262 research outputs found

    Ways to improve the process of designing protective clothing for surgeons

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    The article deals with improving ergonomics and barrier efficiency of medical clothing by improving its design process in the context of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The results of the analysis of qualitative characteristics of medical clothing used by surgeons during operations have been presented. In order to create more sophisticated clothing for surgeons, it has been suggested to apply a comprehensive approach to the formation of consumer requirements on a “general to individual” basis at the stage of pre-design studies. The application of the proposed approach in the requirements development to create surgical coats with improved protective properties has been described

    Language Errors in Translation from Foreign Language into Russian in Written Works of University Students

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    The problem of identifying and correcting language errors in the translation from a foreign language (German and English) into Russian in written works of students is considered. The question of one of the controversial problems in mastering foreign language speech, namely the attitude of teachers and students to grammatical, lexical and stylistic errors, is raised. It is noted that foreign and domestic methodologists have proved the position of error correction as an important element of foreign language teaching methods. The authors of the article pay attention to the work with errors at such a stage of learning as written speech. The article describes the importance of the analysis of language errors in written foreign language speech, as it allows to increase the level of literacy of part-time students in the performance of written tasks. Typical communicative mistakes of Russian-speaking students studying foreign languages are revealed. The article describes the long-term experience of foreign language teachers of a technical University with part-time students, which allows to assert that the work on errors is important not only for improving the language level of students, but also for the teacher. It is argued that the teacher should use error analysis for methodological and didactic developments intended for students


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    Purpose: to develop and assess the conceptual approaches to ensuring a healthy lifestyle of student’s youth. Materials and Methods. The following research methods were applied in the course of study: bibliosemantic, structural and logical analysis, descriptive modeling, expert assessments, statistical. Systematic approach was applied as the methodological basis of the study. The results of previous research and the questionnaires of the assessment of conceptual approaches to providing healthy lifestyle of student’s youth by 25 independent experts. The assessment of independent competent experts’ answers was carried out in 10 scores system, with the subsequent medical and statistical analysis of the obtained results. Results. The proposed conceptual approaches to ensuring a healthy lifestyle of student youth consist of the following sections: problems, causes of problems and ways to solve them. There are eight main problems: students do not lead a healthy lifestyle, lack of state policy to ensure healthy living conditions and student education, insufficient range of health and health-forming services, insufficient development of individual and collective services that ensure a healthy lifestyle, non-systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the lack of a healthy lifestyle strategy, the lack of public funding for advocacy, the formation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle of students, the underdevelopment of the system of return to a healthy lifestyle. The main causes of these problems are identified and ways to eliminate the causes of problems are developed. These ways are comprehensive and relate to management decisions and the implementation of practical measures at all levels of government from the country’s leadership to the level of student government of the educational institution. In order to create conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of students, we proposed to involve future employers and use the mechanisms of public-private partnership. Conclusions. The conceptual approaches to providing a healthy lifestyle of students are developed and recommended for practical implementation in the fields of health care and higher education in Ukraine.Мета: розробити та оцінити концептуальні підходи до забезпечення здорового способу життя студентської молоді. Матеріали і методи. Під час проведення дослідження використано такі методи: бібліосемантичний, структурно-логічного аналізу, описового моделювання, експертних оцінок, статистичний. Методичною основою дослідження став системний підхід. Матеріалами дослідження є результати попередніх досліджень та анкети оцінки концептуальних підходів до забезпечення здорового способу життя студентської молоді 25 незалежними експертами. Оцінку відповідей незалежних компетентних експертів проводили за 10-бальною системою з наступним медико-статистичним аналізом отриманих результатів. Результати. Запропоновані концептуальні підходи до забезпечення здорового способу життя студентської молоді складаються із таких розділів: проблем, причин виникнення проблем та шляхів їх вирішення. Виділено вісім основних проблем: студенти не ведуть здоровий спосіб життя, відсутність державної політики із забезпечення здорових умов життя та навчання студентів, недостатній спектр здоров’язбережувальних та здоров’яформувальних послуг, недостатня розвиненість системи надання індивідуальних та колективних послуг, які забезпечують здоровий спосіб життя, несистемна робота з формування здорового способу життя, відсутність стратегії здорового способу життя, відсутність державного фінансування пропаганди, формування та забезпечення здорового способу життя студентів, нерозвиненість системи повернення до здорового способу життя. Визначено основні причини виникнення даних проблем та розроблено шляхи усунення причин виникнення проблем. Дані шляхи є комплексними і стосуються прийняття управлінських рішень та запровадження практичних заходів на всіх рівнях управління від керівництва країною до рівня студентського самоврядування закладу освіти. До створення умов для збереження та зміцнення під час навчання здоров’я студентами нами запропоновано залучати майбутніх роботодавців та використовувати механізми державно-приватного партнерства. Концептуальні підходи позитивно оцінено незалежними експертами. Висновки. Розроблені концептуальні підходи до забезпечення здорового способу життя студентської молоді, які рекомендують до практичного впровадження в галузі охорони здоров’я та сфері вищої освіти України

