1,106 research outputs found

    On the Possibility of Optical Unification in Heterotic Strings

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    Recently J. Giedt discussed a mechanism, entitled optical unification, whereby string scale unification is facilitated via exotic matter with intermediate scale mass. This mechanism guarantees that a virtual MSSM unification below the string scale is extrapolated from the running of gauge couplings upward from M_Z^o when an intermediate scale desert is assumed. In this letter we explore the possibility of optical unification within the context of weakly coupled heterotic strings. In particular, we investigate this for models of free fermionic construction containing the NAHE set of basis vectors. This class is of particular interest for optical unification, because it provides a standard hypercharge embedding within SO(10), giving the standard k_Y = 5/3 hypercharge level, which was shown necessary for optical unification. We present a NAHE model for which the set of exotic SU(3)_C triplet/anti-triplet pairs, SU(2)_L doublets, and non-Abelian singlets with hypercharge offers the possibility of optical unification. Whether this model can realize optical unification is conditional upon these exotics not receiving Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) scale masses when a flat direction of scalar vacuum expectation values is non-perturbatively chosen to cancel the FI D-term, xi, generated by the anomalous U(1)-breaking Green-Schwarz-Dine-Seiberg-Wittten mechanism. A study of perturbative flat directions and their phenomenological implications for this model is underway. This paper is a product of the NFS Research Experiences for Undergraduates and the NSF High School Summer Science Research programs at Baylor University.Comment: 16 pages. Standard Late

    Uniaxial Phase Transition in Si : Ab initio Calculations

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    Based on a previously proposed thermodynamic analysis, we study the relative stabilities of five Si phases under uniaxial compression using ab initio methods. The five phases are diamond, beta-tin, sh, sc, and hcp structures. The possible phase-transition patterns were investigated by considering the phase transitions between any two chosen phases of the five phases. By analyzing the different conributions to the relative pahse stability, we identified the most important factors in reducing the phase-transition pressures at uniaxial compression. We also show that it is possible to have phase transitions occur only when the phases are under uniaxial compression, in spite of no phase transition when under hydrostatic commpression. Taking all five phases into consideration, the phase diagram at uniaxial compression was constructed for pressures under 20 GPa. The stable phases were found to be diamond, beta-tin and sh structures, i.e. the same as those when under hydrostatic condition. According to the phase diagram, direct phase transition from the diamond to the sh phase is possible if the applied uniaxial pressures, on increasing, satisfy the condition of Px>Pz. Simiilarly, the sh-to-beta-tin transition on increeasing pressures is also possible if the applied uniaxial pressures are varied from the condition of Px>Pz, on which the phase of sh is stable, to that of Px<Pz, on which the beta-tin is stable

    CP Violation in Supersymmetric U(1)' Models

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    The supersymmetric CP problem is studied within superstring-motivated extensions of the MSSM with an additional U(1)' gauge symmetry broken at the TeV scale. This class of models offers an attractive solution to the mu problem of the MSSM, in which U(1)' gauge invariance forbids the bare mu term, but an effective mu parameter is generated by the vacuum expectation value of a Standard Model singlet S which has superpotential coupling of the form SH_uH_d to the electroweak Higgs doublets. The effective mu parameter is thus dynamically determined as a function of the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters, and can be complex if the soft parameters have nontrivial CP-violating phases. We examine the phenomenological constraints on the reparameterization invariant phase combinations within this framework, and find that the supersymmetric CP problem can be greatly alleviated in models in which the phase of the SU(2) gaugino mass parameter is aligned with the soft trilinear scalar mass parameter associated with the SH_uH_d coupling. We also study how the phases filter into the Higgs sector, and find that while the Higgs sector conserves CP at the renormalizable level to all orders of perturbation theory, CP violation can enter at the nonrenormalizable level at one-loop order. In the majority of the parameter space, the lightest Higgs boson remains essentially CP even but the heavier Higgs bosons can exhibit large CP-violating mixings, similar to the CP-violating MSSM with large mu parameter.Comment: 29 pp, 3 figs, 2 table

    3D-HST+CANDELS : the evolution of the galaxy size-mass distribution since z=3

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    Spectroscopic+photometric redshifts, stellar mass estimates, and rest-frame colors from the 3D-HST survey are combined with structural parameter measurements from CANDELS imaging to determine the galaxy size-mass distribution over the redshift range 0 < z < 3. Separating early- and late-type galaxies on the basis of star-formation activity, we confirm that early-type galaxies are on average smaller than late-type galaxies at all redshifts, and we find a significantly different rate of average size evolution at fixed galaxy mass, with fast evolution for the early-type population, R eff∝(1 + z)–1.48, and moderate evolution for the late-type population, R eff∝(1 + z)-0.75Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Electron and hole states in quantum-dot quantum wells within a spherical 8-band model

