6 research outputs found

    On the group of extensions for the bicrossed product construction for a locally compact group

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    For the cocycle bicrossed product construction applied to a locally compact group and its two subgroups, we give a simple description of the group of the corresponding extensions in terms of the second cohomology group of a certain complex of continuous functions on the group. Using this description, we find pairs of continuous cocycles for two subgroups of the Heisenberg group

    Quantized algebras of functions on homogeneous spaces with Poisson stabilizers

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    Let G be a simply connected semisimple compact Lie group with standard Poisson structure, K a closed Poisson-Lie subgroup, 0<q<1. We study a quantization C(G_q/K_q) of the algebra of continuous functions on G/K. Using results of Soibelman and Dijkhuizen-Stokman we classify the irreducible representations of C(G_q/K_q) and obtain a composition series for C(G_q/K_q). We describe closures of the symplectic leaves of G/K refining the well-known description in the case of flag manifolds in terms of the Bruhat order. We then show that the same rules describe the topology on the spectrum of C(G_q/K_q). Next we show that the family of C*-algebras C(G_q/K_q), 0<q\le1, has a canonical structure of a continuous field of C*-algebras and provides a strict deformation quantization of the Poisson algebra \C[G/K]. Finally, extending a result of Nagy, we show that C(G_q/K_q) is canonically KK-equivalent to C(G/K).Comment: 23 pages; minor changes, typos correcte

    Quantum Stiefel Manifold And Double Cosets Of Quantum Unitary Group

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    Introduction. If a group G acts on a set S transitively on the right, then one can view S as G=K, where K is a subgroup of G. Thus a function on S can be considered as a function on G, invariant with respect to the right shifts by elements of K. It is especially interesting to consider bi-invariant functions on G since they can be identified with the functions on the set of G-orbits in S. If G is a locally compact group and K is its compact subgroup with Haar measures ¯G and ¯K respectively, then the set B ae L 1 (G; ¯G ) of all bi-invariant functions is an algebra with respect to the convolution and has a natural hypergroup structure related t

    Модифікована SEIRD-модель опису епідемії COVID-19

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    This article is devoted to mathematical models in epidemiology, in particular SIR, SEIR, and SEIRD models. It explores the importance of these models in predicting the spread of infectious diseases and evaluating the effectiveness of control measures. These models allow for assessing important epidemic parameters such as the speed of infection transmission, the number of people infected, and the number of deaths. This data can help in making decisions regarding the imposition and lifting of quarantine restrictions, opening and closing of schools and other institutions, as well as in developing vaccination strategies and other control measures. In summary, mathematical models such as SIR, SEIR, and SEIRD are important tools in the fight against epidemics. They enable epidemiologists and medical professionals to predict and control the spread of diseases, thus preserving the health and lives of people.Присвячено математичним моделям в епідеміології, зокрема SIR, SEIR і SEIRD. Досліджено важливість цих моделей у прогнозуванні поширення інфекційних захворювань та оцінювання ефективності контрольних заходів. Ці моделі дають змогу оцінити важливі параметри епідемії, такі як швидкість поширення інфекції, кількість людей, які зазнають захворювання, та померлих від цього захворювання. Ці дані можуть допомогти у прийнятті рішень про введення та зняття карантинних обмежень, відкриття і закриття шкіл та інших установ, а також у розробленні стратегій вакцинації та інших контрольних заходів. Загалом математичні моделі SIR, SEIR і SEIRD є важливим інструментом з боротьби з епідеміями. Вони дозволяють епідеміологам і медичним працівникам прогнозувати та контролювати поширення захворювань, що зберігає здоров’я та життя людей


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