFIELD apparatus is presented. A \u2018\u2018tracking\u2019\u2019 method to automatically sample the Z and A ridges of \u2018\u2018Fast\u2013Slow\u2019\u2019 histograms is developed. An empirical analytic identification function is used to fit correlations between Fast and Slow, in order to determine, event by event, the atomic and mass numbers of the detected charged reaction products. A summary of the advantages of the proposed method with respect to \u2018\u2018hand-based\u2019\u2019 procedures is reported

    The Fazia initiative: more powerful detectors for a more detailed investigation on the origin and the decay of charged fragments

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    International audienceThe main results of the R&D program of the FAZIA collaboration are described. The objective was to improve particle identication capabilities from solid-state telescopes made of Silicon detectors and CsI(Tl) scintillators in view of a new large acceptance apparatus to be used for heavy-ion physics. Important progresses have been made on silicon detectors thanks to a careful control of the material, of its doping uniformity and of the crystal orientation. Moreover, the use of appropriate fast digital electronics allowed to extract maximum information via Pulse Shape Analysis and to propose new configurations of CsI(Tl) readout. Some of the recent results of the telescopes are discussed here, together with some perspective and preliminary data on the physics program at intermediate bombarding energie