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    In order to study heterostructures composed both of materials with strongly different parameters and of materials with narrow band gaps, we have developed an approach, which combines the spherical 8-band effective-mass Hamiltonian and the Burt's envelope function representation. Using this method, electron and hole states are calculated in CdS/HgS/CdS/H_2O and CdTe/HgTe/CdTe/H_2O quantum-dot quantum-well heterostructures. Radial components of the wave functions of the lowest S and P electron and hole states in typical quantum-dot quantum wells (QDQWs) are presented as a function of radius. The 6-band-hole components of the radial wave functions of an electron in the 8-band model have amplitudes comparable with the amplitude of the corresponding 2-band-electron component. This is a consequence of the coupling between the conduction and valence bands, which gives a strong nonparabolicity of the conduction band. At the same time, the 2-band-electron component of the radial wave functions of a hole in the 8-band model is small compared with the amplitudes of the corresponding 6-band-hole components. It is shown that in the CdS/HgS/CdS/H_2O QDQW holes in the lowest states are strongly localized in the well region (HgS). On the contrary, electrons in this QDQW and both electron and holes in the CdTe/HgTe/CdTe/H_2O QDQW are distributed through the entire dot. The importance of the developed theory for QDQWs is proven by the fact that in contrast to our rigorous 8-band model, there appear spurious states within the commonly used symmetrized 8-band model.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

    Theory-Motivated Benchmark Models and Superpartners at the Tevatron

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    Recently published benchmark models have contained rather heavy superpartners. To test the robustness of this result, several benchmark models have been constructed based on theoretically well-motivated approaches, particularly string-based ones. These include variations on anomaly and gauge-mediated models, as well as gravity mediation. The resulting spectra often have light gauginos that are produced in significant quantities at the Tevatron collider, or will be at a 500 GeV linear collider. The signatures also provide interesting challenges for the LHC. In addition, these models usually account for electroweak symmetry breaking with relatively less fine-tuning than previous benchmark models.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures; some typos corrected. Revisions reflect published versio

    Shot Noise in Nanoscale Conductors From First Principles

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    We describe a field-theoretic approach to calculate quantum shot noise in nanoscale conductors from first principles. Our starting point is the second-quantization field operator to calculate shot noise in terms of single quasi-particle wavefunctions obtained self-consistently within density functional theory. The approach is valid in both linear and nonlinear response and is particularly suitable in studying shot noise in atomic-scale conductors. As an example we study shot noise in Si atomic wires between metal electrodes. We find that shot noise is strongly nonlinear as a function of bias and it is enhanced for one- and two-Si wires due to the large contribution from the metal electrodes. For longer wires it shows an oscillatory behavior for even and odd number of atoms with opposite trend with respect to the conductance, indicating that current fluctuations persist with increasing wire length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Sudden switch of generalized Lieb-Robinson velocity in a transverse field Ising spin chain

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    The Lieb-Robinson theorem states that the speed at which the correlations between two distant nodes in a spin network can be built through local interactions has an upper bound, which is called the Lieb-Robinson velocity. Our central aim is to demonstrate how to observe the Lieb-Robinson velocity in an Ising spin chain with a strong transverse field. We adopt and compare four correlation measures for characterizing different types of correlations, which include correlation function, mutual information, quantum discord, and entanglement of formation. We prove that one of correlation functions shows a special behavior depending on the parity of the spin number. All the information-theoretical correlation measures demonstrate the existence of the Lieb-Robinson velocity. In particular, we find that there is a sudden switch of the Lieb-Robinson speed with the increasing of the number of spin

    Fermion Masses and Mixings in the Little Flavon Model

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    We present a complete analysis of the fermion masses and mixing matrices in the framework of the little flavon model. In this model textures are generated by coupling the fermions to scalar fields, the little flavons, that are pseudo-Goldstone bosons of the breaking of a global SU(6) symmetry. The Yukawa couplings arise from the vacuum expectation values of the flavon fields, their sizes controlled by a potential a la Coleman-Weinberg. Quark and lepton mass hierarchies and mixing angles are accomodated within the effective approach in a natural manner.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX4, version to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Possible Origin of Antimatter Regions in the Baryon Dominated Universe

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    We discuss the evolution of U(1) symmetric scalar field at the inflation epoch with a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone tilt revealing after the end of exponential expansion of the Universe. The U(1) symmetry is supposed to be associated with baryon charge. It is shown that quantum fluctuations lead in natural way to baryon dominated Universe with antibaryon excess regions. The range of parameters is calculated at which the fraction of Universe occupied by antimatter and the size of antimatter regions satisfy the observational constraints, survive to the modern time and lead to effects, accessible to experimental search for antimatter.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur