1,551 research outputs found

    ISM gas studies towards the TeV PWN HESS J1825-137 and northern region

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    HESS J1825-137 is a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) whose TeV emission extends across ~1 deg. Its large asymmetric shape indicates that its progenitor supernova interacted with a molecular cloud located in the north of the PWN as detected by previous CO Galactic survey (e.g Lemiere, Terrier & Djannati-Ata\"i 2006). Here we provide a detailed picture of the ISM towards the region north of HESS J1825-137, with the analysis of the dense molecular gas from our 7mm and 12mm Mopra survey and the more diffuse molecular gas from the Nanten CO(1-0) and GRS 13^{13}CO(1-0) surveys. Our focus is the possible association between HESS J1825-137 and the unidentified TeV source to the north, HESS J1826-130. We report several dense molecular regions whose kinematic distance matched the dispersion measured distance of the pulsar. Among them, the dense molecular gas located at (RA, Dec)=(18.421h,-13.282∘^{\circ}) shows enhanced turbulence and we suggest that the velocity structure in this region may be explained by a cloud-cloud collision scenario. Furthermore, the presence of a Hα\alpha rim may be the first evidence of the progenitor SNR of the pulsar PSR J1826-1334 as the distance between the Hα\alpha rim and the TeV source matched with the predicted SNR radius RSNR_{\text{SNR}}~120 pc. From our ISM study, we identify a few plausible origins of the HESS J1826-130 emission, including the progenitor SNR of PSR J1826-1334 and the PWN G018.5-0.4 powered by PSR J1826-1256. A deeper TeV study however, is required to fully identify the origin of this mysterious TeV source.Comment: 19 figures, 27 pages, accepted by MNRA

    Temperature dependence of exciton recombination in semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We study the excitonic recombination dynamics in an ensemble of (9,4) semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes by high sensitivity time-resolved photo-luminescence experiments. Measurements from cryogenic to room temperature allow us to identify two main contributions to the recombination dynamics. The initial fast decay is temperature independent and is attributed to the presence of small residual bundles that create external non-radiative relaxation channels. The slow component shows a strong temperature dependence and is dominated by non-radiative processes down to 40 K. We propose a quantitative phenomenological modeling of the variations of the integrated photoluminescence intensity over the whole temperature range. We show that the luminescence properties of carbon nanotubes at room temperature are not affected by the dark/bright excitonic state coupling

    Curve classes on irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties

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    We prove that the integral Hodge conjecture holds for 1-cycles on irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties of K3 type and of Generalized Kummer type. As an application, we give a new proof of the integral Hodge conjecture for cubic fourfolds.Comment: 15 page


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    CBA mice were rendered highly tolerant to A/Jax cells by neonatal intravenous injections of (CBA x A)F1 spleen cells. The high degree of tolerance was ascertained by the absence of circulating antibodies detected in the sera by the usual tests and by the perfect state of A skin grafts during all the experiments. Tolerant sera (sera from tolerant animals) were studied at three periods of tolerance: before skin test grafting, from 2 to 11 wk after grafting, and at time of sacrifice at almost 6 months of age. The tolerant sera were shown to have specific facilitation-enhancing properties promoting the take and growth of A/Jax sarcoma (SaI and /Sa 15091a grafted on normal CBA mice. These properties were present throughout the duration of the experiments, showing that they were not the result of a beginning interruption of tolerance. The tolerant sera, although lacking the usual serological properties (hemagglutination, hemolysis, cytotoxicity, passive cutaneous anaphylaxis) had, however, specific synergistic hemagglutinating properties (increasing the hemagglutinating titer of a reference immune serum). Antibodies giving direct specific hemagglutination could be extracted from spleens of 20% of highly tolerant mice. The tolerant sera were also found to contain more IgG1 and more IgA than normal sera while they contained normal quantities of the complement-fixing immunoglobulins IgG2 and IgM. Fractionation of tolerant sera on DEAE chromatography column confirmed the data concerning immunoglobulin classes and demonstrated direct specific serological activities undetected in unfractionated sera: a weak hemolysis in the most cationic fractions and a weak hemagglutination in the middle fractions. Synergistic hemagglutination, detected in unfractionated serum, was localized in fast anionic fractions containing high IgA concentration, along with facilitation-enhancing activity, thus confirming a link suggested previously between these three properties. The relation between immunological tolerance and facilitating antibodies was discussed in the light of the fact that antibodies, possibly of a particular class continuously present at low dose in the sera of highly tolerant animals, are able to transfer (at least partly) this state of tolerance provided a sensitive test system is utilized

    Topological properties of punctual Hilbert schemes of almost-complex fourfolds (I)

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    In this article, we study topological properties of Voisin's punctual Hilbert schemes of an almost-complex fourfold XX. In this setting, we compute their Betti numbers and construct Nakajima operators. We also define tautological bundles associated with any complex bundle on XX, which are shown to be canonical in KK-theory

    Hot electron cooling by acoustic phonons in graphene

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    We have investigated the energy loss of hot electrons in metallic graphene by means of GHz noise thermometry at liquid helium temperature. We observe the electronic temperature T / V at low bias in agreement with the heat diffusion to the leads described by the Wiedemann-Franz law. We report on T∝VT\propto\sqrt{V} behavior at high bias, which corresponds to a T4 dependence of the cooling power. This is the signature of a 2D acoustic phonon cooling mechanism. From a heat equation analysis of the two regimes we extract accurate values of the electron-acoustic phonon coupling constant Σ\Sigma in monolayer graphene. Our measurements point to an important effect of lattice disorder in the reduction of Σ\Sigma, not yet considered by theory. Moreover, our study provides a strong and firm support to the rising field of graphene bolometric detectors.Comment: 5 figure

    On the first Gaussian map for Prym-canonical line bundles

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    We prove by degeneration to Prym-canonical binary curves that the first Gaussian map of the Prym canonical line bundle ωC⊗A\omega_C \otimes A is surjective for the general point [C,A] of R_g if g >11, while it is injective if g < 12.Comment: To appear in Geometriae Dedicata. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1105.447

    Optical properties of an ensemble of G-centers in silicon

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    We addressed the carrier dynamics in so-called G-centers in silicon (consisting of substitutional-interstitial carbon pairs interacting with interstitial silicons) obtained via ion implantation into a silicon-on-insulator wafer. For this point defect in silicon emitting in the telecommunication wavelength range, we unravel the recombination dynamics by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. More specifically, we performed detailed photoluminescence experiments as a function of excitation energy, incident power, irradiation fluence and temperature in order to study the impact of radiative and non-radiative recombination channels on the spectrum, yield and lifetime of G-centers. The sharp line emitting at 969 meV (∌\sim1280 nm) and the broad asymmetric sideband developing at lower energy share the same recombination dynamics as shown by time-resolved experiments performed selectively on each spectral component. This feature accounts for the common origin of the two emission bands which are unambiguously attributed to the zero-phonon line and to the corresponding phonon sideband. In the framework of the Huang-Rhys theory with non-perturbative calculations, we reach an estimation of 1.6±\pm0.1 \angstrom for the spatial extension of the electronic wave function in the G-center. The radiative recombination time measured at low temperature lies in the 6 ns-range. The estimation of both radiative and non-radiative recombination rates as a function of temperature further demonstrate a constant radiative lifetime. Finally, although G-centers are shallow levels in silicon, we find a value of the Debye-Waller factor comparable to deep levels in wide-bandgap materials. Our results point out the potential of G-centers as a solid-state light source to be integrated into opto-electronic devices within a common silicon platform
