902 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of N2O and CH4 content by dial measurements at wavelengths of overtone CO laser

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    The paper presents the results of laboratory experiments on measurement of absorption and extinction of radiation of the overtone СО laser at wavelengths used for sensing of methane and N2O in the mid-IR spectral range with the differential absorption (DIAL) method, as well as the concentrations of the studied gases reconstructed from the analysis of experimentally obtained absorption coefficients

    Laser sounding of instantaneous and mean speed of wind using correlation method

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    The correlation methods for laser sounding of wind speed are based on mutual processing of lidar signals scattered from several spatially separated volumes at each altitude investigated. The time of atmospheric aerosol transport between the scattering volumes estimated by the position of maximum of the mutual correlation function is the measure of corresponding wind speed. In this case the distance between the scattering volumes (the measuring base), defining the time of aerosol movement through the measuring base also determines the lidar possibilities for measuring the instantaneous (during the time interval of several seconds) or the mean wind speed (some minutes). Based on the experimental investigations performed using two lidars, these possibilites are analyzed


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    The possibility of development of a universal and express method of screening of natural and synthetic narcotic compounds (“designer drugs”) using as example 52 most common compounds – alkaloids (tropane, opioids), α-aminoarylketones and a number of N-alkylindolyl and, N-alkylindolyzyl ketones.A narcotic compound identification scheme was suggested, including sample preparation procedure that is rapid and provides complete extraction of the analyzed components from the surface of the herbal matrix. Consequent determination of compounds by UHPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS affords high reliability and accuracy. The suggested analytical method was evaluated using 23 real samples. Time for UPLC-MS/MS analysis and GC-MS are 10 and 20 minutes respectively. Retention indices and major ions were defined for all studied drugs during GC analysis. For all compounds determinated at least two MRM-transitions for UPLC-MS/MS identifying compounds which, together with the retention time as well as the results obtained using GC-MS and also makes possible the determination of trace amounts of substances. Assessment of the reliability and reproducibility of results were controlled using WADA criteria.Key words: “designer drugs”, synthetic cannabinoids,  JWH, GC-MS, LC-MS/MS.  (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.003 A.   Z. Temerdashev1, N.V. Kiseleva1, V.G. Matvienko21Federal State Educational Institution Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation2Forensic Expertise Centre of Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Russian FederationПредложен способ подготовки проб и определения 52 наиболее распространенных наркотических средств природного и синтетического происхождения. Большинство идентифицированных соединений можно отнести к нескольким классам: алкалоиды (тропановые, опийные), α-аминоарилкетоны, а также ряд производных N-алкилиндолилкетонов, N-алкилиндазолилкетонов. Для повышения надежности определений аналитов предложено проводить анализ с использованием сочетания методов ультравысокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием (УВЭЖХ-МС/МС) и газовой хромато-масс-спектрометрии (ГХ-МС). Предложенный способ позволяет достаточно полно извлекать определяемые компоненты с поверхности растительной матрицы при минимальных содержаниях соэкстрактивных веществ, а высокая эффективность жидкостной и газовой хроматографии в сочетании с информативностью и чувствительностью масс-спектрометрии позволяют быстро и надежно идентифицировать соединения. Время анализа для УВЭЖХ-МС/МС и ГХ-МС составляет 10 и 20 мин соответственно. Определены индексы удерживания и основные характеристичные ионы изученных наркотических средств при проведении ГХ-МС анализа. Для всех соединений установлено минимум два MRM перехода при УВЭЖХ-МС/МС определении соединений, что, в совокупности со временем удерживания, а также результатами, полученными с использованием ГХ-МС, делает возможным также и определение следовых количеств веществ. Приведены спектры электронной ионизации и ЭРИ-МС/МС нового синтетического каннабиметика – NNEI. Адекватность предложенной схемы продемонстрирована на 23 реальных образцах, оценка надежности результатов и их воспроизводимость контролировались с использованием критериев ВАДА.Ключевые слова: “дизайнерские наркотики”, синтетические каннабиноиды,  JWH, ГХ-МС, ВЭЖХ-МС/МС.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.003

    Multiple filamentation of laser beams with different diameters in the air at a 100-meter path

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    Results of experiments on controlling the position and length of the filamentation zone of femtosecond laser pulses in atmospheric path length 110 m using different initial spatial focusing and defocusing. The obtained distribution of filaments along the filamentation zone, measured dependence the length of the filamentation zone of the numerical aperture of the beam, its initial radius and pulse power

