27,052 research outputs found

    Attosecond double-slit experiment

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    A new scheme for a double-slit experiment in the time domain is presented. Phase-stabilized few-cycle laser pulses open one to two windows (``slits'') of attosecond duration for photoionization. Fringes in the angle-resolved energy spectrum of varying visibility depending on the degree of which-way information are observed. A situation in which one and the same electron encounters a single and a double slit at the same time is discussed. The investigation of the fringes makes possible interferometry on the attosecond time scale. The number of visible fringes, for example, indicates that the slits are extended over about 500as.Comment: 4 figure

    Conformal invariance in two-dimensional turbulence

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    Simplicity of fundamental physical laws manifests itself in fundamental symmetries. While systems with an infinity of strongly interacting degrees of freedom (in particle physics and critical phenomena) are hard to describe, they often demonstrate symmetries, in particular scale invariance. In two dimensions (2d) locality often promotes scale invariance to a wider class of conformal transformations which allow for nonuniform re-scaling. Conformal invariance allows a thorough classification of universality classes of critical phenomena in 2d. Is there conformal invariance in 2d turbulence, a paradigmatic example of strongly-interacting non-equilibrium system? Here, using numerical experiment, we show that some features of 2d inverse turbulent cascade display conformal invariance. We observe that the statistics of vorticity clusters is remarkably close to that of critical percolation, one of the simplest universality classes of critical phenomena. These results represent a new step in the unification of 2d physics within the framework of conformal symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Isospin non-equilibrium in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies

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    We study the equilibration of isospin degree of freedom in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions using an isospin-dependent BUU model. It is found that there exists a transition from the isospin equilibration at low energies to non-equilibration at high energies as the beam energy varies across the Fermi energy in central, asymmetric heavy-ion collisions. At beam energies around 55 MeV/nucleon, the composite system in thermal equilibrium but isospin non-equilibrium breaks up into two primary hot residues with N/Z ratios closely related to those of the target and projectile respectively. The decay of these forward-backward moving residues results in the strong isospin asymmetry in space and the dependence of the isotopic composition of fragments on the N/Z ratios of the target and projectile. These features are in good agreement with those found recently in experiments at NSCL/MSU and TAMU, implications of these findings are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, + 3 figures available upon reques

    Transforming fixed-length self-avoiding walks into radial SLE_8/3

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    We conjecture a relationship between the scaling limit of the fixed-length ensemble of self-avoiding walks in the upper half plane and radial SLE with kappa=8/3 in this half plane from 0 to i. The relationship is that if we take a curve from the fixed-length scaling limit of the SAW, weight it by a suitable power of the distance to the endpoint of the curve and then apply the conformal map of the half plane that takes the endpoint to i, then we get the same probability measure on curves as radial SLE. In addition to a non-rigorous derivation of this conjecture, we support it with Monte Carlo simulations of the SAW. Using the conjectured relationship between the SAW and radial SLE, our simulations give estimates for both the interior and boundary scaling exponents. The values we obtain are within a few hundredths of a percent of the conjectured values

    Crop identification technology assessment for remote sensing (CITARS). Volume 10: Interpretation of results

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    The CITARS was an experiment designed to quantitatively evaluate crop identification performance for corn and soybeans in various environments using a well-defined set of automatic data processing (ADP) techniques. Each technique was applied to data acquired to recognize and estimate proportions of corn and soybeans. The CITARS documentation summarizes, interprets, and discusses the crop identification performances obtained using (1) different ADP procedures; (2) a linear versus a quadratic classifier; (3) prior probability information derived from historic data; (4) local versus nonlocal recognition training statistics and the associated use of preprocessing; (5) multitemporal data; (6) classification bias and mixed pixels in proportion estimation; and (7) data with differnt site characteristics, including crop, soil, atmospheric effects, and stages of crop maturity

    Results from the Crop Identification Technology Assessment for Remote Sensing (CITARS) project

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was found that several factors had a significant effect on crop identification performance: (1) crop maturity and site characteristics, (2) which of several different single date automatic data processing procedures was used for local recognition, (3) nonlocal recognition, both with and without preprocessing for the extension of recognition signatures, and (4) use of multidate data. It also was found that classification accuracy for field center pixels was not a reliable indicator of proportion estimation performance for whole areas, that bias was present in proportion estimates, and that training data and procedures strongly influenced crop identification performance

    Long distance c→uγc \to u \gamma effects in weak radiative decays of D-mesons

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    We present a detailed analysis of the D→VγD \to V \gamma transitions, using a model which combines heavy quark effective theory and the chiral Lagrangian approach and includes symmetry breaking. We notice that in addition to the previously considered s - channel annihilation and t - channel W - exchange, there is a long distance penguin - like c→uγ c \to u \gamma contribution in the t - channel of Cabibbo - suppressed modes. Its magnitude is determined by the size of symmetry breaking which we calculate with a vector dominance approach. Although smaller in magnitude, the penguin - like contribution would lead to sizeable effects in case of cancellations among the other contributions to the amplitude. Thus, it may invalidate suggested tests for beyond the standard model effects in these decays. We also indicate the range of expectations for the branching ratios of various D→VγD \to V \gamma modes.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 2 Figure

    CP asymmetries in penguin-induced B decays in general left-right models

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    We study CP asymmetries in penguin-induced b -> s\bar{s}s decays in general left-right models without imposing manifest or pseudomanifest left-right symmetry. Using the effective Hamiltonian approach, we evaluate CP asymmetries in B^\pm -> \phi K^{(\ast)\pm} decays as well as mixing induced B meson decays B -> J/\psi K_s and B -> \phi K_s decays. Based on recent measurements revealing large CP violation, we show that nonmanifest type model is more favored than manifest or pseudomanifest type.Comment: 16 pages, 12 eps figure

    LERW as an example of off-critical SLEs

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    Two dimensional loop erased random walk (LERW) is a random curve, whose continuum limit is known to be a Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) with parameter kappa=2. In this article we study ``off-critical loop erased random walks'', loop erasures of random walks penalized by their number of steps. On one hand we are able to identify counterparts for some LERW observables in terms of symplectic fermions (c=-2), thus making further steps towards a field theoretic description of LERWs. On the other hand, we show that it is possible to understand the Loewner driving function of the continuum limit of off-critical LERWs, thus providing an example of application of SLE-like techniques to models near their critical point. Such a description is bound to be quite complicated because outside the critical point one has a finite correlation length and therefore no conformal invariance. However, the example here shows the question need not be intractable. We will present the results with emphasis on general features that can be expected to be true in other off-critical models.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figure
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