94 research outputs found

    Realization of the Vilnius photometric system for CCD-observations of selected sky areas at the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory

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    We describe a set of glass UPXYZVS filters of the Vilnius photometric system of the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory in Zhytomyr Region (Ukraine) [7]. They are installed at the Zeiss-600 Cassegrain reflector together with the 15-bit 1024×1024 CCD-camera S1C-017. The response curves of instrumental photometric systems are presented and a comparison of them with a standard system are analysed. Test observations in the Vilnius system of the star cluster IC 4665 with the Andrushivka filters were carried out in May–June 2003. The MIDAS/ROMAFOT and ASTROIMAGE software is adapted for digital processing of CCD-images of stellar fields. Comprehensive ground-based observations are being planned to design a catalogue of primary UPXYZVS CCD-standards in selected areas of the sky where are with radio sources, globular and open clusters, etc

    Cosmological scalar fields that mimic the ΛCDM\Lambda CDM cosmological model

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    We look for cosmologies with a scalar field (dark energy without cosmological constant), which mimic the standard ΛCDM\Lambda CDM cosmological model yielding exactly the same large-scale geometry described by the evolution of the Hubble parameter (i.e. photometric distance and angular diameter distance as functions on zz). Asymptotic behavior of the field solutions is studied in the case of spatially flat Universe with pressureless matter and separable scalar field Lagrangians (power-law kinetic term + power-law potential). Exact analytic solutions are found in some special cases. A number of models have the field solutions with infinite behavior in the past or even singular behavior at finite redshifts. We point out that introduction of the cosmological scalar field involves some degeneracy leading to lower precision in determination of Ωm\Omega_m. To remove this degeneracy additional information is needed beyond the data on large-scale geometry.Comment: VIII International Conference "Relativistic Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology": May 21-23, 2008, Kyiv, Ukrain


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    Genotypic and phenotypic features of patients over 18 years of age with late-onset unclassical cystic fibrosis have been analyzed in this article. The patients had relatively mild disease without significant exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.В статье проанализированы и сделаны выводы о гено- и фенотипических особенностях больных муковисцидозом старше 18 лет с поздней манифестацией и неклассическим, относительно мягким течением заболевания без выраженной недостаточности внешнесекреторной функции поджелудочной железы

    Experiense of treatment with a growth hormone receptor antagonist in patients with hereditary form of acromegaly: clinical cases

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    Acromegaly is a severe neuroendocrine disease caused by chronic excessive production of somatotropic hormone (STH), characterized by specific changes in appearance, metabolic disorders. In 95% of cases, the cause of pathology is STH-producing pituitary adenomas. The priority method of treatment for acromegaly is transnasal transsphenoidal adenomectomy. If it is impossible to carry out neurosurgical intervention, in order to prevent the progression of the disease and the development of complications, patients are recommended drug therapy with long-acting somatostatin analogues, and if their effectiveness is low, additional radiation therapy may be applied to the neoplasm area. The usage of a relatively new group of drugs, antagonists of STH receptors, namely Pegvisomant for the purpose of drug treatment of acromegaly demonstrates high efficacy even in cases of aggressive forms resistant to other types of treatment. In this article we present two clinical cases of hereditary acromegaly, when the initiation of Pegvisomant therapy led to the achievement of clinical and laboratory remission of acromegaly in patients with an aggressive form of the disease, accompanied by continued growth of residual neoplasm tissue and preservation of its secreting ability even after surgical interventions, radiatiotherapy and long-term drug treatment with somatostatin analogues. The results of the above clinical cases confirm the success of mono- or combined (in cases with continued growth of the neoplasm) therapy with a growth hormone receptor antagonist, Pegvisomant, especially in the case of aggressive acromegaly

    Lactic acid as a systemic product and biomarker of physical load

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    This paper presents an up-to-date review of research data on the specific features of lactic acid metabolism and its role as an effector of vital regulatory mechanisms. Lactic acid is an alpha-hydroxy monocarboxylic acid. Physical loads of submaximal intensity and some diseases can cause dramatic increase of lactic acid content in the body fluids. The excessive lactate is removed from the working muscle and either metabolized by other tissues or excreted from the human body. Alteration of the lactate-pyruvate balance is one of the main markers of the development of cardiac hypertrophy and failure. The redistribution of lactate between the cells producing it and the cells that metabolize it is vital to maintain a stable pH level in tissues and hold lactate in the body since this compound is an important energy source as well as an effector of important regulatory mechanisms. The quantification of lactate is used to assess general physical capabilities of the human body, the intensity of physical load and the rate of recovery in physical rehabilitation. Specialized proteins, which refer to the group of monocarboxylate transporters, are involved in lactate excretion and absorption by cells. The presence of various types of transporters in cell membranes that differ in affinity to lactate and the direction of transport ensures a rapid redistribution of lactic acid throughout the body and regulates the intensity and direction of its metabolism according to the physiological needs. Efficient transfer and redistribution of lactate between different tissues of the body is essential, given the participation of lactate in several important regulatory mechanisms. As an effector, lactate is involved in the regulation of angiogenesis, differentiation of myosatellitocytes, regeneration of muscle fibers, polarization of macrophages and the course of inflammatory processes. Besides, lactate participates in epigenetic mechanisms of muscle tissue metabolism regulation. Therefore, lactate is one of the key metabolites in the human body

    Orbital effects of a monochromatic plane gravitational wave with ultra-low frequency incident on a gravitationally bound two-body system

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    We analytically compute the long-term orbital variations of a test particle orbiting a central body acted upon by an incident monochromatic plane gravitational wave. We assume that the characteristic size of the perturbed two-body system is much smaller than the wavelength of the wave. Moreover, we also suppose that the wave's frequency is much smaller than the particle's orbital one. We make neither a priori assumptions about the direction of the wavevector nor on the orbital geometry of the planet. We find that, while the semi-major axis is left unaffected, the eccentricity, the inclination, the longitude of the ascending node, the longitude of pericenter and the mean anomaly undergo non-vanishing long-term changes. They are not secular trends because of the slow modulation introduced by the tidal matrix coefficients and by the orbital elements themselves. They could be useful to indepenedently constrain the ultra-low frequency waves which may have been indirectly detected in the BICEP2 experiment. Our calculation holds, in general, for any gravitationally bound two-body system whose characteristic frequency is much larger than the frequency of the external wave. It is also valid for a generic perturbation of tidal type with constant coefficients over timescales of the order of the orbital period of the perturbed particle.Comment: LaTex2e, 24 pages, no figures, no tables. Changes suggested by the referees include

    Composition of Fluids Responsible for Gold Mineralization in the Pechenga Structure-Imandra-Varzuga Greenstone Belt, Kola Peninsula, Russia.

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    This study presents the first fluid inclusion data from quartz of albite–carbonate–quartz altered rocks and metasomatic quartzite hosting gold mineralization in the Pechenga structure of the Pechenga– Imandra–Varzuga greenstone belt. A temperature of 275–370°C, pressure of 1.2–4.5 kbar, and the fluid composition of gold-bearing fluid are estimated by microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, and LA-ICP-MS of individual fluid inclusions, as well as by bulk chemical analyses of fluid inclusions. In particular, the Au and Ag concentrations have been determined in fluid inclusions. It is shown that albite–carbonate–quartz altered rocks and metasomatic quartzite interacted with fluids of similar chemical composition but under different physicochemical conditions. It is concluded that the gold-bearing fluid in the Pechenga structure is similar to that of orogenic gold deposits