    Сellular composition and cytokine profile of synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) ranks first among chronic joint diseases. The disease often affects people at their working age, being accompanied by significant decrease in the life quality of patients and their early disability. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immunoinflammatory rheumatic disease. Therefore, the immune system provides evolving focus of primary damage, its persistence and periodic exacerbation. Elucidation of intercellular relationships mediated by cytokines at various stages of the chronic inflammatory process is required in order to develop immunotherapeutic approaches, aimed for both recovery from exacerbations and maintenance of remission state. Purpose of our study was to evaluate cellular composition and cytokine profile of synovial fluid in the patients with rheumatoid arthritis at acute phase and in remission state.We have studied the samples of synovial fluid taken in 60 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, with 30 subjects being at acute stage of the disease, and 30 patients in remission. Cellular composition and cytokine profile were assessed in the clinical samples. There were 21 women and 9 men at the acute stage (57.0±15.4 years old), with the disease duration of 8.55±6.9 years. The average age of 19 women and 11 men examined in remission state was 53.5±10.9 years, with comparable duration of illness (6.9±5.8 years). The leukocyte phenotyping was performed with a CytoFLEX flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter, USA). The cytokine contents were measured by enzyme immunoassay using a standard set of reagents from the “Proteinovy Contour” LLC (Russia). The results were registered by a Multiscan photometer (Labsystems, Finland).During the disease exacerbation, the leukocyte contents in synovial fluid increased 2.4-fold, as compared to the remission values. The cellular infiltrate was represented by neutrophils, whereas the contents of lymphocytes and monocytes did not change. Increased migration of neutrophils was accompanied by an 8-fold increase in TNFα levels, compared with remission state, and IL-1β levels were increased by 6.3 times. The absolute number of CD3+T lymphocytes, CD16+CD56+B cells, and CD3-CD19+NK during exacerbation was similar to the remission levels. However, the number of T cell subpopulations was changed, i.e., the number of CD4+ lymphocytes was decreased, and CD8+ cell counts were increased, like as numbers of Treg lymphocytes and NKT cells which showed a significant increase. A 4.3-fold increase in the IL-4 concentration during the RA exacerbation suggested the predominance of Th2 immune response. During remission, the concentrations of IL-6 and IFNγ in synovial fluid were increased, respectively, by 1.5 times and by 2.5 times, which is typical for activated Th1 response

    Risk Factors for Obesity Development in Different Periods of Childhood

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    Obesity is an important health problem in many countries. Obesity among the child population is growing steadily, including the Russian Federation. Development of this disease often occurs in childhood and sometimes the origin of obesity goes back to prenatal period. There are a number of endogenous and exogenous factors than play an important role in development of obesity. These are heredity, socioeconomic status of the family, factors which are revealed during pregnancy and child delivery — weight gain, administration of antibacterial drugs and hyperglycemia in mother during her pregnancy, mode of delivery, feeding type and time of complementary food introduction, excessive consumption of calories with food, improper daily routine and lack of sleep, skipping meals, use of gadgets and associated physical inactivity and excessive food intake, marketing of high-calorie foods and others. Prevailing risk factors can be identified for each age period. Study and early identification of risk factors taking into account age of a child is necessary to take timely prevention measures and inform parents and their children about possible reasons and consequences of obesity

