307 research outputs found

    Clinical use of Levofloxacin in the long-term treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis.

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    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) is a form of TB that is resistant to some of the first-line drugs used for the treatment of the disease. It is associated both with a higher incidence of treatment failures and of disease recurrence, as well as with higher mortality than forms of TB sensitive to first-line drugs. Levofloxacin (LFX) represents one of the few second-line drugs recently introduced in the therapeutic regimens for MDR TB. We report our experience concerning in vitro activity and clinical safety of LFX in long term second-line regimens for MDR TB. IN VITRO ACTIVITY ON MYCOBACTERIA: The in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and LFX was studied on 28 strains belonging to different species of Mycobacteria. In Dubos medium, LFX inhibited the growth of both library and MDR clinical Mycobacteria strains in a range of 0.25-1 mcg/ml. In International Union Tuberculosis Medium (IUTM) the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were slightly higher, but LFX activity was not affected by the higher complexity of the medium. CLINICAL EXPERIENCE: Four patients with MDR TB were treated with a second-line regimen comprising oral LFX 500 mg twice daily, for at least 9 months. Two isolates obtained from the patients reported here showed multi resistance to isoniazid and rifampin, one to rifampin and streptomycin and one to isoniazid and ethambutol. During therapy, no significant alteration of either liver function tests, blood tests or any other described side effect of the fluoroquinolone class was observed. The 3 patients with pulmonary MDR TB showed radiologic and clinical improvement. CONCLUSION: We confirm the higher in vitro activity of LFX compared to older fluoroquinolones. Furthermore, in a limited number of MDR TB patients, second-line regimens comprising LFX 500 mg b.i.d. administered in a range of 9-24 months were well tolerated and safe

    Inflammation and oxidative stress transcription profiles due to in vitro supply of methionine with or without choline in unstimulated blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes from lactating Holstein cows.

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    Neutrophils are the most important polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL), representing the front-line defense involved in pathogen clearance upon invasion. As such, they play a pivotal role in immune and inflammatory responses. Isolated PMNL from 5 mid-lactating Holstein dairy cows were used to evaluate the in vitro effect of methionine (Met) and choline (Chol) supplementation on mRNA expression of genes related to the Met cycle and innate immunity. The target genes are associated with the Met cycle, cell signaling, inflammation, antimicrobial and killing mechanisms, and pathogen recognition. Treatments were allocated in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, including 3 Lys-to-Met ratios (L:M, 3.6:1, 2.9:1, or 2.4:1) and 3 levels of supplemental Chol (0, 400, or 800 μg/mL). Three replicates per treatment group were incubated for 2 h at 37°C and 5% atmospheric CO2. Both betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase and choline dehydrogenase were undetectable, indicating that PMNL (at least in vitro) cannot generate Met from Chol through the betaine pathway. The PMNL incubated without Chol experienced a specific state of inflammatory mediation [greater interleukin-1β (IL1B), myeloperoxidase (MPO), IL10, and IL6] and oxidative stress [greater cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD), cystathionine gamma-lyase (CTH), glutathione reductase (GSR), and glutathione synthase (GSS)]. However, data from the interaction L:M × Chol indicated that this negative state could be overcome by supplementing additional Met. This was reflected in the upregulation of methionine synthase (MTR) and toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2); that is, pathogen detection ability. At the lowest level of supplemental Chol, Met downregulated GSS, GSR, IL1B, and IL6, suggesting it could reduce cellular inflammation and enhance antioxidant status. At 400 µg/mL Chol, supplemental Met upregulated PMNL recognition capacity [higher TLR4 and L-selectin (SELL)]. Overall, enhancing the supply of methyl donors to isolated unstimulated PMNL from mid-lactating dairy cows leads to a low level of PMNL activation and upregulates a cytoprotective mechanism against oxidative stress. Enhancing the supply of Met coupled with adequate Chol levels enhances the gene expression of PMNL pathogen-recognition mechanism. These data suggest that Chol supply to PMNL exposed to low levels of Met effectively downregulated the entire repertoire of innate inflammatory-responsive genes. Thus, Met availability in PMNL during an inflammatory challenge may be sufficient for mounting an appropriate biologic response

    Structure and dynamics of concentration fluctuations in a non-equilibrium dense colloidal suspension

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    Linearised fluctuating hydrodynamics describes effectively the concentration non-equilibrium fluctuations (NEF) arising during a diffusion process driven by a small concentration gradient. However, fluctuations in the presence of large gradients are not yet fully understood. Here we study the giant concentration NEF arising when a dense aqueous colloidal suspension is allowed to diffuse into an overlying layer of pure water. We use differential dynamic microscopy to determine both the statics and the dynamics of the fluctuations for several values of the wave-vector q. At small q, NEF are quenched by buoyancy, which prevents their full development and sets an upper timescale to their temporal relaxation. At intermediate q, the mean squared amplitude of NEF is characterised by a power law exponent -4, and fluctuations relax diffusively with diffusion coefficient D1. At large q, the amplitude of NEF vanishes and equilibrium concentration fluctuations are recovered, enabling a straightforward determination of the osmotic compressibility of the suspension during diffusion. In this q-range we also find that the relaxation of the fluctuations occurs with a diffusion coefficient D2 significantly different from D1. Both diffusion coefficients exhibit time-dependence with D1 increasing monotonically (by about 15%) and D2 showing the opposite behaviour (about 17% decrease). At equilibrium, the two coefficients coincide as expected. While the decrease of D2 is compatible with a diffusive evolution of the concentration profile, the increase of D1 is still not fully understood and may require considering nonlinearities that are neglected in current theories for highly stressed colloids

