35 research outputs found

    Endothelial bound lipoprotein lipase (LpL) depletion in hypoalbuminemia results from decreased endothelial binding, not decreased secretion

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    Hypertriglyceridemia in nephrotic (NS) and Nagase analbuminemic rats (Analb) results from reduced triglyceride clearance. NS and Analb have reduced or absent albumin, reduced plasma oncotic pressure (π), but Analb lack proteinuria. The heparin releasable lipoprotein lipase (LpL) pool in both models is greatly reduced, suggesting reduced LpL is related to low albumin or π and not proteinuria. To determine the cause of endothelial LpL reduction, we studied effectors of endothelial LpL (eLpL) levels from gene expression, to delivery and endothelial binding. eLpL was measured as heparin releasable activity. eLpL and secretion rate was measured in isolated hearts perfused with heparin. mRNA levels were measured in rat hearts by kinetic RT-PCR. Finally, binding of 125I-LpL by competition assays rat endothelial cells measured serum-induced changes in affinity. eLpL in vivo was reduced in nephrotic and Analb rats. While the eLpL pool was reduced in isolated perfused hearts, neither LpL secretion by isolated hearts nor myocardial mRNA was reduced in NS or Analb. Binding of LpL to RAEC preincubated with serum from either NS or Analb was reduced compared to control. LpL mRNA levels and release rate was not altered in hearts from NS rats, while eLpL is depleted, suggesting that reduced eLpL in NS is not the result of reduced delivery. The finding that NS serum alters LpL binding to RAEC suggests LpL depletion results from decreased binding rather than defective delivery. This in turn is a consequence of reduced serum albumin or π but does not require proteinuria

    Iron and copper metabolism in analbuminaemic rats fed a high-iron diet.

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    The metabolism of iron and copper in male Nagase analbuminaemic (NA) and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats was compared. Relative liver weight was higher and spleen weight significantly lower in NA than SD rats. In NA rats, red blood cell count, haemoglobin and haematocrit were lower, whereas plasma transferrin, total iron-binding capacity and mean corpuscular haemoglobin were higher when compared with SD rats. Iron concentrations in plasma, liver, kidneys and heart were higher, and those in the spleen and tibia were lower, in NA rats. The iron concentrations in liver and spleen were positively correlated with the amount of brown pigment as observed histopathologically. Bile flow as well as biliary iron and copper excretion were higher in NA than SD rats. Copper concentrations in liver, kidneys and plasma were higher in NA rats. Plasma levels of ceruloplasmin were about two-fold higher in NA rats. The feeding of a high-iron diet reduced kidney copper concentrations in both strains of rats, which was associated with a decrease in the absorption and biliary excretion of copper

    National kidney foundation consensus conference on cardiovascular and kidney diseases and diabetes risk: An integrated therapeutic approach to reduce events

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death in industrialized nations. Type 2 diabetes is a CVD risk factor that confers risk similar to a previous myocardial infarction in an individual who does not have diabetes. In addition, the most common cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is diabetes. Together, diabetes and hypertension account for more than two-thirds of CVD risk, and other risk factors such as dyslipidemia contribute to the remainder of CVD risk. CKD, particularly with presence of significant albuminuria, should be considered an additional cardiovascular risk factor. There is no consensus on how to assess and stratify risk for patients with kidney disease across subspecialties that commonly treat such patients. This paper summarizes the results of a consensus conference utilizing a patient case to discuss the integrated management of hypertension, kidney disease, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and heart failure across disciplines. © 2010 International Society of Nephrology