    Characteristics of blood pressure level in children with different body weight

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    BACKGROUND: Essential arterial hypertension (AH) develops more often in children with accompanying risk factors — obesity, overweight, positive heredity and genetic predisposition.AIM: Study of peculiarities of arterial hypertension clinical course in adolescents with normal body weight, overweight and obesity.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on children with arterial hypertension who received treatment in two hospitals in Voronezh in 2016–2020. A retrospective analysis of the children’s case histories was carried out taking into account the anamnesis, clinical laboratory and instrumental examination data and the pharmacotherapy. Some children underwent polymerase chain reaction genetic testing to determine pathological alleles of genes regulating blood pressure (BP).RESULTS: 96 patients aged 9 to 17 took part in the study. The group with normal body weight included 38 children (39.6%), median age 16.4 (aged 10.7; 17.9), with overweight — 33 people (34.4%), median age 15.2 (aged 12.0; 17.9), with obesity — 25 children (26.0%), median age 14.5 (aged 9.2; 17.9). Obese children developed arterial hypertension at earlier age (p = 0.023). According to blood pressure daily monitoring (BPDM), pathological values of systolic blood pressure (SBP) during the day (above the 95th percentile) among children with normal body weight were observed in 17 patients (44.7%), with excess body weight — in 14 people (42.4%), with obesity — in 16 people (64%), p = 0.031. Accurate difference values between the groups were obtained in terms of time index (TI) of SBP at night (p = 0.006). Time index of diastolic BP during the day > 50% was observed only in the obese children group — 4 people (16%) (p = 0.042). Pathological alleles of the angiotensinogen gene (AGT: 704 T>C), aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2: -344 C>T) and endothelial nitrogen synthase type 3 (NOS3: -786 T> C) were identified most frequently during genetic testing in some patients.CONCLUSION: Children with obesity developed earlier arterial hypertension compared to the same-age children with normal body weight and more often had unfavorable type of arterial hypertension according to BPDM. These results can be used to choose individual therapy and to develop special attention as regards certain target organs damage

    Breastfeeding challenges in infants with nasal breathing difficulties: alternative supplemental feeding methods

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    This review article highlights the features of breastfeeding in case of obstructed nasal breathing in infants, special attention is paid to non-sucking or alternative methods of bottle feeding with expressed breast milk for the period when breastfeeding is not possible or formula supplementation is necessary as an addition to breastfeeding.Breathing through the mouth is considered a pathological adaptation due to difficulty in nasal breathing and is associated with the development of many pathological conditions. There is an evidence base that prolonged breastfeeding is associated with nasal breathing at an older age, as well as the correct formation of the bite. The anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the upper respiratory tract in infants predispose to a more frequent occurrence of difficult nasal breathing compared to adults, which causes difficulties in breastfeeding, up to the refusal of the child’s breast. Therefore, knowledge of modern methods of supplementary feeding with expressed breast milk for this period, as well as ways to effectively and safely deal with nasal congestion in infants, will help doctors and parents to overcome the difficult period of the disease, accompanied by nasal congestion without loss and maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible, in the light of modern data on influence of breast milk on the subsequent life of mother and child.The main method of treatment for nasal congestion of various etiologies is irrigation-elimination therapy. According to the literature, good tolerability and no side effects were found when using a nasal aspirator used in conjunction with isotonic saline

    Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151: I. Light curves and flux correlations

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    Results of a long-term spectral monitoring of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4151 are presented (11 years, from 1996 to 2006). High quality spectra (S/N>50 in the continuum near Halpha and Hbeta) were obtained in the spectral range ~4000 to 7500 \AA, with a resolution between 5 and 15 A, using the 6-m and the 1-m SAO's telescopes (Russia), the GHAO's 2.1-m telescope (Cananea, Mexico), and the OAN-SPM's 2.1-m telescope (San-Pedro, Mexico). The observed fluxes of the Halpha, Hbeta, Hgamma and HeII emission lines and of the continuum at the observed wavelength 5117 A, were corrected for the position angle, the seeing and the aperture effects. We found that the continuum and line fluxes varied strongly (up to a factor 6) during the monitoring period. The emission was maximum in 1996-1998, and there were two minima, in 2001 and in 2005. The Halpha, Hgamma and He II fluxes were well correlated with the Hbeta flux. We considered three characteristic periods during which the Hbeta and Halpha profiles were similar: 1996-1999, 2000-2001 and 2002-2006. The line to continuum flux ratios were different; in particular during the first period, the lines were not correlated with the continuum and saturated at high fluxes. In the second and third period, where the continuum flux was small, the Halpha and Hbeta fluxes were well correlated to the continuum flux, meaning that the ionizing continuum was a good extrapolation of the optical continuum. The CCFs are often asymmetrical and the time lags between the lines and the continuum are badly defined indicating the presence of a complex BLR, with dimensions from 1 to 50 light-days.Comment: A&A, accepte

    The effect of humic substances on test-objects

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    The complex study of a number of humic substances was conducted with help of bioassay methods using invertebrates (Daphnia, paramecium, earthworms), terrestrial (wheat seeds) and aquatic plants (elodea, duckweed) and algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda). The ranges of concentrations of humates that have a negative and a stimulating effect on biological objects were identified. The efficiency of biological testing methods to evaluate the effect of humic substances on biological objects is shown