    A new approach to a powered knee prosthesis: Layering powered assistance onto strictly passive prosthesis behavior

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    This article describes a novel approach to the control of a powered knee prosthesis where the control system provides passive behavior for most activities and then provides powered assistance only for those activities that require them. The control approach presented here is based on the categorization of knee joint function during activities into four behaviors: resistive stance behavior, active stance behavior, ballistic swing, and non-ballistic swing. The approach is further premised on the assumption that healthy non-perturbed swing-phase is characterized by a ballistic swing motion, and therefore, a replacement of that function should be similarly ballistic. The control system utilizes a six-state finite-state machine, where each state provides different constitutive behaviors (concomitant with the four aforementioned knee behaviors) which are appropriate for a range of activities. Transitions between states and torque control within states is controlled by user motion, such that the control system provides, to the extent possible, knee torque behavior as a reaction to user motion, including for powered behaviors. The control system is demonstrated on a novel device that provides a sufficiently low impedance to enable a strictly passive ballistic swing-phase, while also providing sufficiently high torque to offer powered stance-phase knee-extension during activities such as step-over stair ascent. Experiments employing the knee and control system on an individual with transfemoral amputation are presented that compare the functionality of the power-supplemented nominally passive system with that of a conventional passive microprocessor-controlled knee prosthesis

    Endoscopic removal of a right main bronchus glomus tumor

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    Glomus tumours in the respiratory tract are very rare. The majority of the reported cases have been surgically treated. An approach with rigid bronchoscopy to endobronchial lesions suspected to be carcinoid or other well vascularized tumours, as glomus tumor is, should be considered because it can allow a safe diagnosis and eventually be therapeutic avoiding more invasive and surgical procedures

    Endoscopic removal of a right main bronchus glomus tumor

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    Glomus tumours in the respiratory tract are very rare. The majority of the reported cases have been surgically treated. An approach with rigid bronchoscopy to endobronchial lesions suspected to be carcinoid or other well vascularized tumours, as glomus tumor is, should be considered because it can allow a safe diagnosis and eventually be therapeutic avoiding more invasive and surgical procedures

    EasyPrimer: user-friendly tool for pan-PCR/HRM primers design. Development of an HRM protocol on wzi gene for fast Klebsiella pneumoniae typing

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    In this work we present EasyPrimer, a user-friendly online tool developed to assist pan-PCR and High Resolution Melting (HRM) primer design. The tool finds the most suitable regions for primer design in a gene alignment and returns a clear graphical representation of their positions on the consensus sequence. EasyPrimer is particularly useful in difficult contexts, e.g. on gene alignments of hundreds of sequences and/or on highly variable genes. HRM analysis is an emerging method for fast and cost saving bacterial typing and an HRM scheme of six primer pairs on five Multi-Locus Sequence Type (MLST) genes is already available for Klebsiella pneumoniae. We validated the tool designing a scheme of two HRM primer pairs on the hypervariable gene wzi of Klebsiella pneumoniae and compared the two schemes. The wzi scheme resulted to have a discriminatory power comparable to the HRM MLST scheme, using only one third of primer pairs. Then we successfully used the wzi HRM primer scheme to reconstruct a Klebsiella pneumoniae nosocomial outbreak in few hours. The use of hypervariable genes reduces the number of HRM primer pairs required for bacterial typing allowing to perform cost saving, large-scale surveillance programs

    Carcinoma basocellulare nel genere femminile: indagine clinico-epidemiologica di una neoplasia sorprendentemente prevalente al femminile nelle decadi basse e medie della vita

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    Da ormai diversi anni, un crescente numero di studi sul carcinoma basocellulare ha messo in luce un costante aumento dell’incidenza di questo tumore nella popolazione generale [1-5]. Questo lavoro si prefissa di delineare gli aspetti clinico-epidemiologici del carcinoma basocellulare mediante un’analisi retrospettiva della popolazione afferente presso la Clinica Dermatologica della Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia, proponendo quindi un’indagine sull’arco degli ultimi 10 anni, incentrata sulla frequenza di questa neoplasia nel sesso femminile. Da tale indagine emerge in modo chiaro come in quest’ultimo decennio le donne giovani-adulte trattate per carcinoma basocellulare nella nostra Clinica siano aumentate in modo considerevole e come, contrariamente alle età più avanzate, nelle decadi basse il genere femminile sia maggiormente rappresentato

    Trichphyton violaceum and T. soudanese: re-emerging pathogens in Italy, 2005-2013

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    Dermatomycoses due to Trichophyton violaceum are described in Mediterranean Countries, North Africa and in the Horn of Africa where T. soudanense is present too, but it was rare until few years ago in Italy. Aim of the present study was to evaluate an Italian multicenter 9 year (2005-2013) experience concerning these re-emerging pathogens. Fifty three fungal strains were sent from clinical laboratories to the Medical Mycology Committee (CoSM) - Italian Association of Clinical Microbiology (AMCLI) for mycological confirmation. Strains were identified as T. violaceum (23) and T. soudanense (30) by phenotypic and genotypic methods. These dermatophytes present epidemiological (high rate of inter-human transmission, high risk among adopted children coming from countries of either the Horn of Africa or Sub-Saharan Africa also in outbreaks of tinea capitis) and clinical peculiarities (reduced alopecia, presence of exudative lesions) confirming the originality of these \u201cimported\u201d dermatophyte infection
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