    Multiple filamentation of laser beams with different diameters in the air at a 150-meter path

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    Results of experiments on controlling the position and length of the filamentation zone of femtosecond laser pulses in atmospheric path length 150 m using different initial spatial focusing and defocusing. The obtained distribution of filaments along the filamentation zone, measured dependence the length of the filamentation zone of the numerical aperture of the beam, its initial radius and pulse power

    Filamentation of terawatt laser pulses along hundred-meter atmospheric paths

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    Results of the experimental study of filamentation of terawatt femtosecond pulses of a Ti:Sapphire laser along an atmospheric path 106 m long using different spatial focusing and pulse power are presented. The control of filamentation region position and length by means of changing the initial laser beam focusing is shown to be highly effective. Dependencies are derived of filamentation region position and length on the initial degree of focusing, pulse power, and the number of filaments along the filamentation region. The obtained data on the filamentation region length and the number of filaments are compared with the results of our previous experiments and data from other authors

    Діахронічні аспекти адміністративно-територіального становлення та розвитку Миколаївщини

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    Матвієнко, Л. В. Діахронічні аспекти адміністративно-територіального становлення та розвитку Миколаївщини = Diachronic Aspects of Administrative-Territorial Creation and Development of Mykolaiv Region / Л. В. Матвієнко, Г. О. Панченко // Беларусь і суседзі: шляхі фарміравання дзяржаунасці, міжнацыянальныя і міждзяржауныя адносіны. – Гомель : ГДУ імя Ф. Скарыны, 2015. – Вып. 4. – С. 143–147.В статті з історичної точки зору розглядається питання становлення територіально-адміністративної одиниці Миколаївщини та перспективи її розвитку. Крім того, порушується питання щодо необхідності проведення адміністративно-територіальної реформи в Україні, враховуючи історичний досвід територіального влаштування Миколаївського регіону.In the article the question of becoming of territorial administrative unit of Mykolaiv area and prospect of its development is examined from the historical point of view. In addition, a question is affected in relation to the necessity of conducting of administrative-territorial reform for Ukraine, taking into account historical experience of the territorial arranging of the Mykolaiv region

    Форми управління екологічною безпекою сільськогосподарських земель на основі їх комплексної екологічної оцінки

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    У статті запропоновано науково-теоретичні засади створення підприємств, які будуть спеціалізуватись на проведенні екологічної оцінки земель сільськогосподарського призначення, починаючи від аналітичних робіт, закінчуючи розробкою конкретних заходів по оптимальному використанню земельної ділянки.В статье предложен научно-теоретические основы создания предприятий, которые будут специализироваться на проведении экологической оценки земель сельскохозяйственного назначения, начиная от аналитических работ, заканчивая разработкой конкретных мер по оптимальному использованию земельного участка.In the article the scientific and theoretical basis for the creation of companies that will specialize in environmental assessment of agricultural land, from analytical work, ending development of specific measures for the optimal use of land

    Diversity of photoperiodic responses in oats

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    The article presents the results of an evaluation of the earliness and photoperiodic response (PPR) in the long-day oat accessions  of various geographic origin. The material for this study were 139 oat accessions  from the global collection of plant genetic resources  maintained by the Vavilov Institute (VIR), which included  landraces, breeding cultivars, and lines. In addition,  the donors  of low sensitivity to photoperiod developed at VIR were tested. A preliminary field study of the oat collection for early maturity and growing plants in the vegetation experiment was carried out according to the VIR Guidelines. The early accessions from VIR’s oat collection identified in the field showed a great diversity of their photoperiodic responses during the vegetation experiment in a photoperiod facility. By origin, most of the accessions described in the vegetation experiment as earliness  and weakly responsive to photoperiod were from Brazil (66 %); others from the USA, Portugal, Turkey, Colombia and Australia. Most of the Russian cultivars studied (77 %) were sensitive to a short  photoperiod. Among donors  with different  photoperiodic responses, Skorospely 1 and  Skorospely 2 were weakly responsive to photoperiod, while Srednespely 1 and  Srednespely 2 showed medium  responses. Many years of field studies  and vegetation experiments with the  oat genetic diversity from the VIR global collection  have resulted in identifying genotypes characterized by earliness and weak photoperiodic responses. These accessions  are of special value for breeders and currently being used to develop new early and productive oat cultivars